Good management of people and Team helps organization and employee to reach their numerous goals. In the course of doing this, human resources management face many challenges arising from the demands of the employee, the organization and the society in general.
The purpose of human resource management is to improve the productive
contribution of people in the organization in a way that are strategically ethnically and socially responsible.
In line with the above, this research work investigated low productivity of workers as a basis for investigating the methodology adopted in manage people and Team in MB-ANAMMCO Ltd Emene Enugu.
Chapter one looked at the background to the study, the statement of problem, objective of the study hypotheses, scope and limitations, assumption as well as the definition of terms.
The related literatures were reviewed, this assisted the research to investigate how to manage People and Team in MB-ANAMMCO for effective result.
Chapter three deals with research design and methodology which the discussion here include population for the study, sample size as well as primary and secondary sources of data.
Chapter four discussed the presentation and analysis of data mathematically and statistically tools were used in these data, special and technical words were clearly explained.
Chapter five discussed the finding, conclusion and recommendations based on the analysed data.
Also recommendation for further study or research was made. This is to carry out research in the area of employee-centred and job determine which one is better in achieving strategic growth in an organization
The most valuable asset any organization has today is not its facilities. It’s not the inventory in the warehouse or on production line. It’s not healthy bottom line the company achieved last year. It’s people it’s especially true in the communications and public relations arena where quality and quantity are in such short supply. It’s an asset that is difficult to find, difficult to retain and difficult to manage. But if you manage the assets properly it can produce exceptional results for your company and for you.
According Mc Murry, 1953: 16-11 “Only when business management has a realistic understanding of human attitude and reaction can it formulate appropriate polices and the procedure of their implementation which reduces natural human resistance and evoke potential positive response.
Management is the process of working with and through people to get organizational job done. It referees to the series of systematic sequential overlapping and interdependent steps by which the goals of an organization are attained. People here refers to the human intellect and physical energies employed in purposeful enterprise.
Some simple guidelines are followed to manage people more effectively, more easily and with better like;
The degree of success of an organization and the difference between similar organization is often due to the way the people involved in the business are managed. From them the business gets the ideas, attitude, innovativeness, entrepreneurialism and flexibility that is necessary for an organization to move forward and properly counter risk. Yet the major focus on many properties is one close management of the technical and financial aspects of the business, while little thoughts is given to making the best use of the people available to the business.
The resilience of an organization can be remarkable when the people and employees within the organization are united.
One of the most difficult thing many organization have to get their minds around is the need to invest in people. People’s management is not just about having the people with the right skills, training and opportunity. If not properly managed people in the business can use these attitude to actually inhibit or sabotage the achievement of the business goals.
A team is a group of people working together towards achieving a common goal. Managing people and team in an organization simply put as the management of human resources in an organization for optimal
utilization and attainment of objectives Banjoko (1996). This human management takes place within the framework of an organization in a purposeful constrict, deliberately designed to achieve certain goals.
According to Akpala (1990:4) an organization is a combination of people or individuals working together in pursuit of certain purpose called organizational objectives.
Management however is intangible and as a result, it is difficult to point to any one individual or physical object in an organization as management.
Individuals work in order to help accomplish the objectives of an organization, these individuals also wish to accomplish their own goals through the organization. To achieve these goals, there is the need to combine the three main resources of men, materials and money are coordinated for specific purposes in the process known as management. With different resources and different ways of combining and utilizing them, management can be said to be an all embracing process subsuming a number of sub processes. Thus one can think of sub process of managing materials and the sub process of managing men (people) which is typically management of people and Team.
Some authors use the term managing people and team and personnel management interchangeably while some view people’s management or human resource management as being some what different from the traditional personnel management on the grounds that personnel management appears to be more clerically oriented and narrower in scope than human management.
Personnel management is defined by fillipo as the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration and maintenance of people for the purpose of contributing to organizational goals. Human resource management according to Fisher et al (1990: p6) involves all management decisions and practices that directly affects or influence the people who work for the organization. According to Ikeagwu(1999) the two terms are synonymous but personnel management is older and more an established name while the other is more up to date title for the field.
Some distinct features of human resources management include that while personnel management is work force oriented, which deals with every problem exclusively and emphasizes on employees welfare; managing people and Team is management oriented, emphasizes research and analysis, looks at the whole thing globally, goes into detail to get the root cause of the
problem, aims at obtaining and retaining people for maximum performance by ensuring that the right person is selected for the job by using the right method of recruitment and selection.
There is a growing awareness by managers and personnel specialists that the organization is on organic entity and that all its parts are so interdependent that a change cannot be introduced in one without affecting the total.
In tracing the historical antecedents of human resource mode, Ikeagwu (1999:p75) stated that the theory x of Douglas McGregor preceded the human resources models. Theory x which implies an autocratic approach to management was widely accepted; and with few exceptions, universally practiced before the human relations movement. The human relations movement slowly began to undermine the assumptions of theory x and by
1940s and 1950s, many practitioners thinking about the management of people are human relations theory and research. This thinking is summarized in McGregor’s Theory Y.
Theory Y implies humanistic and supportive approach to managing people while theory X approach preceded the human relations theory and practice of management, theory Y marks the point of departure for the human resources management model. Ikeagwu (1999:p76) stressed that the
basic assumption of the human resource approach are similar to those of theory Y but that it goes beyond theory Y by stating what the actual implementation for the practice of management and the expectation of managers and workers will be. These policies are:
1. The managers basic task is to make use of untapped human resources
2. He must create an environment in which all members may contribute to the limit of their ability
3. He must encourage full participation on important matters and continually broadening subordinates self direction and control.
It is expected that these policies will yield some results such as:
a. Expanding subordinates influence, self direction and self control which will lead to direct improvement in operating efficiency
b. Work Satisfaction may improve as a by-product of Subordinates
Making use of their resources.
In Summary, the manager in human resources models goes beyond human relations approach by having real understanding of the complexities of human motivation, proper, understanding of learning theories and behaviour modification, psychological process and personality theory, proper understanding of dynamics of individual different, group dynamics and other Social considerations. The
manager of people and Team also undertakes an in depth analytical study of these factors and backs them up by research findings.
Economic Situation of a country or financial condition of an organization affects the activities of the people and Team manager to a great extent. To this effect, organization tends to expand the activities of people and \team when the Economy booms or flourishes and contract or shrinks during adverse periods.
It is important to note that the cardinal essence of human resource management or people and Team management is to increase the productivity of the organizations human assets. This ideal is usually frustrated by economic Crisis like depression or recession as seen in Nigerian economic environment has reduced the opportunities for gainful and productive employment for an increasingly large proportion of Nigerian population.
Notwithstanding the economic crisis, the human resource or people and Team Management and personal functions stil have be carried out for the existence and possible growth of the organizations. Though the effects of the crisis bite hard enough on managerial decision of the people – dimension of the management,
there is the need to make best productivity possible out of the little available. Hence. Managing people and Team in organization under such economic environment and the need to feel people’s activities or practice to the organizations and nation’s economy in which they are embedded in order to achieve the strategic objectives of enhancing performance and productivity form the background of this study.
It has been stated that activities and roles remain the lifetime of every organization. Because of the interaction between people who performs the various roles in an organization, there are bound to be influences by the actions of one another. The result of these interactions is usually expressed from the behaviour of organization participants.
Frequently Organizations in Nigeria are faced with severe crisis that tends to stop the attainment of set goals. However, with a dedicated workforce, these much desired goals are achieved. This supports the saying that, the success of any business organization depends largely on the performance of its people (i.e. the management and the Subordinates). For this success to be attained and Sustained over a period of time, the managers should aim at managing the Subordinates and other resources is such a way
that the people would contribute their best to the achievement of the organizational objectives.
For quite some time, the Nigerian economy has been under serious pressure as a result of prolonged economic depression. In the face of the glommy picture however, our organizations still need to stay afloat.
The problem of people and team element in Nigerian organizations has been that their take home pay is eaten up by inflation.
They have several needs that are grossly difficult to achieve. The low demand of outputs of organizations is affecting their willingness to empower their workers by way of training and development. The possibility of displacement by efficient machine (computer; robots etc) is affecting the psychology of the workers.
The resultant effects of all these led to the following;
i. Inadequate motivation and compensation of workers
ii. Non provision of suitable welfare packages to the workers iii. Inadequate training and development of workers
iv. Poor financial status of the organization v. Poor supervision of workers.
MB – ANAMMCO Ltd is a company that manufactures commercial vehicles and leads in commercial vehicle market in Nigeria. It is a joint venture between the federal government of Nigeria and Daimler – Benz A.G./Mercedes Benz A.G of Germany was incorporated in January 1977. The objective of establishing this company being to;
a. carry out manufacturing and marketing business of Mercedes – Benz Trucks, buses and vehicles aimed at meeting Nigeria’s increasing demand for commercial vehicles.
b. Assist in manpower development through technological training c. Eradicate problem of transportation in Nigeria
d. Help to reduce the problem of unemployment in the country.
Regrettably however, most of the objectives listed cannot be achieved. Specifically, it was reported that improper management of workers at MB – ANAMMCO Ltd was responsible for the non achievement of the objectives stated above; hence the objectives of this study therefore are
1. To Examine the effects of inadequate motivation and compensation of workers so as to highlight their relationships on productivity of the workers.
2. To Examine the effect of inadequate training and development of workers so as to determine their relationships on productivity of the workers
3. To assess the effects of non provision of suitable welfare packages on the productivity of workers
4. To evaluate the impact of poor financial status of the organization so as to determine their effect on workers productivity
5. To verify the impact of poor management and supervision of workers on their productivity.
1. There is evidence that inadequate motivation and compensation of people and team working in organization affects their productivity.
2. There is evidence to prove that non – provision of suitable welfare packages to the people and team working in an organization contributes to low productivity of the workers.
3. There is evidence to show that inadequate training and development of people and team or workers contribute to low productivity of workers.
4. There is evidence to prove that poor financial statues of the organization affects the productivity of the workers
5. There is evidence to prove that poor supervision of workers aids low productivity of the workers.
This study is meant to investigate causes or factors which affects high productivity of the worker. Some other aspects of people and Team management like recruitment, selection, transfer, promotion, demotion, compensation, training and development.
The study will not consider problems on financial management because of lack of time and financial resources. The greatest constraint the researcher of this project faced is Time and bottle – neck and apparent problem associated with getting information.
1. The study reveals how People and Team management relates to the corporate purpose and objectives of an organization
2. The findings in this study will enable management appreciate better the need for effective manpower planning, training and development programmes in the organization
3. Also it shows how an organization can develop and maintain a good work force that will ensure or enhance organization’s
effectiveness and increase productivity through Manpower planning and development
4. The findings here will highlight the need for managers and trainers to design the content of their training and development programmes to reflect the needs of the employees and the organization
5. It will enable me to contribute my views and ideas on managing people and Team in an organization
6. The study will be of immense help to other people and student who may wish to carry out other researches in other business organizations
The following assumptions were made:
1. The line managers and the people and Team Manager of MB- ANAMMCO Ltd are well trained and experienced in their jobs.
2. The MB-ANAMMCO ltd has adequate equipment that can ensure and sustain high productivity
3. The work environment is MB-ANAMMCO ltd is very conducive for manufacturing of vehicles.
4. The workers are matured and physically fit for the job.
Some words, terms or concepts used here were explained for clarity.
1. Document study: Ikeagwu (1998, P.209), A document study refers to the study of any written materials that contain information about the happening that are studied.
2. Validity of instrument: This is concerned with the worth of the instrument in providing measures that are appropriate indicators of the criteria of interest.
3. Reliability of instrument: This is defined as the degree of consistency present on a measuring instrument.
4. Compensation: Is seen as what employees receive in exchange for their contribution to the organization
5. Organizational citizenship: defined as discretionary behaviour that is not part of an employees’s formal job requirements, but nevertheless promotes the effective functioning of the organization.
6. Training: This is defined as an induction course given to employees to enable them perform their present jobs effectively.
7. Man power: refers to human being ie people and Team’s effort in an organization to achieve optional utilization and attainment of organizational objectives.
8. Man Power development: Is the process of acquiring and increasing the numbers of persons who have educational skills and experiences, and motivation which are critical for economic and social development of an organization or country.
This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research
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