This study examined the impact of stakeholders’ engagement on the performance of some selected manufacturing organizations in the South East, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: ascertain the effect of communication on employee retention in manufacturing organizations, South East, Nigeria, determine the effect of supplier partnership on stability in product delivery schedules of manufacturing organizations, South East, Nigeria, measure the effect of consultation on product innovation in manufacturing organizations, South East, Nigeria, assess the effect of accountability on organizational adaptive capacity in manufacturing organizations, South East, Nigeria, establish the effect of dialogue on project sustainability of manufacturing organizations, South East, Nigeria. This study adopted a survey research design. The population of the study was 7135 of the 15 selected manufacturing organizations in South East, Nigeria. Stratified random sampling was adopted to select the appropriate number of firms from each stratum. The sample size of 554 was obtained from the application of Cochran’s formula for finite population while Bowley’s proportional allocation statistical technique was adopted to determine the allocation of questionnaire to each organization. Data were collected from primary source through the administration of copies of questionnaire. The questionnaire was structured in line with Five- Point Likert Scale. Face and content validity were determined by five experts, three from the Department of Management, University of Nigeria. Enugu Campus and two from the selected organizations: Innoson Nigeria Ltd, and Juhel Nigeria Ltd Manufacturing Company Plc, Enugu. A test-retest method was used to determine the reliability of questionnaire using Cronbach Alpha method. The result gave a reliability coefficient of 0.92. The five hypotheses formulated and were tested with one sample t-test at 0.05 level of significance. Communication had a significant positive (t = 43.742; P<0.05) effect on employee retention in manufacturing organizations in South-East, Nigeria. Supplier partnership had positive and significant (t = 24.766; P < 0.05) effect on product delivery schedules in manufacturing organizations in South-East, Nigeria. Consultation had a significant positive (t = 8.503; P <
0.05) effect on product innovation in manufacturing organizations in South-East Nigeria. Accountability had significant positive (t = 21.779; P < 0.05) effect on organizational adaptive capacity in manufacturing organizations in South-East, Nigeria. Dialogue had a significant positive (t = 30.359 > P < 0.05) effect on project sustainability in selected manufacturing organizations in South East, Nigeria. It recommends, among others, that Manufacturing organizations should ensure that all relevant stakeholders are strategically aligned to their goals, to sustain optimal product delivery.
1.1 Background of the Study
Stakeholder engagement has been described to be essential to the success of business in the
21st century. The need to create value for everyone in an enterprise is important in building
―common purpose‖ and addressing the multifaceted challenges facing the world (Stakeholder Research Association, 2005). As humans, we are often bound to hold a stake in one thing or the other from time to time. Stakeholdership has always been part of every walk-of-life. One who takes special interest in how the affair of his/her family is being run can be described as a stakeholder at a domestic level. An employee or a customer who is concerned about the service quality of his/her company or service provider can be referred to as a stakeholder at an organizational level (Alade, 2013:1).
The word ―stakeholder‖ was carried in an internal memorandum at the Stanford Research Institute in 1963 (Freeman and Reed, 1983:89). The institute defined a stakeholder as ―those groups without whose support the organization would cease to exist.‖ Freeman (1984) defines a stakeholder as any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievements of organization‘s objectives. The actions, decisions or inactions of many organizations either as a for-profit or not-for profit organization can affect or impact the society positively or negatively. In the same way, the activities of individuals, groups of individuals or constituted authority within the society or same organization can influence the existence and operations of this organization. These major players in the life of an organization as described above can be referred to as key stakeholders. The impacts or influence of stakeholders can be economical, environmental, political or societal (Alade,
Stakeholders often have different attributes that define the degree of their influence on organizations. These attributes can be the degree of their powers, legitimacy, urgency and interests in the activities of these organizations (Alves, Gomes and Corsini, 2014:3). Given the sensitivity of stakeholders attributes, organizations are expected to give their stakeholders utmost attention by taking their perspectives into account towards decision making and strategy development. One of the most effective ways of giving stakeholders attention is to engage them actively on issues of mutual concern (Alade, 2013:2).
Stakeholder engagement strategy is a very important tool in the organizational management (Kenyoru, Dumba, Dumba and Rotich, 2015:1). It refers to strategic management activity which is concerned with the planning and controlling of the whole organizational environment, that is, internal and external environments (Pandey, 2005). Pandey (2005) further stated that stakeholder engagement strategy is not a unique body of knowledge of its own, and draws heavily on economics for its theoretical concepts even today. It is of immense interest to both academia and practicing managers. A good stakeholder engagement strategy mechanism should foresee inefficiencies and enable organizations take steps in preventing them from happening. It should also ensure that high quality and reasonable profit is achieved. In order for this system to be achieved, organizations should be inquisitive and hardworking at all times and be ready to make any change in the organization if need be (Ammenberg, 2001 in Kenyoru et al., 2015:2). Stakeholder engagement is considered as the extent to which stakeholders‘ needs are incorporated in relation to their power, potential and harm (Reshwara, 2016:2). It stems from identifying who the stakeholders are, and prioritizing them accordingly based on relevant attributes; the issue of concern to be addressed also needs prioritization especially when they are numerous. It is important for an organization to be able to bring stakeholders on board for two-way and multi-way dialogues towards creating mutual value, understanding, cooperation and shared objectives. Stakeholder engagement is described as fundamental to a successful business (Stakeholder Research Associates, 2005).
The words ―engage‖ or ―engaging‖ are verbs i.e. action or doing words. As a verb the word
―engaging‖ is synonymous with words such as involving, partake in, gain attention or interest of, or draw into.‖ Also, the word ―engaging‖ can be an adjective. As an adjective, it may imply words such as ―pleasing, attractive charming, interesting, appealing, attractive, fascinating, entertaining, winning‖ etc (Farlex Inc, 2012). There exists a responsibility assumption that states that the more an organization engages with the stakeholders, the more responsible and accountable it is likely to be to these stakeholders (Greenwood, 2007:3). The activity of systematic involvement by a company of its stakeholders on issues that have the requirement of materiality or relevance is known as stakeholder engagement (Thomsen, 2013 in Birindelli, Intonti, Bilancia, La Torre, Malorni, 2015:1).
Stakeholder engagement broadly refers to a framework of policies, principles, and techniques which ensure that … communities, individuals, groups, and organizations have the opportunity to be engaged in a meaningful way in the process of decision making that will
affect them, or in which they have an interest (Yee, 2010: 3). It is a means of fostering buy-in or commitment into a project, promoting participatory and transparent decision making (e.g., providing opportunities to develop knowledge for making informed choices) and, as a result, reducing conflict over decisions between decision-makers, groups involved, and beneficiaries (Mwaikam Ohkubo and Cassaniti, 2013)
Stakeholders‘ engagement is a strategic element in business management as it aims to improve the quality of relationships with stakeholders and to achieve the greatest alignment of the products/services offered with the real needs of customers (Ingley, Mueller & Cocks,
2011). Listening to stakeholders, speaking with them, and paying attention to their perceptions and expectations in the management of enterprises are, in fact, essential tools to better define the operations of the business, to align them with the demands of stakeholders, to improve the quality of the products and services provided also for internal stakeholders (direct effect), and to build and maintain a solid reputation in the market (indirect effect) (Giuliana, Mariantonietta, Massimo, Maura and Martina, 2015:1)
The Melbourne Mandate (2012) views stakeholder engagement as central for sustaining positive organization-public relationships. Though some scholars prefer to talk of ‗publics‘ instead of ‗stakeholders‘, mutual dependence remains the central idea (Aldoory & Grunig,
2012). Stakeholder engagement is a process in organizations that involve all parties of stakeholder to make decision or may affect the implementation of decision, (Prado‐Lorenzo,
2009). Stakeholder engagement is the process used by an organization to engage the relevant stakeholder for a purpose to achieve accepted outcomes. Stakeholder engagement is important in organization to achieve profitability.
Stakeholder theory conceives an organization as a complex, dynamic and interdependent network of multidimensional relationships with a wide variety of stakeholders. Performance and competitiveness depend on how well firms manage and nurture these relationships strategically in order to achieve corporate objectives and how they are perceived to manage them by the stakeholders, in their interests (Zsolnai, 2006). From a risk management perspective the benefits of consulting with these stakeholders are said to be numerous and include: higher levels of trust with stakeholder groups; stakeholders being able to contribute to decisions affecting their future; higher quality information for making business decisions; a wider understanding in the community of constraints upon firms; stakeholders feeling more
involved in decision-making processes and feeling their interests are being considered; stakeholders better understanding their risk and opportunity management responsibilities and greater collective responsibility in managing risks.
Historically, engagement tended to be more reactive or focused on risk mitigation. As the corporate social responsibility movement has grown, companies have become proactive under the assumption that stakeholder engagement can enhance the sustainability and profitability of the organization. A variety of tools can be used to engage with stakeholders. These are usually considered across a spectrum depending on the stakeholder‘s involvement in the decision-making process. The tools include dialogue, communication, consultation, empowerment, participation, partnership and accountability (GIIRS, 2012)
Communication is the process of expressing ideas and feelings or giving people information. If the communication within the organization is inadequate, problems take place. Low organizational commitment, declining production, high level of absenteeism, increasing uneasiness in enterprise and increasing rate of quitting the job is seen in the enterprises where organizational communication is weak (Hargie, Dickson and Tourish, 1999). It has been noted that effective communication system is essential for workers and managers in the corporation to express mutual expectations among each other and the efficient communication system can solve the problems that individuals encounter in the enterprise, and thus their intention to leave the job can be prevented by increasing their commitment to the organization (Ada et al., 2008: 489). When there is efficient communication system established by the managers in organizations; productivity increases, staff turnover rate and staff complaints are reduced, and workers’ commitment to the organization are increased (Ekinci, 2006: 49). Also, negative behaviors are prevented such as being late to work, quitting job and absenteeism with the help of the efficient communication system (Yılmaz,
2011: 58). It has been stated that through the intra-organizational communication, the employees will understand the goals of the organization and the firms will also find out the aims of their employees. The commitment will increase in the degree of mutual adaptation, the uncertainties in the corporation will disappear and as the intraorganizational problems in which management and the individuals will trust each other are minimized, and there will be a decrease in job leavings (Gözen, 2007: 66).
Strategic supplier partnership represents the long-term relationship between the organization and suppliers. An effective supplier partnership can be a critical component of a leading edge supply chain (Noble, 1997). Through strategic supplier partnerships, organizations can work closely with suppliers who can share responsibility for the success of the products (Li et al.,
2005). Survey conducted by Radas and Bozˇic´ (2009) on Croatian companies from manufacturing and service sectors showed that collaboration with other firms or organizations, also include suppliers, has positive significant impact on process innovation and incremental product innovation. Such strategic supplier partnerships should enable successful organizational performance.
Machikita and Ueki (2011) state that strategic alliances with private and public organizations, local business organizations, and universities also play an important role in product innovation. Empirical results suggest that the innovation impacts of such alliances are significant, and sizable compared to the innovation impacts of vertical linkages and such alliances starts with consultations. Alliances and vertical linkages offer different effectiveness of knowledge in the case of product innovation. These two types of external sources could be complementing each other. Increased knowledge sharing with production partners has caused significant technological upgrading and has led to product innovation in firms.
Accountability connotes the degree of fairness and transparency in expression or presentation of results of activities both to the members of the organization or externals. Some organizational initiatives have been based on the assumption that enhanced accountability would improve performance. But the empirical evidence that this has happened is inconclusive (Lægreid and Verhoest 2010), and evidence of whether performance measurement leads to better accountability is scarce (van Dooren, Bouckaert and Halligan
2010). The relationship between accountability and performance is characterized by tensions, ambiguities and contradictions, and more responsibility for performance does not lead to more accountability for performance (Bouckaert and Halligan 2008). Behn (2001) claims that there is an accountability dilemma and argues that performance audit tends to focus more on compliance than on performance and is biased towards hierarchy and punishment and hence tends to undermine public trust. Dubnick (2005) argues that the idea that accountability increases performance has been accepted without careful scrutiny and he claims that there is
an «accountability paradox» in which more accountability actually diminishes organizational performance (Christensen and Lægreid, 2014:4).
Stakeholder dialogue may be conceptualized as a means to enhance community engagement. Stakeholder dialogue is a concept used to describe the process of collaborative decision making embracing participation by relevant stakeholders (Oels, 2006). Ideally, ‗reflexive‘ stakeholder dialogue is a process of open interaction through which people listen and learn from each other in an enabling environment (Hemmati, 2002). Stakeholder dialogue enhances the potential for individuals and groups since they are given space to articulate their interests and have their voices heard in environmental management and decision-making processes (Stoll-Kleemann & Welp, 2006). From this perspective, stakeholder dialogue can be seen as a governance arrangement embracing all sections of the local community, to democratize access to and use of resources, to manage conflict, and to make resource management more effective and efficient (Warner, 2007 in Mendez-Servitillo,2013).The organization must engage stakeholder in dialogue to knowing the issue and the importance of environment to improve the organization performance (Siti, 2014:5).
The advantages of stakeholder engagement are related to developing innovations successfully and to increasing the chances of their acceptance in the market. Furthermore, value is increased for the firm and its customers. Taking the benefits of stakeholder engagement into account one can understand why Von Stamm (2008) argues that connections outside the organization, e.g. with customers, suppliers, etc. are becoming more and more important for successful innovation. Stakeholder engagement provides opportunities to further align business practices with societal needs and expectations, helping to drive long-term sustainability and shareholder value. Stakeholder engagement helps the practitioners to compete in an increasingly complex and ever-changing business environment, while at the same time bringing about systemic change towards sustainable development (Neil, 2009). Grunig (1992) points to the value of on-going stakeholder engagement via processes of dialogue and two-way symmetrical communication to invite stakeholder input into organizational decision-making. There is indeed substantial evidence in the stakeholder and communication management literature to suggest that enlightened organizational strategy- making is best informed by a process of continuous dialogue with stakeholders and that ―the
social performance of any business should be judged not by what it does, but by the extent to which it facilitates interested parties in negotiating what it does‖. (King, 1998: 43).
Manufacturing is a very important sector of the economy. Around the world, manufacturing organizations have contributed largely in ensuring economic development and better standard of living of the citizens. Clifford (2013) states that manufacturing industries contributed immensely in the development of Europe and America. Subsequently, there is still competition among the industries which invariably results to economic development. The manufacturing sector not only plays important role but also represents an important criterion in assessing a nation‘s development. Most developed countries have strong manufacturing base. Growth in manufacturing has significant positive effects on employment creation, sustained increases in per capita income, technological innovation and adoption, competitiveness and economic growth of any country. Most countries that are major players in the global economy have transformed the structures of their economies by developing a strong manufacturing sector. Central to the transformation of countries is the growth and size of the manufacturing sector. The level of a country‘s development can therefore be measured by its manufacturing sector (Oyati, 2016:1).
Okeke (2011) opines that decades after independence, the Nigerian manufacturing sector is still contributing less than 5 percent to the nation‘s gross domestic product (GDP). Currently, the country‘s ailing manufacturing sector is operating at below 40percent of installed capacity. From all indication, it is clear that Nigeria has a fragile and highly vulnerable manufacturing sector with weak industrial base, which in its present stakes cannot sustain expected growth and development. It is unfortunate that the manufacturing sector, which has potential for wealth creations, employment generation and poverty eradication is trapped in this web. What then could be the problem in a country that has plenty of natural resources that is at the core of all manufacturing activities? To this end therefore, it is important to investigate the quality of the relationship that exist between the manufacturing organizations and their relevant stakeholders with a view to enhancing their performance through recommendations and thereby increasing the nation‘s gross domestic product (GDP) at large.
1.2 Statement of Problem
Organizations exist to serve the needs of its stakeholders. It is therefore, pertinent for all organizations to design or develop effective means of satisfying relevant stakeholders‘ interest, and harmonizing this interest which appear contradictory. All that have claims should be made to understand and follow the activities of the organization. Dialogue, transparency and accountability could be helpful in doing these. Employees should be induced to contribute maximally to the growth of the organization by at least getting them involved in the organizational planning process (OPP). Input suppliers and output consumers should be significantly considered while decisions are made in organizations.
The manufacturing sector in Nigeria has been adjudged to be in crisis. Manufacturers
Association of Nigeria, (2016) states that about 272 firms were shut down between 2014-
2016, while some reduced their production, staff strength, and remuneration of workers It also revealed that industrial capacity utilization hovers around 20 per cent in the past ten years and also more than half of the surviving firms are classified as ailing which pose a very serious threat to the manufacturing sector and our already ailing economy in general. The acute challenges emanating from the political, economic, technological and socio-cultural environments as well as the difficulties in attending to and balancing the needs and demand of the stakeholders are really not an easy task. The strategies adopted in managing and engaging those that have stake in the organization could have been a source of the obvious crises in the industry. Managers find it difficult to strike a balance or even prioritize the need of the stakeholders and this is part of the cause of the crisis bedeviling the manufacturing sector in Nigeria. The strategies adopted in engaging these stakeholders could either enhance the sustainability of the organization or diminish its fortune. Engagement tools could be counterproductive and the management of engagement policies is a major determinant of the performance of the organization. The communication patterns, partnership, consultation and dialogue seem not to be properly managed in the Nigeria manufacturing sector.
The improper engagement of the relevant stakeholders has led to high turnover rate, inconsistency in product delivery periods, low project sustainability ratio and all these increase the cost of doing business and affect the sole objective of the manufacturing firm- profit maximization. It is, therefore, pertinent to investigate, empirically, the relationships
that exist amongst these engagement strategies and the performance of the Nigeria manufacturing firms.
In addition, literature in this area is more in the western countries with a dearth of empirical studies in Nigeria especially in the South East Nigerian manufacturing industry.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of stakeholders‘ engagement on the performance of Nigerian manufacturing organizations in South East, Nigeria. The specific objectives are to:
i. ascertain the effect of communication on employee retention in manufacturing organizations, South East, Nigeria.
ii. determine the effect of supplier partnership on stability in product delivery schedules of manufacturing organizations, South East, Nigeria.
iii. measure the effect of consultation on product innovation in manufacturing organizations, South East, Nigeria.
iv. assess the effect of accountability on organizational adaptive capacity in manufacturing organizations, South East, Nigeria.
v. establish the effect of dialogue on project sustainability of manufacturing organizations, South East, Nigeria.
1.4 Research Questions
The following questions guided data gathering.
i. To what extent does communication affect employee retention in manufacturing firms in South East, Nigeria?
ii. To what degree does supplier partnership influence stability in product delivery schedule of manufacturing firms in South East, Nigeria?
iii. To what magnitude does consultation affect product innovation of manufacturing firms in South East, Nigeria?
iv. What is the effect of accountability on organizational adaptive capacity of manufacturing firms in South East, Nigeria?
v. To what extent does dialogue affect project sustainability of manufacturing firms in
South East, Nigeria?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
Sequel to the research questions, the following hypotheses guided the study.
i. Communication has a significant positive effect on employee retention of manufacturing firms in South East, Nigeria.
ii. Supplier Partnership interacts positively and significantly with stability in product delivery schedules of manufacturing firms in South East, Nigeria.
iii. Consultation has a significant positive effect on product innovation in the manufacturing firms in South East, Nigeria.
iv. Accountability positively and significantly affects organizational adaptive capacity of manufacturing firms in South East, Nigeria.
v. Dialogue has a significant positive effect on project sustainability of manufacturing firms in South East, Nigeria.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The findings of the study will be beneficial in many ways to corporate entities, individuals and scholars.
The findings of the study will provide useful insight and information to the management of manufacturing organizations as to the importance of selecting/choosing effective engagement strategies especially at the top management decision making level.
The study fills the theoretical and knowledge gap in providing theoretical and conceptual models to further advance the frontiers of knowledge in management and organizational science research through publications in journal articles.
The research work will also become a reference material to students, scholars and the academic community when copies are made available to the university library and digital repository.
1.7 Scope of the Study
The study focused on the effect of stakeholders‘ engagement on the performance of Nigerian manufacturing organizations in the South East, Nigeria. Communication, partnership, consultation, accountability and dialogue are proxies of engagement which were measured
against performance variables – employee retention, product delivery, product innovation, adaptive capacity and project sustainability. The study was carried out in the South East, Nigeria using fifteen (15) manufacturing organizations as sample. Data gathering, presentation, analyses and interpretation were from July – October, 2017.
1.8 Limitations of the Study
There is the expected typical reluctant attitude on the part of some respondents to fill the questionnaire or grant interview. In some cases, some respondents expect to be paid for the use of their time and knowledge; if otherwise, they were very reluctant in giving the required information. Some hoard information in keeping with the oath of secrecy. Given the repeated assurance of confidentiality, they filled the questionnaire.
1.9 Operational Definition of Terms
In order to clarify and reveal contextual meaning of some terms in this work, it becomes appropriate to explain the followings:
Accountability: organizational style of reporting the activities to the public.
Adaptive Capacity: ability of an organization to change if the environment where it exists is changing.
Communication: concept or state of exchanging data or information between or amongst employees.
Consultation: exchange of information and advice between product consumers and organizational representative(s).
Dialogue: purposeful conversation between the host communities and organizations management.
Employee Retention: ability of an organization to retain its workforce or employees over a given period of time.
Project Sustainability: ability of an organization to finish community oriented projects within a specified period.
Stakeholder Engagement: process by which organizations involve people who may be affected by the decision it makes or can influence the implementation of it decisions.
Stakeholder Management: process of influencing the parties concerned over a decision made by an organization.
Stakeholder Prioritization: process of classifying stakeholders in accordance with their power and degree of interests over decisions made by an organization.
Supplier Partnership: state of association between an organization and its input suppliers.
1.10 Profile of Selected Organizations Studied
(1) Star Paper Mills, Aba, Abia State
Star Paper Mills is located at 114/116 Aba-Owerri Road, Umungasi, Aba, Abia state. The company has Robert Nnanna Kalu as the Executive Director and is engaged in manufacturing of paper and paper related products such as tissue paper, envelopes and notebooks. Star Paper has received ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 certifications for its quality management.
The company is on the verge of completing an expansion project that would increase its paper manufacturing/conversion capacity. This plant is in Owerrinta, Abia state, Nigeria and costs $28 million. The Star Paper Mill Limited is seeking the assistance of the International Finance Corporation‘s for re-financing short and medium term loans facility and funding of additional capital expenditure. Star Paper Mill Ltd. ―began commercial production on the new 60-65 tonne/day tissue machine in May 2006 and has more than doubled its production capacity from 20,400 tons to 44,200 tons of jumbo reels per annum. This project is the first phase of a larger program aimed at increasing the total plant capacity to 73,200 tons per annum,‖ according to the Human Resources deparmtent of the firm.
The company produces tissue papers and a wide range of papers products.
Star Paper Mills has received the Greentech Award in Environmental Excellence in
November 2005 and Greentech Award for safety in paper industries in April 2005.
Star Paper Mills has plans to expand its capacity in the years to come.
(2) Rokana Industries Plc, Owerri, Imo State.
Rokana Industries Plc was incorporated on the 11th September 1978 as a Private Limited
Liability Company with the objectives of manufacturing toiletries, household‘s products and key personal hygiene products for the health-care market. The company maintains its head office at No 4 Ajayi Street, off 52 Allen Avenue (Next door to Lagos Hilton Hotel), Ikeja, Lagos, while its factory is located at Plot 5 Mission Road, Umualum-Nekede, Owerri. It also maintains sales office and depots in Kano and Aba.
The company started as a wholly indigenous private enterprise. Upon its admission, in 1991 to the Second-Tier Securities Market of the Nigeria Stock Exchange, the company‘s shares are now being held by the Nigerian public individuals, associations and corporate organizations. The general policy of the company is determined by the Board of Directors of which Engineer Charles C. Ugwuh is the Chairman and Managing Director. Ugwuh holds a Masters Degree in engineering thermodynamics and is described in business circles as ―The Man with a Vision‖ due to his dynamism in management and entrepreneurial projections.
Rokana Industries Plc has its ultra-modern, purpose-built factory complex strategically located on the vast acre of land at Nekede on the outskirts of Owerri in Imo State. The complex presently houses four separate manufacturing plants, complete with quality control facilities. The factory also accommodates the company‘s raw materials and finished products warehouses, utility service plants, liquefied Petroleum Gas Tank Farm and Factory Administration Office.
The Plastic unit currently produces toothbrushes, dental stick/plague removers; plastic folders, cardholders and some plastic components for the aerosol production line. The aerosol unit is responsible for the production of insecticides, Air-fresheners, perfumes, furniture polish, deodorants, etc. The LPG unit refills domestic cooking gas cylinders for its various customers it also provides unstaunched gas as propellant to the aerosol production line.
The cosmetic unit has modem facilities for the production of toothpastes, baby-care cosmetics, hair shampoo, skin lotions, cream and ointments.
Rokana has adequate capacity for all its products and other complimentary productions on contract basis. In both existing and new products developments, the overriding objective of the company is high quality and functional excellence hence all of Rokana‘s products are classified in the premium products segment.
Some of the company’s products include:
Jordan Toothbrush, which is one of Rokana‘s quality products, is a household name in dental care and probably the most widely recognized brand throughout the world. The best toothbrush is the one you feel most comfortable using. Jordan has specially designed toothbrush that are most efficient, effective and a pleasure to use. Jordan brushes come in a large variety of head sizes, bristle stiffness and types. Rokana currently holds the fames of the FIRST and the BEST toothbrush manufacturer in Nigeria for Africa.
Other products of the company include:
a. Rokana Dry Airfreshner – Special formulated ozone friendly, air odorize, dry sprays currently in two unique romantic fragrances of nature brand Halima and African Queen.
b. Number 1. Insecticide — Also an ozone friendly spray pleasantly perfumed and with
high lethal effects against cockroaches, house flies, mosquito‘s and other insect pests.
c. Sparkle Furniture Polish — a special furniture spray for effective cleaning/maintenance of households and office furniture.
d. Natusan Baby Oils, Lotion And Ointments — an internationally popular product brand developed from many years of medical research to protect babies against nappy rash and keep their tender skins lovely at all times.
e. Natusan Dry Skin Lotion — specially formulated with Vitamin E for use by classic adults particularly those with dry skin problems.
f. Rokana Dentals Stick/Plaque Remover — a mint- flavoured double-ended plastic material for removing plaque, rooting out food residues between teeth and scrubbing the surfaces in the inter-dental spaces.
g. Sparkle Toothpaste — a new toothpaste formulation containing active fluoride, which is absorbed into the tooth enamel hardening it. Sparkle toothpaste has three active ingredients, which act together to fight tooth decay.
(3) Jacobs Wines Limited, Imo State
Jacobs Wines Limited started in 1985 following several years of research conducted by Dr. Frank S. U. Jacobs, MON, a lecturer turned industrialist, on the use of various Nigerian fruits in wine-making. This culminated in the establishment of the first ever pineapple winery in Africa on 6th March, 1989 under the name: Jacobs Wines Limited with Registered Number: RC 127,723. The company has production capacity of 1.08 Million Liters Per Annum.
The company is a registered member of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria and has certification for many of its products. It has also received awards and recognitions from several organizations and institutions among which are Consumer Protection Council, Raw Materials Research and Development Council, etc.
The company has over 520 employees and its products are sold all over the country. It has in its stable different brands of wines derived from pineapple. In addition, the company produces pineapple juice which is 100% pineapple with no addictive as it is preserved by the process of pasteurization. Ninety percent of the company‘s raw materials are sourced locally; the remainder 10% being packaging materials are imported.
The company has a 24-hectare land for pineapple orchard which is not fully cultivated yet and as a result satisfies only fraction of the company‘s pineapple requirement while the balance is purchased in the open market. As a corporate body, the company‘s mission is to combine learned expertise with available natural resources to create wealth for the development and sustenance of an economically stable and self-sufficient society. Accordingly, the company‘s philosophy is grounded on the belief to always ‗get what we need from what we have‘; thus import substitution and utilization of local raw materials remain the many goal and objective of the company.
The company‘s mission as a corporate body is to combine learned expertise with available natural resources to create wealth for the development and sustenance of an economically stable and self-sufficient society. Accordingly, the company produces assorted brands of wine from pineapple fruit in the rural settings, where the company‘s activities have contributed to the rapid development of the community.
(4) Nigerian Bottling Company, Aba, Abia State
The Nigerian Bottling Company Ltd is one of the biggest companies in the non-alcoholic beverage industry in the country and is the sole franchise bottler of The Coca-Cola Company in Nigeria.
The company serves approximately 160 million people by producing and distributing a unique portfolio of quality brands, bringing passion to marketplace, implementation, and demonstrating leadership in corporate social responsibility.
The operations of the Coca-Cola Hellenic Group span 28 countries, serving more than 581 million people. The group‘s holding company, Coca-Cola HBC AG, is headquartered in Switzerland and has a premium listing on the London Stock Exchange as well as secondary listings on the Athens and New York stock exchanges.
The company produce, sell and distribute a wide range of beverages, most of which are trademark products of The Coca-Cola Company. These consist of:
a. leading brands Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola light, Fanta and Sprite b. local brands such as Schweppes, Five Alive, Limca and Eva
The company continuously reviews opportunities to expand its product portfolio in order to offer consumers in Nigeria an increasing range of choices. Moreover, the company takes extra care to ensure that its products are of the highest quality.
To ensure a long-term success, the company strives to minimize our environmental footprint and contribute to the local quality of life. The company has a longstanding commitment to doing so. Given the growing number of sustainability challenges, the company focuses on issues that are of priority for its business and for its stakeholders. These are:
a) Water stewardship
b) Energy climate protection c) Packaging & recycling
d) Consumer health
e) People development f) Supplier engagement
g) Benefiting communities h) UN Global Compact
For each of these issues, the company has set goals and targets, measuring and monitoring its progress as rigorously as other parts of its business. The company follows leading external standards and methodologies and reports its progress transparently in her CSR reports.
(5) Innoson Technical and Industrial Company
Innoson Technical and Industrial Co. Ltd produce the best plastic products in the country. Products include chairs, jerry can, drums, motorcycle parts etc. Innoson Technical and Industrial Limited is a subsidiary of Innoson group of companies and were incorporated in
2002 with its Head Office/Factory situated at Plot W/L Industrial Layout, Emene, Enugu State, Nigeria. Full scale operations and production commenced in October 2002. It is an indigenous blue chip company engaged in the manufacturing of Plastic Chairs, Tables, Trays, Plates, Spoons, Cups, Jerry Cans of different sizes and many other allied products. Since inception, this company ranks the biggest plastic industry in Nigeria. It produces the highest quality range of the plastic products of international standard and has a production capacity of over 10,000 pieces of chairs and tables per day. Due to the rapid demand of these products, the company’s twelve production lines of injection moulds have since been increased with tremendous and near perfect production lines of international standard. It was also established to further consolidate our leading position in the Motorcycle industry by producing the motorcycle plastic requirement of Innoson Nigeria Limited which is a sister company. This effort was in direct response to the Federal Government policy direction towards encouraging private sector as the engine of growth for the economy. Over six hundred indigenous employees and few expatriate staff are working in the company. The company has an annual turnover of 3.6billion Naira. Our foreign partners are Cretec Industries Co., Ltd (China) whose wealth of experience is unquantifiable
Mission: To satisfy the industrial and household plastic requirements of our clients using the highest standard of automation and technology and with well-motivated and trained indigenous work force to ensure adequate returns for the stake holders
Vision: To be a dominant player in the plastic industry, producing products of first choice in
Nigeria (http://www.innosongroup.com/motorcycle_profile.php).
Corporate Awards: SON quality award; 2006 Industry of the year by the Nigeria Union of Journalist, Enugu State; Economic and Social Justice Award by Amnesty International; The Best Exhibiting Pavilion in Plastic, April 2007, by Enugu Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (ECCIMA); Special Merit Award, April 2008 by the Nigerian Society of Engineers Enugu Branch and; Merit Award for contribution to the Nation’s Economy, September 2008, by the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria
Corporate Membership: Enugu State Chambers of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ECCIMA); Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA); Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) and; National Anti-corruption Volunteer Corps (NAVC) as integral part of Independent Corrupt Practices and Related Offenses Commission (ICPC)
(6) Juhel Nigeria Limited
Juhel Nigeria Limited is a pharmaceutical firm located at the Emene area in Enugu, Enugu State of Nigeria. The firm is a wholly indigenous company and it was incorporated in 1987 with RC No. 104.648 as a wholesale Pharmaceutical Company. Responding to the challenge for local provision of cost-effective generic products to fill the vacuum created by the left by Multinational companies operating in Nigeria; the founder, Dr. Ifeanyi Okoye, mni, having a sharp vision of what is needed, ventured into manufacturing local products. The local factory
―was commissioned in 1989 as the first pharmaceutical tablet manufacturing company in old
Anambra state.‖
The company through sheer hard work, diligence dedication and commitment to excellence of staff and management, and support from their numerous customers spread across Nigeria and beyond, ―the company is ranked as one of the fastest growing pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in Nigeria. Our Brand and product range have since grown in strength and include virtually all therapeutic classes, such as, Antibiotics and Anti-infective, Cardiovascular, Anti-diabetics, Anti-malarial, Cough and Cold, Vitamins and Minerals, Anxiolytics, Antihistamines, Analgesics, Antacids and Anti-flatulent, and recently, bottled mineral water Ivy Table Water‖, declares the company.
Juhel Nigeria Ltd has a strong management team made up of ―accomplished professionals‖ with track record of achievements in both their academic and professional arena. Dr. Ifeanyi Okoye, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (having a Ph.D degree in Pharmaceutical technology; and a fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, FPSN) is the leader of the team.
The company maintains high quality standard in all its operations. With high production capacity, the policy thrust is to continue to provide cost-effective, affordable, local alternatives of life saving drugs to the teaming population. The company has its representative close to the customers who ensure that good/quality service delivery is guaranteed and brought to the doorsteps of the customers. The company currently supplies their products to ―the countries of the West African sub-region and is poised to reach out to more countries in Africa and beyond.‖ According to the company representative, ―production capacity for contract manufacturing for individuals, corporate bodies, government and non- governmental agencies is available, and we look forward to going into partnership in achieving our common goals.‖
(7) Edon Aluminium Roofing Guys
History was made in Abakaliki, following the official opening of a multi- dimensional long– span aluminium roofing sheet factory. The factory, which is the first of its kind in Ebonyi State, is located at Ukwu Achi, along Enugu/Abakaliki highway.
Edon aluminium factory, which has the capacity to produce 5.5 metric tonnes of aluminium roofing sheets in a year, has Chief Wilfred as its CEO. Aluminium Roofing Guys takes the lead when it comes to aluminium roofing services. This is so because the roofs are designed to provide you with quality, excellence, durability, comfort and safety. The fact that this is done by one family strengthens the resolve to maintain a tradition of perfection started long ago. A world class solution lies at hand when you reach to us for all your aluminium roof requirements.
Highly Trained Aluminium Roof Professionals Aluminium
At Aluminium Roofing Guys, all the characteristics of a good aluminium roof are held at heart. No single aspect of the design and installation escapes our focus. Aluminium is light, soft and malleable. This means it dents easily. Their experts will use this background information to your advantage. They will capitalize on the strong aspects of the metal so that
you get the most out their superior qualities. They will advise you on the importance of coating your aluminium roof with paint to deter rusting. Environmentalists are usually at arms over the use of aluminium due to environmental concerns, so only our experts are able to attend to your aluminium roof concerns.
Practical Solutions
Aluminium Roofing Guys does not dwell on theoretical approaches to aluminium roof; rather, we bridge the gap between what is on paper and the practical aspect of the roof. This is important so that we bring your dream aluminium roof to reality. A good aluminium roof should not deform, dent or rust shortly after installation. With their expertise, you will get just the right type of solutions in terms of design, installation to maintenance. Usability of the roof is important, so you will find good reason to invest your hard earned cash to get high quality roof.
Excellent Service
You can be sure to get excellent service at Aluminium Roofing Guys as we have no room for mistakes. They strive for perfection by ensuring that any defects at whatever stage is attended to so that you can have a quality finish worth the money, time and effort. At Aluminium Roofing Guys, you will not feel like you have been fleeced of your investment because the durability, beauty and the comfort that you will get is evidence that nothing short of perfect services comes out of us. Try our experts and enjoy the top of the range services.
Affordable cost
Aluminium, unlike other types of roofing, does not come cheap. The cost calculator will show you this. This should not dampen your spirit as you will find competitive prices of aluminium at Aluminium Roofing Guys. Our experts will review your residence and find out the most cost effective way to install the roof so that you can rest with a smile on your face. You will get discount offers on your aluminium roof purchase so that you pay less and get more in terms of the quality, exquisite design and pace of installation
Aluminium Roofing Guys banks on its dependable services to ensure that you are satisfied. Whether is at the design stage, installation or maintenance, you will find every reason to put all your hopes in us to get just the roof that you require for your residence. It will function as per the specification, getting light weight metal that is beautiful to look at, quick installation and rust-free advantage that is also guaranteed.
(8) Andy Young Aluminium Ltd
Andy Young Ltd is an entrepreneurial firm which started in 1990 by Chief Vitalis Ozonweke. The company commenced operations with about five (5) members of staff. The staff strength has grown to 248 and now has branches in Sokoto, Enugu, Kogi Uyo and Abuja. The enterprise deals in aluminium products and real estate management. It started with paid-up capital of N500,000. The Abakaliki office is located at No. 7 Afikpo Road, Abakaliki.
(9) Ogbuawa Motorcycle Limited
Ogbuawa Motorcycels Ltd. was established by Chief Pius Okechukwu Ogbuawa (aka Ogbuawa) who is native of Oraeri in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State.. He is the Chairman and Managing Director of P. O. Ogbuawa and Sons Nigeria Limited. Chief Ogbuawa started his journey in the auto business by joining the auto parts business at the Mgbuka section of Onitsha market after the Nigerian-Biafran war in 1970, where he started learning motor jark repairs. Subsequently, not satisfied with the trade, he left after only a few months. Later on he went to become an apprenctice mechanic at Gombe, in the present Gombe state. He equally had to leave this trade subsequently because his master insisted that he must work on Sundays which he was not ready to do.
(10) Ibeto Petrochemical Industries Ltd.
Ibeto petrochemical Industries Limited was established on October 2nd 1996 and licensed Petroleum Resources to undertake the blending of oil lubricants and the production of various types of petroleum products for local and international markets. The Blending plant is located at 60/61 Igwe Orizu Road, Nnewi, Anambra State.
Since January 1999, the Company has been delivering its blended lube products to the West, East and Central African markets. The company also procures and trades in a range of petroleum products like Base oil (Bright Stock, etc) and Automotive Gas Oil. In August
2012, this company began to export Nigerian Crude Oil.
To ensure that the highest premium is placed on the quality of its products, Ibeto Petrochemical Industries Ltd establishes in the plant a fully equipped state-of-the-art test laboratory. Ibeto Petrochemical Industries Ltd‘s products are certified by the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) as meeting the required standards, as evidenced by the award of the mandatory SONCAP certificate.
Philosophy of Ibeto Petrochemical Industrials Ltd
– ―Whatever is profitable must also be honest, and whatever is honest must also be profitable‖.
– ―To separate profit from honesty is to prevent the first principle of nature‖.
Value of Ibeto Petrochemical Industries Ltd
We listen to our customers and improve our products to meet their present and future needs‘‘
People; Their success depends upon high-performances people working together in safe and healthy work place where diversity, development and team work are valued and recognized. We take care of our people and our people take care of the business.‘‘
We expect excellent performances and are accountable for our actions and results. Our leaders set clear goals and expectations. Always supportive, they seek and provide frequent feedbacks‘‘
We support and assist the communities where we do business, hold ourselves to the highest standards of ethical conduct and environmental responsibility.
(11)A.C. Drugs Limited, Enugu, Enugu State
A.C. Drugs was established in 2001 with RC 401418 as a local pharmaceutical manufacturing company. In answer to calls for local provision of cost-effective generic products to fill the gap left multinational companies operating in the country. The founder, Pharmacist Anieton Chuzi Jgweobi with focused vision ventured into production and the factory was commissioned same year with rented complex for the production of oral liquid products. The company maintains high quality standards in all its operations with high production capacity.
The company is current located at its permanent site at Abakpa Nike, Enugu State with facilities to make a wide variety of high quality pharmaceutical products that meet international standard at affordable and competitive prices. The company is registered with
the Pharmaceutical Council of Nigeria (PCN), National Agency for Foods, Drugs Administration and Control AFDAC), etc. It is a 100% indigenous company. From a humble beginning of producing oral liquids in 2001, the company now manufactures a wide range of over twenty (20) products including capsules, tablets, and powers in the anti-biotic, anti- diarrhea, cough, vitamins, multivitamins and therapeutic class.
A.C Drugs has a strong management team with over 300 staff comprising accomplished professionals and offers career development plan and opportunities to ensure retention and motivation of her staff.
(12) Continental Breweries Plc
The company was established at Awoornama in the Imo State of Nigeria in 1980. The company is very well located on the Onitsha-Owerri Express Way. It is very close to big towns like Oguta, Orly, Owerri and Onitsha and this gives it the advantage of proximity to a lot of traders travelling from Owerri to Onitsha. Owerri is the state capital of Imo State; Onitsha is the biggest commercial centre in Southern Nigeria. The location advantage of the factory is an instrument to their product ―33‖ lager beer to be very popular, and the patronage of the customers has led to the factory being a very big factory. It has some other reach products.
(13) Pokobros Group (WA) Limited, Nnewi, Anambra State
Pokobros Group (W.A) Limited — the Mother Holding Company for other subsidiaries with
0interests in Commerce, Industry, Real Estate and Agriculture was incorporated in 1989 following the resolution of all subsidiaries owned by Chief (Dr.) Paul Amanchukwu Okonkwor, MFR, to come under an umbrella. The Group Corporate Head Office is located at Onitsha. Since the emergence, the Group has been representing the interest of all subsidiaries under her in business matters relating to Commerce, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Industry and Real Estate. The company is reputed for providing employment opportunities to over
2500 Nigerians. The Group is noted for her uncompromising quality products over the years and this gallantly earned the Group and 7 of her subsidiaries the international acclaimed NIS- ISO 9001:2000 QMS Award making her the first Group of Companies in the country to achieve such feat. Below is brief profile on some of the companies in Pokobros conglomerates:
Whiz Products (W.A.) Limited: First Licensed Independent oil blender in the country. Blenders and manufacturers of Whiz Automotive vehicle care products were incorporated in
1986. Whiz Products (WA.) Limited have on her staple variety of Automobile Quality products which include: Whiz Super Oil Treatment, Engine Oil, Grease, Diesel Oil, ATF, Brake Fluid, Octane Booster, RTV Gasket Markers and Shellacs, 2-T Engine Oil, Carburetor and Choke Clearner, Whiz Cooking Gel, etc. The factory side is located at Awak and Isuofia, Anambra State.
Whiz Oil Limited: Sole Marketers of Whiz Automative Products and sole agent of Whiz Automobile Inc. (Malco) Barbeton, Ohio USA. The company has also Petrochemical FillingStation at Abuja, Kaduna, Lagos, Onitsha, Awka, Port Harcourt, Asaba and Amaokpala. The company was incorporated in 1986.
Ozalla Plastics Enterprises Limited: Manufacturers of high quality plastic wares and accessories and operating with high volume and sophisticated European and Asian machineries to produce the best quality plastic products incorporated in 1985. The factory site is at Onitsha and Awka. Pokobros Foods & Chemical Industry Limited: Manufacturers of famous Vita Rice meal. A household name in the food market, Vitarice was celebrated quality dominion for more than twenty years. The company usually imports super grade
100% broken rice from Asia to manufacturer of rice flour meal and with her gigantic Simon Foods Milling Plant worth over $3.5 million from Europe the blend quality of her finished products is assured. The company was incorporated in 1981 and the factory is located at Onitsha.
Pesaco Chemical Industries Limited: Manufacturers of high quality Hyma Foam products; mattresses, cushions, pillows, pads and foam accessories which earned her NIS Award every year. The company has been producing the best quality foam products with her gigantic Max Block Foam Plant which is the biggest foam plant East of the Nigeria and under supervision of Foam Chemical Engineers to give out the best quality products. The company which was incorporated in 1980 is also involved in importation and marketing of chemicals.
Tourist Garden Hotels Limited: This is also a member of the Group charged with hospitality business. Tourist Garden Hotels Limited is a 5 & 3-star ultra modern hotel sited in Asaba, DeltaState, Awka, Anambra State. The Otuocha branch in Anambra State was rebuilt
after losing her first investment site worth hundreds of millions of naira to Aguleri-Otuocha communal war. The hotel was incorporated in 1991 and later become the first hotel in Nigeria, to be certified by ISO (Standards Organization of Nigeria) as Quality Compliant Hotel.
Chinyelugo Motors Nigeria Limited: This is the transport division of the conglomerate charged with delivery of heavy duty haulage services to the Group and her customers. The company was incorporated in 1982 and has factory sited at Onitsha.
(14) PZ Cussons Nigeria
PZ Cussons began operations in Nigeria in 1948 as PB. Nicholas and company Limited. The
Company became PZ Industries Nigeria Limited in 1976 following ownership changes and in
2006, adopted the name PZ Cussons after the merger of the parent company, Paterson Zochonis with Cussons, U.K. The heart of their personal care and Home care operations, they innovate and manufacture sonic of Nigeria‘s most well-loved leading family brands. We continue to grow through brand innovation and renovation and development of new distribution points. Our development of new distribution points our major manufacturing centres are based in Lagos and Aba and our extensive, fast, and reliable distribution network covers over 80% of the country.
Nigeria is PZ Cusson‘s largest and most diverse single market operating in Personal Care, home care, food and nutrition and electrical. PZ Cussons was founded in 1979 as a trading post in Sierra Leone by George Paterson and George Zochonis as Paterson Zochonis. The British-owned company expanded its operations into nearby Nigeria before the end of the
19th century.
Key Categories and Brands
i. Personal Care: Imperial Leather, Carex, Cussons Baby, Premier, Robb, Venus, Joy. ii. Home Care: Zip, Morning Fresh
iii. Electrical: Haier Thermo cool, TEC
iv. Food and Nutrition: Yo; Nunu, Coast, Bliss, Mamador, Devon King‘s, Olympic
PZ has maintained stable growth in its business over the last five years by expanding its product line, particularly into higher value offerings; and in response to the evolution in consumer demand.
(15) Crushed Rock Industries (Nigeria) Limited, Ishiagu, Ebonyi State
Crushed Rock Industries (Nigeria) Limited, a Nigerian-German outfit, Incorporated on 13th May 1976 to carry on business as quarry masters and stone merchants. As Pacesetters in the Industry, Crushed Rock Industries like any other company passed through several developmental stages and surmounted so many obstacles, after which C.R.I. explored, drilled, excavated and finally developed the stone technology in Nigeria. Crushed Rock Industries (Nigeria) is located at Ishiagu in Ivo L.G.A. of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Crush Rock Ishiagu Ebonyi State crush rock Ishiagu Ebonyi state .shers.comlcontact.php Get the price of machines: shers.corn/contact.php CCM-crusher.
Over the years, Crushed Rock Industries (Nigeria) Limited has developed into Nigeria‘s
major producer and supplier of crushed granite aggregates, the sizes of which range from (0 –
50)mm and above depending on our customer‘s requirements. They also produce unique polished Granitea Tiles with International reputation. Crushed Rock Industries has many Quarries around the nation. The company‘s products are in high demand for roads, bridges, runways and buildinga construction. The company has as its contact: Head Office: Km16 PH/Aba Expressway, Eleme Junction, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Mail Bag: P. M. B. 5498, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
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