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1-5 chapters |


Terrorism in Nigeria is an impediment to national security and sustainable development. The attacks on security agencies, civilians, churches, mosques, foreign embassies in Nigeria and the United Nations offices in Abuja have become more worrisome as such attacks have always resulted in collateral. With the new media, improved and sophisticated weaponry, the terrorists have unleashed mayhem on national security. This study on terrorism and counterinsurgency in the northeast Nigeria between 2009-2019, studied the relationship between leadership crisis and terrorism. It also took an assessment of counter-insurgency measures to curb its prevalence. Arising from this, the study discovered that apart from poverty, unemployment and despair in the northeast, that are caused by the nature of politics and cultural values of the people terrorism is triggered by Islamic fundamentalism. Terrorism is characterized with impersonal and sustained activity intended to act on people’s minds, always clandestine, intimidatory, purposive and designed to serve as a warning. This social violent act seems to have defied all measures to curb its prevalence. It equally revealed that the rise and expansion of Boko-Haram terrorist group posed security threat to lives and properties in Nigeria.

                                        CHAPTER ONE


1.1 Background of the study

The fundamental responsibility of the state is the security of the lives and properties of its citizens. Issue of security is germane to the country’s survival as apolitical entity. The security challenges in Nigeria seem to derive from lack of national identity after more than fifty six (56) years of political independent. There can be no sustainable development in any country without adequate security. There is significant mistrust, suspicion and bad faith amongst the people of Nigeria, at tribal, religious, individual and communal levels. This is manifested by communal conflict across the country and the spread of terrorist activities. However, this protective function of the state has been threatened by the emergence of “violent and terrorism-related activities. Nigeria has had quite a number of security challenges from the Urhobo-Itsekiri-Ijaw, Adono-Ndoni, Ogoni-uprising, oil producing areas versus the state and oil companies across the Niger Delta, through the Aguleri-Umuleri in Anambra state, the Zango-kataf in Kaduna state to the Tiv-Jukun in the Benue and Taraba states. Interethnic crisis is till ranging in Nigeria such as the Biromversus Fulani in Plateau state, the Niger Delta militancy and the Boko-Haram insurgency in the North-east zone of Nigeria notably, Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states. Consequently, the goal of safe guarding national security, territorial authority and sovereignty of nation-states by state actors has been on the ascendancy, assuming a global dimension. The reason been that terrorism both international and local have been accepted as potent threat to the security and sovereignty of nation-states and their citizens. Since 2009, the Boko-Haram acts of terrorism have doubled in geometric terms in Nigeria. It is instructive to state that any one who involves, adopts, supports or sponsors a policy that aims at bringing nothing but an overwhelming impulse of fear, extreme fear and dread, turning the people against their government by undermining the efficiency of security agencies promoting anarchy by causing confusion and wide spread panic, breakdown of law and order which may lead to declaration of a state of emergency and curfew among others is a terrorist (Bruno, 2015) cited in Obialor(2016). To actualize this acts, the terrorists commit acts such as hostage taking, car-bombings, suicide bombings etc. Majority of these groups are sponsored by highly place individuals in society, associations or governments to achieve their aims which are normally political and at times religious. Socioeconomic inequalities, injustice, corruption, ethnic intolerance and religious extremism are some of the vices which have culminated and metamorphosed into fanatical movements demanding radical change. Insurgencies, and the terrorism that accompanies  them, have become the order of the day thus posing complex challenges threatening political and social stability and defying military attempts to suppress or defeat them. Worse still, these insurgencies when wrongly countered by the State can grow into full terrorism. It needs be emphasised that insurgency is not same as terrorism. Haviland Smith, retired CIA station chief noted that, “Terrorism shouldn’t be confused with insurgency” 2 and Chapter Three and Chapter Four of this thesis points out the differences. If the conceptual confusion arising from the several debates with regards to counterinsurgency is anything to go by, then we seem to have forgotten the past while attempting to reinvent and restructure the future. We also seem to have forgotten that there are more insurgencies and cases of terrorism after the US declared the ‘war on terror’ which is often seen as the milestone of terrorism. The lack of an integrated and multi-dimensional approach to these new threats too often leads to confusion and disjointed responses and acrimonious debates not only over what needs to be done, but who- military or civilianshould do it. In the absence of an overarching strategic and operational understanding of the problem, military and civilian planners default to their own experiences and ideas, and, in many cases, grasp prevailing assumptions and accord them the status of historical truths. To many, the new threats we face pose unprecedented challenges. Transnational conflict and weapons proliferation, religious and ethnic extremism, and mushrooming urbanization have changed the landscape on which insurgencies are being fought.


The issue of the Islamist fundamentalist group known as Boko-Haram since 2006 has continued to pose serious challenge to Nigeria’s national life. To Boko-Haram group, it has been argued that poverty and the struggle for the control of economic and political power among the political class in the north are reasons for the emergence. Others have argued that it is a fallout of the on-going global attempt to radicalize Islam and instigate global jihadism with the ultimate aim of challenging the westernization of the international system by the United states and its European allies. Book-Haram have caused serious security problems to Nigeria and its people. Their activities have affected economic and social activities. National resources that should have been channeled to more useful ventures have been sued for counter-insurgency acts. The joint security challenge against Boko-Haram appear to be at their wits and are unable to stop them. These acts of terrorism break national security, engender chaos and hamper sustainable development. It is in view of this that necessitate the need for the study.


The main objective of this study is to examine the state and counterinsurgency in Northeastern Nigeria 2009-2019,

But to aid the completion of the study, the researcher intend to attain the following specific objectives;

  1. i) This study examined the security challenges posed by the Boko-Haram terrorist in the north east zone of Nigeria. It also looked at counter-insurgency methods.
  2. ii) To examine the effect of insurgency on the economic development of the North east zone


The following research questions were formulated by the researcher to aid the completion of the study;

  1. i) Does insurgency have any effect on the economic development of the North east zone?
  2. ii) Are they security challenges posed by the Boko-Haram terrorist in the north east zone of Nigeria. It also looked at counter-insurgency methods?


This study is timely because it provides measures to tackle or avoid insurgency, which is still an on-going challenge for Nigeria as well as other countries of the world. Similarly, this study presents facts about the possible counterproductive outcome of countering an insurgency. Drawing from this, it provides an opportunity for governments of all countries to invest heavily in human development and eradicate societal vices as poverty, illiteracy or unemployment as measures to help avert insurgency and terrorism. Admittedly, the collective responsibility espoused in this thesis is not just for the security of Nigerians but also for the wellbeing of all humans regardless of their respective country. So if various governments become very much aware that the prevalence of insurgencies and terrorisms in various parts of the world is heavily connected to governmental lapses or bad governance and work tirelessly to adopt some of the measures suggested in this thesis, the scourge of insurgencies and terrorism would be immensely reduced. In this order, this study provides insight with the realization that countering an insurgency, which is often done with brutality, only helps to institutionalize insurgencies and take it to the level of wider terrorism.


The scope of the study covers the state and counterinsurgency in Northeastern Nigeria 2009-2019 under review; but in the cause of the study, there are some factors that limited the scope of the study;

(a)Availability of research material: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient thereby limiting the study.

(b)Time: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.

(c)Finance: The finance available for the research work does not allow for wider coverage as resources are very limited as the researcher has other academic bills to cover.



An insurgency is a rebellion against authority when those taking part in the rebellion are not recognized as belligerents


Terrorism is, in the broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror among masses of people; or fear to achieve a religious or political aim. It is used in this regard primarily to refer to violence during peacetime or in war against non-combatants.

Boko- Haram

The Islamic State in West Africa or the Islamic State’s West Africa Province, formerly known as Jamā’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’wah wa’l-Jihād and commonly known as Boko Haram until March 2015, is a jihadist terrorist organization based in northeastern Nigeria, also active in Chad, Niger and northern Cameroon.


A counter-insurgency or counterinsurgency (COIN) is defined by the United States Department of State as “comprehensive civilian and military efforts taken to simultaneously defeat and contain insurgency and address its root causes”

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