This study investigates the role of managerial leadership in corproate goal attainment, using Dangote Flour Mills Plc. Calabar as the case study. A sample size of 106 staff of the Company was used for the study. The data for this study was generated from well structured questionnaires, which were administered on the respondents. Three hypotheses were tested using the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient Technique. The result of the analysis revealed that there was a strong relationship between role of managerial leadership and company goal attainment; there was a significant between the leadership styles of managers and the productivity of employees; there was a strong relationship between motivation and the company’s goal attainment. In view of the above findings, it was recommended that management should periodically interact with technical and professional job holders to ensure that they perform their task as in line with the common goal of the company. There should be a general education on the concept of “Collective responsibility’ so that every staff knows that he equally has responsibility for the attainment of organizational goal as well as for failure to achieve such goals.
Leadership in any form and at any level is vital to the survival of any establishment. “An organization without leadership is like a car moving without a driver”. Leadership is very crucial to the smooth running of the family, private or public organizations, religious organizations, it is often said can not grow above or below its leadership. That is to say that the success or failure of any organization hinges on the quality of the organization’s leadership, since all institutions or organizations need able and dynamic leadership for effective performance. It was in recognition of this fact that Bennis and Nanus as quoted by Higgins (1991) observed that “a business short of capital can borrow money, they one with poor location can move, but a business short of leadership has little chance of survival”.
Omolayole (1993) argued that in any given society or community, leadership is always present at any point in time, either formal or informal, conferred or assumed, because as he puts it, “nature abhors vacuum”. Therefore, he observed, “if
there is a formal leader and he refuses to lead, somehow a person will emerge unofficially to fill the role”. The formal or the unofficial leader may be ineffective, but a vacuum most not be allowed to
When one ponders over the subject of leadership, many ideas come to mind. One might relate leadership to power, authority or influence. In fact, the concept of leadership always evolves a multitude of thoughts, which make the subject of leadership an exciting one.
Higgins (1991) agreed with popular opinion that leadership is essential and a pivotal force for organizational success. He supported the position that leadership involves influencing others and that a leader is a person who has followers. People, he believed follow their leaders because they (leaders) take certain actions and behave in certain ways. Arising from his understanding of what leadership entails and who a leader is, Higgins (1991) defined leadership as “the process making choices about how to treat people in order to influence them and then translating those choices into actions”. He submits that those choices and actions are design to influence others to follow the leader.
But is leader necessary, or even desired in all situations? Must there always be someone who shows the way for others to follow in all work situations? The answers to these questions and more are not always in affirmative because of the nature of some jobs and the calibre of people performing them as well as the condition(s) under which they work.
Supporting this line of argument, Certo (1992), Bateman and Zeithaml (1993) maintained that “leadership is not always necessary in all situations” they argued that sometimes leaders do not have to lead, or they simply cannot lead. They posits that the situation may be on which makes leadership have very little or no impact at all. “Situational substitute” they argued, sometimes have as much influence on employees just as any leader would. Situational substitute, according to them can arise due to a number of reasons, including factors that are beyond the leaders control. Because so many factors affects a situation, they observed, some people argues that “leadership is actually irrelevant in many organizational settings”.
These opposing views on the relevance or otherwise of leadership to organizational success have actually aroused the
interest of management schools and practitioners. This study attempts to investigate whether or not managerial leadership contributed to the attainment of corproate goals in Dangote Flour Mills Plc., Calabar.
Managerial leadership refers to the kind of direction which management at any level gives to the organization in order to achieve the objectives and/or goals of the enterprise. But there is no Universally accepted approach, the approaches to and styles of leadership differ from organization to organization. Even as an individual to individual even within the same organization. Even an individual manager should not (and must not) use one approach or style of leadership all the time for obvious reasons. But it is widely believed that leadership in whatever form or style impacts either positively or negatively on organizational performance. The question is “what type of leadership?” because the corproate goal attainment of the company depends to a very large extent on its leadership. This study sets out to ensure the question: To
what extent does managerial leadership of Dangote Flour Mills
Plc, Calabar influence the attainment of the company’s objectives.
The objectives of this study are categorized into two:
i. General Objectives ii.Specific Objectives
i. General Objectives of the Study
The general objective of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between managerial leadership and goal attainment in an organization.
ii. Specific Objectives
The specific objectives of this study include the following
i.To determine the effect of managerial leadership on corproate goal attainment in Dangote Flour Mills Plc., Calabar.
ii.To identify the factors that encourages or discourages effective managerial leadership in the company being studied.
iii.To investigate to what extent the employees of the company appreciate the leadership style of their managers’
iv.To find out whether the attainment or otherwise of these goals was due to effective or efficient managerial leadership.
v.To establish whether the goals of the company were achieved during the period under study.
vi.To establish whether there could be tasks, the performance of which require very little or no managerial leadership.
vii.To identify any other factor(s) which may have contributed to the attainment of goals during this period.
viiiTo make recommendations based on the findings of the study.
In order to achieve the objectives of this study, the following research questions are raised to aid the research effort:
i.Is there any relationship between managerial leadership style and the attainment of corporate goals in Dangote Flour Mills, Plc., Calabar.
ii.Do employees of Dangote Flour Mills Plc., Calabar appreciate the leadership style of their managers/supervisors?
iii.To what extent does the management of the company enjoy the cooperation of their workers?
iv.What were the goals of Dangote Flour Mills Plc., Calabar between 2011 and 2012?
v.Have the goals of the company been achieved during the period under study?
vi.Was the attainment or otherwise of these goals due, in the main, to the quality of managerial leadership of the company during the period?
vii.What are the factors that enhance or inhibit managerial leadership in Dangote Flour Mills Plc, Calabar?
viiiAre the employees of Dangote Flour Mills Plc, Calabar adequately motivated to enhance productivity?
ix.Are there tasks, which could be successfully performed without the guidance and direction of the leadership or management of the company?
The following hypotheses have been formulated for this
1.Ho:There is no significant relationship between managerial leadership and corproate goal attainment.
H1:There is a significant relationship between managerial leadership and corproate goal attainment.
2.Ho:There is no significant relationship between the Leadership Styles of the Managers and the Productivity of Employees.
H1:There is a significant relationship between the Leadership Styles of the Managers and the Productivity of Employees.
3.Ho:There is no significant relationship between employee motivation and attainment of corproate goal.
H1:There is a significant relationship between employee motivation and attainment of corproate goal.
The significance of any research study lies in the application of its findings for operational purposes. The significance of this is to prove or disprove whether managerial leadership is necessary for the attainment of corproate goals in Dangote Flour Mills Plc, Calabar. The study highlights the significance of managerial leadership to employees’ performance so that the management of the company would be guided in her strategic decisions.
Furthermore, the study will provide more knowledge in the study of organizational leadership and its effects on organizational outcomes.
This research study is limited to Dangote Flour Mills Plc., Calabar, locate at the Calabar Free Trade Zone, Calabar with particular reference to its activities between 2000 and 2005. The study attempts to establish the impact of managerial leadership on the corporate goal attainment of the company.
Because of the distance of the company’s location from the researcher, the study will be constrained by increased financial outlay and time. Lack of research materials will limit the scope of this study.
This study is divided into five chapters. Chapter one introduces the subject matter of leadership and highlights a general overview of the study. Chapter two reviews related literature covering what various authors have written concerning the topic. Chapter three dwells on research methodology. This specifies various methods used in conducting the research. In chapter four, presentations, analysis and discussion of data are done. In this chapter,
hypotheses are tested and findings discussed. Chapter five presents the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations of the study.
The operational definitions of the terms used in this study are as follows:
! Goal Attainment
Accomplishing a mission to achieve an objective> this is what justifies the very existence of any organization.
! Leadership
A process of guiding and directing people, and influencing their behaviours positively for the benefits of the group to which they belong. In this study, it is used interchangeably with management.
! Management
The term “management” is considered as a group of people a the helm of affairs in an organization. It is used here to mean the same thing as leadership.
! Managerial Leadership
This means leadership by the management or supervisory cadre of the organization.
! Managerial Performance
The degree of how well or badly the management of the organization has carried out her functions.
! Organization
A social and/or economic entity with some set goals, the attainment of which all members? efforts are geared towards.
! Organizational Goals
Means the specific, quantifiable or measurable objective of an organization.
! Situation Substitutes
Situations or factors which naturally make employees to act in particular ways without recourse to the leadership of the organization.
This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research
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