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The study investigated the influence of in-service training on the job performance of lecturers in colleges of education in North-west Zone, Nigeria. Four research questions were answered and four null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance in order to determine the influence of conferences, workshops, seminar, and intensive training on the job performance of lecturers in college of education in north-west zone, Nigeria. The study used survey research design. The population for the study was ninety lecturers (90) from the departments of business education at the colleges of education in north-west zone, Nigeria. The whole population was used as the sample size and therefore, no sampling was made for the study. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire. The data collected was analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions. The null hypotheses were tested using regression analysis at 0.05 levels of significance. The study findings revealed that lecturers’ conferences, workshops, seminar and intensive training significantly influenced job performance of lecturers. Based on the study findings, it was concluded that in-service training improves lecturers` job performance in colleges of education in north-west zone Nigeria. The study recommended that in-service training should be encouraged for staff in colleges of education to improve their job perfrmance.



1.1    Background of the Study

In Nigeria, the training of teachers has been the primary responsibility of colleges of education, National teachers institute and universities. These academic institutions prepare teachers at the certificate and degree levels. Upon the completion of the training programmes, successful graduates seek employment in departments and ministries of education. Other employers of labour often consider these graduates of educational discipline for employment in teaching jobs. It is sometimes common to see some educational institutions engaging the services of some graduates who are not professionally trained (Ewue 2002 and Okoro, 2001). According to the National Policy on Education (Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN), 1981) all teachers in educational institutions shall be professionally trained, stressing that teacher education programmes are structured to equip teachers for effective performance of their duties. There are some disciplines in education that involve the use of machines and equipment, teachers of these disciplines must acquire the necessary skills and knowledge in the operations of these machines and equipment through in-service training, workshops and conferences. The pre-service training of those disciplines especially business education lecturers at various levels does not adequately provided for adaptation in real field of work (Okoro, 2001). This is due to so many factors such as inadequate and outdated teaching facilities and ill-equipped manpower in the course of training which presuppose that in-service training is needed. Ayeduso (2000), Aliyu (2001), Chukwumezie (2001) noted that, teacher training institutions lack modern facilities for effective teaching of some courses, consequently many of today’s teachers have not been trained with modern machines and equipment. The pre-service training of teacher’s education does not adequately prepare them for ICT-based jobs due to the lack of infrastructural facilities. Chigbuson (2009), observed that most institutions established to train teachers lack necessary equipment and facilities e.g. electric typewriters, computers and fax,. Sokyes (2009) stated that there is also the absence of relevant functional instructional media at the post-secondary school level; the issue is so serious especially at business education departments being the focus of this study relating to typing pools, manual and electric/electronic typewriters where students can undergo teaching and learning process in typewriting as approved by accrediting authorities. Educational training or re-training contribute to a more purposeful, better planned, and well implemented curriculum without which the whole educational system will collapse. No adequate education can take place without competent staff that will handle the  educational  system  being  offered         in  a          particular      generation and  this  competent  staff

can  only  be  produced  when  those  in  the  system are  updating their  knowledge  through training  such as in-service  training,  conferences  and workshops.

Colleges of education lecturers are to utilize these trainings in order to update and improve their experience. Thus, it could be said that the trainings of lecturers of colleges of education is a component of lecturer’s effectiveness at all levels and forms of education.

In-service training, conferences and workshops involve the upgrading of staff to acquire relevant knowledge and skills necessary to perform better on his/her job or career. It is also the training acquired after the student had commenced teaching as an employee. The main objective of these type of trainings is a continuous provision of information that would keep lecturers abreast of new developments in teaching and learning. According to NPE (Federal Republic of Nigeria 2004), such training were developed as an integral part of continuing teacher education which take care of all inadequacies of teachers and increase their effectiveness. Lecturer’s  job   performance  is  an index of lecturers’  effectiveness,  which express the  characteristics of  teaching  and its  effect  on educational outcome  whether  a  person performs a job well.     Abdullahi  (2011) corroborate   that  job  performance  indicates the effectiveness      or      ineffectiveness   of  teachers           as            regard  to  discharging their  responsibilities

in the teaching  and learning situation.

Teachers are key facilitators of knowledge and play a vital role in nation building. In order to make teachers comfortable and satisfied with their jobs, factors such as teaching resources, working conditions, salary, professional recognition, promotion, working environment, leadership, supervision and interpersonal influence needs to be put in place to faster job satisfaction amongst teachers. It is on the basis of these variables that the background of this study was built.

1.2    Statement of the Problem

Training is at the heart of employee utilization, productivity, commitment, motivation, and research attitude. Many employees have failed in organizations because their need for training was not identified and provided for as an indispensable part of management function. Training is an organization effort aimed at helping an employee to acquire basic skills required for the efficient execution of the functions for which he was employed to do. The National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE), included as a standard requirement for promotion of academic staff in colleges of education include attainment of master’s degree and publications. Lack of job performance of lecturers in Colleges of Education has been observed as a major setback of teaching and learning in Nigerian colleges of education. Poor motivation in terms of regular payment of salaries, allowances for conferences are observed to militate against the performance of lecturers in colleges of education. Lack of follow up program and the types of in-services education program need for lecturers of colleges of education as well as enough funds for training programmes affects lecturers’ motivation negatively. The researcher also observed that not all lecturers in colleges of education undergo such trainings like attendance of conferences and seminars. This raises the concern for the need for training of lecturers in colleges of education as a result of increase in new technology. It was observed that if lecturers at various tertiary institutions can pursue in-service training through attending conferences, workshops, and seminars, it can help to enhance their performance.

Based on the aforementioned, this study focuses on examine the influence of in-service training on the job performance of lecturers in colleges of education in North-West Zone, Nigeria.

1.3  Objectives of the study

The general objective of this study is to determine the influence of in-service training on the job performance of lecturers in Colleges of Education North-West Zone, Nigeria. The specific objectives are to:

  1. determines the influence of conferences training on the lecturers’ job performance in colleges of Education in North-West Zone, Nigeria;
  • determine the influence of workshops training on the lecturers ‘job performance in Colleges of Education in North-West Zone, Nigeria;
  1. ascertain the extent to which seminar training influences the lecturers’ job performance in Colleges of Education in North-West Zone, Nigeria;
  2. assess the extent to which intensive training influences the lecturers’ job performance in Colleges of Education in North-West Zone, Nigeria

1.4 Research Questions

For the purpose of this study, the following research questions were raised.

  1. What is the influence of conferences training on the lecturer’s job performance in Colleges of Education in North-West Zone, Nigeria?
  2. To what extent does the workshops’ training influence the lecturers’ job performance in Colleges of Education in North-West Zone, Nigeria?
  3. What is the influence of seminar training on the lecturers’ job performance in Colleges of Education in North-West Zone, Nigeria?
  4. To what extent does the intensive training influence the lecturers’ job performance in colleges of education in north-west zone, Nigeria?

1.5    Research Hypotheses

In line with the specific objectives and research questions, the following null hypotheses were tested;

  • conferences training have no significant influence on the lecturers ‘job performance in colleges of education in North-West Zone, Nigeria.
  • workshop training  has  no significant influence on the lecturers’ job performance  in colleges of education in North-West Zone, Nigeria.
  • seminar training has no significant influence on the lecturers’ job performance in colleges of education in North-West Zone, Nigeria
  • Intensive training  has  no  significant  influence  on  lecturers’  job  performance

colleges of education in North-West Zone, Nigeria.

1.6    Significance of the Study

The findings of this study after publication in journals and the other media will be of significance to National Commission for Colleges of Education, Management of Colleges of Education, academic staff of Colleges of Education, government, policy makers and planners, students and researchers as follows: The National Commission for Colleges of Education will benefit from the study by knowing the number of lecturers that attended in-service training in colleges of education and will help in providing adequate fund to the colleges of education for training of lecturers for their effective performance. More importantly, the NCCE is going to benefit from the study as the in-service training will help in ensuring effective curriculum implementation in colleges of education.

The management of colleges of education will benefit from the study by producing more qualitative students after providing effective training to the lecturers. It will also benefit the management as training raised highly qualitative lecturers who are up to standard in teaching in colleges of education. In the same vein, it will enable the colleges  of education to assess the impact of in-service training on the performance of the academic staff in their institutions.

The study will also benefit the academic staff of colleges of education by increasing their research skills, adopting different teaching methods in classrooms, application of ICT skills, as well as improving their technical know-how for effective classroom management. In the same vein, the in-service training will help the academic staff to make good use of their potentialities while discharging their duties. The study will also add inputs to government efforts in ensuring sound, effective and efficient lecturers that will improve the falling standard of education in the society as well as contribute to high academic performance of students in Nigerian colleges of education. Moreover, in-service training make it possible for the Furthermore,  the   study  will  assist   policy  makers   and   educational  planners   to  fashion  out  new  teaching  and   learning  environment  and          an  educational  system  that  will enable the country to go hand-in-hand with the current challenge of globalization with its emphasis on professionalism and increase productivity. The study will be beneficial to students by making them realised the benefit of in-service training. Also, the study will benefit the students as the in-service training will provides lecturers with new techniques, skills, and knowledge thereby reflecting on the students’ performance.

Finally, the study will be beneficial to researchers as it will contribute to the existing literature in order to add to the body of knowledge in this field, and it will provide inputs into their studies and hence increase their knowledge.

1.7 Basic Assumptions for the Study

The researcher has the following assumptions:-

  1. Conference training helps all lecturers to improve in their job performance on method of teaching and classroom management in Colleges of Education in North-West Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria.
  2. Workshop training helps all lecturers to be dedicated to their duties in Colleges of Education in North-West Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria.
  3. Seminar training helps in improving lecturers’ performance in Colleges of Education in North-West Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria.
  4. Intensive training helps in the improvement of the lecturers` job performance and enable them to work effectively in colleges of education in North-West Geo- Political Zone, Nigeria.

1.8    Delimitation for the Study

The study is delimited to the influence of in-service training on the job performance of lecturers in colleges of education in north-west geo-political zone, Nigeria. The in-service training covers all the workshops, conferences, seminars, symposium, ICT training, paper presentation and other forms of training that can help the lecturers to improve on their performance. The study is also delimited to only nine colleges of education in North-West Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria, that are offering Business Education Programme. Within these colleges, the study is equally delimited to all academic staff that have attended in-service training from 2014/2015 to 2016/2017 academic sessions.


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