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This study examined the communication channels employed by Taraba State Government before, during and after 2005 flood disaster in Jalingo metropolis. The major communication strategies used were identified and their effectiveness evaluated on the affected communities. The study was premised on risk communication theory and survey, in-depth-interview and Focus Group Discussion methods were employed to obtain the data. The Findings show that Radio, television, newspapers and magazines were the major channels of communication used by Taraba State Government. Among these communication channels Radio was found to be the major channel of communication through which quick campaign warning messages were sent to the people at risk. Likewise, the study found that communication strategies used by Taraba State Government before, during and after flood disaster on risk campaign awareness are advocacy visit to the flooded communities and door-to-door strategies. Against this background door-to-door communication is considered a very good medium for communicating disaster information in the studied area. Finally the study recommends that the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) be more effectively funded and equipped with state of the arts equipment’s to meet national/international disaster response standards, so that it can more effectively respond to the ever changing challenges on natural disaster management.



1.1         Background to the study

Nigeria like most other countries of the world is faced with increasing threat of natural disasters from flooding epidemic. In the last three decades, the impact of flooding have increasingly assumed from significant to threating proportion. Resulting in loss of lives, collapse of buildings/bridges destroyed farmlands, causing water shortages, affecting human health among other. The case is similar in Taraba state, the 2005 flood disaster have serious social and economic impacts on the community. Flood disaster affects people’s lives and livelihoods in many ways; according to Bantaje (2005) about one hundred (100) people were feared dead during the flood, particularly during the collapse of the Nukkai Bridge. While Taraba Television (TTV) reported that property worth millions of Naira were destroy in the August 7th, 2005 flood, farmlands running into thousands hectares of land were destroyed. It was also reported that the rainfall drowned several people that were on the bridge when the bridge was submerged by the flood. About twenty six (26) bodies were recovered which includes the body of an Assistant Commissioner of Police who died in the case of persuading victims to vacate the bridge. Although Jalingo town is exposed to flood every year but 2005 and 2011 is more severe; flood occurrence is always associated with topography of the area which is an undulating plain interrupted in place by low rising hills and traversed by two different rivers as well as the poor/inadequate drainage network within the town. This has been a source of worry and challenge to the government at various levels. Ochongor and Konye in Tsegyu (2015) report on the impact of communication plays as a major role in the enlightenment and education of the populace about the menace of disaster either to accept or reject any government initiative or programme. As such Mass Media no doubt, is the fulcrum on which awareness campaign on the menace of natural disaster (flood) is disseminated to the target audience. At all times, members of the public need to be aware of the realities of their environment and what happens within the environment attaining this desire is the whole essence of public enlightenment. Communication is the means by which the public are linked to the updates in the society. For this to be successfully achieved the citizenry should be kept abreast of the goings-on in the society. One of the ways of achieving this is through public enlightenment. Public enlightenment enables the public to know their right, obligations and duties among other things. For public enlightenment to be effective, the source must address the issues through appropriate content, message structure and effective delivery.

1.2         Statement of Research Problem

Natural disasters come without warning and they cause widespread devastation like economic damage and loss of thousands of human lives globally. For instance in Jalingo metropolis, the 2005 flood disaster has caused extensive socio-economic dislocation with catastrophic consequences ranging from loss of lives and destruction of human habitation, Agricultural produce, water resources, terrestrial ecosystem, and biodiversity and affecting human health among others. Nevertheless, a study conducted in Jalingo metropolis by Oruonye (2012) Showed that only 23.7% of the respondents were aware of the flood prone nature of the study area. Based on the aforementioned, this study set out to assess the communication strategies employed by Taraba State Government through its agencies like SEMA; in risk awareness campaign among the residents of Jalingo metropolis. Based on this, this study set to investigate and assess he communication strategies employed by the Taraba State Government through its Emergency Management Agency, (SEMA), with the bid to promoting awareness among Jalingo residents. Such communication strategies include; Radio/Television jingles, door-to-door, interpersonal visitation. So this study would assess the efficacy of these communication strategies as it relates to the risk awareness campaign and possible mitigations of flood in Jalingo metropolis.

1.3         Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study is to assess the risk strategies used in awareness campaign for flood prone area in Taraba State using Jalingo metropolis before, during and after the 2005 flood disaster. The specific objectives are to:

  1. Identify the communication channels employed by Taraba State Government before, during and after the 2005 flood disaster.
  2. To know the major communication strategy used by Taraba State Government before, during and after the 2005 flood disaster.
  • Assess the effectiveness of these communication strategies on the affected communities.

1.4         Research Questions

The following research questions were further formulated from the research objectives:

  1. What types of communication channels were employed by Taraba State Government before, during and after the 2005 flood disaster?
  2. Which were the major communication strategies used by Taraba State Government before, during and after the 2005 flood disaster?
  • Did the communication strategy address the needs of the communities?

1.5         Scope of the study

The scope of the study gives a brief description of the area of coverage of the study or area of concentration (Olatunji, Adeeko and Kasali, 2012). This study focused on the communication strategies, how effective were the communication strategies and what other communication strategies might have been employed. The study was delimited to the 2005 flood disaster campaign in Jalingo with concentration on four selected communities which reside within flood prone areas namely; Anguwan Baraya, Anguwan Yadang, Primary Board and Sabon gari. This period was chosen because over one hundred people lost their lives while some lost their properties worth millions of Naira and farm land running into thousands of hectares were wash away (Bantaje, 2005).

1.6         Significance of the study

The present body of literature on risk awareness campaign reviewed by the researcher indicate that study conducted in the study area generally examined the flood risk perception and response in the study area. It was observed that despite the relatively high level of flood perception in the area the resident’s response to the flooding by way of using flood preventive and mitigative measures were very poor. The studies did not study the campaign strategies of Taraba State Government towards sensitising Jalingo residents on flood risk awareness. This study, therefore, indicates a gap in knowledge in the study area. It is hope that the findings of this study will assist the Taraba State and Federal government to manage flood hazards speedily and in a coordinated manner. The study will also assist government and other agencies that are interested in developing a sustainable response procedure to fight flood hazards. The study will also provide a baseline data for future studies on flood risk awareness campaign in Jalingo metropolis.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

Some of the limitations involved in this research work are; some of the respondents refused to answer the questionnaires on the ground that the research would be of no benefits to them. While in the case of government officials particularly the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) informant; was very curious and sceptical to discuss with the interviewer freely becomes according to him, he was not authorized to disclose anything pertaining the Agency to any outsider. Hence this has implications for the generalization of the findings.

1.8 Operational definition of Terms

Communication Strategies: these are measures/steps taken by Taraba State Government to minimize the effects of flood disaster for example, advocacy visit to the flooded areas and interpersonal visitation. The communication strategies was used in this work to depict the contact met from Taraba state Government with the flood affected areas.

Communication Channels: these are medium through which risk awareness campaign information is disseminated to the target audience, for instance Radio, Television, and Newspaper at interpersonal level etc.

Risk Awareness Campaign: This is well informed actions taken by Taraba State Government to achieve a specific goal of raising people awareness about the menace of flood in Jalingo metropolis.

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