The main purpose of this work is to examine the attitude of secondary school principals towards school inspection in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State. To be able to achieve the above purpose, the following test was carried out. The population of the study was collected from eight male principals and twenty two female principals. Collections were also made from three groups of school heads. The instrument used for the study was the questionnaire which was validated by the supervisor. The principals were also interviewed while further relevant data was collected from the ministry of education. The data gathered were mainly analyzed by sample percentage techniques. The study further revealed the poor attitude of secondary schools heads towards school inspection in the strength of these findings it was recommended that further research can be carried out examine if the present performance of students is influenced by the role of performance of school inspection. Â
Chapter one
Background of the study
Statement of problem
Purpose of the study
Research question
Significance of study
Scope of the study
Basic assumption
Definition of terms
Chapter two
Literature review
Chapter three
Population of study
Sampling procedure
Data collection
Validity of instrument
Administration of instrument
Method of data analysis
Chapter four
Presentation and data analysis
Chapter five
In most developing countries of the world education is seen as an important instrument of change that could foster the socio-economic and political development. The need has led to the expansion of education to provide the much needed manpower. In other words, education plays a very important role in the development of nay nation and therefore occupies a position of high priority in the mind of its citizens. As recognized by Harrison (1974) the speed and facility with which any society progress toward solution to its political, social and economic problems are directed and positively related to the quality and quantity of education available to its people in other words the survival of any nation depends upon the effectiveness of its education enterprises.
Primarily education is the first stage of education and is acceptable key to success or failure of the whole educational system.
The secondary school is recognized as a spring board to secondary and higher education particularly in Nigeria. Secondary school level can be regarded as an instrument in socio-economic development process. Ti this end substantial sum of money are embarked in Nigeria government annual budget for the [provision of education services in recognition of the importance of the secondary school education to the federal government of Nigeria accorded it a place in the new national policy on education formulated in 1977 and reviewed in 1981.
The schools are becoming large and consequently more bureaucratic. A large number of teachers are either unqualified thereby placing a greater burden on the school heads who are trying to coordinate the school activity. The school system in Nigeria is a major industry catering for the mass education of its citizens to meet the demand and challenges of a changing world consequently the school system has become very complex requiring that report and budget for the various activity and program geared toward the maximum utilization of the scare resources goals these responsibility according to Aderoimu and Ehimentalor (1941) is primary those of administration and supervision in Nigeria for instance the Universal Primary Education school in 1955 opened that gateway to educational expansion although it was first practice in the scheme in the western region other regional government soon borrowed the idea. The introduction of the scheme in western region increased significantly the number of schools which are required to be inspected. Subsequently, military government in Nigeria sustained the idea it wax therefore not surprising when in 1976 then military government of Nigeria Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo declared free Universal Primary Education through out the country, coupled with this is the recent one also launched by retainers Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo free Universal Basic Education in the year 2000 throughout the country.
Free education should be provided for all citizens of age from primary to junior secondary schools level to foster rapid economic development, the aim of the scheme was to effect national development. The high increased in the number of teachers required for the programme to cope with the increase in the number of teacher to enhance teaching learning activities in the classroom. In Nigeria, the geographical division are on local government basis and each local government area office is headed by a Chief Inspector of Education. There are other subordinate workers working with the Chief Inspector among who are the Inspector of school.
Inspection was defined by Wiles (1969) pg. 46 as assistance in the development of a better teaching learning situation. Inspection therefore is recognized as a vital ingredient in enable the teaching learning process to thrive since it exports for the primary aim and improving the instructional programme of the school. Hence, good supervision is a pre-condition for an effective pupils’ teachers relationship which is indispensable for the success of any educational system. With the new 6-3-3-4 system and the ever growing demand for education there is the need for functional types of school inspection that would contributes of improving and maintaining standard in our school bases on the foregoing consideration the main objective of supervision in school has been spelt out as follows;
The establishment and maintenance of standard the control, comparison and corrective action for the purpose of attaining specific overall objective of the educational system. Ogunsaju (1983) education supervision perception and practice in Nigeria.
Inspite of the fact that some form of supervision is sometimes carried out by inspectors of education, principal and other to check the teaching learning process in the classroom, the Nigeria child having spent about six years in the secondary school of twelve years including secondary school still perform relatively poor. There are good numbers of pupils who fail in the common entrance examination or West Africa School Certificate Examination with many getting a pass grade. It is therefore asserted that if the function of school inspections and the role of principal are properly spelt out, school in Edo State in particular Ovia North East which L.G.A. at the secondary school level which is the block of a child education level help in maintain and improving standard in later years.
- Inspection in school is concerned with the improvement of instructional ideas, which involves people administration supervisors, teachers, pupils, parents and other citizens it also involves curriculum, the subjection matter, its selection and arrangement.
- The content of inspections not only a body of techniques but also a substantial body of knowledge and understanding purpose should be the content of inspection in many situation where work done by group of people have to be effective as a unit.
- The falling standard in the educational system may not be unconnected with the poor quality of inspection and principal attitude towards school inspection specifically in ordered local government area of Edo State in particular, which is the area of study in question is to the school inspectors is do the school inspector in Ovia North East L.G.A. of Edo State have the right supervision concept and skills to carry out supervision? Is the present inspection division of the ministry of education and its total manpower to meet the needs of school that are continually expanding in the situation of limited personnel from the inspection instruction in school? It is the hope of the researcher that these problems would be solved be seeking answer to the following questions;
- Is there any impact on day-to-day administration by the principal and the influence of school inspection in Ovia North East L.G.A. of Edo State?
- Is there any difference between the principal attitude towards school inspection?
- Does experience make any difference in the perception of obstacle that hinder effective inspection and principals attitude towards school inspection?
- Is the any difference in the perception of the role of the school inspection based on age?
The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of the principal attitude towards school inspection in Ovia North East L.G.A. of Edo State.
The researcher would be interested in findings out whether;
- The experience of the principal affects the attitude towards school inspection
- The sex of the principal affects their attitude towards school inspection
- The age of the principal affect their role of school inspection
- The location of the school affects the principal attitude toward school inspection
- The qualification of the school affects the principal attitude toward school inspection
Specifically, the project will seek to find answer to the following research question;
- What are the responsibilities of school inspectors?
- What are the attitudes of secondary school head towards inspection?
- Does the attitude of secondary school of the school affects the principal have effects on school inspection?
There seems to be general census among the public that the standard of education has fallen which they may have arrived at by comparing the academic achievement of secondary school child today with that of yesterday performed better than today. Without the fallen standard at the primary level will sure affect the standard in the secondary school. These fear therefore add momentum to the need for adequate and positive contribution in the principal attitude towards the role of school inspection.
This study examined the principal attitude towards the role of school inspection as the occupies different position in educational system.
Therefore, some teachers, principals and headmistress were required to give information as regards the study. To study is limited to some selected secondary schools in Ovia North East L.G.A. of Edo State.
The researchers encountered so many problems in collecting information and material needed for the study from the ministry education and Ovia North East L.G. education authority Benin City. There were lots of constraints in gotten from one secondary school to another to administer the questionnaire to the respondents.
There were also many constraints in getting information from the respondent in the course of interviewing them.
It is assumed in this study that principal  attitude towards the role of school inspection is not encouraging. It is also assumed that some obstacles must be in the way of effective administration and inspection of school.
Perception: Perception in the study means the angle from which something is seen by person depending on its needs disposition and experience.
Principal : This is usually the administrative and professional heads of the primary school.
Primary school: This is the first stage of Nigeria educational system where a six years course is offered officially, pupils enter primary one, which is a the first year of the age of five to six.
School inspector’s officer in the ministry of education statutory charged with the responsibility of school inspection.
Experienced and inexperienced headmaster: The principal  refer to those who have serve ten years and above on the job and the inexperience ones those who has serve less than ten year on the job as headmaster.
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