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A total number of 30 well water samples were collected from 10 different locations in Makurdi metropolis. Analysis of well water for total counts for aerobic bacteria, microbial bacteria and fungi were carried out. The microbial bacteria were the critical test organism which was found in water that has feacal contamination. Total microbial counts were determined using the pour plate technique and 10 fold dilution and series. As a result total microbial count ranged from [3.3×107 to 6.6×107] cfu/ml. The bacteria isolated were Escherchia coil, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus and E.coil was isolated from one out of ten location while klebsiellla was isolated from all 10 location, Staphylococcus was isolated from barracks road. Fungi isolated are Candida albicans and Aspergillus which were isolated only in Wadata.



Background to the Study

The inadequate supply of clean drinkable waters and the frequent pollution of existing supplies create very grave health problems for people in developing countries like Nigeria. Water serves as a vehicle for the transmission of diseases like typhoid fever, cholera, rashes, diarrhea, dysentery, Gastro-enteritis etc which have contributed immensely to the stagnation of the economic development of some of these nations (Okoufu et al., 1990).


In Nigeria, several studies have been carried out in urban areas on ground water contamination (Awalla, 2002; Akpabio and Ebong, 2004; Egbulem, 2003; Ahmed, 2003; Adebayo and Bashire, 2002). The uniform findings from these studies is that groundwater is highly contaminated and clinically unsafe for human consumption. With increasing population densities of urban areas and the corresponding increase in demand for social amenities, it has become increasingly difficult to meet all the water requirements in quantity, regularity and quality. The public water supply is generally inadequate and in most cases inaccessible, the supply is intermittent and unreliable thus resulting into high degree of population densities and concentration of socio-economic activities, it has become increasingly difficult to meet all the water requirements.


The public water supply is generally inadequate and in most cases inaccessible, the supply is intermittent and unreliable, thus resulting into high dependency on unsafe supplementary sources such as streams, hand dug wells and ponds (Kakulu and Osibanjo, 1992; Olajire and Imeppeoria, 2001; Nnodu and Ilo, 2002; Owuama and Uzoije, 2005; Ocheri, 2006; Maxwell et al., 2010). Concern over the quality of water harnessed especially from the hand dug wells have received wide attention among researchers (Ovrawah and Hymore, 2001; Ehinola and Coker, 2002; Nnodu and Ilo, 2002; Ogunbadewa, 2002; Omofonmwam and Eseigbe, 2009). Consistent in their findings is that water from hand dug wells are polluted through physical processes, geochemistry of the environment and anthropogenic activities. Consequently consumers of such waters are exposed to series of health risks. This study investigated the bacteriological characteristics of well water in the study area.

Statement of the Problem

Water has been recognized as a potential carrier of diseases and in line with frequent outbreak of typhoid fever, cholera and other water borne diseases; it is pertinent that water be adequately checked and possibly treated particularly well water which is the focus of this work.


Aim and Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to investigate the Microbial Contamination Of Well Water Within Makurdi Meteropolis

The study made up of the following specific objectives;

  1. To investigate the bacteria commonly present in well water in Makurdi
  2. To find out the extent of microbial contamination in well water in different areas of Makurdi
  3. To identify the source of the microbial contamination of well water within Makurdi Metropolis.

Scope of the Study

The study is limited to Makurdi metropolis.Both physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters are considered. The physico-chemical parameters considered are; Turbidity, Potential Hydrogen (pH), Total Dissolved Solid, Iron, Colour, Conductivity, Odour, Chloride, Fluorides and Nitrate while the bacteriological parameters include: Coli- form and Escherichia Coli (E-Coli).

Significance of the Study

The study is significant because it will aid in policy formulation by relevant government agencies and institutions in the formulation of policies regarding water production and distribution in Makurdi metropolis. The study will be of immense importance to members of the public as it can go a long way in enlightening them on the dangers of drinking unsafe and unhygienic water without treatment. The study will act as a guide to scholars and researchers who may wish to carry out research in a similar area especially as regards water quality.

Study Area


Makurdi town lies directly along the River Benue flood plains and located between Latitude 70 27’ and 70 47’ North of the equator and Longitude 80 27’ and 80 40’ East of the Greenwich Meridian. Makurdi is an urban area which astride the banks of the Benue River. It is divided into northern and southern banks of the River (Ojanugwa and Ekwoanya, 2010). The town covers an area of 16km2 (Information Unit, Makurdi Local Government Council, 2002).

                    Geology and Soils

The Geology of the lower Benue flood plains and Makurdi town in particular is basically composed of sedimentary rocks, with sandstones as the dominant rock type (Kogbe, 1989). According to Nwajide (1984), the sedimentary rocks, also known as the Makurdi formation is made up of well consolidated sandstones which are textually  immature and compositionally sub-mature. The sandstones are crateceous sediments believed to have been derived from Jos and Cameroun areas deposited by a system o f meandering river flow in the coastal plain during regressive phase of the sea in the Turamian Era. According to Abaa (2004) and Nwajide (1984), the limestone that occurs in Wadata area consists of bioparite and highly neomorphosed. There is also the presence of alluvium, shale, siltstones and coastal sand plains (Uchua and Nduke, 2011). Soils in the area reflect the geology. Areola in Oguntoyinbo et al (1983) uses the FAO genetic classification system to describe the soils of Makurdi as deeply weathered, red ferasols with abundant Iron oxide without a lateritic Iron-pan. These form as meta-sediments over sedimentary formations, but on flood plains, there are recent alluvial deposits deposited by the flood water of the Benue River. According to Nyagba in Denga (1995), soil profiles for Makurdi depict tropical ferruginous soils and characteristically of coarse loamy sand materials. There are two major soil types: Hydromorphic soils developed on alluvium sediments, found along the River Benue flood plains; and Red ferasols developed on sedimentary rock away from the River flood plains.

                    Relief and Drainage

Makurdi town lies within the Benue Valley where the flood plains elevation generally averages 250m above sea level but rises to 450m above sea level towards the hinters lands in the high plains (Tyubee, 2009). Makurdi does not have a good drainage

mainly due to its low-lying nature and geology. The geology is such that creates water- logging in several areas. It is drained by streams on either side of the banks, which form tributaries of the Benue River. These streams are mostly perennial and include Kpege, Idye, Orudu, Adaka, Demekpe, Asase amongst others.

                    Climate and Vegetation

The climate of the study area is tropical Wet and Dry, according to the Koppen’s AW classification, with double maximal (Ayoade, 1983). The mean annual rainfall in Makurdi according to Nigerian Meterological Agency as cited by National Bureau of Statistics (2010), ranges between 871.3mm to 1401.5mm. The climatic condition is influenced by two air masses: the moist south westerly air mass; and the dry northeasterly  air mass. The south westerly air mass is a rain-bearing wind that brings about rainfall from the months of April to October. The dry northeasterly air mass blows over the region from November to April, thereby bringing about seasonal drought. Temperature in Makurdi is however, generally high throughout the year, with February and March as the hottest months with mean annual temperature of 32.5C. (National Bureau of Statistics, 2010)

                   Population and People

 The people that settle in the Makurdi metropolis comprises of Tiv as the major ethnic group. Others are the Hausas, Idomas, Jukums, Igedes, Ibos and some other minority tribes. Makurdi has a population of 226,198 with a density of 323 persons per square kilometres by the 1991 population census estimation, and 300,377 with a density of over 400 persons per square kilometres as of the 2006 National Population Census data figures (Shabu and Tyonum, 2013).

                    Socio-Economic Activities

 Makurdi town has different socio-economic components for sustaining the livelihoods of residents. These include infrastructure such as roads, railway line, airport, electricity and water supply systems. There are also tertiary educational institutions such as Benue State University, Federal University of Agriculture and National Open Universitystudy centre. Other social institutions located in the town are Churches, Health and cultural groups, organizations and associations. The town has many Commercial Banks and other financial institutions. There are markets, where residents participate in commercial activities of buying and selling notably the international market and modern market. There are other commercial shops and business centres spread all over  the town that engage in the sale of different products. Brewery, blocks industries and other factories that produce different goods like milled rice, filling stations, pure water and bakeries also exist in the town. There is also the existence of telecommunication networks, recreational centres and sports facilities like Apollo’s Aper Aku stadium. Residential buildings are located in all parts of the town with many other properties owners.

Agricultural produce sustain the population of the town. Residents engage in fishing and other arable farming activities, cultivating vegetables and maize at the bank of River Benue which is supplied in all parts of the town. The activities of water vendors in Makurdi metropolis cannot be left out as they are common within makurdi; ranging from mai-ruwas to water tankers and pure water factories. They contribute not in small measure in alleviating scarcity of water in the metropolis. The mai-ruwa gets their water from the State Water Board, hand-dug wells, boreholes, surface water and stationary tanks in jeri-cans moving from place to place and house to house in a hand push trucks mostly done in the  dry season. Pure water factories get their waters from state water board, boreholes and other sources, treat and package it in sachet/bottles for onward distribution in motor vans to shops owners, business centres and members of the public. Water tanks are either mobile or stationary: the mobile water tanks buy their water from water board and some fetch directly from the river for onward supply to households, hospitals and other pure water factories while the stationary tanks store water for sale to Mai-ruwas and other households.


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