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1-5 chapters |


Members of the mobile workforce and deposit money banks that employ them face a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is desirable for mobile workers to remain as productive as possible when they are on the road. wnfortunately,  life is not perfect and neither are people, so how do deposit money banks gauge  whether a mobile employee is an asset or liability? On the other hand, not all venues that accommodate these workers are entirely conducive to productivity.The main objective of the study is to investigate the effect of mobile workforce management strategies on performance of deposit money banks in South East, Nigeria. The specific objectives sought were to: determine the effects of mobile technology on  productivity of deposit money banks in South-  East,  Nigeria,    establish  the  extent  of  the  effect  of  biometric  time  and attendance system on  deposit  money  banks market  share  in South- East, Nigeria, assess  the  effects  of  mobile  applications  on  stakeholders’level  of  satisfaction  of deposit money  banks in South- East, Nigeria, ascertain the effect of contemporary environmental factors on the growth of deposit money banks in South- East, Nigeria and  determine  the  relationship  between  the  challenges  of  mobile   workforce management strategies and the profitability of deposit money banks. The researcher adopted the survey design for the study. The population of the study is Six thousand four hundred and ten (6,410) comprised of both the  senior and junior staff of the selected eleven deposit money banks in South East Nigeria. Primary and secondary sources of data were used in the course of the study. Works of other authors related to the  study  were  reviewed.  The  sample   size  is  five  hundred  and  eleven  (511) determined, using the finite population formula of Godden. The researcher adopted both parametric and non  parametric  techniques for data analysis. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient yielded 0.87, indicating the reliability of the instrument. The data collected was analyzed using Spearman Pearson correlation coefficient, simple and multiple  regression  model.  The  findings  indicated  that:  Mobile  technology  had positive effect on productivity  of deposit money banks in South- East Nigeria (r  =

0.932 p > 0.05). Biometric time and attendance system to a great extent  enhanced deposit  money  banks’ market  share in South East Nigeria  (r =  0.960,  p > 0.05) Mobile  workforce  management  strategies  positively  affected  deposit  money  banks stakeholders’ level of satisfaction (r =0.950, p > 0. 05). Contemporary environmental factors   such   as   government   regulation,    economic   conditions,   technological advancement and workforce demographics to a great extent had a positive effect on the  growth  of deposit  money  banks.  (r  =0.  962,  p > 0.05).There  was  a positive significant   relationship   between   challenges   of   mobile   workforce   management strategies (hackers’ infiltration, network failure and human error and the profitability of deposit money banks (r = 0.981, p > 0.05). The study concluded among others that mobile   workforce   management   strategies   offer   deposit   money   banks   critical improvements   in   growth   and   stakeholders’   level   of   satisfaction.   The   study recommended among others that management of deposit money banks should ensure that right tools and resources are made available to mobile workers, giving them the same connectivity as office based workers.

1.0           CHAPTER ONE

1.1      Background of the Study

As the organization extended in many-sided quality, the test of saddling and fitting the workforce  get  to be  distinctly  necessary.  The  development  of  data  superhighway breaks the obstruction of site and scene as far as workforce operation. Kalam (2015) characterizes mobile workforce as a gathering of  representatives who are scattered crosswise over different physical areas and are associated with PCs, cell phones and different gadgets using the worldwide web.

Kalam (2015) states that a portion of the crucial parts of the varied work  compel administration to incorporate document dealing with an advanced transmission over the  web,  and  also  a  voice  over  web  convention  address  or  other  voice  sound networking. One of the critical advances in the PDA business, the blend of voice and information  transmission  encourages  the  possibility  of  a  versatile  drive.  In  the venture, organizations have a variety of instruments for what is known as the mobile workforce management. These apparatuses are in different classifications as indicated by what they do, for example, finance, creation taking care of, collective work, and video conferencing. There are likewise the different gatherings as per what they are and how they function. For example, an entire arrangement of cloud administrations is gone for supporting a portable workforce through programming as an administration, and foundation as administration web-conveyed seller items.

Kalam  (2015)  is the  view  that different  dashboards  and programming  items  help administrators  and managers  to track time and affirm installments,  assign  work to representatives  as well as control a mobile workforce that is not  concentrated in a block  and  real  office.  The  fame  of  cloud  administrations  and  different  pointers demonstrate that the mobile workforce is expected to end up distinctly the standard in the  future.  As  both  programming  and  equipment  developed,  the  data  innovation industry is turning out to be fit for helping organizations to outsource various types of undertakings, not right down the road, but rather around the globe.

Kalam  (2015)  opines  that  mobile  workforce  management  is  a  classification  of programming  and related  administrations  used  to oversee  representatives  working outside  the  organization  premises.  The  term  is regularly  utilized  by  field  teams. Mobile workforce management  is turning into a widely inclusive  term moving the workplace  to  the  field.  Flexible  workforce  administration  systems  concentrate  on

portable specialists and how they select and utilize mobile equipment, programming, and  administrations  by  industry,  organization  measure,   furthermore,  obligation. Mobile  workforce  management  systems  give  a   worldwide   picture   of  mobile organisation  in undertaking  selection including  local level and significant nation – level conjectures for portable endeavor  applications,  venture  cell  phones,  venture versatile brought together correspondence, portable security, undertaking portability administration. Mobile workforce administration methodologies give best – in – class investigation  of  all  procedures  identified  with  portable  working  and  a  focused examination of  suppliers tending to the compact endeavor space, all supported by standard end client overviews and appraisals (no reference, think of one as).

Brachmann (2014) keeps up that in an all-encompassing  and current perspective  of mobile   workforce   administration    incorporates   a   combination   of    Workforce administration,  Project-based  work  administration,  Maintenance  and  examination administration, Field based request start and Centralized work arranging and dispatch. Brachmann   (2014)   contends   that   mobile   technology   has   turned   out   to   be inconceivably well known in worldwide markets as of late.

Moment access to market data brings down expenses for cash exchange, and snappier fiasco  reactions  are  a couple  of  the  significant  ways  that  entrance  to  the  web  â€“ associated  versatile  innovations  can  effect  on  ranges  with  the  poor  framework (Branchamnn,   2014).  The  world  has  likewise  turned  out   to   be  progressively dependent  on working together on the internet, over the  Internet and World Wide Web. Web business in its particular regard has extended in different imaginative types of cash and light of digital information issued by private market performing artists, has  in somehow  substituted  for  state-endorsed  monetary  certificates  and  financial records  as a routine  method  for installments.  Stuart  (2014)  reports  that numerous organizations are in peril of passing up a significant opportunity for the advantages offered  by  mobile  laborers  through  the  enlistment  of  improper  workers,  reduced administration, and inability to give satisfactory correspondences assets.

Stuart  (2014),  states  that  mishandle  resources,  specifically,  can  have  significant results  on the  mobile  laborer,  with  both  under  and  over-correspondence  harming representative  profitability,  execution,  performance,  and prosperity. As the portable working wonder keeps on developing, associations must guarantee that they have an

appropriate administration set up to oversee groups of talented workers. Organizations should likewise guarantee that the right devices and assets are  made accessible  to versatile laborers giving them the same network from office-based specialists.

Stuart (2014), says that the sorts of individuals who prevail inside an organization are regularly self-propelled, versatile, outgoing and autonomous. Workforce mobility has expanded  naturally  in  recent  years.  Stuart  (2014)  said  this  is   accordingly  of mechanical  development  which  influences  representative   individually   or  in  a roundabout way. He said by-result of an evolving economy, expanding portable and remote  workforces  are  powered  by  the  expansion  of  electric  systems,  (remote constancy)  innovation  and versatile  union prove  by gadgets  including  BlackBerry Smartphone’s, the Apple iPhone, and iPad. Specialists requests for a superior work- life adjust to add to the rising number of home laborers looking for adaptable work course of action.  Associations  need to deal with a quick move to workplaces  that bolster a  worldwide portable and remote workforce, making the best utilization of their aptitudes and keeping up their relationship with the association, its way of life, and objectives. With incessant business explorers taking to the skies, rails and streets in expanding  numbers,  field  laborers,  remote  workers,  remote  branch  office, and multi-site specialists require versatile venture applications to bolster existing business forms,  increment  profitability,  lessen  cost  and  empower  them  quickly  react  to business needs that help them stay aggressive at whatever time, anyplace.

Additionally,   the   ascent   of   the   services-driven   economy   has   acknowledged individuals in one physical area more pivotal than any other time in recent memory and a separating segment to business success. Clover and McCaulay (2006) contend that mobile innovation underpins both supervisor and  the Association by preparing foreign  and  mobile  laborers  with  the  right  devices  expected  to  follow  corporate business hone approach directions and work process necessities. Keefe (2013) says It permits them to finish this amid  times that may somehow or another speak to lost efficiency transforming  downtimes into uptime. Thus, they catch what might have beforehand been considered cost time to finish managerial assignments that free up individuals  to  concentrate  on  center  exercises  and  drive  income,  efficiency  and organization  execution  edge. While  the pattern,  towards  a more  workforce,  offers noteworthy business openings, it additionally displays challenges as director’s battle

to monitor their employees. Mobile specialists have the same commitment from on location representatives to agree on existing corporate arrangements, endorsements, and business processes. Whether it is a day trip for the firm proficient or an expanded engagement Act, a client’s site business travel has for some time been perceived as a primary  empowering  influence  to propelling  client  connections,  including  making new activities and keep up a current relationship.

Keefe (2013) opines that there are two sections to a mobile workforce administration framework. Management framework could be cloud-construct or privately introduced on a server and mobile application. Work is booked and appointed to representatives from the administration  framework,  and subtle  elements of occupations one to the worker  using  an  application  programming  in their Smartphone. The worker then finishes the employment utilizing, the application programming to record rivalry of each  progression  in  a  work  process  or  catch  any  information  required  for  the occupations, for example, photographs, standardized identification, radio recurrence distinguishing proof cams or gadgets marks. Notices and trade reports are sent back to the administration framework as the representative works through the undertaking in the field.

Mobile workforce arrangements encourage the quicker more precise exchange of data between laborers in the fields and staff in the workplace. This empowers the more fast creation of expert report and issuing of solicitations, expanding  income  and giving organizations a focused edge over organizations depending  on  the printed material. Overseeing versatile specialists adequately requests abnormal amounts of trust, regard for individual independence and close consideration regarding correspondence styles and setting. Workforce administration arrangements are progressively being utilized to  settle  on  savvy  choices  to  manage  change  which  upgrades  efficiency.  With developments  in  innovation,  workforce  management  mechanism  can  support  and increase the business knowledge of the organizations. Haider (2013) opines that in the realm of business coherence, mobile is by all accounts on everybody’s mind. All the more unequivocally, clients and merchants alike are soliciting how the multiplication from power cell phones can affect and enhance business coherence  administration frameworks.  Luckily,  given  the  truth  of  the  advancing  work  environment  with

representatives   more  scattered  and  dependent  on  the  cell  phones  for  business correspondence than at any other time arrangements are bridling these devices.

Haider (2013) emphasizes that some new technology permit whoever needs ability on the system to start full occurrence report, utilizing an organization’s dawn informing structures  and  work  processes,  straightforwardly  from  a  Smartphone  or  tablets. Presently the full capacities of an organization’s episode administration arrangements are accessible to utilize and execute on any devices. Empowering first interchanges and peacemaking in a hurry guarantees opportune  and fitting reactions ought to an organization need to achieve its representatives or clients in case of an emergency or system   disappointments.    Mobile    applications    encourage    the   most   efficient determination of any issue that may happen will do as such by attempting, into large companies correspondences stages and coordinating flawlessly with data innovation administration items and business coherence frameworks.

Haider  (2013) states that the interest  for access to business  data and  applications through mobile advances, for example, the Apple iPhone and iPad, gadgets, running Google  Android  and  Windows  7  or  utilizing  Blackberry  is  surging  as  customer inclinations  and  conduct  overflow  into  the  business   workforce.   The  massive development  of  reception  of  these  advances  far  and  wide  has  many  business supervisors thinking about how to position their organizations to profit by the pattern successfully. The drive for versatility is a piece of the firm innovation motivation for most organizations today. Be that as it may, in business as opposed to the individual setting, more sorts and many-sided quality of data are required, running from access to  reports  and  introductions  to  status  on  activities  and  forms,  and  for  particular application needs to perform different business insight capacities.

Against this fast moving mobile foundation, unmistakably merely having ready access to email  is significantly  lacking  for expanding  profitability  and  delivering better- educated workers. The coordination of cell phones, for example, mobile workstations, tablet PCs, and cell phones, alongside their different applications and programming, make it simpler than at any other time for specialists to team up and organizations to speak with staff, clients, and merchants.

Haider (2013) states that mobile innovation permits individuals to utilize organization information and assets without being fixing to a single area. Regardless of whether the staff is venturing out to gatherings, out on deals calls, working from a customer site or home anyplace on the globe, cell phones can help them stay in contact, be profitable, and make utilization of organization assets.

Haider (2013) additionally says that handy mobile innovation gadgets can  likewise change the way associations complete their organizations – new advancements prompt to better approaches for working, and new items and  administrations that can be offered to clients. Versatile innovation can make the  portable group more efficient, inventive, and relevant to customers. Consistently organizations are adopting more to the ways mobile innovation can be utilized to  build their efficiency and prompt to more extended benefit. Haider (2013) plots a  portion of the critical zones in which mobile innovation can be valuable:


Mobile innovation permits organizations to have an extraordinary level of availability between workers, merchants, and clients. Specialists can download  applications on their cell phones that empower them to interface with others through web-based social networking such LinkedIn portable application,  Facebook, and Twitter; or the firm can utilize local or online applications to empower coordinate correspondence  with these gatherings of people in an  assortment of ways. Ongoing communication with the workplace can be vital in conveying business advantages, for example, efficient utilization of staff time, enhanced client benefit, and a more prominent scope of items and administrations gave.

Haider (2013) gave cases as:

i.     Making introductions  to clients, and having the capacity to download  item data to their system amid the visit.

ii.     Quotations and intuitive request handling.

iii.     Checking stock levels using the workplace organize

iv.      interacting  with  partners  while  voyaging,  sending  and  getting  messages, teaming up on reactions to tenders, conveying trip reports quickly.


Haider  (2013)  states that as a result  of the intelligent  way of mobile  innovation, sharing data through this medium permits organizations to get quick criticism of items and  administrations  from  clients.  This  speed  and  availability  have  prompted  to speedier innovative work for organizations, a critical piece of remaining in front of the opposition. It has likewise prompted to item redesigns moving at the more rapid rate.   Additionally,   clients   and   customers   feel   as   though   they   have   a  more straightforward part in an organization’s advancement.


Haider(2013) states that portable innovation has brought another measurement  into promoting and advertising for organizations around the world. Potential clients now observe  business  commercials  on  phones  through  a  wide  assortment  of  portable advertising advances including short message administrations, versatile sites, mobile applications, quick reaction codes, intelligent voice response informing. These notices can be altered to achieve a more precise, directed crowd. Showcasing is made more efficient by this customization, and because most potential clients dependably have a cell phone convenient, their presentation to commercials is expanded (Haider 2013). Haider Survey report (2013) demonstrates that:

i.     97% of mobile endorsers read short message benefits within 15 minutes  of getting it; 84% react inside 60 minutes.

ii.     Average crusade reaction rates are commonly 12 – 15% (rather than post office based mail which midpoints 2 – 3%); a few organizations are seeing response rates as high as 60%.

iii.     Mobile is not only for youngsters and twenty now and then; prime buyers in the  35  –  44  and  45  –  54  age  sections  are  likewise  solidly  grasping  the utilization of Mobile

iv.      While 65%of email is spam,

v.      A current review by Compete.com (2015) demonstrates that just about 40% of buyers are to a significant degree Intrigued by getting portable coupons for a wide assortment of administrations/buys.

In this way, one of the essential achievement components for any mobile workforce management technique is the capacity to address time robbery. Biometric-based time and participation framework wipe out the most critical  wellspring of time burglary known  as  mate  punching,   the  act  of  one   specialist  checking  in  or  out  for another.Biometrics is the exploration of measuring physical and behavioral attributes that remarkably recognize people. Specific gadgets caught These components finger, iris,  facial  or  vascular  pictures,  hand  geometry,  voice  or  mark  progression  and changed  over  using   complex  calculations  into  accurate  portrayals  or  formats. Biometrics offers associations a more broad scope of immediate and circuitous time, cost  and  operational  advantages  than  option  time  and  participation  techniques. Biometrics likewise enhances worker assurance and fulfillment by expanding trust in the  finance  work  through  the  predictable  utilization  of  private  and  fair-minded timekeeping.  Be that as it may,  a few variables  impact  and  impede  successfully, Mobile workforce administration on the execution of cash store banks. In this review, the scientist plans to explore these variables.

1.2      Statement of Iroblem

Individuals  from  the  mobile  workforce  and  the  establishment  that  utilizes  them confront  a twofold  edged  sword.  From  one  viewpoint,  it is attractive  for  mobile laborers  to stay as profitable  as conceivable  when  they are out on the  toll road. Tragically, life is not impeccable, nor are individuals, so how do associations gauge whether a free representative is an advantage or risk? In the  workplace, agents are checked efficiently by the hours put in a day and contrasted it with their result. In the field,   nonetheless,   company   advantages   are   the    mobile   workforce-experts, conveyance staff, advertiser, and deals constraint being out of the workplace implies far away and out of psyche or driving their  supervisors insane. Then again, not all settings  that  oblige  these  laborers  are   entirely  helpful  for  efficiency.  Besides, programmers directing “sniff out” unsecured portable workstations, Smartphone and other  handheld  gadgets  being  used  at  workplaces,  libraries,  eateries,  banks  and different areas, making exceptional safeguards necessary if information security is to be kept up out in the open spots. Similarly, as the portable workforce is developing greater consistently, programmers are getting to be distinctly more quick-witted and more efficient in their mission to invade the operations of the company

Dealing with a mobile workforce can be troublesome. An absence of permeability of worker areas outside the workplace, printing and circulating employment packs and lost or fragmented printed material can prompt delays in issuing  solicitations  and reports.How can these difficulties be handled? Is mobile   workforce administration procedures working the way  it  ought  to work  in  the  keeping  money  area?  Is  it changing  the  business  operation,  driving  advancement  and  making  openings  or complex  management  and  depleting  authoritative  assets?  In  what  capacity  can associations augment the esteem they get from the general population enabled with portability?  At the point  when representatives are given to work remotely or more adaptable through the versatile course of action, it is reasonable that supervisors are once in a while doubtful of their productivity. These issues above roused this study.

1.3      Objectives of the Study

The  main  objective  of the study  is to investigate  the effect  of mobile  workforce management  strategies on the performance  of deposit money banks  in  South East, Nigeria while the specific objectives are to:

i.      determine the extent technological affect the growth productivity of   deposit money banks.

ii.     establish the extent of the effect of biometric and attendance time on market share of deposit money banks.

iii.    assess the effect of mobile workforce management strategies on stakeholders’

level of satisfaction of deposits money banks.

iv.    Identify the factors that influence mobile workforce on the growth of deposit money banks.

v.      ascertain factors that hinder effective mobile workforce management strategies on the profitability of deposit money banks.

1.4        Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated:

i.      To what extent does technological  growth affect the productivity of  deposit money banks?

ii.      To what extent does biometric  attendance  time affect the market  share  of deposit money banks?

iii.    To   what   extent   does   mobile   workforce   management   strategies   affect stakeholders’ level of satisfaction of deposit money banks?

iv.    What are the factors that influence mobile workforce on the growth of  deposit money banks?

v.      What  are  the  factors  that  hinder  effective  mobile  workforce  management strategies on profitability deposit money banks?

1.5      Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were formulated:

i.       Technological growth significantly affects the level of productivity in selected deposit money banks.

ii.     Biometric  and attendance  time to a great extent affect the market share  of deposit money banks.

iii.    Mobile  workforce  management  strategies  significantly  affect  stakeholders satisfaction.

iv.    Government regulations, economic conditions, technological advancement and workforce   demographics   to  a  great  extent   positively   influence   mobile workforce on the growth of deposit money banks.

v.      Network  failure,  hackers,  and  mental  workload  hinder  effective   mobile workforce management strategies on profitability deposit money banks.

1.6      Significance of the Study

This  study  will  be of immense  benefits  to researchers,  stakeholders,  management practitioners, and students. The study is relevant in the services sectors, especially in the banking sector which did not have any holistic work encompassing constructs of mobile workforce management strategies. The study will enlighten and broaden the awareness of the management of money deposit banks on different mobile workforce management strategies which will definitely increase banks performance.   The study will add to the existing knowledge  in  the field of mobile  workforce  management strategies.

1.7      Scope of the Study

The study  focused on the effect of mobile workforce management strategies on the performance of deposit money banks in the South East, Nigeria. Contextually, on the area of scope, the study covers the key variables like, technological growth, biometric

and attendance time, mobile workforce management strategies, factors that influence mobile  workforce  management  strategies  and  factors  that hinder  effective mobile workforce  management  strategies.  In  terms  of  geographical  scope,  the  study  is confined to 11 money deposit banks operating in the South East, Nigeria. These 11 money deposit banks include the following: First Bank  of Nigeria, Union Bank of Nigeria, United Bank for Africa, Ecobank Nigeria, Diamond Bank Plc, Zenith Bank, Fidelity Bank of Nigeria, Guaranty Trust Bank, Access Bank Nigeria, Heritage bank Nigeria, and Unity Bank Nigeria. The choice of these selected money deposit banks was based on their size, coverage, market share, management capability and public confidence. The study covers all relevant concepts of mobile workforce management strategies.  The study used  the  following  motivational  theories that support mobile workforce management:  Mc Clelland’s Need for Achievement Theory, Expectancy Theory, Job Characteristics Theory, Theory X and Y, Theory of Task-Technology Fit and Technology Acceptance Model. The time scope covers from 2010-2016.

1.8      Limitations of the Study

The study had limitations such as the attitude of the respondents, mobility, cost and others relating to the design. The limitations are exposed below; attempts  made to reduce the impact on the final result are also highlighted here.

The attitude of the Respondents: The staff of the selected 11 money deposit banks in the South East, Nigeria and other sources of data were not all willing to divulge strategic information.

Methodological Constraints: It should also be noted that the survey research design had the limitation that some respondents are resistant to give answers to be probed. Persuasions were resorted to, and the covering letter also helped. The oral interview has the limitation that the interview situation may change; this was minimized by the researcher doing most of the field work. The research instrument has the limitation that it is structured and may compel some respondents to give answers they do not fully endorse or agree with. To  minimize the alleged , the interview schedule was designed although it contained some questions, some respondents found it difficult to analyze.

The paucity of materials: The concept of mobile workforce management strategies is  relatively  new.  Much  research  has  not  been  carried  out  on  mobile  workforce management strategies, and this made it difficult in the sourcing of relevant materials for the study. However,  the above limitations did  not substantially affect the final result of the study. The inbuilt mechanisms of the balanced oral interview and a high degree of involvement  of the researcher  helped in achieving the result despite the limitations.  Any  errors  of  omission  or  commission  (if  any)  that  may  affect  the accuracy of this thesis work are entirely those of the researcher.

1.9      Operational Definition of Terms

Cloud computing: This is the type of internet-based computing that provides shared computer processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand.

Construct: Construct is defined as an abstract concept that is purposefully created to represent a collection of concrete forms of behavior. Within the behavioral sciences, they describe  inter alia, attitude,  management  style and  problem-solving  as being important. This is also the view adopted the term in this thesis.

Human  Capital:   Human  capital  represents  the skills,  talents,  and knowledge  of employees and that none of these intangible assets have a value that can be measured separately or independently. However, human capital has the ability to mobilize and sustain  the  process  of change  required  to execute  the  organization’s  strategy  and thereby adding considerable value.

Knowledge Worker: Knowledge worker is defined as individuals who through their unique  knowledge  and  skills  generate new  knowledge  that creates a  competitive advantage  for  employers.  The  efforts  of  knowledge  workers  are   classified  as intangible assets and represent knowledge-based activities such as market intelligence product pipeline, networks, branch values and customer relationships.

Management Strategies: Management strategies are courses of actions organizations use  to  achieve  primary  objectives.  It  refers  to  all  the  activities  that  lead  to  the identification of the goals and plans of the organization and is concerned with relating opportunities in the larger environment.

Mobile   Workforce   Management   Strategy:   Mobile   Workforce   Management Strategy is a category of software and related services used to  manage employees working outside the company premises; the term is often  used in reference to field teams.

Workforce Management Technology: This encompasses all the activities needed to maintain  a  productive  workforce.  It  addresses  a  critical  business  requirement  by aligning Human Resources activities to organizational business goals. The objective is to provide  strategic insight into the strength of the  workforce  to determine  where change is needed and to positively impact the bottom line.

Workforce  Management:  Workforce  management  encompasses  all  the  activities required  to  maintain  a  productive  workforce  recently,  the  concept  of  workforce management has begun to evaluate workforce optimization. Specifically, workforce management includes:

i.     Payroll and benefits.

ii.     Self-service  time  and  attendance  talent  acquisition,  management  learning, performance management, forecasting, and scheduling.

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