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This study assessed the impact of strategic leadership style on organizational  performance  in selected organizations in Enugu State metropolis. The need for the study arose as a result of the continued  search  for a  best  leadership  style  that  could  be  successful  in  most  situations  of management especially now in Nigeria when there is rampant incidence of impeachment in our public offices. Although many leadership styles are available yet the problem lingers. In the light of the above, this study specifically investigated the impact of strategic leadership style on these performance  variables:  Productivity,  Profitability,  Efficiency and Competitiveness,  Innovation and Learning status, and Customer/Staff Relationship on the Organizational Performance. This work  which   main   objective  is  to  determine  the  impact  of  strategic  leadership  style  on organizational performance in Nigeria has its specific objectives as: to determine the impact of authoritative leadership style on productivity; determine the impact of coercive leadership style on  profitability;  assess  the  impact  of  democratic  leadership  style  on  the  efficiency  and competitiveness  of  an  organization;  ascertain  the  impact  of  coaching  leadership  style  on innovation  and  learning  status  of  an  organization  and  to  assess  the  impact  of  affiliative leadership style on customer /staff relationship was done having obtained a sample size of 380 personnel from a total selected population of 7460 of the 3 selected organizations in Enugu State of Nigeria. Survey design was used and data were collected through the use of questionnaire and analysis of these data and interpretation  of  results using Simple Linear Regression  Analysis yielded  the  following  findings  which  aligns  with  the  objectives  of  the  study:  Authoritative leadership style as well as coercive   leadership style impact positively on the productivity   and profitability  of organizations  of study respectively. In the same vein, Democratic, Coaching and Affiliative leadership styles impact positively on efficiency and competitiveness, innovation and learning status and customer/staff relationship in organizations of study and in our conclusion, we stressed the importance of managers’/leaders’ knowledge of flexing leadership styles, to be able to achieve their strategic goals in their various organizations. Based on our findings, this study recommends  that modern  managers/leaders  should be very knowledgeable  of  strategic leadership  styles  and  be able  to  put  them  to  use  in  order  to  be  able  to  achieve  goals  of organizations  in varying situations especially when the goals attainment  is measured  against specific success variables. We also recommend that leaders should examine situations properly to be able to adopt suitable styles and achieve set strategic goals.

1.1     Background to the Study


Leadership style can be strategic when it is adopted to address a given problem at a point in time. As in International Business Machine Company (IBM), United State of America in 1993, when the CEO Louis Gerstner effected a complete turnaround on the company’s dwindling state of economy  using  what  he  called  ‘driving  strategy  into  action  at  IBM’  ‘Changelogic’;  In SB. Moeller (2005:96), a study of ‘Acquiring Firm Returns in the Recent Merger Wave’; Again in KM. Lehn and M. Zhao (2006:105), ‘CEO Turnover  After  Acquisitions: Bad Bidders Fired’? And in Kim, Chan and Renee Mauborgne  (2003:114) ‘Creating New Market Space’. Strategic leadership  styles were used in all  these  cases to record particular  success.  So we can safely speculate that a leadership  style  can become strategic at any given point in time of adoption provided it is geared toward achieving a set target. Leadership is often credited for the success or failure of organizational operations. Leadership styles and practices that work well in one culture may  not  necessarily  be  effective  in another.  For  instance,  the  leadership  approach  used  by Nigerian managers would not necessarily be the same as that adopted in other parts of the world.

Effective  leadership  tends to be very situation – specific and culture – oriented but  adequate motivation,  suitable  work  environment,  compensation  and  efficient  communication  between managers and subordinates play a good role in achieving excellent organizational performance. It is some researchers’ opinion that most problems affecting organizational performance in Nigeria businesses are workers` poor attitude to work, inefficiency as well as ineffectiveness of leaders, (Udofia 2009, Abe 2010).   Others are of  the view that organizations  in Nigeria are managed through leadership styles strange to typical Nigerian culture (Minogue, 1997).  In an attempt to address this issue, some works of management scholars attempting to establish the relationship between  leadership  styles  and organizational  performance  were examined.  In Fielder  (1967),

contingency model where leadership behaviour is matched to three factors in the situation,   the nature of the relationship  between the leader and the members, the extent to which  tasks are highly structured and the position power of the leader. The appropriate leader behaviour that is, whether  task – oriented or relationship  – oriented depends  on the  combination  of these three aspects in any situation. This study is based on the relationship between style and performance in existing  organizations  in  different  contexts.  Goleman  (2000),  reports  the  results  of  some researches  carried  out by Hay/McBer  who  sampled  almost  20  % of a data  base of 20,000 executives. The results were analyzed to identify six different leadership styles namely Coercive, Authoritative,  Affiliative,  Democratic,  Pacesetting,  and Coaching Leadership  Styles. Goleman reports that leaders with the best results do not rely on only one leadership style.    There are divergent views to these studies. These notwithstanding, empirical evidence on how each of the leadership  styles  already mentioned  impacts on organizational  performance  was lacking. One cannot measure the success or failure of each of these styles on the various performance variables which  include  Productivity,   Profitability,  Efficiency  and  Competitiveness,   Innovation   and Learning Status, Customer/Staff Relationship.  Leadership qualities can be largely developed but sometimes they are inate. As a result of this, the contention still exists as to whether great leaders are born or made.

The two leadership functions, task – related and group – maintenance, tend to be expressed in two different  leadership  styles. Managers  who have a task – oriented  style  closely supervise employees  to be sure that the task is performed  satisfactorily.  Getting  the job done is more important to them than employee’s growth or personal satisfaction. Managers with an employee

– oriented style try to motivate rather than control subordinates. They seek friendly, trusting and respectful relationship  with employees,  who are often allowed  to participate in  decisions that affect them (Ile, 1999). Leadership  style in a managerial context is the  general way a leader behaves towards subordinates in the pursuit of organizational objectives. They include the degree

to which managers delegate authority, modes of power manager employs, and his or her relative concern for human relationship or task orientation (Edem, 2002).  Inyang, (2006) see leadership, styles  as  unique  ways  or  manners  to  carrying  out  leadership  functions  of  motivating  and integrating   employees   with   the   organization   to   achieve   organization’s   objectives.   The effectiveness of the leadership styles adopted by managers at work is central in the management of organization.

Etuk (1995),  observes that failure or success of organization  is due to the leadership  styles adopted in managing the organization,  which affect the subordinates,  customers and  agencies within and outside the organization. Khan, (1989) opines that, corporate success depends directly upon the style of the Chief executive.  It is really the style of the chief  executive that builds corporate culture, which in turn, create the necessary work culture conducive for management. Though, sustained organizational achievement can never be a one-man affair. The leader is the only one who plays the crucial role of creating culture,  which channels collective energy for corporate growth and success. Effective leaders are  capable of flexing their styles to meet the demands of the situation. Normally some leaders may have to shift into more of a directive mode when faced with a crises, but they make clear what they are doing and why. Poor leaders change their style arbitrarily so that their team members are confused and do not know what to do next. Good leaders may flex their styles when dealing with individual team members according to their characteristics.  Some people  need more positive directions than others. Others respond best if they are involved in decision making with their supervisors. But there is a limit to the degree of flexibility that should be used. It is unwise to differentiate too much between the ways in which individuals are treated or to be inconsistent in one’s approach (Armstrong, 2012).

Agboli and Chikwendu, (2006) are of the opinion that there may be no leadership style that could be effective in every situation, so there has to be modifications so that different work situations take different leadership styles so that employees and leaders alike may perform optimally.

1.2  Statement of the Problem

Research shows that different leaders have styles, and each of these styles has a way it impacts reformations and creating organizational culture which affects organizational performance and commitment  (Goleman,  2000).  In  today’s  leadership  purpose  in  Nigeria,  in  the  areas  of responsibility  and  accountability,  leaders  in  most  business  organizations  have  failed.  The leadership process demanding a leader to account for his or her failures or successes in a tenure of office with regard to leadership styles adopted is not in place. ‘Anything goes’ because nobody is responsible for actions taken nor is interested in the outcome. All interest is on the ‘share the national cake’ ‘slogan. Impact of strategic  leadership style which would have been in use by leaders in determining degree of failure or success in achieving such goals as high productivity, profitability,   efficiency   and   competitiveness,   innovation   and   learning   status,   degree   of customer/staff  relationship  is not known . Leaders have no established  method of measuring these variables which will account for good leadership styles. It therefore becomes necessary for this study to address this gap through the efforts in assessing the impact of strategic leadership style on  the performance  of selected  organizations  in Enugu  State metropolis  which  include

Nigeria Bottling Company Plc. 9th Mile Corner Enugu, Emenite Nigeria Ltd. Enugu and Enugu

State University Teaching Hospital GRA Parklane Enugu.

It has been noted  also that the most common problems affecting organizational  performance and  other  institutions   include  poor  attitude  to  work  among  the   workforce,  inefficiency, ineffectiveness and inconsistency in the part of the leaders in most places. It is a thing of regret that many of our organizations  fold up few  years after  assuming  operation  while some that manage to survive do not often show any reasonable degree of growth over the years.  African Vanguard  (2009),  citing  Manufacturers  Association  of  Nigeria  (MAN)  indicates  that  820 manufacturing  companies closed  down  within nine years of off-take. According to them and World Bank (2000), there is low standard of living in Nigeria, high level of poverty and illiteracy

are also responsible for low level of productivity in Nigeria manufacturing sector, even though there is development in economy.

1.3   Objectives of the Study

This study generally seeks to assess the impact of strategic leadership styles on organizational performance in selected organizations in Enugu State metropolis.

The study will however pursue the following specific objectives, to:

(i)  Examine  the  impact  of  authoritative  leadership  style  on  the  productivity  of organizations     of study.

(ii) Determine   the  impact   of  coercive   leadership   style  on  the  profitability   of organizations of study.

(iii)Ascertain  the  impact  of  democratic   leadership  style  on  the  efficiency   and competitiveness of organizations of study.

(iv)Assess the impact of coaching leadership style on the innovation and     learning status of organizations of study.

(v) Ascertain the impact of affiliative leadership style on customer/staff relationship in organizations of study.

1.4      Research Questions

The following research questions are designed to guide the study:

(i)  What  are  the  impacts  of  authoritative  leadership  style  on the  productivity  of organizations of study?

(ii) What  are  the  impacts  of  coercive  leadership   style  on  the  profitability  of organizations of study?

(iii)What   is  the  impact  of  democratic   leadership   style  on  the  efficiency   and competitiveness of organizations of study?

(iv)What are the effects of coaching leadership style on the innovation and learning status of organizations of study?

(v) What are the effects of affiliative leadership style on customer/staff relationship in organizations of study?

1.5      Research Hypotheses

Drawing  from the statement of the problem, research objectives  and research  questions,  we formulated the following hypotheses for testing as the fulcrum upon which our data collection, analysis and conclusion are based.

Ha:  1.   Authoritative leadership style has impact on the productivity of an organization. Ha:  2.   Coercive leadership style has impact on the profitability of an organization.

Ha:  3.   Democratic leadership style has impact on the efficiency and competitiveness of an organization.

Ha: 4.   Coaching leadership style has impact on the innovation and learning status of an organization.

Ha: 5.  Affiliative leadership style has impact on customer/staff relationship in an  organization.

1.6      Significance of the Study

This  research  on the  impact  of  strategic  leadership  styles  on organizational  performance  in selected organizations in Enugu State metropolis exposed various strategic leadership styles and their applications to managers/leaders to tackle different issues arising from different situations in their organizations.

Based on this fact, managers, leaders and supervisors of various leadership levels shall benefit from the work. The study, serves as a working manual to aid the managers/leaders in making the best choice of the strategic leadership styles available to them and in the  application of such styles towards better performance of their organizations. The work is also of an immense value to

the management scholars who may wish to advance on this research work for fact finding. Non management scholars are not left out. They will all benefit greatly both in knowledge acquisition and in using the work as a guide for further research work in related areas. We benefit by way of being exposed to facts surrounding the subject matter of the study and will have this work as a guide in our future researches in related subjects. Both the practicing and intending managers of organizations may not afford to miss the findings of this work as a result of its enormous value to them in their day-to-day administration of tasks in their organizations. It is a working manual for success in organizations’ performance. The policy makers in organizations shall find the work an invaluable material in making decisions pertaining to economic structuring of their organizations and decisions concerning performance of various organizations in Nigeria.

1.7      Scope of the Study

The  study  is  focused  on  the  assessment  of  impact  of  the  strategic  leadership  styles  on organizational   performance   in   selected   organizations   in  Enugu   State   metropolis.   Three organizations which were selected for the study are Nigeria Bottling Company Plc. (NBC Nig. Ltd.), Emenite Nigeria Limited and Enugu State University Teaching Hospital.

1.8      Limitations of the Study

The main constraints of this study include the fact that most journals were not easily accessible. This actually reduced the number of journals available  to us. However we  were still able to access  quite  a  good  number  of  journals  for  our  work.  Respondents  were  reluctant  to  fill questionnaire.   Some will even expect us to pay some money to this effect. It took us a huge amount of time to convince  these respondents  to fill  questionnaire without paying money to them. Some will claim that he/she has no time to spare for such activity. However, after some repeated trials, we succeeded to a reasonable extent.

Some limitations  were associated  to our study sample including  the nature of  questionnaire. These occasioned limits to information flow because more would have been obtained, but for the limits   in   sample   size   (Population   representation)   and   our   limiting   questions   (Closed Questionnaire). In spite of these, we were still able to conclude the work successfully.

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