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The crime of kidnapping in Nigeria is becoming so alarming to an extent that no body knows who next to be affected by it. This study looked at the perceived effects, causes, reasons and solution to the problem of kidnapping in Nigeria particularly in Enugu East Senatorial District. It used questionnaire and in-depth interview in its data collection and found that the causative factors of kidnapping are payment of ransom, non cooperation with the police, lack of instruction on moral and too much emphasis on material gains. Therefore it recommends the introduction of youth empowerment programmes by the NGOS’ and government as the key instrument to its solution. It also recommends that more sophisticated and computerised equipments and ammunitions should be distributed to all state headquarters and area commands in order to detect the hoodlums and combat the advancement of the crime.




There is no doubt that kidnapping in Nigeria is in part, a syndrome from many parts of the world- Iraq, the Philippines, Afghanistan, India, Russia, Palestinian Territory, Mexico, Nepal and American (Abati, 2009). Episodes of ransom kidnapping in the annals of American history include the case of four year old Charlie Ross in 1874 (Cyntrax, Wilson and Wilson as cited in Ugwuoke, 2010 :197) and Lindbergh case in 1932 ( Allison, 2000: 110). In the Lindbergh’s case, Lindbergh’s child was the centre of a plot, the suffering of the child’s parents, and the difficulties of the police enquiry, were exacerbated by widespread speculation, misinformation and serial random notes (Alexander and Klein 2009: 16). Alexander and Klein further noted that in the 17th century, children were stolen from their families and exported to North American colonies as servants and labourers, hence, ‘kid’ meaning ‘child’ and ‘nap’ or ‘nab’ meaning ‘to snatch’. Kidnapping was therefore connected to the staling of children but the word has come to be used interchangeably with both children and adults. Nevertheless, past account of kidnapping revealed that death penalty was ordered as a punishment for kidnapping in ancient Rome when the Emperor Constantine (AD 315) became so alarmed by the incidence of the crime (Akpan, 2010: 33).

However, the early African societies were marked with the incidence of slave trade. In this vein, Ugwu (2010 : 2)., asserted that the weak and the poor were captured and sold into slavery. Ugwulebo (2011: 26) noted that during the colonial era, the colonialists came to some parts of the world, such as Africa, took their able bodied men and women and sold them to far away nations who needed human labour for their plantation and other services. (Onimode as cited in Ugwulebo, 2011: 26-27) had noted that gun powder, gin, mm and other materials were offered by the Europeans to the Africans in exchange for slaves shipped

annually from ports in Nigeria. Therefore, slavery and kidnapping were like two sides of a coin.

In the early traditional Nigeria society, human sacrifice perpetuated kidnapping. Ugwuoke (2010: 197) rightly asserts that individuals were kidnapped for ritual or social reasons. The African traditional worshipers solely believed in sacrificing to appease the gods. The sacrifice may transcend animal sacrifice, and the priest could be inspired by the gods to order for human beings; to accomplish this kind of sacrifice, the required person could be kidnapped and killed in a sacrificial procedure. Ugwuoke explained that kidnapping was mainly for the purpose of sacrifice either to appease the gods or for the burial of a prominent chief or warrior. Precisely, to carry out a successful burial of important citizen like chiefs and prominent warriors required human head. Hence, warriors engaged themselves in search of victims to be kidnapped. Besides Nwadiorah and Nkwocha (2011: 3) observed that the act of kidnapping increased in Nigeria after the Nigerian civil was in 1970 which exposed many youths with military experience to some criminality. The above account reveals that kidnapping is very old in the history of man as it is also recorded in section 364 of the Nigeria Criminal Code.

Though kidnapping is not new, and has been in Nigeria criminal statues, ransom kidnapping is a new trend and was not known in Nigeria until recently. Moreover it was obvious in 2006 when it was announced that foreign oil workers were kidnapped (Inyang, 2009). However, those expatriates were released after paying huge ransom in millions of naira. Since then, kidnapping for ransom has spread to most parts of Nigerian states and Enugu East Senatorial District is also affected by it. Many people have been kidnapped and only released after the payment of ransom while in some cases dead bodies were recovered. Igwe Uche Nwaechime, the proprietor of Mac Royale Hotels ltd, from Nkanu West Local Government , Enugu State was kidnapped and slaughtered by the kidnappers. His body was found by a search party at a refuse dump site on the Enugu Port Harcourt express way (Ugwulebo, 2011). Dr. Paul Edemobi, the proprietor Paul and Grace Foundation and brother to Prof. Dora Akuyili, was kidnapped in Enugu on Monday 1st December 2008 from his 10B Savage Cresent GRA Enugu (Ojukwu, 2011). The wife of Sam Ngene, the then Chairman of Enugu South Local Government Area was kidnapped on March 2009. Also, Nkem Owoh, the popular Nollywood actor was kidnapped along Enugu-Port Harcourt express way (Ugwulebo, 2011). Payment of ransom, tragic recovery of dead bodies and other facts and events as a result of kidnapping shapes peoples perception of the crime. Furthermore, Anosike (2009) stated that the incidence of kidnapping is a common occurrence in the eastern states. Anosike also noted that states ranging from Abia to Anambra and Enugu were greatly alarmed by the wave of kidnapping.

However, in 2009, rebranding project was frantically directed towards redeeming the image of Nigeria due to the fact that most countries of the world and Nigerians themselves perceive Nigerians negatively (Dieye and Iwele, 2011: 78). Incidentally, in that same 2009 there was rise in kidnapping as available statistics shows that there was 512 incidence of kidnapping in 2009 against 353 in 2008 (Ojukwu, 2011: 380). Ojukwu also noted that the ambassador of the rebranding Nigeria project, Pete Edochie was kidnapped in Onitsha on his way to his home town- Nteje. Since then, kidnapping has drastically affected the country’s image and major businesses in the country.

Furthermore, kidnapping for ransom posses serious threat to the well ordering and functioning of the society and many factors were perceived as its causes. In Nigeria, such factors include corruption among the Nigeria Police Force (Adibe, 2009), unemployment, poverty and leadership failure (Diara, 2010), failure of the government to provide basic amenities and the use of cult gangs and militants by politicians in electoral processes (Okengwu, 2011: 1), access to large quantities of small arms and light weapons (International

Crisis Group, 2006 as cited in Iduh, 2011: 126). This study will lay emphasis on the perception of people in Enugu East Senatorial District concerning kidnapping in Nigeria.


Kidnapping in Nigeria is a very serious contemporary social problem which was noted by Iduh (2011: 125) as the outcome of decades of peaceful protests in the Niger – Delta region. Kidnapping first attracted national attention on 20th February 2006 when Niger – Delta militants kidnapped foreign oil workers to press their demand (Nwadiorah and Nkwocha, 2011). Since then, many Nigerians have been kidnapped and only released on huge ransom whose re-payment they may not be able to make for the rest of their lives (Oshio, 2009: 13). The statistics of kidnapping by the Distress Call Base (DBC, Anti-Kidnapping Squad Enugu, 2012) show that from January to December 2009, there were nine reported cases of kidnapping, eight victims of kidnapping, five victims of kidnapping rescued, one victim killed and twenty two arrested kidnappers. Furthermore in 2010, there were twenty six reported cases against nine cases in 2009, twelve kidnapped victims against eight in 2009, eleven rescued victims against five in 2009 and thirty eight arrested kidnappers against twenty-two in 2009. Also in 2011 the data reveal rise in kidnapping as there were forty six reported cases of kidnapping, fifty eight kidnap victims, fifty five rescued victims, one victim killed and one hundred and thirty six kidnappers arrested. In three months from January to March 2012, there were five reported cases of kidnapping, six kidnap victims, five rescued victims and six kidnappers arrested.


Table 1 : Statistics of Kidnapping Cases in Enugu State : January 2009 to March 2012

  No. of



No. of



No. of Victims Rescued No. of



No. of



Jan to Dec. 2009 9 8 5 1 22
Jan. to Dec.2010 26 12 11 Nil 38
Jan to Dec 2011 46 58 55 1 136
Jan to March 2012 5 6 5 Nil 6


Source : Distress call base (Anti-Kidnapping Squad) Enugu, 2012.



The distress call base data as shown in Table 1 above shows absence of reliable statistics. The statistics of individuals kidnapped in the years before 2009 in Enugu State was not included in the statistics. It also reveals that many victims’ relations do not report their cases to the police, some are not also eager to release information that will enable the police to carry out investigation, which is explicit in 2011 as there were forty six reported cases of kidnapping against fifty eight kidnapped victims and fifty five rescued victims. Finally it reveals that the police are extremely on the neck of the kidnappers.

Meanwhile in order to ameliorate the problem of kidnapping, the Nigerian government granted amnesty and an unconditional pardon to militants in the Niger Delta (Ogege, 2009: 148). Despite governments’ efforts, kidnapping for ransom increased in its spread to most Nigerian states. In response to massive challenges to security, Anosike (2009) noted that the executive councils of most Nigerian states convened at the state government houses countless number of times to devise means of solving the problem. However, at one of the meetings, governors of Abia, Anambra and Akwa Ibom, insisted that modern security equipments should be deployed in high crime areas, in order to combat kidnapping (Guardian, July 25, 2010 p 16). At a meeting of the South East governors in Enugu, they resolved to tackle the trend by seizing the property of people that allow it to be used as operation base by kidnappers (Guardian, July 27, 2010 p 51). The House of Representatives

in addition, proposed death penalty for kidnappers (Guardian, September 22, 2010 p 3). In spite of all these efforts, the crime of kidnapping has remained unabated.

However, seeking to know shy kidnapping became a serious problem in Nigeria at the time authorities were talking about rebranding the county positively is essential. Contries like Singapore, Malaysia and Ghana have rebranded without even altering a word; but rebranding of Nigeria with all the seminars and Symposia held in London, New York and other western capitals failed (Guardian, July 17, 2010 p46). Nwora (2006:17) argued that Nigeria should focus on socio economic reforms and putting her house in order, after which she could then open her door to the rest of the world. It is also noted by Dieye and Iwele (2011 : 78) that the relative decay and fast degradation of the standard of values and moral character formation that has defamed the Nigerian image demands an urgent attention. It had also been noted that perceptional management would have been a useful tool in rebranding project if it was effectively managed (Guardian, July 17, 2010 p46). Therefore the problem of kidnapping has not been solved because there is the need for perceptional management (i.e, finding peoples’ attitude viewpoint and approach towards the causes, reasons and methods of tackling a problem with the aim of using it to control the rise of such of problem) in Nigeria. Meanwhile in order to realize public perception by getting the negative as well as positive answers from the public with questions directed towards such answers and manage it effectively a study of public perception on kidnapping is important. The above necessitates the interest in this study. This study will therefore examine peoples’ perception on issues of kidnapping in Enugu East Senatorial District.


The following questions will guide this study;

  1. What is the relationship between gender and perception on kidnapping among the people in Enugu East Senatorial District?
  2. Does place of residence influence the perception on kidnapping among the people in Enugu East Senatorial District?
  3. Does age influence the perception on kidnapping among the people in Enugu East Senatorial District?
  4. What is the relationship between occupation and perception on kidnapping among the people in Enugu East Senatorial District?
  5. Does the level of education of people in Enugu East Senatorial District influence their perception about kidnapping?
  6. What are the probable strategies that can help to reduce the incidence of kidnapping in Enugu East Senatorial District?

The main objective of this study is to ascertain the perceptions of the people in Enugu East Senatorial District on kidnapping in Nigeria, from which the following specific objectives were drawn.

  1. To find out the relationship between gender and perception on kidnapping in Enugu East Senatorial District.
  2. To find out if place of residence influence the perception of the people in Enugu East Senatorial District concerning kidnapping.
  3. To ascertain if age influences the perception of the people in Enugu East Senatorial District concerning kidnapping.
  4. To find out the relationship between occupation and perception on kidnapping in Enugu East Senatorial District.
  5. To ascertain if the perception of the people in Enugu East Senatorial District concerning kidnapping is influenced by their level of education.
  6. To suggest probable strategies that can help to reduce the incidence of kidnapping Enugu East Senatorial District.

Theoretically, this study will add to the body of knowledge on crime, especially kidnapping. It will educate people on the ways crime such as kidnapping could influence people’s perception in relation with other variables. It will also unveil some of the causes, effect and solution to the problem of kidnapping in Nigeria. In addition, it will serve as a reference material to researchers in the field of criminology who will like to carry out further researches on kidnapping and such related crimes.

This study has also practical significance especially with reference to policy making. It will multivalve policy makers to make policies that will discourage kidnapping and improve the well being of citizens. It will also enlighten the general public about the causes and trend of kidnapping in Enugu East Senatorial District in particular and Nigeria at large. This study is also expected to be beneficial to law makers, law enforcement agents and government officials. It will also necessitate decision making for improvement of the standard of living of the citizens. The findings of this study will be useful to other agencies and organizations interested in the issue of kidnapping in Nigeria.


Adulthood – This is the number of years for single and married male and female, based on young and old age, which is from eighteen to sixty years. In this study, it is divided into younger and older adults.

Educated – This is high standard of educational qualification in terms of degree and above. Those who are educated are seen as graduates with or without other qualifications. Kidnapping – This is a violent crime that is often perpetuated by taking the victim away by force and for the purpose of gaining ransom.

Little education         –          This is         educational qualification in terms    of junior secondary

school which is JSS3, primary school and no formal education.

Older adults –            These are people that are aged, who may as well be classified as more

mature in reasoning, aged 40 years and above.

Place of residence      –          In this         study place of residence is seen as   housing areas in the

rural and urban region.

Public perception      –          In this         study, public perception is seen as    the views of people

concerning the incidence of kidnapping. That is the interpretation given to the incidence of kidnapping by different individuals.

Urbanization –           Urbanization in this study is a process whereby young adults migrate

from the rural to the urban areas in search of greener pasture.

Younger adults          –          These are the people whose ages fall within the range of

eighteen years to thirty nine years. They are as well within the youthful ages

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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