The purpose of this work is to highlight the effect of training and development on the performance of construction firms in Enugu Sate, Nigeria. Specifically, the study aimed to pursue the following objectives: to determine the effect of manpower training on employee productivity; to examine the relationship between training and employee turnover, and to determine the effect of training and development on efficiency of operations the study lad a total population of 456 employees drawn from Ferotex Construction  Company  Ltd.  A  sample  size  of 213  was  drawn  using  Taro  Yamene Formula at 5% error of tolerance and 95% level of confidence. Instruments used for data collection were questionnaire and oral interview guide. A total of 213 copies of questionnaire  were  administered  while  2010  (98.6%)  copies  were  returned.  A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study hypothesis one was tested using Z-test statistics , hypothesis one was tested using Pearson product moment correlation (PPMC) coefficient and hypothesis the help of special package for social sciences (SPSS). The findings indicate that there was a significant positive effect of training and development on employees’ productivity, training and development had a significant relationship with employees’ turnover, and training and development had a significant effect one efficiency of operation at Ferotex Construction Company Ltd the study concludes that  training  and development  leads to  important  benefits  for individuals and teams, organizations, and society. It recommend that organizations should clearly state the objectives for which the training programme is carried out and that  training  method,  that  matches the levels  and needs of  the employees must be carefully selected.
1.1. Background of the Study
According to Asare-Bediako (2002) employees must be trained, and where possible developed to meet their own career needs and the need of the organization. Training is job or task-oriented. It aims at enabling individuals to perform better on the jobs they are currently doing. Development on the other hand, is career oriented rather than job-oriented. It aims at preparing people for higher responsibilities in the future (Asare-Bediako, 2002). Organizations must therefore have the responsibility to develop and implement training and development systems and programmes that best help them to achieve their objectives.
Noe et al. (2000) viewed training generally as a planed effort by a company to facilitate employees learning of the job-related competencies. These competencies include knowledge, skill, or behaviours that are critical for successful job performance. Whilst some human resource professionals consider training and development an after recruitment programme, Asare- Bediako (2002) believes that it must be incorporated into orientation programmes for newly recruited staff. According to him, the training and development (T andD) unit should explain to new employees what training and development means and what programmes and facilities are available to employees. At this stage, training and development explains internal training programmes available and how they could participate. T and D should emphasize the area of corporate culture. As the unit changed with facilitating change and maintaining the organization‟s culture, training and development should reinforce the importance of training and development through continuous efforts such as frequent reminders, meeting, etc.
There have been many failures on the side of the employees because their needs for training and development were neither detected nor provided for by management. Many construction firms in developing countries invest a great deal of money and effort in training their workers and developing their managers, attending to technical expertise more than managerial skill. Manpower training and development helps the managers and employees to adapt to changing business environment,(Nwachukwu, 2002, 4).
In the view of Okorofor (2001), Manpower training and development is necessary to help create the dynamic adaptive altitude required for a sustained improvement. Such training however, should be an explicit and on-going phase of stall development and the growth.
Akande (1982) opines that some organizations are now making serious effort towards training of their employees and the development of their managers. This is because the course and prospects of industrialization are largely determined by the quality of a country‟s work force, availability of trained managers, technicians, engineers and other categories of skilled personnel possessory of current vocational and administrative knowledge, (Noe, 2008:5).
On the other hand, manpower development is organizational development since training is a means of developing manpower. It is therefore necessary that organization should make serious efforts towards systematic and sustained training of their workers in order to enhance their development and smooth growth that is continuous.
Employee training involves an expert working with learners to transfer to them certain areas of knowledge or skills to improve in their current jobs. Development in the context of human resource management is a broad ongoing multi-faceted set of activities (training activities among them) to
bring someone or an organization up to another threshold of performance, often to perform some job or new role in the future (McNamara, 2008). Within the strategic human resource management (SHRM) perspective, extensive organization training and teamwork are seen as vital to sustained competitive advantage (Kamal, et al., 2008). Consistent with SHRM theory, Kamal et al. (2008) found performance benefits from empowerment and extensive training. The rationale for an effect of extensive training on organizational performance is further strengthened by work on learning organizations (Harvey and Denton, 1999; Power and Waddell, 2004). The argument is that by upgrading employees’ skills and knowledge, they are in a better position to produce high-quality products and services in the most cost-effective way, adapt to change, and contribute to company competitiveness through product or process innovation.
1.2. Statement of the Problem
Having seen that there is regular failure in the improvement and growth of industries and that there is a strong need for the employees to have training and development that can help the situation. Large resources like money and materials are required in providing the necessary training and development which enable employees perform well in their workplace and help their organizations achieve set goals.
Most industries are aware of‟ the importance of manpower training and development, record shows that many industries are not making enough effort to train and develop their employees, some lack interest in training on the fact that Some do not always work towards increasing their productivity while some have pool funding for planning and executing training and development programme for their staff.
It is therefore, necessary to investigate the effect of training and development on the employees‟ performance of Nigeria construction companies.
1.3. Objectives of the Study
In view of the above, this study was designed with the following objectives:
a. To determine the effect of manpower training on employee productivity.
b. To examine the relationship between training and employee turnover. c. To determine the effect of training and development on efficiency of
1.4. Research Question
Based on the focus of the study, the following questions were raised to guide the study. They include:
a) To what extent does manpower training affect employee productivity?
b) What is the relationship between training and employee turnover?
c) To what extent does training and development affect efficiency of operation
1.5. Research Hypotheses.
For the objective of this study, the following hypotheses are formulated;
a) Manpower training affects employee productivity significantly.
b) There is significant positive relationship between training and employee turnover.
c) Training and development affects efficiency of operation significantly.
1.6. Significance of the Study
This work will be beneficial to the following groups:
Constrction Companies: the result of this research effort will help the construction companies choose more effective training and development programmes that will enable them to improve the productive capacities of the employees.
Researchers: the quality of literature reviewed here will assist other researchers in this field of study.
1.7. Scope of the Study
The study investigates the effect of training and development on employees‟ Performance at Ferotex construction company ltd in Enugu state. The study was carried out from 2011 to 2013.
1.8. Limitation of the Study
There were certain difficulties that worked against composition and submission of this study for an effective approval. The constraints includes, financial constraints, the short time frame, inadequate literature, constraints imposed by other academic schedule limited the area of data collection from the selected industries. Also, the stringent protocols involved in the data collection would have been an impending factor but for the determination, doggedness and commitment of the researcher which worked a great magic to the success of the work. Some construction firms hide their records that they do not disclose and it made the study difficult. However, the researcher used persuasiveness to overcome this challenge.
1.9. Definition of Terms
a. Training: This is a process of learning new skills and developing old ones in order to be effective and efficient in achieving the corporate objectives. It can also be defined as an organization‟s conscious effort to improve the skill of the workers by providing employee with additional knowledge. Johnnie (1999) defines it as an organizational effort aimed at helping an employee to acquire basic skills required for efficiency in execution of the functions.
b. Development: This is a course of action designed to enable the individual to realize his or her potential for growth in the organization. It is also a gradual growth of something so that it becomes more advanced and stronger. Miningoff (1980) opines that development deals with the activities undertaken to expose an employee to perform additional duties and assume position in the organizational hierarchy.
c. Performance: This is a process of measuring the employee contribution to the achievement of organizational goals.
d. Manpower: Manpower is the number of workers needed or available to do a particular job.
e. industry: The oxford dictionary defines it as the people and activities involved in providing a particular service or producing things.
f. Construction Industry: The construction industry as put forward by Nwachukvu (2002) refers to as an organized economy activities involving the assembling of raw material labour, capital, machine and other resources and manage it for achieving a desired goal.
g. Industrial Efficiency: This, according to Okorafor (2001) is occurs When an organization makes effective and optimum use of its resources in achieving its goals and objectives.
1.10 Profile of the Organization Studied
Ferotex construction company (FCC) Limited, a private limited liability company was incorporated in 1990 under the companies act of 1968. The company is a firm of civil Engineering Contractors whose core area of business is building and civil Engineering Works.
Since 1990, the company has grown from strenght to strenght, successfully executing and completing numerous high profile jobs for public, corporate and private organizations. The growth and successes of the company are attributable to the company‟s formidable team and their vision to build edifices that are unquestionably safe, aesthetically appealing and endlessly functional The increasing complexity of construction projects all over the world creates the need for well trained and experienced construction professionals in all aspects and phases of a project’s life-cycle and development. FCC has over the years specialized in the construction of buildings, civil and heavy engineering works of all nature.
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