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Safety practices in construction project have received several attention of the researchers over the years but how safety practices impact workers’ productivity and operation requires some attention on construction projects. The aim of this study is to determine the level of compliance with the use of safety wears and other safety control systems with a view to enhancing safety performance and workers’ productivity on construction projects. A total of one hundred and twenty eight (128) copies of questionnaire were administered to participants with years of experience on construction management in Lagos State, Nigeria. Data obtained based on snowball and random sampling technique were analysed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 using Mean Scores, Relative Importance Index (RII). The significance of each of the associated variables as impacted on construction workers safety practices on buildings project were determined using Independent Samples Test, Mann-Whitney U Test. Descriptive outcome of the statistical analyses showed a high prevalence need of safety practices. The findings of the study established dissatisfaction with effective use of safety wears and its implementation among site operatives because workers find it difficult to adapt to as it was against their traditional practices (RII=0.776), unethical practice of workers due to human attitudinal peculiarities (RII=0.766), inadequate engagement of safety managers on sites  (RII=0.764), inadequate engagement of safety managers and ineffective supervision on site (RII=0.762) as well as poor communication between site managers and site operatives (RII=0.750) as factors preventing effective use of safety wears among the categories of respondents sampled. The study concluded based on Mann-Whitney U Test result on safety improvement measures and control systems available for safety practices and workers performance on construction sites this include: the use of safety audio, video and visual displaying gadgets on site, daily check of scaffold and ladder etc., inclusion of safety matters from the planning stage, setting safety guidelines into conditions of contract, reward workers that exhibit excellent safety performance, conduct in-house safety training were found to be statistically significant with medium effect. The study recommend minimum of one safety managers on every construction sites.

Keywords: Performance, Productivity, Safety practices, Safety wears, Site operatives.




1.1       Background to the study

Construction industry in any country is associated with vital contributions to national economic development through strategic planning, design, and construction in transforming various production processes into constructed facilities (Isa, Jimoh, and Achuenu, 2013). The industry is unique among all other sectors because it provides the necessary infrastructures that stimulate national development (Jackman, 2010 and Olanrewaju and Abdul-Rashid 2015). In Nigeria, approximately 25% of the Nigeria’s workforce were attributed to construction industry (Ibrahim and Musa-Haddary, 2010). Construction industry is also viewed as labour intensive because labour cost amounts to 40-65% of the overall cost of a project (Rao, Sreenivasan and Babu, 2015).  Therefore, the labour intensive nature of the industry will demands more human involvement at the production stage. However, the industry compared with other sectors of the economy, due to caliber of casualty suffered in execution of building projects across the globe, has made the construction industry the most dangerous or highly hazardous industry in view of (International Labour Organisation, 1999; Smallwood and Haupt 2002).

Ayangade (2000) indicated that the industry is a project-based firms that comprises many parties working together towards achieving common goal. Moreover, the means of achieving this goal is characterised by hazards which pose threat to workers life. Muiruri and Mulinge (2014) noted that the complexities of activities required in the building production process pose different challenges to workers health inherent risks in the production stage. (Smallwood and Haupt 2002) viewed accidents as part of the building production process that is unavoidable because construction industry is inherently dangerous, therefore, compliance or not to safety practices will forfeit the impact of safety regulations. Factors adding to occurrence of construction fatalities were known as the uniqueness of the sector that differentiate it from other industries. This uniqueness include: short life span of projects, location are differs from time to time, workers turnover is high, large number of unseasonal workers which are not familiar with construction processes, workers turnover, high rate of small firms and self-employed workers (Safety Manual for Construction Handbook). These accidents do not only result in pain and physical damage to the workers but also reduce productivity, time, and quality performance, thereby pose treat to project success and escalate production cost (Muiruri and Mulinge, 2014).

Several codes and regulations have been in existence to provide succor in management of health and safety at work. Recently, Nigerian National Building Code empowered registered builder to prepare health and safety plan among other builder’s document in minimizing and managing causes of accident during the construction stage. In the same vein, there are stand out obligation explicitly highlighted in the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations on the stakeholders engagement in execution of project management, and it also seek the support of the client, designer, CDM coordinator, and principal coordinator on construction projects. The goal and essence of establishing safety practices’ code and regulations on construction site is to focus on preventing, eliminating, curbing, limiting and total eradication if possible the occurrence of accidents and injuries during and after the construction processes and as well train site operatives on safety programmes that will put all of these into place. The degree of confidence that accidents will not occur throughout the duration of construction projects may not be ascertain from the inception, but compliance with these specified safety practices will enhance site safety, it will eliminate the causes and reduce the negative impact as well as the level of damage to parties involves. Hinze (1997) asserted that enabling work settings enhances workers productivity at a reduced cost but increase in profit margin.

Diugwu, Baba, and Egila (2012); Okolie and Okoye (2012), Idubor and Oisamoje (2013) and Umeokafor, Umeadi and Jones (2014) contend that the numbers and magnitude of accidents occurring and recorded on construction sites in Nigeria underscored low level of safety practices. According to Dodo (2014) occupational safety is an integral part of construction operation due to the uniqueness of the industry, different trades and skills are needed to be carried in a safe environment, however individual’s contributes determine the successful outcome of the projects. The authors further stressed that compliance with health and safety regulations remains one of the integral parameters to which successful projects delivery can be obtained. This fact is buttressed as health and safety plan/policy is one of the parameters in prequalifying suitable contractors for the award of construction projects in Nigeria (Windapo, 2013 and CDM, 2015).

This dissertation is out to assess safety practices of the construction operatives in Nigeria, it will focus on the effects of safety wear on workers operation. Possible strategies to tackle all the identified problems during the literature review will be recommend at the completion of the work.

1.2       Statement of the research problem

Construction accidents remained an ongoing concern in the developing countries, despite the level of awareness in promoting safety practices over the decades. Safety practice is anchored on workers behavior regarding safety provisions, conducts that guides workers attitude in caring out their tasks at work in order to reduce or even eliminate accidental losses and injuries and maximize the nominated objective of the organization (Umoh, 2013). Perceived increment in number of casualties and illnesses reported on project sites are unacceptably high considering the numerous regulatory standards and control systems for construction projects, thereby creating serious menace to construction workers health at work. Thus, proactive step must be taken to identify this factors and be averted accordingly.

Many studies have gone down the line on the subject of construction safety provisions, practices and implementation/enforcement but focus have been on the cause of accidents, condition of work settings, workers attitudes, and provision of health and safety training (Aniekwu, 2007; Ismail, Doostdar and Harun, 2011; Olutuase, 2014; Umeokafor et al., 2014; Dodo, 2014). Alinaitwe, Mwakali, and Hansson (2007) studied factors affecting productivity of building craftsmen and found out that improper supervision and inadequate skills among workers are the most significant factors affecting workers productivity. But there exist limited study on safety practices and workers operations performance. Also, in the construction industry how safety practices affect workers productivity are less documented especially in the developing countries like Nigeria (Umoh, 2013).

Unsafe practices have been pronounced among the workers on construction sites. Clark (2006) reported that failure to adhere with the required safety procedures and as well take precautions against hazards such as wearing safety wears are common on project sites. Awwad, et al., (2016) added that safety practices lack necessary implementation due to absence of proper monitoring system, low level of safety awareness and inadequate support from safety managers. Che Hassan, Basha, Wan Hanafi (2007) and Shamsuddin et al., (2015) argued that workers knowledge and understanding of safety at work setting remained vital in promoting safety among themselves on construction site.

One of the top hill always confronted by any construction company is the frequent occurrence of accidents during construction stage, Abdelhamid and Everett (2000) and Shamsuddin et al., (2015) argued that workers omission amounts to cause of construction injuries and this was explained as behavior and human factor approach. Behavior approach underscored that construction operatives are the original reason for fatality due to their unlimited number of costly mistakes at different stages of building production process. However, human factors approach argued that not because of individuals’ unsafe behaviour rather; the emphasis was on nature of workplace settings. However, what remained unknown is how safety practices affect workers output. To ensure optimum productivity of the workers, adequate safety gadgets couple with other necessary safety training must be provided for the site operatives to safeguard them against the possibility of any work related hazards. Though workers related hazard is not a new phenomenon at work, as this has been established in some of the past studies. What remain new is the persistence of accidents and how safety practices are violated in the management of construction project.

Looking at the side effect of construction related injuries on workers and the project success, safety practice should be integral aspect of project management and must be given high priority by the construction participants to ensure human safety against the frequent occurrence of accidents on construction site. Consequently, given the size, the contributions and importance of construction workers in achieving project objectives in the industry, research on safety must go beyond appraising traditional causes of safety problem rather proactive approaches that focus on the unsafe behaviours exhibited by workers before it result into accident. It is against this identified gaps in construction safety practices literature in Nigeria, this study will be focusing on the effective use of safety wears and workers productivity in a bid to reduce causes of accident on construction sites.


1.3       Research questions

This study proposed following research questions to give direction to the study.

  1. What are the current state of safety practices on selected building construction sites?
  2. What are the factors preventing site operatives from using safety wears on construction sites?
  3. What are the effects of safety wears on workers operation on construction sites?
  4. What are the respondents perception on the importance of integrating Builder’s document and others safety control systems on construction projects?
  5. What are the safety improvement measures and control systems available for safety practices and compliance on construction sites?

1.4       Aim of the Study

The study aim at determining level of compliance with effective use of safety wears and other safety control systems with a view to enhancing safety performance and workers’ operation on construction sites.

1.5       Objectives of the study

To accomplish the stated aim, these objectives are proposed to give direction to this study

  1. To examine the current state of safety practices on selected building construction sites;
  2. To identify factors preventing site operatives from using safety wears on construction sites;
  3. To determine the effects of safety wears on workers operation on construction sites;
  4. To investigate respondents perception on the importance of integrating Builder’s document and others safety control systems on construction projects; and
  5. To examine safety improvement measures and control systems available for safety practices and compliance on construction sites.





1.6       Hypothesis Formulation

This research hypothesis was tested in order to justify the outcome of the study.

Hypothesis one

  • H0:-There is no significant difference between professional and site workers perceptions on factors preventing effective use of safety wears on construction sites.
  • H1:-There is significant difference between professional and site workers perceptions on factors preventing effective use of safety wears on construction sites.

1.7       Significance of the study                                                                                      

In bid to determine the outcome of the various projects executed, construction operatives plays very significant roles Therefore, efforts should be directed at alleviating the effect of work hazard and risk because workers are always at the receiving end and vulnerable to accidents in a bid to ensure their daily target are met. Therefore, this study when concluded will be addition to past researchers effort in addressing safety practices during the execution of construction projects in Lagos State and as well will provides lasting solutions to the challenges confronting compliance with safety practices in management of building production process. It will also provide further suggestion and solutions to construction stakeholders on measures to upgrade safety practices on construction projects.  The recommendations proposed at chapter five of this research work will enable government and construction experts to look into sustainable methods to enforce compliance with builder’s document of project health and safety plan and other safety control systems in enhancing workers compliance with safety practices and also in ensuring that construction works are carried out in a safe manners from the planning stage up to handing over stage.

1.8       Study scope and limitation

The study scope comprises medium scale categories of construction firms that operate in Lagos State. The choice of Lagos State was based on its fast growing in development and increase in the demands for housing unit both for residential and industrial purposes. The State in recent time have welcomes heavy investment which includes: Eko Atlantic city, Lekki free trade zone, Dangote petroleum refinery, Lekki deep sea port and Island international airport (Ogunde, et al., 2017). Fagbenle, Adeyemi and Adesanya (2004) & Olaleye (2008) added that eighty percent (80%) of the Nigerian construction contractors that registered with the Federal Registration Board of Nigeria have their addresses in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt. It is also believed that Lagos state fairly represent an open market of construction industry for all the sundry, and the fact that the city has suffered building collapse and casualty resulting to loss of life, litigation, regulatory actions, pains, injuries, delayed schedules, loss reputation and loss of property among others.

1.9       Definition of Terms

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH): is defined according to Alli (2008) as the study of the expectation, acknowledgment, assessment and control of hazards emerging in or from the work environment that could impede safety of operatives.

Safety policy: is a strategy and commitment together with the arrangements on ground to create adequate safety education among workers on hazards related to their work and the role an individual/person needs to play at work settings in ensuring healthy working conditions. The goal and essence of establishing safety practices’ code and regulations on construction sites is to prevent, eliminate, curb, limit and total eradication if possible, the occurrence of accidents and injuries during and after the construction processes and as well train site operatives on safety programmes that will put all these in place.

Health: Health, as defined by Longman’s Dictionary of Contemporary English, is a point of well-being both in body and mind and free from unknown injury. It is also defined according to Hughes and Ferret, (2005) as the assurance of the body and psyche of individuals from anticipated injury coming about because of materials, procedures or strategies utilized as a part of the working environment.

Safety: According Gray (1990) safety is key to achieving success in construction project, is a state of being free from harm. In other word Safety is a state of being secured from accidents, hazard, injury or death due to measures put in place to prevent such from happening.

Accident: Accident is therefore an impromptu occasion that resort into injury of individual or damages to property, plant, materials or environment or loss of business opportunities (Hughes and Ferrett, 2011).

Productivity: Jarkas and Bitar (2012) define productivity as the ratio of using total input such as labour, materials, equipment, energy and capital to produce total output based on two measures.

Site operatives: Site operatives in this research work are refers both skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers engaged in the physical construction of a building.


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