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The study, x-rayed the digital facilities available to NTA, KSTV and DITV News crew. The digital age along with changing technology, from the analogue system which had a slow pace and often times cumbersome process of gathering and disseminating news and has limited audience reach, has to large extent open up communication opportunities for media organisations (Broadcast) to provide seamless media services to their audience and enhance the productivity of their work force (reporting in particular).However, in as much as the digital age presents great prospects to the broadcast media, in Nigeria it has also thrown a number of challenges which border on technophobia amongst reporters, preparedness of broadcast organisations to meet the deadline for complete transition from analogue to digital, and ability to deploy the technology appropriately.It also examined the extent to which television reporters utilize/employ digital facilities in news gathering and factors that facilitate seamless news gathering as well as the effect of digital equipment on news gathering and reporting.The descriptive survey, purposive sampling technique and questionnaire format were employed to help provide insight into the study. About 70 copies of the questionnaire were administered in the 3 stations in Kaduna and 64 copies were retrieved representing 98 percent response rate. The research reveals that lack of adequate digital facilities, trained manpower, power failure and unwillingness of staff especially the older ones are some challenges in effective news gathering and reporting in digital age. It is recommended that the provision of digital facilities by media owners to their staff, provision of regular training to staff to ensure they are equip to discharge their duties effectively and efficiently amongst other recommendations.



1.1         Introduction

Information rules today‘s world as information is power. Even before this contemporary age of information communication technology people relied so much on the media (Journalists) for information in their daily activities.From the written tablets of Acta Diurna; the one paged Corantos, to the Diurnals put together by English men (Nathaniel Butter, Thomas Archer and Nicholas Bourne) as well as the 1665 Oxford Gazette to the inception of radio, and the 1920s television stations. The television started to report events borrowing most of their information from newspaper (Baran 2002: 143), to what we have today, all providing news for those interested in it. Man‘s need for information was met.

In recent times, there seem to be an increasing number of people who turn to television as a source of news and programming, and this has changed the way people conduct their activities either from within or outside their immediate environment, especially with the decreasing number of people who devote their time to reading newspapers. (Baran, 2004: 235)―News consists of gathering facts, deciding how to assemble it, as well as talking to people, translate difficult ideas, interpret to people and analyze stories in credible and objective manner‖. (Herbert, 2000: 5). In news gathering and reporting, a number of factors determine its effectiveness. For instance, the language and skills of a reporter go a long way in ensuring effective news gathering and reporting. So also is the operating environment amongst many others Over the years technological advancements have revolutionized the media, so much so that today digitization has become central to broadcasting. Today, broadcasting is seen as a critical instrument of modern social and political organizations. For instance, television at its peak in the mid-20th century up to what it is today is being employed by various segments of society to address national issues due largely to its capacity to reach and influence wide and heterogeneous people without regards to their socio-cultural or economic background.

This is most manifest with the advancement of digitization ( a shift from the current analogue transmission to digital) which enables full scale network distribution of video and audio content, and the sharing of terminals amongst others ( ITU, 2006).

Many countries across the globe have commenced the process of broadcast digitization, especially with terrestrial television, to improve the image quality of media content, an effort that started around 2003 when Kanto Chukyo and Kinki launched digital broadcasting. It increased by 2006, with more countries joining. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has set June 17, 2015(UHF) and 2020 (VHF) for complete shift to digital broadcasting.

The United States of America has through its Congress set 17th February, 2009 as the official date to enter the digital age i.e. end analogue broadcasting to start digital (Dominick, 2009). With the world moving towards digitization, the Nigerian government in 2007 approved June 17, 2012 for transition from analogue to digital broadcasting, three years ahead of the ITU deadline (Jimoh, 2008).This date has since been shifted to 2017. However, the media industry in Nigeria is faced with a number of prospects as it comes with increasing number of news sources like the Blog, Twitter and news reporting tools etc. We’ve gone from an age of too little information to an age of information overload. The rapidly shifting environment has forced journalists to work alongside other information providers like bloggers (Hayes, Singer & Ceppos, 2007:263) making the roles of producers to interchange with consumers. This is most manifest in the last 25 years in which new media technologies have evolved to challenge the media industries‘ control over their traditional roles, redefining who gathers, edits, and reports news (Hayes et al, 2007: 263) with technological development and innovations going towards multi-skills (multitasking) and multimedia news production that is trained to write script, produce and edit tapes, operate cameras and work in the control room (Parker 1995 cited in Ursell, 2001:175).

This view is also shared by Puglisi (nd) who said that digital technologies have fundamentally altered the nature and functions of the media in our society, reinventing age old practices of public communication and at times circumventing traditional media as well as challenging its role as gatekeeper of news and entertainment.

However, Ursell(2001) notes that, though new technologies have changed news production, and the impact differs from one news provider to another due largely to its application. Weispfenning (1993), Pavlik (1999) both agree that these technological developments have contributed to new journalistic practices especially in news gathering and reporting. Aviles & Leon (2002:356) also argue that television newsrooms have been making use of digital component systems like the wire service computer system to computerized character generation and Electronic News Gathering (ENG) to Digital Newsgathering (DNG) to Non-linear video editing systems which have been available to broadcasters since 1995. Citing Powell (1998), they stated that Integrated Television newsroom enables information to be collected and stored in common servers and accessed by a number of Journalists simultaneously. Many of these journalists have adopted various types of digital systems while some are in the process of impacting the way the newsroom operates.

In their own contribution, Sylvie &Witherspoon (2002) cited in Weiss & Joyce (2009:589) stressed that this is becoming a main factor in news gathering process, and that this is altering the nature of work in organizations as well as the degree of control over the work process. Pavlik (2005:246-7) in his work Framework of Technology cited in Weiss & Joyce (2009:589) gave different categories of how journalists use technology (ies). These include acquisition of devices that assist in gathering images, sound and information such as video cameras, webcams, cell phones among others; processing technologies which deal with power and speed that make the devices work faster and more efficiently. This includes computer chips, DNA processors and other software and distribution technologies considered to help move content like broadband connections, video editing software, wireless technologies etc. An up shoot of all these according to Sparks, (1991) cited in Ursell, (2001), is multi-tasking. While some see multitasking as the manifestation of the potential of new technology to dispense with specialist technical crew, and a potential by employers to raise productivity and reduce labour cost, others see it as labour exploitation that detracts from the code of journalism principles and practice. Ursell also argues that multi-skilling contains the potentials for the final fragmentation of journalism. To Pavlik (2008), the focus is on how these new digital tools can help build all kinds of innovations and new connections with the audience. The potential is not simply more noise, but more meaningful interaction and hopefully more meaningful learning. He posited that technological advances present new opportunities to improve news gathering by enabling journalists on deadline or on a budget to cast their net more widely to include non-traditional sources. In growing number of cases, professional news organizations are relying on lay citizens using their cell phones, cameras and other digital devices. Preparedness, effective utilization of digital facilities and availability of such technologies, as well as the challenges confronting the Nigerian reporter (Journalists) is the focus of this study.

1.2         Statement of Problem

The media is saddled with responsibility of bringing people accounts of happenings around them. The process of digitization(transition from analogue broadcasting to digital broadcasting) has evolved over time, changing technology from the analogue system which had a slow pace and often times cumbersome process of gathering and disseminating news and has limited audience reach. Though, the digital era has a lot of prospects that have greatly improved and eases the work of the reporter, it also accompanied by the high definition equipment which gives high quality of sound and better picture has also provided varied platforms to access and retrieve information (News).

The analogue system gave people restricted access to news for instance they often wait for prime time usually between 6 o‘clock to 10 o‘clock in the evening to listen to news on the television. For the reporter it takes very long hours to be able to gather information that will enable them package news reports, affecting the quality of news and their ability to meet deadlines. The equipment used in news gathering and reporting have all become obsolete even maintenance of such equipment like the camera and editing facilities (the VHS machine with the Master/Slave editing process) is difficult, since they are no longer in use servicing or repairing is a major challenge; the spare part are not available even when they are accessed, the equipment are not compatible with the digital facilities and this affects the quality of news production. Before the digital age, the process of news gathering and reporting was linear requiring specific steps to be taken gradually and at different times. That has changed with digitization|providing different platforms for journalists and requiring reporters to multi-task that is a reporter becomes the cameraman, film editor, an online Journalist and a director amongst many others. All this requires reporters to be literate in the use of modern technology like the computer.It seems many (television broadcasters) are not ready for this (Ijike, 2008). The broadcasting value chain like content production, transmission and reception, require technical upgrading to support current trends in the industry.Broadcasters will need to amongst other things, overcome the challenges of digital compliant, studio equipment, content provision, news coverage planning, and training for its personnel (NBC, 2008).

Singer, Thrap, Haruta and Callahan cited in Garrison (1999) noted that the Internet and World Wide Web are valuable newsgathering tools, finding information is a barrier for all users, especially Journalists on deadline. Even if the act of locating information were enough trouble, technophobia amongst Journalists has been determined to be another concern, Rodman (2012) states that emerging technology comes with considerable resistance and fear of the new medium. The challenge of making Journalists adapt to these technological changes and the inadequacies of the resources at the Journalists‘ disposal for optimal performance in the digital broadcast environment are the primary issues this work intends to investigate.

The research will appraise the situation, taking into cognizance Nigeria‘s digitization deadline of 2017 and agreement with the ITU. Olalere (2013) noted that the ITU agreement states that the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting is based on improving coverage of digital transmission, ensuring that bandwidth are available for wireless broadband services, enhancing sound and picture quality in particular HDTV, which implies that the media organization and journalists must have the capacity to provide and use high definition television equipment.

1.3         Research Questions

The study will attempt to provide answers to the following research questions:

  1. What are the digital facilities available to NTA, KSTV and DITV News crew?
  2. To what extent do television reporters utilize/employ digital facilities in news gathering?
  3. What factors facilitate seamless news gathering?
  4. What is the effect of digital equipment on news gathering and reporting?

1.4         Aims / Objectives of the Research

This study is a research work intended to understand the various challenges faced by Nigerian Journalists in th

e discharge of their duties as well as opportunities that abound with the use of digital technologies in news. Specifically, it is:

  1. To examine the digital the digital facilities available to NTA, KSTV and DITV news crew
  2. To examine the extent to which television reporters utilize/employ digital facilities in news gathering and news gathering and reporting in the media organisations under study
  3. To determine factors that affect news gathering and reporting.
  4. To determine the effect of digital equipment on news gathering and reporting.

1.5         Significance of the Study

This study intends to bring to light, the potentials that abound in news gathering and reporting, not only to television broadcasters in the digital age, but also to the various aspects  of  media, be it  print  or radio.Also,  there has been little  research into what journalists themselves actually feel about their professional interaction with social media, this study will take into cognizance the journalists and how the new media (social media) affects their work. The study also intends to highlight the role of the media and the need for stakeholders to give it more than a casual     attention if the media is to carry out its responsibilities to the society in its drive to educate, entertain, inform and enlighten as well as advocate for the vocal minority and the voiceless. It will also be beneficial to those in the academia towards imparting knowledge in the act of news gathering and reporting by availing them with current trends in broadcast journalism to be able to train students to meet the demands of news gathering and reporting in digital age outside the academia.

1.6         Scope of the Study

The research work focuses on television broadcast reporters within the newsroom setting. Those that are practicing the profession and are on the field in some selected television Stations Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), Kaduna State Television (KSTV), and Desmins Independent Television (DITV) in Kaduna metropolis. This will assist in getting a ―true perspective‖ on the prospects and the kind of challenges faced by broadcast journalists in Nigeria in their day to day efforts at news gathering and reportage within the context of Nigeria‘s digitization deadline.

The findings of this study will be based on the data collected (from questionnaire administered and interview schedule) from reporters and management of the news directorate of the selected stations.

1.7         Organization of the Study

This research is divided into five chapters with each of the chapters having sub- headings. Chapter one comprises of the introduction to the study which discussed the advent of digitization emanating from analogue systems used in news gathering and reporting alongside some factors related to them. Also the shifting role of traditional media to modern technological digitization was centered on other issues discussed were in the statement of problem, Research Questions and Aims/Objectives were also looked on alongside the Significance of the study and Scope of the study. On conclusion of the chapter, a brief definition of operational variable used in the study was done. In Chapter Two: Relevant literatures were reviewed under the following sub topics: Defining News, News Reporter, News Gathering and Reporting, News Gathering and Reporting in Digital Age, and the Challenges of News Gathering and Reporting in the Digital Age. Also, a review was done of several empirical studies relating to the research work. A theoretical explanation and framework of the research using the Technology Acceptance Model. Chapter Three records the Research Methodology used which included research design application of census methodology with the aim of investigating the prospects and challenges reporters. The populationof the study was drawn from three broadcasting stations of the N.T.A. in Kaduna State. Nigeria. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique. Questionnaire was used as the instrument for collecting data and a reliability and validity test was carried and the method of data presentation and analysis was tabled out.Data Analysis and Discussion of Findings are undertaken in Chapter Four.Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations for the research were done but added were Suggestion for further study.

1.8         Definition of Key Terms:

News gathering- the process of collating news worthy information.

News Reporting – act of disseminating news information.

Journalist/ Reporter – These words are used interchangeably, they mean the same thing.

They are those that gather and report news.

Digital Age – it is use in the study to refer to the current trend in digital broadcasting.

Digitization – transition from analogue system to digital.

ITU – International Telecommunication  Union.

NTA – Nigerian Television Authority.

KSTV – Kaduna State Television .

DITV – Desmins Independent Television.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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