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All over the world, no country has been adjusted to be totally free from any iota of corruption. Even in the Bible I Sam. Chapter 8 v 1 – 4, the two sons of Samuel, – Joel and Abijah took bribe and perverted justice.   Monumental corruption holds sway in Nigeria. The researcher’s study is to find how the two anti-graft agencies – ICPC and EFCC have performed towards eradicating corruption in Nigeria since their inauguration in year 2000 and 2002 respectively.   The background of the study dealt extensively on previous efforts made by previous Governments  to reduce corruption and all to  no avail  until  in  2000  and  2002  when  the  two  commissions  were  inaugurated  by President Obasanjo.  The scope is limited to two commissions ICPC and EFCC while other anti-corruption  agencies  like NDLEA, SSS, Customs,  Civil  Defense,  Police, Prison Services were not studied. Chapter two centered on concept, origin of corruption, history of EFCC and  ICPC, missions  of  the  two  anti-graft  commissions,   their  Operational   structures,  their functions, categories of people that have rights to report cases  of corruption to ICPC and EFCC, types of cases to be reported upon, types of offences and punishments. Different  comments  on corruption  in  Nigeria  by  renowned  scholars,  monumental corruptions  in  different  sectors  in  Nigeria   like  NEPA,  Police,  Public  Service, Presidency, among various politicians, NNPC were discussed.  Other issues discussed are negative consequences of corruption in Nigeria, causes, types of corruption, why corruption persists in Nigeria and the effects on the society generally and other basic indicators  of  corruption  as  commented  by other  scholars.  Chapter  three  dealt  on research  methodology,  design,  population of the study, sample  size determination, sample techniques, hypotheses, procedures for the administration of questionnaire and procedures  for statistical analysis.   Population  is 1,200, while  sample  size  is 300. Chapter  four  centered  on  analysis  of  demographic  variables  of  the  respondents, assessment  on  causes,  effects,  functional  differences,  factors   militating  against effective performances of the two commissions.   Five hypotheses were tested in line with five objectives of the study and five related research questions.  Corruption has brought negative consequences  like breeding  of injustice,  mediocrity,  poor service delivery, lopsided and uneven developments, brain drain, short life expectancy, ethnic militia, civil agitation and unrest, increased rate of crimes and violence.   To ensure effective performance  of the two commissions,  there is need to put in place legal constitutions  to  be  revised  periodically,  no  political  or  government  interference. There should be adequate funding, logistics support, high level of cooperation from all and  sundry  to support  corruption  eradication.    There is need  for sensitization, awareness creation, entrenching morality and social values.  Religious leaders should intensify their preaching on ethical issues and Christian ethos.   There  are  specific functions of the two commissions.   However, there are areas of functional conflicts. Finally,  in  chapter  five,  discussions  of  findings  showed  that  poor  funding,  poor working conditions in public offices, inordinate and mundane ambitions account for high rate of corruption in Nigeria.   Others are  deprivations,  overstaying  in offices, misallocations    of   resources    etc.        Finally,    conclusions    were   made   while recommendations  centered  on ways  to make the two commissions  more viable to eradicate corruption since righteousness exalts a nation (Proverb 14:34).  We have no other country than Nigeria and we have to stay here and salvage it together through collective  efforts  to eradicate corruption and by supporting the efforts of anti-graft agencies.



Nigeria has been stigmatized by the international community as one of the most corrupt countries in the world.   For three consecutives years, 2000, 2001 and 2002, it maintained the unenviable position of being the second most corrupt nation in the world,(Ogiri 2008:2).   The rating came up as a consequence of several failed attempts in the past to wipe out corruption or reduce it to a tolerable level in the polity.  From the Jaji Declaration in 1977 by Olusegun Obansanjo; the Ethical Revolution of Shagari in 1981-1983; the War Against Indiscipline by Buhari in 1984; the National Orientation Movement by Babangida in

1986; the Mass Mobilization for Social Justice by Babangida in 1987; the War Against Indiscipline and Corruption in 1996 by Abacha; to the Anti- Corruption Act 2000 again by President Olusegun Obasanjo, this is the first  time  in  the  series  of  several  efforts  to  fight  corruption  that  the attempt has the force of law with severe sanctions, Ayola (2006:5).

In the last 20 years, the pervasiveness of corruption in all its ramifications has assumed renewed dimensions of cancerous proportions in Nigeria, to the extent that the Germany-based Transparency International, a respected Independent, universal non-governmental organization ranked Nigeria in the unenviable position of being the most corrupt nation in the world for a consecutive period of more than 7 years. The unpleasant news was published in all national newspapers in Nigeria, according to Ukiro (2008:4).

In foreign countries, Nigerians are regarded and treated as corrupt people.  Unlike other nationals, no bank would allow Nigerians to open a bank account as of right.   The Nigerian Green Passport is synonymous with corruption.  Consequently, at foreign airports, Nigerians with green passports are separated from other nationals.  While others are allowed to go freely, Nigerians are subjected to degrading and inhuman treatments and treated as pariahs on the ground that they are Nigerians who hail from the most corrupt country of the world.   The recent attempt by a Nigerian, Farouk Mutullab to bomb an American plane on Christmas day, 25th   December,  2009  aggravated  matters  for  Nigerians.    The  former governor  of  Bayelsa  State,  DSP  Alamieseghe  who  was  detained  in London on charges of financial fraud got home here in Nigeria in  a mysterious circumstance.

National newspapers are filled with stories of looted money stashed in foreign banks.  The stolen resources, lost by Nigeria through endemic corruption and abuse of office have had inimical effects on the economy of the country.  First, is the issue of inflation and its pressuring effects on the economy as a result of irregular distortions in economic indices and lack  of  control  on  monetary  and  fiscal  policy  engendered  by  the availability  of   such  funds  of   massive   proportions  outside   normal economic activity.   Secondly, the inflationary trends has the effect of lowering living standards to stupendous proportions such that what is known  as  the  ‘Middle  Class’  was  virtually  wiped  out,  so  that  what hitherto were basic necessities of life became luxuries.  It is a notorious fact that, whilst in 1979, the US Dollar exchanged with the Nigerian Naira at the rate of US$1 to N0.85k, it has plummeted (fallen) to the commercial rate of US$1 to N142 in 2002.  In the corresponding period, while inflation rate in the United States of America rose by about 15% in real terms in 23 years, it has risen by about 2000% in Nigeria.

All these  stark  statistics are  induced  by all means in no  small measure, by illicit capital flight engendered by corruption.

The crisis which endemic corruption has triggered off in Nigeria, certainly poses ex-political stability, the National interest and integrity of the  Nigerian  Nation.      This,  no  doubt,  goes  beyond  local  and  state concern.  The eradication of corruption is therefore a National one, as the perilous effect touches and affects every Nigerian, regardless of tribe, religion and state of origin.  Indeed, a Nigerian is not known or lined to a state of origin outside Nigeria”.

In March 1997 Edition of Transparency International Newsletter, it was recorded that the United Nations Economic and Social Council adopted a resolution in which it called on “all governments to fight corruption more decisively”.   It was then stressed that there was global concerted effort to ensure that the issue of corruption was addressed and tackled universally.   There is an international body based in Berlin, Germany, hosting several member countries poised to combat bribery, which is known as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).  Chief Afe Babalola quoted from the Supplement to  Transparency  International Newsletter,  September 1994 as follows: “OECD  governments  today  (Paris,  27th   May,  1994)  agreed  to  take

collective action to tackle the problem of bribery in international business transactions.   The OECD Recommendation on Bribery in International Business Transactions is the first multilateral agreement among governments to combat the bribery of foreign officials and represents a breakthrough in a difficult area.   While nearly all countries have laws against  the  bribery  of  their  own  officials,  most  do  not provide  legal sanctions for the bribery of foreign officials by their nationals or their domestic enterprises.

Bribery presents moral and political challenges and, in addition, exacts a heavy economic cost, hindering the development of international trade and investment by raising transaction costs and distorting the operation of free markets.   It is especially damaging to developing countries since it diverts needed assistance and increase the cost of that assistance.


There are growing concerns about the deplorable condition of the economy aggravated by corruption in Nigeria.   Nigerians and the government alike have expressed considerable worry about the state of the economy, poor growth, and development in all sectors due to the presence of hydra-headed monster called corruption, (Okoduwa, 2008:6).

There are frequent incidents of corruptions in Federal and Sate Ministries, Departments and Agencies and in Federal, State and Local government areas of the country.  All these nefarious activities have led to  poor governance, poor performance, and  diversion of public funds while  ethical  values  are  undermined.     This  issue  of  monumental corruption has made President Olusegun Obasanjo to inaugurate the two anti-graft agencies, the Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related

Offences Commission (ICPC) and Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) in 2000 and 2002 respectively.  The mandates are for the two agencies to fight corruption to a standstill, have zero-tolerance for corruption.  The crisis which endemic corruption has triggered off in Nigeria, certainly poses political stability, the National interest and integrity of the Nigerian Nation.  This, no doubt, goes beyond local and state concern.  The eradication of corruption is therefore a National one as the perilous effect touches and affects every Nigerian regardless of tribe, religion and state of origin.

In very clear and unequivocal terms, Transparency International declares “that corruption fuels poverty and injustice for millions of ordinary citizens”.  The development assistance aimed to reduce poverty and to support equitable economic and social development; both the recipients and donors must ensure that development resources are used for their intended purposes and not diverted through corruption, wastes or abuse, that respected body further stated.   Not only does corruption undermine international effects to reduce poverty, it also further compromises the welfare of the most marginalized communities. Furthermore, corruption also skews the playing field when it comes to access to key public services such as education, health, water and market for goods and services.   It undermines political processes and political plurality  while  in  post  conflict  areas  and  fragile  states,  corruption amplifies and inflames existing tension( Ukiros2008:7).  Today in South Africa, former African National Congress president, Nelson Mandela is known for his legacies in getting Independence.  Martin Luther Junior is remembered  for  his  reform  legacies  in America  after  many  years he passed on.  In Nigeria, the reverse is the case.  Many Nigerian leaders and their citizens are corrupt.  In view of the foregoing dangers of corruption, the former president of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo succinctly observed that:   “Corruption has been responsible for the instability of successive governments since the first Republic.  Every coup since then has  been  in  the  name of  stamping  out  the  disease  called  corruption. Unfortunately, the cure often turned out to be worse than the disease and Nigeria’s external image took a serious bashing, as our beloved country began to feature on top of every corruption index”.

Over the years, there have been studies and activities to stamp out corruption from such agencies like the police, customs, code of conduct bureau, Civil Defence, but all to no avail.  From 2000 onwards, ICPC and EFCC were inaugurated and the researcher deemed it fit to find out how the functions, challenges, and prospects of the anti-graft agencies- ICPC and EFCC have impacted in tackling the debilitating monster called corruption, so as to better our country – Nigeria.


The following are the objectives of the study:

1.       To determine the causes of corruption in Nigeria.

2.       To ascertain the impact of corruption on the economic growth and development in Nigeria.

3.       To carefully determine the effectiveness of the Anti-graft Agencies – ICPC and EFCC in combating corruption in Nigeria.

4.       To determine the functional differences between ICPC and EFCC in the fight against corruption in Nigeria.

5.       To identify the possible problems militating against the effective fight  against  corruption  by  the  two  Anti-graft  commissions  in private and public institutions in Nigeria.


(1)     What are the causes of corruption in different establishments in Nigeria?

(2)    What are the impacts of corruption on financial management, economic growth and development in Nigeria?

(3)     How  effective  are  ICPC  and  EFCC  in  fighting  corruption  in Nigeria?

(4)     How do the functions of ICPC differ from those of the EFCC in fighting corruption?

(5)     What are the possible problems or challenges militating against anti  corruption  crusade  by  the  anti-graft  agencies  –  ICPC  and EFCC in private and public intuitions in Nigeria?


(a)     Ha:    Corruption is caused by inordinate ambition of many


(b)     Ha:    There is a relationship between the impact of corruption on the level of economic growth and development in Nigeria.

(c)      Ha:    There are effective operational strategies in fighting corruption by the anti-graft agencies.


The study is significant because of its usefulness to the captains of business organizations (both publicly and privately owned), the government regulatory agencies, research groups, the general public and for the survival of our country, Nigeria.

THE CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRIES:  The captains of industries whose responsibility it is to make those decisions that affect both the internal and external policies of their organizations will have the benefit of better understanding of the importance of fighting corruption to enhance their organizational performances.

THE GOVERNMENT:  The government unquestionably is responsible for developing those policies, frameworks that will eradicate corruption and consequently the study from the research will bring more awareness to the Government, on further ways to fight corruption.

ANTI-GRAFT AGENCIES:   The staff will be in a better position to strategize more, articulate issues and develop a more radical holistic approach in fighting corruption. The fight against corruption cannot be over-emphasized as such efforts will help in prudent management of the resources available to the nation and in equitable allocation of these resources to the masses.

REGULATORY AGENCIES:   The regulatory agencies of businesses are as well exposed more on issues of corruption and the research will help such agencies to check mate corruption in their establishments.

RESEARCH GROUPS:  Those who wish to carry out further research in this area or in related area will find the research work very useful as it will provide them with the required information.

GENERAL  PUBLIC:    Every  Nigerian  is  a  stakeholder  in  Nigerian

Project and will benefit from this noble study.


1.7(a)  SCOPE

The research study is intended to cover all spheres of human endeavour in Nigeria, most especially ministries, departments, agencies, banks, public institutions, federal, state and local government offices, but for reasons of constraints such as limited time, limited finance, the largeness of the area which presumably will be difficult to cover etc, the study was limited to the activities of two anti-graft agencies and their bid in fighting corruption in Nigeria.

1.7(b)          LIMITATIONS

In the course of conducting this research work, some limitations were encountered by the researcher.   These include, the reluctance of some of the respondents in giving out relevant information needed for the research  work.    Other  limitations  encountered  in  the  course  of  the research include limited finance for running around to collect data for writing the project.   Time equally posed a limitation as well.   Mention must be made here about the limitation posed by the short period for which  the  programme lasted.   All these  did  not allow the  researcher enough opportunity to give the project a comprehensive coverage.   In spite of all these, enough information on major issues were collected and analyzed.


ICPC:         Independent  Corrupt  Practices  and  other  related  offences Commission.

CORRUPTION:   It includes bribery, fraud and other related offences.

MDAS:       Ministries, departments and agencies

ACTU:       Anti Corruption and Transparency Monitoring groups (units)

Public Procurements:   It means acquisition.  Public procurement is the process by which the government contracts infrastructural supplies and professional services.

EFCC:        Economic and Financial Crime Commission

DUE PROCESS: By due process, government is stressing that there must be strict compliance with financial regulations and relevant circulars in the award of contracts.

UNCAC:    United Nations Convention Against Corruption

AUCAC:    African Union Convention Against Corruption

TOC:          Transnational Organized Crimes.

TRANSPARENCY: It connotes, openness, frankness, open and honest nature, being free from doubts, without concealments or disguise; open to public scrutiny.

ECONOMIC GROWTH:       It is the total national income divided by the population of a country to get per capita income.  In a two year period for example, with year one as the base year, with an increase in per capita income with the population constant, there is said to be economic growth.

ECONOMIC  DEVELOPMENT:    It  is  when  the  generality  of  the population are benefiting in all sectors; leading to increased standard of living of the majority of the citizens in a country.

GRAFT:  It is the use of illegal or unfair method especially bribery to gain advantage in a business, politics etc.

LEAS:  Local Enforcement Areas.

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