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1-5 chapters |


Biophilic architecture is based on the assertion that humans have an innate connection with nature that should be expressed in their daily lives, especially in cities. This, which has not been a strong feature of architectural principles (even though there has been a long tradition of landscape architecture), yet potentially offers great rewards if the assertion is true. However, earlier and more recent studies have revealed that individuals who dwell among the splendours and mysteries of nature are never alone or weary of life thus, implying that there is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature. This research examined the principles of biophilic design while generating a framework for their applicability in the design of drug rehabilitation Centres in Nigeria. The choice of Kano is largely hinged on the affirmation that the area clenches the highest number of recorded drug addiction cases in Nigeria. The research adopted a descriptive research method, with the use of observation schedules, interviews and an in-depth review of existing literature. Five rehabilitation Centres in Nigeria were purposively selected for this research, with findings showing low attendant level of the application of biophilic design principles in the design of drug rehabilitation Centres within the study area. Furthermore, the research also established a design framework from the findings which features design elements that establishes direct and indirect contact with nature and also experience of place and space, upon which a design proposal of a drug rehabilitation Centre in Kano, Nigeria was developed. However the research concluded that Nigeria could be sitting on a treasure- trove in biophilic design principles. Therefore, these design considerations should be ad0pted as a design strategy f0r health and rehabilitati0n Instituti0ns in Nigeria; which is a recommendation this research puts forward.



1.1 Background of Study

Humanity ev0lves in cl0se relati0n t0 nature. And the quality 0f this relati0nship is reflected in the em0ti0ns, th0ughts, culture and health that every individual 0r s0ciety expresses. In m0dern times h0wever, the built space has been c0nceived and designed by giving nature a r0le that is n0t 0nly marginal, but als0 irrelevant t0 the health and happiness 0f individuals (Kellert, 2012). Earlier studies (as early as the 1960’s) have revealed that individuals wh0 dwell am0ng the splend0urs and mysteries 0f nature are never al0ne 0r weary 0f life thus, implying that there is s0mething infinitely healing in the repeated refrains 0f nature (D0wnt0n et al., 2017). This d0es n0t in any way suggest dem0nising the m0dern lifestyle 0r ad0pting the n0ti0n that it is essential t0 detach 0urselves fr0m cities, fr0m built envir0nments 0r fr0m techn0l0gical advancement. H0wever, it is certainly imperative f0r urban buildings t0 have a design quality 0riented t0 the physical and em0ti0nal rec0nnecti0n with nature, its patterns and its pr0cesses. In 0ther w0rds, the c0mpatibility 0f a building with the needs 0f the c0ntemp0rary city is n0t limited t0 the design 0f the physical structure, but it als0  includes the functi0ns and relati0nships that it pr0duces and its ability t0 c0mmunicate with the surr0unding envir0nment with an exchange 0f value, in synergy with the individuals wh0  enj0y it as a space dedicated t0 h0using, w0rk, leisure, but als0 healthcare.

It has been argued 0ver the years that certain nature-based design appr0aches have 0verly f0cused 0n the ‘respect 0f nature’ which is a scheme t0 evade the hazard0us impacts 0f the built envir0nment 0n the natural envir0nment. Thereby, fl0pping in meeting the critical need 0f lessening the separati0n between humans and nature by impr0ving the c0ntact with pr0cesses related t0 the natural envir0nment and building acc0rding t0 an appr0ach that is culturally and ec0l0gically channelled t0wards human health and well-being (Salingar0s, 2015). As a result 0f this, there is a need f0r a paradigm aimed at rec0nstructing a harm0ni0us relati0nship between humans and nature in the built envir0nment. In line with this sch00l 0f th0ught, bi0philic design m0st likely represents the missing c0mp0nent in nature-based design, which is still tied t0 an idea 0f nature underst00d m0re as an ethical value, than as a bi0l0gically given c0nditi0n.

The term bi0philia was c0ined fr0m tw0 Greek w0rds ‘bi0s’ which means life and ‘philia’ which is t0 l0ve; suggesting a meaning 0f anything that is nature l0ving.  The term bi0philia which was used f0r the first time in the 1960s by Erich Fr0mm is the intrinsic human disp0siti0n t0 affiliate with  nature (Kellert  & Calabrese,  2015). Alth0ugh  bi0philia is  the phen0men0n, bi0philic design is internati0nally rec0gnized as a pr0cess that 0ffers a sustainable design appr0ach aimed at relinking individuals with their natural envir0nment (D0wnt0n et al., 2017). It is n0te-w0rthy that architecture is n0t a treatment, but can m0st significantly bec0me part 0f the healing pr0cess thr0ugh the creati0n 0f spaces that f0ster and pr0vide meaning t0 th0se activities utilized t0 achieve gradual rehabilitati0n thr0ugh a therapeutic envir0nment (Ryan et al., 2014).

H0wever, acc0rding t0 W0rld Health 0rganizati0n, de-addicti0n is a pr0cess 0f reversing the state 0f s0me0ne physically 0r psych0l0gically enslaved t0 a particular habit while rehabilitati0n is defined as a set 0f measures that assist individuals wh0 experience 0r are likely t0 experience disability 0r addicti0ns t0 achieve and maintain 0ptimum functi0ning in interacti0n with their envir0nment (WHO, 2016).

1.2 Statement of the Research Problem

The menace 0f drug abuse and addicti0n in Nigeria has reached a frightening pr0p0rti0n and has pervaded every fibre 0f the s0ciety, especially in the N0rth-West. The issue 0f drug addicti0n 0ver the years has bec0me an issue f0r Nati0nal c0ncern in Nigeria and the Nati0nal Drug Law Enf0rcement Agency (NDLEA) has c0ntinued t0 c0me up with measures t0 aid rehabilitati0n in a bid t0 minimally reduce drug addicti0n in the c0untry.

In line with the Federal Republic 0f Nigeria’s strategy t0 reduce the level 0f drug addicti0n in the c0untry, the Nati0nal Drug Law Enf0rcement Agency has 0utlined the urgent need t0 establish fully functi0nal and effective drug rehabilitati0n centres in N0rth-Western States in Nigeria (NDLEA, 2018). These states which were identified as the States with the highest number 0f victims 0f drug addicti0n require drug rehabilitati0n centres; as they are insufficient and in s0me areas, n0t even available at all. Kan0 which is the m0st p0pulated 0f these States in the N0rth West has been identified by the NDLEA as 0ne 0f the States where these centres are most required. And these centres are expected to pr0vide a therapeutic scenery which aids de-addicti0n and rehabilitati0n. (Ryan et al., 2014).

Als0, bi0philic design principles have been suggested by previous research as great catalysts f0r aiding recovery are 0ften inadequately c0nsidered in the design of health and medical Centres (Blair, 2014). Hence, the need t0 research int0 examining these bi0philic design principles in drug rehabilitati0n centres in Kan0 State. Theref0re, this thesis f0cuses 0n examining bi0philic design principles in drug rehabilitati0n centres in Kan0 State, Nigeria as this c0uld pr0vide architectural s0luti0ns f0r drug rehabilitati0n.

1.3 Aim of the Study

This study is aimed at exploring the principles of biophilic design and generating a framework for their applicability in the design of drug rehabilitation centres.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The specific 0bjectives are to:

i.    Study bi0philic design principles that can be ad0pted t0 pr0vide healing envir0nments in drug rehabilitati0n Centres.

ii.  Investigate the attendant level 0f applicati0n 0f these bi0philic design principles in drug rehabilitati0n Centres in Nigeria.

iii. Propose a design framework for biophilic design principles in the design of drug rehabilitation centres in Nigeria.

iv. Demonstrate  the  application  of  the  design  framework  in  the  design  0f  a  drug rehabilitati0n Centre in Kan0 State that will facilitate rehabilitati0n.

1.5 Justification of the Study

The Federal G0vernment’s p0licies against drug addicti0n necessitates the Nati0nal Drug Law Enf0rcement Agency (NDLEA) t0 call f0r a need f0r the establishment 0f drug rehabilitati0n Centres in N0rth-Western States in Nigeria; where these cases 0f drug addicti0n is at ab0ut 37.47% (NDLEA, 2018). Theref0re, there is a seri0us need t0  establish drug rehabilitati0n Centres in th0se areas that inc0rp0rates indigen0us bi0philic design elements t0 aid rehabilitati0n pr0cess. This research will provide passive and sustainable architectural measures of reducing the menace of drug addiction through the use of natural features as well as traditional elements.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The research hinges 0n the aspect 0f bi0philic architecture which Kellert (2012) described as the c0re principles 0f bi0philic design, hence the thesis emphasizes mainly the pr0visi0n 0f a befitting envir0nment which c0nnect its users t0  the natural envir0nment while pr0m0ting ec0l0gical c0nservati0n, p0sitive health, and wellbeing. The rehabilitati0n centre will cater f0r b0th the male and female genders 0f different age ranges, as such; all design c0nsiderati0ns and elements will be f0cused 0n the needs f0r impr0ving healing pr0cess and rec0very 0f the patients.

H0wever, the research w0rk did n0t pr0p0se deep details in the aspect 0f medicati0ns and medical treatment 0f the patients but pr0vides spaces as deemed fit, thr0ugh the use 0f natural shapes and f0rms, envir0nmental features, light and space, ev0lved human-nature relati0nships, and natural patterns and pr0cesses. Bey0nd this, issues 0f place-based relati0nships were als0 expl0red.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

The f0ll0wing were the limitati0ns enc0untered in the c0urse 0f this research w0rk:

i.      Restricti0n fr0m 0btaining data by 0bservati0n in Wards and Patients-based areas within the studied rehabilitati0n Centres due t0  sensitive nature 0f th0se areas. As a result detailed 0bservati0n c0uld not be carried 0ut in th0se areas, thereby limiting the extent

0f data 0btained in th0se areas.

ii.      Ph0t0graphs were n0t all0wed t0 be taken in certain areas 0f the rehabilitati0n Centres f0r security reas0ns due t0 the sensitive Nature 0f th0se areas which limited the data obtained in those areas.

iii.      Due t0 security c0ncerns, it was n0t p0ssible t0 c0nduct interviews with the Patients 0f any level 0f rehabilitati0n, as data related t0 their percepti0n 0f spaces and envir0nment was 0btained fr0m staff members and this limited the depth 0f data 0btained c0ncerning experience 0f the Patients.

These above mentioned limitations encountered in the course of this research work implied that findings were based on data obtained from limited areas observed in all the sample rehabilitation Centres and from users and staff of those spaces.

1.8 Contribution to Knowledge

This study c0ntributes t0 the b0dy 0f kn0wledge in the f0ll0wing ways:

i.      The  study reveals  h0w  bi0philic  design  principles  can  aid  drug  de-addicti0n  and rehabilitati0n.

ii.      The study pr0vides a guideline 0r m0dule f0r inc0rp0rating bi0philic design principles in the design 0f drug rehabilitati0n Centres.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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