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The research entitled  ‘’ adaptation  strategies  to climate change  and  variability by  farmers  in agricultural  zone  of  Niger  State,  Nigeria”  The  study  was  carried  out  to  describe  the  socio- economic characteristics of farming households, and to examine how much they know about climate change and variability, and to ascertain adaptation strategies to climate change and variability adopted by them and their perception of its effectiveness. It was also to determine the factors that influence climate change and variability adaptation strategies adopted by farming households and the constraints associated with farming households on the adoption of climate change and variability adaptation strategies in the study area. Multistage random sampling procedure was used to select a total of 188 respondents for the study based on Yamane formula of 1967. The data were collected through primary source using questionnaire and interview schedule and analyzed using percentages, mean scores, Likert type rating scale and Poisson regression. Results showed that majority 88.3% were male, while 11.7% were female; most 83.5% of the respondents were within the age range of 26-50 years, with mean age of 35 years; 35.6% of the respondents were married, while 64.4% were either single or widowed. It was also found that the household size of between 6 – 10 had the highest percentage 42.6% with mean score of 5 persons, and that 76.6% of the respondent had one form of education or the other. It also affirmed that majority of the respondents 90.4% engaged in farming with farming experience of 18 years and farm size of 1-5ha. The findings revealed Incident of heavy rainfall that caused damages to crop and livestock production having mean score of ( � = 2.71) and decrease in average  temperature amount over the years having the lowest mean score of (�=1.60). It also revealed the hierarchy in adoption of adaptation strategies to climate change and variability with  planting  early maturing varieties and planting of high yielding varieties were 100% adopted. These variables were closely followed by use of agro-chemicals and use of manure (organic or inorganic) with 98.9%. Rural – urban migration 44.1%, reduce cultivated farm size 42.0% was least adopted. The result revealed that planting of early maturing varieties of crop with mean score of ( � =4.49), and high yielding varieties with mean  score of ( � =4.25), were more  effective among the adaptation  strategies adopted by the respondent. While diversifying from farm to non-farm activities ( � =2.64), rural- urban migration ( � =2.13) were found not to be  effective strategies to mitigate against climate change and variability.   The adaptation  strategies  adopted by rural farmers was tested for its effectiveness using the z-value from Poisson regression analysis. The estimated z –value (1.98) for age was positive and significant at  5% probability level. Education (3.94) was also positive and significant at 1% probability level. Farm size (5.23) was positive and significant at 1% probability level. In conclusion, adaptation strategies to climate change and variability that were found to be effective was identified and when adapted would reduce effect and impact of climate change and variability   on   farming   household.   Based   on   the   findings   of   the   study,   the   following recommendations were  made, Weather information that is more reliable should be adequately communicated to farmers using right channel, High yielding and early maturing varieties should be made  available   to  farmers  at  subsidized  rate  and  timely  by  the  releasing  institutions  and organization, Government and non-governmental organization should provide means that are easy to access soft loans without too much stress and collaterals.



1.1             Background to the Study

The economies of sub-Saharan  African (SSA) countries are mostly dependent on agricultural production (Apata  et al., 2009; Alvaro  et al.,  2009). In  the year 2008,  about 17% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was obtained from agriculture in SSA, which shows the important role of agriculture. Over the years, in so many regions of the world, agriculture contributes significantly to the development of many countries in the world. Agriculture contributes to GDP of many African countries, provides employment opportunities to about 70% of Nigeria population, and about 80% of the food needs. Although, agriculture still accounts for about 88% of non-oil export earnings, its contribution has been seriously reduced over the years. It declined from about 75% of total export earnings in the sixties (1960s) to fewer than 12.3%, currently (Adeosun, 2018).

Increasing productivities in agriculture depend largely on a number of factors, including weather and climate conditions. Climate is defined as an average atmospheric weather condition of a place over a long period of time ranging from months to many years usually about 30 years. Weather is atmospheric condition of place over a short period of time. These important climate elements include  temperature,  rainfall,  humidity  and  wind  (World  Metrological  Organization  (WMO), 2016).  Climate  change  as  put  forward  by  United  Nation  Framework  Convention  on  Climate Change is “attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that changes the composition of entire global atmosphere which is, in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable periods”(UNFCCC,2015). Climate Change  according to the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (2007)   refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity.

Climate variability  is  the  variation  in  the  mean  state  and  other  statistical  measures  (such  as standard deviation, that occurs of extremes) of the climate on all term polar and spatial scales beyond that of individual weather events (IPCC, 2014). Local society already had indepth knowledge of climatic changes and variability as part of their local ecological ideas or knowledge obtained  and  transferred  through  generations  (Berke  et  al.,  2000).  Climate variability  pose  a significant challenge bordering agricultural productivity in Africa and Nigeria in particular. It makes the entire African region vulnerable continents to the current climate variability with strong economic impacts.

The negative impacts of climate change and variability on agricultural sector are obvious. Nigeria has over the years experienced strong weather variability, characterized by irregularities of the seasons and distribution of precipitation, change in duration of annual rainfall from one point to another that fall within the same locality. Also, increase in drought period during raining season, sometimes heavy rainfall experience in some ecological zones, hot climate, soil degradation, high winds, unexpected flooding experienced by farmers in their localities which some time washed away their crops and animals and proliferation of pest and diseases. Thus, the importance of adaptation strategies for over 70% of the Nigerian farmers who depend largely on agriculture as a means of   livelihood becomes an absolute priority, (Fadina, 2018).

In  order to reduce the negative effects, of climate change and variability on agriculture-food system, farmers must adapt economic viable strategies that have positive effect on their farming operations. Adaptation to climate change and variability is a process that initially demands farmers to think that the climate has changed and then identify the possible adaptation measure to be implemented.

1.2 Statement of the Research Problem

Climate change and variability is one of the most environmental challenges facing mankind world over. About 49 million more people will be at risk of hunger by 2020 and 132 million by 2050 due to climate change; yield from rain-fed agriculture may possibly be reduced by up to 50% by 2020 in a number of countries (International Fund Agricultural Development (IFAD), 2008). Africa is generally acknowledged to be the continent most vulnerable to vagaries of climate change and variability, as the scope of the impacts of climate change and variability over the last decades. It is doubtful whether farmers know immediately what constitutes the best response to climate change and  variability  when  such  agricultural  practices  as  requires  are  not  outside  their  range  of experience nor can they be expected to recognize immediately that the climate has changed. These challenges increase farmer’s vulnerability in an agricultural sector that is already prone to risks and uncertainties.  It  affects  agriculture  in  diverse  ways  including  its  impact  on  food  production. Climate change and variability is attributable to the natural climate cycle which included natural forces, such as solar variability, volcanic activity and shift in the earth orbit.   Human activities such as agricultural activity, mining activity; increasing atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases through emission of carbon monoxide from industries machine and vehicles had regrettably affected agricultural productivity in developing countries including Nigeria. As   planet warms, rainfall pattern changes, and excessive events such as drought, flood and forest fires becomes more often which result in poor and unpredictable yields, thereby making farmers more prompted to climate change and variability particularly in Africa, West Africa and Nigeria inclusive. Famers (who constitute the bulk of the poor in Africa), face prospects of tragic crop and livestock failures, decline  in  agricultural  productivity,  low  income,  increased  hunger,  malnutrition  and  diseases. Policy makers have expressed their concerns about the possible and adverse effects posed by climate  change  and  variability  on  agricultural  productivity.  Climate  change  and  variability  is global because it affect all Countries in the world (Mandleni,2011).  There are already increasing concerns globally regarding changes in climate that threatening to transform the livelihoods of the vulnerable population segments. Despite the importance of agriculture in Nigerian economy and livelihoods, there is very or not enough existing studies on climate change and variability as well as its effects on agricultural productivity. Crop yield in Nigeria may fall drastically as a result of climate change and variability, if appropriate strategies are not adopted by famers in their farming operation to overcome the great impact of the climate change and variability.   Many farming activities depend largely on rain fed and hence fundamentally dependent on vagaries of weather. As farmers strive to overcome poverty and advance in economic growth, this trend of climate change and variability threatens hard to deepen vulnerabilities, clean off hard work gains and seriously undermine prospects for development. However, despite several efforts by the extension service delivery geared towards encouraging farmers to adopt the adaptation strategies to curb the effects of climate change and variability on their farming operations, many of the farmers are adamant or may be the strategies are not effective or up to the standard. Though a lot of studies have been carried out on the utilization of adaptation strategies to climate change, the result is still not farfetched. Therefore, there is need for concerted efforts toward solving these problems posed by climate change and variability to reduce its impacts on the small holder farmers and the nation at large. It is against this backdrop of the problems and challenges posed by climate change and variability that this study seeks to provide answers to the following research questions:

i.        What are the socio economic characteristics of farming households in the study area?

ii.        What are the levels of farmer’s knowledge on climate change and variability?

iii.       What  are  the  adaptation  strategies  adopted  by  farmers  and  their  perception  of  the effectiveness of the adaptations strategies?

iv.       What are the factors that influence the adoption of climate adaptation strategies by the farmers?

v.         What  are  the  constraints  associated  with  adoption  of  climate  change  and  variability adaptation strategies by the farming households?

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study was to examine the adaptation strategies to climate change and variability by farming households in Niger State. While the specific objectives of the study were to:

i.     describe the socio-economic characteristics of  farmers in the study area;

ii.      examine the level of knowledge of farmers on climate change and variability;

iii.      ascertain adaptation strategies to climate change and variability adopted by farmers and their perception of its effectiveness in the study area;

iv.     determine  the  factors  that  influence  climate  change  and  variability  adaptation  strategies adopted by farmers in the study area, and

v.      examine  the  constraints  associated  with  farming  households  on  the  adoption  of  climate change and variability adaptation strategie in the study area.

1.4      Hypothesis of the Study

H01,   There is no significant relationship between the socio-economic characteristics of the farming households and adaptation strategies adopted by farmers in the study area.

1.5 Justification of the Study

The study is one of the efforts to provide a more in-depth empirical analysis of the effects of climate change and variability on crop with focus on Niger State Agricultural Zone I. The study was thus, aimed at revealing how climate change and variability affects crop and livestock production and to identify the appropriate adaptation strategies required to ameliorate the existing problems and prevent negative effects in the future. Adaptation Strategies to climate change and variability is the process of adjustment to actual or expected climate condition and its effects, which can be undertaken at individual farm level.  Climate change and variability are changes in start/end of growing season that may lead to lower or higher yield (Gana, 2012). This can be a delay at the onset of rain and sudden caseation of rain.  Its effect may result to reduction of water supply for crop growth and less potential for irrigation due to drought. Presently, there is information obtainable on the awareness  of  farmers  concerning  the  dangers  that  climate  change  and  variability  pose  to agricultural productivity in Nigeria especially in rural areas. This study will assist the government and other stakeholders in decision making and to inform farmers and communities in order to minimize the negative effects of climate change. The information to be generated in this study will assist policy makers in reviewing existing policies and to formulate effective strategies that will minimize the effect of climate change and variability to the environment and humans. The study will make farmers to be aware and understand the concept of climate change and variability. It will also provide suitable adaptation strategies recommendations to policy makers as well as helping farmers to identify adaptation strategies that are effective and mechanisms in handling climate change and variability thereby enhancing agricultural productivity. This study will further help to identify the weaknesses of current adaptation strategies of farmers that need to be corrected to bring about the desired results. The result of this research work will be a source of information or knowledge to agricultural extension workers on ways to overcome climate change and variability and thereby enhancing food security and self-sufficiency in food production at the family level, nationally and globally. This study will serve as frame of reference for other researchers that want to conduct studies in similar area. Also it will inform farmers about planning guides for climatic risks in terms of food, animal feed and water security.

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