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It is imperative to note that the main objective of this study was to ascertain the influence of political godfatherism in Nigerian politics problems and prospect with emphasis on Akwa Ibom state, however to aid the completion of the study the researcher put forward some sub-objectives to be achieved in the course of the study; To ascertain the influence of godfatherism in Nigeria politics with emphasis on Akwa Ibom state. To investigate the effect of godfatherism on the economic development of the state. To investigate the relationship between godfatherism and delivery of dividend of democracy; of which some research questions were generated to aid analysis, and from the analysis conclusion and recommendations were made.










1.1 Background of the study

The issue about godfatherism in the politics of Nigeria has become a plague in the body of politics irrespective of the political party that are involved. It is a common trend in the political sector in Nigeria that an intending aspirant must have and depend on a godfather with wealth and power to get him into an elective office. The recent trend is that the aspirant no longer relies on their popularity among the electorates but they now depend on their chosen godfathers to help them secure election victory. This whole process undermines the usual popular sovereignty and other attributes that make democracies often unique and preferable to other systems of government. The dominant role of the political godfatherism in Nigerian politics and the competition amongst godfathers to win elections for their godsons with the ultimate aim of controlling state apparatus and resources has necessitate the adoption of varying tehnique to achieve electoral victory. A well distinctive aspect of every state in the country is the nature in which politics is being played and however the institution of the government acts on behalf of the state and through it’s structures, institutions and agencies, government enacts and express the sovereign will of the state. It is the desire of the citizens in the country to get control of the machinery of government for the ultimate purpose of the distribution and redistribution of the scarce resources. The concentration of power and wealth in the state explains the scramble for the control of it’s structures and institutions by the political class in the society, this struggle and the consequent values have impacted on society negatively. In our nascent democratic experience, the power tussles among the members of the political class have resulted in violence in varying forms and intensities. The competition for power becomes intensified as politics is viewed as a do or die affair by the political class. Also the domineering role of godfathers in the politics of the country also contributes to the weakness and vulnerability of the political structures in the country. These weak and susceptible political structures and institutions lack the will power to enhance and encourage democracy in Nigeria. However according to Williams (2004), he said from a general socio-political perspective that “godfatherism can be generally seen as a practice which entails the sustenance of a kind of social and political relationships in which the subordinate looks onto the superior for the propagation and fulfillment of certain roles, desires and interactions which binds both together or in which both have equal stake but with the superior determining what the subordinate gets in the process”. This view that he had presents godfatherism as a relationship between a superior and a subordinate in which the superior has some level of influence over the subordinate. In other words, godfatherism connotes a mutual relationship between individuals in which one is superior and the other a subordinate who relies on his superior partner for favours to help him attain his life goals. In the realm of politics, godfatherism portrays a power-based relationship. For instance, Ukhun (2004) emphasizes that the implicit feature in godfatherism is power. He stated that “power is the determinant or fundamental feature of godfatherism and that the power could be economic, political or even spiritual” (Ukhun, 2004). In the political parties, it is the godfathers that determine who gets nominated to contest elections and who wins in a particular state. It should also be noted that the power and influence of godfathers go beyond the nomination of candidates for elections and determining who wins. Observations have clearly shown that the role of the godfather tends to become more apparent and even more effective after the elections. As Chukwuma (2008) remarks, the godfather settles to dictate who gets what, when and how in the distribution of scarce resources after the elections have been contested and won. Therefore the role of godfathers goes beyond the elections and gets rather stronger and more evident thereafter. A political godfather is seen as one having the abilities and capabilities to manipulate the electoral process to the favors of his chosen godson. The political godfatherism also connotes sponsorship of the contestants in an election by a wealthy and influential individual or group who in return expects protection and other forms of rewards and privileges. Kolawole (2004) therefore sees godfatherism as an institution of political kingmaking through which certain political office holders of tenuous political clout come into power. However as the relationship progresses, the godfather stands to reap his investment, it can therefore be described as a relationship based on give and take, it is also important to note that this relationship is not fixed or determinate, as a matter of fact it breaks over time as a result of the contradictions inherent in godfatherism. In the politics of Nigeria, the rise of the godson to political role tends to threaten in most situations the prominence of the godfather and the godfather may see this as a threat to his preponderance position in the relationship. For example, the work of Adeyemi Suenu introduces an elitist correlation to the understanding of godfatherism, he sees godfatherism as being synonymous with the elites and according to him the elites in the political spheres are known in the Nigeria’s context as godfathers, they are usually the ones who govern, they are known as the kingmakers and often they are seen a strongmen who control politics in their different regions while godfatherism may be accepted as a sub-elite phenomenon, it cannot be entirely accepted as the same or synonymous with being elitism. This view is quite revealing as it unveils the problematic dimensions the phenomenon of godfatherism has assumed in the country. Tracing the history of Nigerians since political independence, it shows that aspirants to political offices who are less financial empowered rely greatly on the financial muscle of the money-bags in the society who invariably become their mentors and political godfathers. The money-bags on the other hand may look for a popular and very outstanding character to invest their money on by encouraging him to contest for an elective office which will be manipulated in his favour. In order to realize the mission, the political godfathers capitalize on the vulnerability of poverty ridden electorates who can be lured with money, food and material things to sell their votes to the highest bidder.

1.2  Statement of the problem

The concept of god-fatherism is one word that opens narrow doors when it comes to deciding who gets what in the political scene, they make or mar the potential candidates in the party. In fact, the concept of god-fatherism is firmly establishing itself as a guiding principle in contemporary Nigerian politics. One of the major factors encouraging god-fathering in Nigeria is desperate seek of power, the zeal of getting to position of authority by all means is another factor that is making this phenomenon of god-fatherism more popular, this makes our potential leaders to go into any agreement with their godfathers so as to clinch to power against the wish of the electorates. It is on this note that the researcher intends to investigate the influence of godfatherism in Nigeria politics.

1.3 Objective of the study

The main objective of the study is to ascertain the influence of god-fatherism in Nigerian politics. However, for the successful completion of the study, the following sub objectives were put forward by the researcher:

(i) To ascertain the influence of godfatherism in Nigeria politics with emphasis on Akwa Ibom state.

(ii) To investigate the effect of godfatherism on the economic development of the state.

(iii) To investigate the relationship between godfatherism and delivery of dividend of democracy.

(iv) To the role of godfatherism in democratic consolidation.

1.4 Research question

For the successful completion of the study, the following research questions were formulated:

(i) Do godfatherism have any influence in Nigerian politics?

(ii) Does godfatherism have any effect on the economic development of the state?

(iii) What is the relationship between godfatherism and delivery of dividend of democracy in Nigeria?

(iv) What is the role of godfatherism on democratic consolidation?

1.5 Significance of the study

The significance of this study is being divided into two parts namely: theoretical and practical.

At the theoretical level, it will add to the knowledge on the roles of the god-fathers  in the affairs of the Nigerian politics, this research will serve as a resource base to other scholars and researchers interested in carrying out further research in this field subsequently.

At the practical level, the study will help our policy makers and those in power to see the negative effect of god-fatherism in the affairs of the politics in the country.

1.6 Scope and limitation of the study

The scope of the study is the influence of god-fatherism in Nigerian politics. However, the study has some constrained and limitations which are:

(a)Availability of research material: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient thereby limiting the study.

(b)Time: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.

(c)Finance: The finance available for the research work does not allow for wider coverage as resources are very limited as the researcher has other academic bills to cover.

1.7 Definition of terms


It is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development or behavior of someone or something or the effect itself.


Godfatherism is a symbiotic relationship between two persons namely; the godfather and the godson where the godfather uses his political power and wealth to secure political position for the godson.


The activities associated with the governance of a country or area especially the debate between parties having power.

Political  mobilization

Political mobilization is defined as the actors attempt to influence the existing distribution of power. A directional variable is introduced in order to define more precisely the type of relationship which develops between individuals and parties.

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