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The study examined rural news, community newspapers and grassroots development in Obia Okpor LGA of Rivers state, Nigeria and discovered that the only thing that constitute news for reporters in the country is only when a strange thing negative happens in the rural areas. For example, when there is ritual sacrifice, community clashes, rape, murder, etc. The press hardly reports any good news about the rural communities in Nigeria. With the development of new communication technology, the power of mass media has gained greater importance. Consequently, rural poverty continues to increase unabated but the Nigerian press reporters could not effectively expose the deplorable conditions under which the rural dwellers live in. The bias of the reporters is in favour of the urban dwellers who are adjudged to be learned, enlightened and understand the meaning and importance of news. The reporters argue that if the news reported upon is not essentially urban oriented, the patronage especially in the print-media would be very low. The study concluded by observing that the trend should be reversed immediately. In fact the news reporters in Nigeria should show more patriotism in the coverage of events in the rural areas.




Background of the study

The controversy about the global information flow has been raging and engaging the attention of government, media practitioners and academics for some time now. The information flow imbalance is not limited to the international scene. Within Nigeria there is a contention about the rural and urban reportage by Nigerian mass media. According to Idemili (2012), the Nigerian press neglects the rural areas in its news coverage and is primarily concerned with reporting activities in the urban areas in spite of the fact that more Nigerians live in rural areas.

Development is concerned with the quality and quantity of life. According to Muhi, Panopio and Salcedo (2013) in Anaeto and Anaeto (2010), ‘Quality of life refers to opportunities and availability of social, health and educational concerns. Quantity of life involves the amount of economic and political participation of the people’. From the point of view of Daniel Learner, development means modernization. Contrary to this, most scholars see development as the freedom of human beings to live the way it suits them (Obirieze, 2012). The ills of the rural areas, difficulties of life there, their burning sense of grievance, are seldom seriously conveyed. Indeed, over ninety-five percent (95%) of the Nigerian mass media, particularly the print media, can be referred to as the urban press-après that repeatedly if unconsciously, reflects the bias, the paternalism and the indifference of the typical urban dweller. This bias manifests itself in one or two forms: neglect of the majority and distortion of news about the rural populace. While the former refers to neglect of rural efforts, aspirations and overall existence, the latter refers to a situation whereby the issues, events or efforts of our rural areas, whenever reported, are inaccurately and sometimes carelessly reported in the media. In most cases, this inaccuracy or distortion stems from the typical Nigerian journalist’s misguided belief that since majority of our rural populace are illiterate, all of them cannot understand whatever was being said. Talking about neglect of the rural areas by the Nigeria mass media, the temptation is to pass off such neglect as a result of prejudice, on the part of reporters and editors unconscious, unintended prejudice nonetheless. To a certain extent, such an argument is valid. However, a more important reason for the neglect stems from the structure of Nigeria journalism — from the way the mass media has explicitly or implicitly defined who they are and what journalism in Nigeria is all about. Arguably, most media houses in the country today believe that since they are situated in the urban areas, their primary task is to satisfy their urban colleagues, who, after all, are mostly those who attend to the media and, of course advertise in the papers and magazines or buy up available air time to slot in their commercials. Perhaps they are right to adopt this stance of concentrating on the urban areas, even if the journalists are ‘socialists’ at heart. It is easy to see, therefore, that the most important structural point here concerns the way in which the news media has defined who they are specifically, who reports the news. Journalism in Nigeria has for long been under the control of urban minds and it can be maintained that most of our newsrooms have not yet had reporters who can, and are wiling to, bring the perspectives, values and moves needed to broaden coverage. Structurally, then, the Nigeria mass media has, largely been without the adequate first hand knowledge needed to help them improve coverage of the rural area. Most of the reporters live in the cities and are more likely to notice things that are happening within their vicinity rather than the problems, issues and developmental efforts of our rural populace. Thus, a conflict over the quality of secondary school education in a remote rural location. For instance, such conflict in Abuja is more likely to receive ongoing news and features coverage by media houses across the nation while a similar conflict in, say, Obia Akpor LGA of Rivers state will be very likely to receive a single feature story in a paper like the Guardian. In the same vein, the coverage of a disease striking down the residents, with ten people dying daily is more likely to get sustained national attention than an epidemic of measles at Ikwere village in Obia Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers state which may have killed more people than the disease in Port Harcourt before it begins to be noticed by our urban based media houses


African countries and other developing nations today are marked by poverty and other development challenges. They are confronted with the problems of high population, malnutrition, low infrastructure, unemployment and many more. Hence, the urgent need for change and improvement. One of the elements that can help create conditions and accelerate development of these countries is the provision of information and knowledge. Anaeto and Anaeto (2010) appreciates the fact that knowledge and information are essential for people to successfully respond to opportunities and challenges; social, economic and technological changes. But to be useful, knowledge and information must be effectively communicated to people. However, most of the development communication programmes in the south-east is not target oriented. In support of this fact, Nwosu (2011) says that organized, systematic and effective utilization of broadcasting for rural development has remained topical in policy, practice and scholarly circles and will probably remain so for many more years to come. The reason is simple. There has not emerged a reliable body of knowledge and tested practical strategies on this issue that can be applied to most rural development situations with relatively high degrees of assurance for success. There is also need to find out whether the problems on this question arise more at the level of conceptualization and policy formulation or at the level of implementation. On the other hand, poverty is one of the major human factors militating against the teeming population of the world.


The study has one main objective which is sub-divided into general and specific objective, the general objective is to examine the rural news, community newspaper and grassroots development in Obio Akpor LGA of Rivers state. The specific objectives are;

  1. To examine the effect of community newspaper on grassroots development in Obio Akpor LGA of Rivers State
  2. To examine if there is any significant relationship between rural news and grassroots development in Obia Akpor LGA
  • To access the impact of rural news credibility in attracting community development
  1. To examines the relationship between relationship between community newspaper and news credibility


The following research questions were formulated by the researcher to aid the completion of the study;

  1. Is there any community newspaper on grassroots development in Obio Akpor LGA of Rivers State?
  2. Is there any significant relationship between rural news and grassroots development in Obia Akpor LGA?
  • Does rural news credibility have any impact in attracting community development?
  1. Is there any significant relationship between relationship between community newspaper and news credibility?


The following research hypotheses were formulated by the researcher to aid the completion of the study;

H0: There is no significant relationship between rural news and grassroots development in Obia Akpor LGA

H1: There is a significant relationship between rural news and grassroots development in Obia Akpor LGA

H0: There is no significant relationship between relationship between community newspaper and news credibility

H2: There is a significant relationship between relationship between community newspaper and news credibility


Nigeria since independence had chequered history of government system. They have witnessed more military regime to civilian regimes as a result, Nigerians have not inculcated the   democratic culture, and they are still at the cognitive stage where a lot of mobilization need to be created for them to know the benefit of democratic culture. It is also imperative to educate them on the working of a democratic government.

Thus this research work becomes inevitable and very vital as democracy has come to stay in our country of which Nigeria has created history in her smooth transition from civilian government hence the study becomes imperative to governments states, individuals and society at large.

This study was also essential to enhance the effectiveness of community newspapers in mobilizing the masses as well as help to unearthed some of the problem hindering the mobilization of the people of Obia Akpor Local Government Area by community newspaper (urban news) and offer possible solutions. This study is also important to help newspapers administrator to devise effective means of creating political awareness in their various areas of circulation.

Although this work beams it’s search light on Obia Akpor Local Government Area, it is also essential to point out that most local government areas in the country are faced with the similar situation so, the findings and recommendation reached at the end of the country.


The scope of the study covers rural news, community newspaper and grassroots development in Obio Akpo Local government area of River state. This study shall cover everything within it researchable scope.


In the course of the study, there are some factors that limit the scope of the study; which were beyond the researcher’s control;

  1. a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study
  2. b) TIME: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.
  3. c) Organizational privacy: Limited Access to the management and staff of selected media houses makes it difficult to get all the necessary and required information concerning the activities.


Newspaper: It is a regular printed document consisting of news reports, articles, photograph and advertisements that are printed in large sheets of paper which are folded together but permanently oined.

Impact:   A powerful effect that something has on something especially news on a situation of affairs on establishment.

Awareness:  An act of fairing special interest in or expe3rience of something and so bring well informed of what is happening in that subject at the present time.

Community: People living in a particular area who are considered as a unit because of their common interest and background.

Rural Area:   Area outside the urban area where 65 percent of Nigerians live.

Urban Area: Township where government officials and the middle class live.

Masses: The entire citizenry. Those not in governments.

Mobilization: The creation of awareness in people with a view of changing their opinion towards certain issues.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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