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Field, greenhouse and laboratory studies were carried out at the Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka in order to evaluate the leaf spot disease of eggplant and its management  with  some  botanicals.  Field  survey  of  diseased  plants  was  conducted  on eggplant farm. Solanum aethiopicum L. plants were sampled on every 1 m distance along the diagonal  transects  for  disease  incidence  and  severity.    Pathogen  isolation  from  severely infected leaves was carried out in the laboratory where the diseased leaves were plated on fresh Potato Dextrose Agar. Identification of the isolated fungi was carried out with the aid of identification scheme based on their cultural characteristics. Nursery preparation for raising eggplants used in the green  house was also carried out on a sterilized soil. The five most abundant pathogens isolated were inoculated separately on the seedlings of eggplant in five replicates. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design. Phytochemical contents of the four plant extracts were determined in the laboratory. An in vitro control of the organism responsible  for the leaf spots was carried out using plant extracts at 0.030  g/ml, 0.060 g/ml, and 0.120 g/ml and 0.250 g/ml concentrations.  The experimental design was a 9×4  factorial  in a completely  randomized  design  (CRD).  The  data  were  analyzed  using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Means were later separated using Fisher’s least  significant difference (F-LSD). Helminthosporium  infestans Dur. & Mont,  Cladophialophora  carrionii Trejos, Aspergillus niger van Tieghem, Rhizopus nigricans Ehrenb and Neurospora africana Huang & Backus were isolated from the diseased eggplant leaves.    H. infestans recorded the highest percentage frequency (61.11 %) while A. niger had the lowest percentage frequency (5.56  %).  H.  infestans  was  pathogenic  to  eggplant  seedlings.  The  Koch  postulate  test confirmed  H.  infestans  as  the  causal  organism  of  the  spots  symptoms.  The  qualitative phytochemical   analysis   on  the  test  plants   revealed   the   presence   of  tannin,   soluble carbohydrate,  hydrogen cyanide, steroids, flavonoids, alkaloids as well as glucosides in all the extracts analyzed. The effect of ethanolic extracts of the test plants significantly (P<0.05) reduced the incidence and severity of the pathogen. Anti-fungal activity of seed extracts of G. kola on H. infestans was highest at 0.0120 g/ml concentrations.  G. kola  could be used as fungicide to manage leaf spot in eggplant because of its availability and eco-friendliness.


The African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum L.), known as garden egg, añara, aubergine  in Europe and brinjal in India or guinea squash is one of the important vegetable crops grown worldwide. The name eggplant is derived from the shape of the fruits of some varieties which are white and have the shape of chicken eggs. Eggplant is essentially a warm weather crop which extensively grows in Eastern and Southern Asia,  including India, USA, Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Japan, and the Philippines. It is also popular in Egypt, France, Italy (Tindall, 1983). According to FAO 1994 Production Year Book, the world eggplant production land area was 556,000 ha, and the total production was 8,979,000 metric tons. Gill and  Tomar (1991)  reported  299,770  ha  of  eggplant  production  area  in  India,  and  29,150  ha  in Bangladesh in 1992-93. Eggplant can be grown in all parts of Nigeria all the year round. It is grown commercially as an annual crop; it is a short- lived perennial branching herb with a height of 0.5-1.5m. The fruit can be eaten in various forms without the need for an elaborate preparation.  It is eaten raw, cooked or used to season  other foods. Eggplant  supplements starchy  foods.  It  is also  a cheap  source  of  protein,  minerals  and  vitamins  (Lombin  and Yayock, 1988). The tender green leaves of some species are also used as vegetables or eaten raw in African salads, ugba. It can be eaten as appetizer or offered to visitors as desert (kola).

The African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum L.) is affected by several fungal diseases which inflict heavy losses in its production.  One of such fungal disease  is the leaf  spot  disease. Severely infected  leaves drop off prematurely resulting  in the reduction  of yield.  Due to environmental  concerns,  great emphasis  has been laid on alternative  measures  other than chemicals, to control this fungal disease. The use of botanicals and  antimicrobial agents of plant origin is a time –honored practice for control of plant diseases and pests. The necessity to develop  a non-toxic,  safe and biodegradable  alternative  to synthetic  fungicides  has  in recent years led to a concerted effort at developing new control measures from plant parts.

The humid especially the rainforest  ecological zones are endowed  with abundant  flora  of families of plants and herbs with untapped  pesticides potentials  (Amadioha,  2003,  2004). Stoll (2000) listed an array of plant families and genera possessing antimicrobial properties, amongst which were Azadirachta indica, Zingiber officinale, Garcinia kola, Carica papaya, Gongronema latifolium and host of others.    Amadioha (2003), Kumar and Pamar (1996) and Prakash  and  Roa  (1997)  listed  some  of  the  advantages  of  plant  extracts  over  synthetic chemicals  to include  possession  of low mammalian  toxicity,  minimal  health hazards  and environmental pollution. There is practically no reported risk of developing pest resistance to these products when used in their natural forms. Also, no side effect on plant growth, seed viability or food quality has been reported. Botanicals are less expensive and easily available because of their natural occurrence. Synthetic fungicides are expensive and inaccessible to indigenous  farmers  who  are the bulk producers of eggplant  in Nigeria (Amadioha,  1998; Onuegbu  et al.,  2001). A natural plant product with fungicidal  properties  could be more environmental friendly than synthetic fungicides.

Aqueous extracts of some plants have been used in laboratory bioassays (John and James, 2004). These plants include Allium cepa (onion), a biennial herb of Liliaceae family used commonly as spice for flavoring food. Allium sativum L. (garlic), another biennial herb of Liliaceae  family  and  the  second  most  widely  use  Allium  after  A.  cepa;  it  is  used  as condiments   for  flavoring   foods.  Stoll  (1998)   reported   the  bactericidal   properties   of Azadirachta indica A Juss (neem), a fast growing tree of the family Meliaceae and also a medicinal  plant  with  insecticidal,  nematicidal,  antifungal  and  bactericidal  properties.  It occupies a foremost status among all the plants exploited so far for bio-efficacy against pests and  diseases   (Kumar   and  Pamar,  1996).  The   primary  antimicrobial   constituents   are Azadirachtin  A  and  B.  In  addition,  Neem  contains  a  good  number  of  other  chemical substances    which    include    Salannin,    Meliantriol,    Azadirachtannin    A,    Cinnamoyl, Isoazadirohide, Nimbin/Nimbidin, which seem to have anti- viral effects as well as Vilasinim as isolated from the leaf and Azadirone from the seed. Garcinia kola Henkel (bitter cola) is a perennial tree in the family Guttiferae with whorled leathery leaves. The seeds are chewed as stimulants and for other various medicinal values. Traditionally,  the  seeds are believed  to repel snakes. Zingiber officinale Rose (Ginger) is rhizome of the family Zingiberaceae. The rhizome yields essential oil, oleoresin, consisting 1-3% volatile of which serve as the active ingredient against microorganisms and pests (Benjilali et al., 1984).

Medicinal  plant  materials  have  been  successfully  used  for  the  treatment  of  fungal  and bacterial infections in humans (Akinyosoye and Oladummoye, 2000), suggesting that some plant materials may also possess antifungal and antibacterial constituents which are useful in controlling  plant  diseases  (Amadioha,  1998).  Previous  reports  (Akpomedaye  and  Ejechi,

1998; Ejechi and Ilondu, 1999; Ejechi and Akpomedaye, 1999) show that spices, herbs and other plant materials possess antifungal activity. Akinyosoye and Oladunmoye (2000) have reported the antifungal efficacy of stem and leaf-extracts of Mirabilis jalapa L. in reducing mycelia growth of four different strains of fungi. The legendary medicinal qualities of the neem tree have been known for a long time and the aqueous leaf extract have systemic action (Egunjobi and Onoyemi, 1981; Sowunmi and Akinusi, 1983). The toxic effects of some plant extracts on fungal activities is an indication that  such plants could be used as fungicides especially by the peasant farmers who cannot  afford the costly synthetic agrochemicals  to control fungal diseases that attack their crops.

This research work was therefore aimed at studying the leaf spot disease of African eggplant and its management with extracts of A. indica leaves, Z. officinale stem, C.    papaya leaves and G. kola seeds and some synthetic fungicides.

The objectives were to:

1. Isolate and identify organism(s) responsible for leaf spot disease of eggplants (Solanum aethiopicum L.).

2. Determine the pathogenicity of these organisms.

3. Determine the effectiveness of some plant extracts in the control of the disease organism (s).

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