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The title of our project was parent perception and attitude towards girl child education in Kuje area council, Abuja. A population of 200 was used the design for the study was survey design. The research questions were answered using descriptive status of simple percentage in tables. One of the major findings was early marriage and economic factors were responsible for low or non-participation of girls in western education. It was also recommended that the few educated girls should be employed.


Chapter one


1.1Background of the study

Girl-child education is one of the issues that seem to be receiving prominent attention in Nigeria today. The development is indeed a reflection of the global trend towards girl-child empowerment. Mention liberation, greater equality and indiscrimination. The background to this is predicated on the understanding of the noble role of girl-child in the socio-economic and political development at any country (Nwaubani, 1998).

Girl child no doubt is the most influential but often neglected group in most of the Nigerian societies. The neglect to a large extent has made girl-child one of the disadvantaged groups in the developing countries at the world where they are marginalized on account of gender, social and cultural bias as well as other stereotypes (UNESCO 1992).

In Nigeria, education is perceived as an instrument par excellence for effective national development (N.P.E 2004). In endorsing the importance of education for all Nigerians, the National Basic education in a variety of forms, depending on the need and possibilities be provided for all citizens bearing this goal in mind, the government is expected to treat citizens equally in the process of providing educational opportunities. This, therefore, suggest that no Nigerian child should be deemed access to education and self-fulfillment based on some perceived misconceptions, like parental look Warm attitude, social stigma and gender superiority et.c. Indeed girl-child education is very important for the overall development of the country. The place of girl-child in our society is indeed such as the important one that any deliberate neglect of their education could portend danger for the entire society. In fact, it has been often said to teach a boy child is to teach an individual, to teach a girl-child is to teach a family and a nation (Frederick 1981).

In education, female pass on their knowledge to their peers and other family members particularly their daughters thereby multiplying the effect of their education. It could be said that while education is essential for boys and girls, the benefits of educating, girls tend to be greater. This is so because female education has been found to have a more significant impact on poverty reduction and the provision of sustainable development by influencing the family size and female labour participation. Hence parents should always think of these merits of girl-child education and allow their girl-child to be educated.

It is indeed the responsibility of the family and society to protect the rights of all children including the girl-child. Thus a caring society will not only given dignity to young children through education but equally create conditions in which they can actualize their potentials and material of ensuring that the educational right of the girl-child is safeguarded is a very vital one.

This is so because human rights in general and educational right, in particular, have a specific application to female children probably because of her society neglect and bias. Despite the new universal advantages of female education parents tend to prefer to educate their son’s given women’s role, the household economy and the perceived disadvantage of investing in a girl-child who will marry into another family and take with her the advantage she has gained (U.N.F.A 1993).

The above demerit is one of the attitudes of parents towards girl-child education in Kuje. But the most pronounced ones include perception of girl-child education and their peculiar household role’s poor parental educational background, poverty and limited resources et.c.

Thus, in Kuje, girl-child enrolment in primary schools and transition to secondary and tertiary education seem quite low because of the above reasons. Furthermore, this parity between male and female gender in education could be based on several factors. Indeed, this inequality could be due to intentional discrimination of the female child on educational issues.


1.2   Statement of the Problem `

In Kuje area council, Abuja, girls face the problem of early marriage since it is culturally believed that early marriage prevents promiscuity. Indeed the above parental attitudes urged the female child to think of nothing rather than becoming wives and mothers as their parents and society expect. More so, parents inculcate this into the girl from a very tender age, in the choice of duties in the home for instance girls young ones cook, wash and tidy the home, the boys are left with duties as washing the car or laundry. Furthermore, the western education system indoctrinated parents hence added little scale to poor parental attitude to western education. This is vividly illustrated in the textbook ussed at all levels of the Nigerian education system. The textbook seems to be gender stereotypes. Because even at primary level the textbook has stereotyped pictures such as father reading newspaper, or watching television, a mother with a baby on back, carrying basket on her way to market conversely. Within the cultural factor, lies the religious dimension which in Abuja also seem to be a prominent issue in parental attitude on girl-child education owing to poor parental attitude thus factor has created a wide gap between male and female enrolment in western education. The economic factor is also another problem which makes parents to deprive their female children of education. This is because girl-child seen, as migrants hence need not to waste any fund for them. However, some parents are absolutely poor and could not the burden of their female child education. Since to some parents, the female would be married to another family.

It is in the light of the above problem that the researcher seeks to examine and analyze the parental attitude towards girl-child education in Kuje area council, Abuja

1.4   Research Objectives

The main objective of the study is to investigate the attitude of parents towards girl-child education Kuje area council, Abuja, Nigeria, to aid the completion of the study; the researcher would intend to achieve the following specific objectives are to:

  1. investigate attitude of parents towards girl-child education.
  2. find out how school activities and the girl-child education.

iii.     examine the influence of culture, and tradition on girl-child education.

  1. government activities and the girl-child education.

1.3   Research Questions

The following research questions guided the study;

  1. What is the attitude of parents towards girl-child education?
  2. How does school activities impact on girl-child education?

iii.     What influence is the culture and tradition having on girl-child education?

  1. How does government activities impact girl-child education?

1.5   Significance of the Study

This research will be of immense benefit to parents generally. Those who come across it would appreciate the many benefit that can be derived education, especially girl-child education. It will enable parents who have a view about education for girl-child to have a rethink and they are negatively about girl-child education changes to positively. Also, this research will go a long way in assisting education students in the University of Abuja for their research work and leisure reading.

1.6   Scope of the Study

This research will be carried out within Kuje area council, Abuja, Nigeria to be precise. This is to enable the researcher to get a good random sample from elites, parents and teenagers alike. The research is restricted to just the Kuje area council ,Abuja i.e the attitude of parents towards the education of their girl child in Kuje environs.

1.7   Limitation of the Study

  1. Financial Constraints: The researcher was with limited funds, she cannot visit all the areas to get responses from respondents but she was able to get good information concerning the research topic.
  2. Time Constraints: The researcher was involved in other departmental activities like seminars, attendance of lectures et.c which limited her time for the research but the researcher was able to meet up with the time assigned for the completion of the research work.

1.8   Definition of Terms

Attitude: This is a psychological construct, a mental and emotional entity that inheres in, or characterizes a person. They are complex and are an acquired state through experiences.

Education: this depicts individuals’ involvement in formal training to acquire basic knowledge, skills and expertise necessary for living a meaningful and impactful life. It generally aims at the development of human abilities (Schaeffer 2005:375).

Girl child: Is a female under aged 18, or a persons’ child or girlfriend, or a group of woman friends. A young 15-year-old female is an example of someone who would be considered a girl.

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