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This study was on the effect of teacher’s qualification on the academic achievement of senior secondary school students in Igbo Language. (a case study of idemili South L. G. A Anambra State. Three objectives were raised which included; teachers’ academic qualification is a determinant of academic  performance in Igbo language, teachers’ professional qualification is a determinant of academic  performance in Igbo language, teaching experience is a determinant of academic  performance in Igbo language, teachers exposure on-the-job training is a determinant of academic performance in Igbo language and teachers’ interest is a determinant of academic  performance in Igbo language. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from staffs of selected secondary schools in Idimili local government of Anambra state. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).


Chapter one


1.1Background of the study

A qualified teacher is that teacher who establishes a pleasant, business like classroom climate, one that elicit students’ responsibilities and co-operation in doing academic work. Such teacher will receive high rating by students on cooperation and work engagement. For the teacher to achieve and maintain high success rates in students, the teacher needs to praise students’ successes, encouraging them to work hard and take responsibility for their academic progress (Adamson, 2004).

Teachers are responsible for student academic performance; hence what really counts in determining the quality of a teacher is the quality of what goes on in the classroom. They should be guided and equipped by sound knowledge or relevant principles so as to cope with classroom situation.

Teachers with multiphase background, training and qualification have over the years, dominated the teaching profession in Nigeria. With the emergence of new job opportunities, the teaching profession began to lose the best of its brain. Consequently, those who could not get better job stay on; new entrants use it as a stepping stone, while others who were not trained to teach but have no other job joined the teaching profession (Arisekola, 2007).

Teacher effectiveness hinges on mastery of the subject, ability to impart the subject matter to the learners and to exhibit the indices of educated person so as to achieve educational objectives. The educational objective focuses more on high students’ academic performance, in order for the students to be better individuals and contribute to the development of the nation as a whole (Abdullahi, 2006).

The shabby treatments to teachers have culminated in the drift of some of the few trained teachers to better paid jobs. Teaching job should not be a dumping ground for the frustrated job seekers from other fields of specialization. The situations whereby all sorts of people with diverse qualifications are appointed as teachers have dampened effective teaching. (Okunola,1990).

Many authors have written on teacher’s qualification to enhance academic performance of students. More specifically, the use of qualified teaching staff is a sine qua non in improving student’s academic performance. Ali (2009) observes that there was statistically significant relationship between teacher qualification and student academic achievement. Gravestock & Gregor-Greenleaf (2008) states that the explanations for good or poor student’s academic performance have been quite exhaustive yet controversy still exists among scholars as to what contribute singly or jointly to students’ poor performance. The teacher qualification found to be dominant in cross-country studies are related to; prerequisite, experience, attitude and personality.

In most schools, especially in the Eastern part of Nigeria, teaching of Igbo language is handled by those that have only a supplementary training in Igbo e.g. graduates of Igbo language, and basically always indigenous teacher the region normally takes the subject. The need to improve students’ achievement in igbo is extremely critical. However; students’ performance in igbo depends on a complex interplay of factors both within and outside the classroom. These factors range from teacher qualification to the professional development the teachers have received to support their teaching, to student socio-economic backgrounds and to the teaching practices the teachers use to accomplish their professional practice.

Among the reasons were teachers’ failure to comply to professional ethics and conduct of teaching. Hence, every teacher has his/her own personality and attributes which shows individual teacher characteristics. With these problems, the limits to effective learning of Igbo may have been minimally set. Accepted methods to overcome poor academic achievement in Igbo language  have included the promotion of more effective teaching strategies and creation of more positive attitudes towards the learning of Igbo language.

Statement of the Study

There has been a public outcry on the poor performance of students in Igbo language.  It is believed that if Igbo language concepts are not taught from known to unknown and from simple to complex, it is likely that students might find it difficult to understand the concepts taught. It has been observed that instructional materials for usage by the teachers in great qualities are being placed in school at decreasing rate.

The teachers problem today, than, is not the lack of materials, but how to make the best instructional use of those available to him (Jarolinek 2001). Unfortunately, teaching aids or instructional materials especially with the modern innovation are grossly lacking and faced with a lot of problems in its use by teachers.

Teachers are very vital in the educational system. They are the ones who interpret the goals of education and ensure that the children are educated in line with them. Since quality of output depends on the quality of input, the success or quantity of any educational system depends on the adequacy of quantity and quality as well as the level of devotion of its teaching workforce.

Mason (1990) pointed out that quality teacher is an important input in effective learning, since quality output depends on quality input. Taiwo (1990) has equally pointed out that teachers are very vital in any educational system as they are the ones who interpret the aims, goals and plans of education and ensure that the learners are educated in the directions of these aims and objectives. Babalola (2000) observed that achievement have generally taken the form of finding out whether   human   variables    correlate    highly   with    learners’ achievement. lyewarun (1994) said that teacher as a resource person helps individual student to find appropriate activities, information and methods of solving person  or group problems. From the above, we can say that the success of any school program depends on no small   measure   on   the   teachers’   goodwill   and   professional competence. The problem lies in the recruitment of non qualify teachers; teachers who do not have any teaching qualification, an accountant teaching in schools, a teacher teaching without the necessary knowledge of how to cope with different type of students in the schools.

Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study was to determine the teachers qualification as a determinants of students performance in Igbo language   in Owerri local government.

Specifically, the study sought to determine whether:

  1. teachers’ academic qualification is a determinant of academic  performance in Igbo language.
  2. teachers’ professional qualification is a determinant of academic  performance in Igbo language
  3. teaching experience is a determinant of academic  performance in Igbo language
  4. teachers exposure on-the-job training is a determinant of academic performance in Igbo language.
  5. teachers’ interest is a determinant of academic  performance in Igbo language.

Research hypotheses

The following research hypotheses are formulated to guide the study:

Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses (H0) are  stated  below:

  1. teachers’ academic qualification is not a determinant of academic performance in Igbo language.
  2. teachers’ professional qualification is not a determinant of academic performance in Igbo language

Significance of the Study

The result of this study would furnish educational policy makers and planners with relevant and up-to-date information on the teachers qualification  as a determinants  of  students performance in Igbo language in Idimili local of Anambra  State.

The study will further determine whether more qualified and experienced science teachers should be recruited as this will aid the use of more material resources that promotes good academic excellent in secondary school.

The research will contribute immensely to the entire nation as it will provide a framework upon which local and state government will address the problems of students in Igbo language via the teachers qualification in Idimili local government Area in particular and country as a whole. It will also enable individual mostly in Idimili local government to know the interrelation between student’s performance and teacher’s qualifications.

It will also look into how every teacher should display good ethics required of a professional teacher. In addition, it will give an insight into skills acquired by teachers and their ability to make use of the available resources.

The study was conducted to show those qualities of teachers which can make or mar organizational effectiveness. The results from the study would, therefore, be useful to government and most especially relevant agencies that are in charge of personnel administration in secondary education. They would be assisted to take cognizance of these qualities, thus emphasize them during recruitment exercise of teacher and on-going teacher administration. This will help to ensure qualitative recruitment exercise.

The findings from the study will also benefit those in charge of recruitment, placement and management of teaching personnel as well as their continuous development in the respective secondary education.

Also, the findings will be of value in terms of monitoring assessment in connection with accountability or reading of standards, assessment of teachers for professional improvement, determining teachers’ fitness for promotion as well as for refining professional classroom practices.

Limitation of the Study

The challenges encountered in this study include:

  1. Reluctance of respondents to disclose information,
  2. Distance and area to cover within limited period of time could be a little bit difficult.

In addition, the study faced some challenges in the area of time allotted for its completion. Materials and financial resources also created some problems since the researchers could not have raised much fund for the conduct of the research being students.

Definitions of Terms

The following under listed are explained the way they are used in the context of the study.

Teacher quality– these are characteristics which could be determined or influenced by teachers’ performance. These include: qualifications (academic/professional), experience and exposure, to on-the-job training, conditions of service and personality traits.

Quality “ fitness of input (teacher) to planned goals, specifications and requirements.

Internal effectiveness of organization is therefore measured with the degree or quality of workers performance.

Students’ academic performance: the level of response of learners to evaluation by teachers on the particular subject at a particular time.

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