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This study presents the assessment of water quality of hand-dug wells in Katcha Local Government Area of Niger State, North Central Nigeria. Twenty hand-dug well water samples were analyzed in both rainy season and dry season. Standard method of water quality measurement were used to determine the Physico-chemical and Bacteriological parameters in accordance with American public health association (APHA, 1992). Values of temperature which range from 28-290C, pH which range from 6.20-7.17 meter, electric conductivity from 323-592µs/cm, total hardness from 136-260mg/l, total alkalinity from 26-78mg/l, dissolved oxygen is 5-9mg/l, chemical oxygen demand from 12.65-17.42mg/l, biochemical oxygen demand from 2-5mg/l, phosphate is 0.46-2.04mg/l, nitrate is 3.55-6.46mg/l, sodium is 13.81- 28.35mg/l, potassium is 3.22-6.72mg/l, calcium is 38.81-72.36mg/l, magnesium is 10.74- 22.81mg/l, carbonate is 10.82-37.63mg/l, iron is 1.93-4.44mg/l, manganese is 0.36-2.52mg/l, cupper is 0.05-0.42mg/l, lead NDmg/l, zinc is 0.40-0.13mg/l for rainy season and value of temperature which range from 29-300C, pH which range from 6.28-7.16 meter, electric conductivity from 66-413µs/cm, total hardness 130-192mg/l, total alkalinity 74-114mg/l, dissolved oxygen 5-8mg/l, chemical oxygen demand 5.9-7.36mg/l, biochemical oxygen demand 2-4mg/l, phosphate from 0.12-0.23mg/l, nitrate is 0.24-2.22mg/l, sodium is 5.2- 9.6mg/l, potassium is 1.7-3.5, calcium is 18.75-46.92mg/l, magnesium is 4.22-7.75mg/l, carbonate is 35.56-56.19mg/l, iron is 0.24-2.22mg/l, manganese is 0.01-1.33mg/l, cupper is 0.03-0.35mg/l, lead NDmg/l, zinc is 0.01-0.30mg/l for dry season.  The bacteriological parameters  range  for  Echerichial  coli  is  9×106-15×106cfu/ml,  total  coliform  is  5- 350cfu/100ml and total bacteria is 42×106 -69×106cfu/100ml for rainy season and Echerichial coli is 3×106-12×106cfu/ml, total coliform is 2-300cfu/100ml and total bacteria is 42×106-69×106cfu/100ml for dry season. The average water quality index (WQI) of 75.22 for rain season and 57.83 in dry season indicates that the untreated well water from rural areas in Katcha Local Government Area of Niger state is of fair quality and however must be treated before drinking to avoid water borne diseases. Therefore, the results of this research recommend that there is need for the government to take appropriate measures in safeguarding the health of its citizens and also educate them on the related water diseases that can be found in this water when consumed.



1.1 Background to the Study

A well is an excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving, or drilling to access liquid resources usually water. The requirement of clean and sustainable quality of water cannot be over emphasized as it is of great important for human survival. An agricultural purpose such as irrigation also requires enough water supplies from a good recharge but due to the unavailability of good water sources, the rural communities rely in hand dug well water. Water is no doubt one of the most essential resources on earth and remains man’s prime need in his environment. It is also a fact that portable water supply is of shortage or lacking in many communities despite being one of the most available resource on universe. Due to rapid growth in technology the extensive use of chemical fertilizers for agriculture are some of the factors that have direct effects on the quantity and quality of groundwater resources.

According to Mustapha and Yusuf (2015), poor water quality can pose health problem enough to threaten human life if consumed. Humans may survive for several weeks without food, but barely few days without water because constant supply of water is needed to replenish the fluid lost through normal physiological activities, such as respiration, perspiration, urination, (Chinedu et al., 2011). The pollution of ground water sources may be from industries, agricultural and domestic wastes. According to Chukwurah (2001), World Health Organization (WHO, 2016) recommended that wells should be located at least 30 m away from latrines and 17 m from septic tanks.

According  to  Okpokwasili  and  Akujobi,  (1996),  the  presence  of  faecal  coliforms  or Escherichia coli is an indicator for the presence of water borne pathogens. Bacteriological examination of water is therefore a powerful tool in order to foreclose the presence of micro- organisms that might constitute health hazards (Singh and Mosley, 2003). (WHO, 2011) recommended that no faecal coliform should be present in 100 ml of drinking water. Good quality water should be odourless, colourless, tasteless and free from faecal contamination and chemicals in excess of (WHO, 2010) tolerable levels.

Insufficient solid waste management is a vital environmental problem in rural community, the contributing factors ranged from technical problem to educational and financial limitations. The challenge of appropriate refuse disposal (solid waste) is immensely and has become very serious problem. Unfortunately, most of the refuse is permanently disposed at groundwater recharge points, open space or burrow pits, pit latrines, septic tanks for human wastes. Effluent is admitted through the major drainage networks and finally emptied into river with the negative impact on groundwater and the environment. This study is to assess the bacteriological quality of hand dug well for both domestic and irrigative purposes in the rural area to ascertain the danger of contamination that may be present in such type of wells and as well as it effects to human health.

1.2 Statement of the Research Problem

Shallow well water may contain both organic and inorganic substances including heavy metals and pathogenic microorganisms which are harmful to human and also plants. These wells however may not produce water with good qualities as specified by (WHO, 1985) and Food and Agricultural organization for United Nations (FAO, 1972). Hence in most of the countries, the ground water is the major source of potable water. It is also widely used for agriculture and industrial purposes in several nations. The availability of groundwater has great influence on human life as well as other forms of life. Groundwater is an important renewable  natural  resource  of  socio-ecological  significance.  Due  to  rapid  growth  in population, urbanization, industrialization and the extensive use of chemical fertilizers for urban and peri- urban Agriculture are some of the factors that have direct effects on the quantity and quality of groundwater resources especially in arid and semi – arid region of Northern Nigeria (Al – Nozaily & Alshaebi, 2009). Globally, the quantity and quality of groundwater reserves is diminishing on daily basis. Therefore, any study that can aid in identifying new sources of threats to groundwater is desirous not only around the study area but everywhere (Abdullahi et al., 2010)

In  order to  meet  the progressive demand  of  water requirement,  the  development  and management of groundwater potential zone is very essential by keeping eyes on specific issues and peculiar hydrological conditions of rural area. Since, the ground water studies of this area have not received much appreciation and poorly attempted earlier. Therefore, assessment of hand dug wells water quality is a primary and essential action to be performed prior to any development action. To avoid such problems and to make any domestic and irrigation based development actions sustainable, hand dug wells must be evaluated. Lack of evaluation on shallow wells water for domestic and irrigative uses in the rural area has resulted to vital problems which includes; Lack of knowledge on water properties such as physico-chemical and heavy metal concentration which can affect the agricultural production and the health of the populace and, bacteriological contamination of water which may affect human health otherwise known as water borne diseases. All these to be evaluated in this research work.

1.3 Aim and Objectives of Study

This study was aimed at assessing the water quality of hand-dug wells from Katcha for both drinking and irrigative purposes. The objectives are as follows:

i. To determine the water quality of shallow wells for domestic and irrigative uses ii. To determine the seasonal variations of shallow wells water in the rural areas.

iii. To analyze hand-dug well water samples under (WHO, 2017) and (FAO, 2017) standard iv. To determine the water quality standard using water quality index

1.4 Scope of Study

The study involves obtaining the samples of hand-dug well water from different villages in Katch, Niger State and ascertain their bacteriological qualities by standard method of measurement and their physico-chemical parameters such as temperature (0C), pH meter, electric conductivity (µs/cm), total hardness (mg/l), total alkalinity (mg/l), dissolved oxygen  is  (mg/l),  chemical  oxygen  demand  (mg/l),  biochemical  oxygen demand (mg/l), phosphate (mg/l), nitrate  (mg/l), sodium (mg/l), potassium (mg/l), calcium (mg/l), magnesium (mg/l), carbonate (mg/l), and heavy metals such as iron (mg/l), manganese (mg/l), cupper (mg/l), lead (mg/l), zinc (mg/l) for rainy season and dry season.

1.5 Justification of Study
The research will aid in the provision of more hand-dug well for domestic and irrigative purposes and will contribute in solving the problem of water quality, recommend appropriate measures and also create sensitization about water quality, water borne diseases  and  create investment  returns  if properly justified.  It  will  provide useful information to north central region especially Katcha, Niger State, researchers and other development organizations such as NGO`s to develop strategies, policies to provide quality and accessible water sources to the communities.

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