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This study was on unemployment and demographic factors as predictive variables in youth restiveness. Three objectives were raised which included: To ascertain the relationship between unemployment and youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state, to find out the causes of youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state and to find out the relationship between education and youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state. The total population for the study is 75 selected residents in Ikorodu, Lagos state. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies. Unemployment is an unwanted social trend and its effects on the aggrieved youth are geared towards crime. This chronic sense of grievance was created by the highly unequal distribution of resources to and within the region exacerbated by negligence on the part of oil multinational companies and government with respect to environmental protection and a failure on the multinational companies to create local employment as well as support local entrepreneurship. This has resulted to the levels of violence driven by criminality, impunity and corruption in the Lagos state. Despite the attempts made by successive administrations to manage unemployment and youth restiveness in Lagos state, the issue is generating more attention as never before. The social indicators used as a measuring rod of unemployment are crime types that were not existing in the state before now such as kidnapping and hostage taking, pipeline vandalization, youth restiveness to mention a few.  The recommended that there should be the establishment of skills acquisition centres in all the wards in the state as to reduce the pace of violence.


Chapter one


1.1Background of the study

Restiveness among youths globally and those in Nigeria has become a behaviour pattern which has degenerated into a topical global issue. Youth restiveness portrays man’s negative side of social development. This negative development is rather unfortunate and has become one of the many security challenges facing man in the contemporary society. In many occasions, lives and properties worth millions of naira have been lost or vandalized and some razed down by restive youths. Agbara (2010), human society and in fact the entire universe is simply and squarely a complex entity. In view of this, individuals and groups have their complexities, needs, aspirations, hopes, goals, opinions, views and values which could be social, economic, religious, psychological or political. Consequently, there is bound to be restiveness among different groups of people especially youths who are at their prime age. The term youth has been variously defined. Ndu (2000) and Yusuf (2001) saw youths as neither adolescents nor children characterized by excessive energy that needs to be exerted, which if not guarded, is channeled into negative tendencies. The United Nations General Assembly and World Bank cited in Adewuyi (2008) defined the youth as people between ages 15 to 24 years. In Nigeria, the people within the age limit of 30 years are considered as youths hence they are allowed to participate in the National Youth Service Scheme (NYSC). For this research work, the NYSC definition of youth is adopted.

The issue of unemployment has become a serious source of worry in the country’s economy especially during this period of global economic crunch. This is not only peculiar to advanced economies like England, France, United States of America, Germany etc but also to Nigeria, Togo, Benin and Ethiopia etc. Jhingan (2008) suggests that unemployment is one of the most sensitive and disturbing problem fighting against the development of the contemporary Nigerian society. However, from the fore-going, it is clear that no country is free from the problem of unemployment and that explains why the pace of youth restiveness is very high in Lagos state especially in Ikorodu metropolis. Unemployment has become chronic and intractable and it is the brain behind youth restiveness in State. This is because of a common saying that “an idle man is the devils workshop”. The acquisition of a certificate or degree was considered a sure passport to a paid employment either in the private or public sectors of the economy. Gloomy labour market situation has now been the case as young school leavers and university graduates that were expected to get it easy (employment) are stranded and taken to crime in Lagos State. Youths have taken to crime as a means of getting their own share of the National cake, giving rise to chrome cases of youth restiveness in virtually the entire Lagos State.

However, the issue to overcome unemployment over the years has been Nigeria’s greatest problem especially just as the wind of global financial crunch has been so devastating. Various governments have decided to go into several measures in proffering solutions to the global issue. Nigeria. in a bid to combat youth restiveness has resorted to a massive employment generating schemes such as National Directorate of Employment, National poverty Eradication programme, skill acquisition programmes. Operation Feed the Nation Programme of 1976 etc.

The concept of unemployment is not a new phenomenon in Nigeria. Thus, in recent years the rate has caused great concern not only to individuals but also to the general public as well as the policy makers. This is because the development purposes are consistently being channeled to curb or curtail the problems created by unemployment in the state, mostly insecurity matters caused by the aggrieved youths, Jhingan (2008).

Statement of the problem

Occupationally, Lagos State were farmers and fishermen. But because of the activities of multinational companies especially, most of those primary economic activities are no longer been appreciated. They no longer see most of these businesses as suitable jobs for their social status either as university graduates, hence they now take to youth restiveness, crime, prostitution and other forms of anti-social ices. Jhingan (opcit). These youths, with the guise of unemployment have remained a great threat to political stability as they are consistently involved in creating a hostile socio-economic and political environment for the industry and government. Armed robbery attacks are persistent, youths forming various gangs of cultism, prostitution and consistent marital instabilities the effects which unemployment has left in its trail. Based on this background the researcher wants to investigate unemployment and demographic factors as predictive variables in youth restiveness

Objective of the study

The following objectives will be ascertained

  1. To ascertain the relationship between unemployment and youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state
  2. To find out the causes of youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state
  3. To find out the relationship between education and youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state

Research question

The following research question will be formulated;

  1. Is there any relationship between unemployment and youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state?
  2. What are the causes of youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state?
  3. Is there any the relationship between education and youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state?

Research hypotheses

The following research hypotheses will be formulated;

H0: there is no relationship between unemployment and youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state

H1: there is relationship between unemployment and youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state

H0: there are no causes of youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state

H2: there are causes of youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state

H0: there is no relationship between education and youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state

H3: there is relationship between education and youth restiveness in Ikorodu, Lagos state

Significance of the study

The study will be very significant to students, youth and the government of Nigeria. The study will give a clear insight on the unemployment and demographic factors as predictive variables in youth restiveness. The result of the study will highlight the causes of youth restiveness and suggestion of the solution. The study will also serve as a reference to other researcher that will embark on the related topic

Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers unemployment and demographic factors as predictive variables in youth restiveness. The study will be limited to the people of Ikorodu, Lagos state

Limitation of the study

The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study

The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.

Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Definition of term


Unemployment: Unemployment, according to the OECD, is people above a specified age not being in paid employment or self-employment but currently available for work during the reference period. Unemployment is measured by the unemployment rate, which is the number of people who are unemployed as a percentage of the labour force

Demographic: Demography is the statistical study of populations, especially human beings. Demographic analysis can cover whole societies or groups defined by criteria such as education, nationality, religion, and ethnicity

Predictive: used or useful for predicting or foretelling the future: Astrologers look for predictive signs among the stars. being an indication of the future or of future conditions.

Youth restiveness: Elegbeleye (2005) defined youth restiveness as “a sustained protestation embarked upon to enforce desired outcome from a constituted authority by an organized body of youths.” It is marked by violence and disruption of lawful activities.

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