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The study was to substantiate the influence of ICT on the role of accountants and find out if Accountants are still relevant. In this study, five performance proxies were considered. The main objective was to determine the extent to which Information Communication Technology has influenced the role of Accountants and the specific objectives sought were to: ascertain the relevance of Accountants, ascertain the impact of ICT on Accountants performance, evaluate the degree to which ICT had influenced their involvement in decision making process, examine if Accountants still add value to their work. The requisite data for this study  were  extracted  from  the  questionnaire  administered  to  four sectors of the economy. Other data were collected from books, journals and websites. Data were analysed using correlation coefficient, T-test and use of simple regression analysis at 0.05 probability level of acceptance. The Cronbach’s  alpha was used to test the reliability of instrument and a value of 0.635 was derived. The result revealed that Information Communication Technology has influenced the role of Accountants in Nigeria and it was recommended among others that for Accountants  to  remain  relevant  in  the  information  age,  they  must embrace  ICT.  The  contribution  to  knowledge  was  that  inspite  of  the impact of ICT on Accountants, yet we still need Accountants with knowledge,  skill and  abilities  to interpret data for informed  decision making.


1.1   Background of the Study

Businesses all over the world continuously seek to improve the efficiency of their operations in order to achieve higher profitability. Information  systems  and technologies are some of the  most  important  tools  available  to  managers  for  achieving higher levels of efficiency and productivity in business operations, especially when coupled with changes in business practices and management behaviour.

Kenneth and Jane (2010), defined information technology as one of many tools that managers use to cope with change. From the  above,  it means  that Accountants  who  are also  managers need information technology, not only to cope with changes but also to enhance their performances and make informed decisions.

Modum  (2005)  stressed  also  that  changes  in  technology have  altered  the  role  of Accountants.  Traditionally,  accounting information has its own set of specific functions and has relied on its own devices such as journals and ledgers, and its own procedures, double-entry book-keeping.

Kenneth and Jane (2010), also emphasized that A continual stream of information technology innovations is transforming the traditional business world. Exactly how do information systems enhance   accounting   process?   Information   systems  automate many steps in accounting processes that were formally performed manually, such as checking of clients’ credit, or generating an invoice and shipping order. But today, information technology can do much more. New technology can actually change the flow of information, making it possible for many more people to access and share information, replaces steps with tasks that can be performed simultaneously, and eliminating delays in decision making.

Why  are  businesses  investing  so  much  in  information systems and technologies? In Nigeria today and most African countries,  information  systems are essential  for accounting  for day-to-day business as well as achieving strategic business objectives (Kenneth and Jane, 2010). This means that accounting as a service activity can not operate without information communication technology. In as much as information technology helps the Accountants to perform efficiently and at a faster rate, yet organizations need Accountants to interpret the information and implications to management members for decision making. What  is  the  essence  of generating  figures  without  interpreting their implications?

According to Modum (2005), the original use of computers in accounting focused on automating the record keeping function manual books were replaced by computer “books”. The automated system  retained  the  same  functions,  orientation  towards  the accounting cycle and retained an emphasis on financial statement as in the traditional view.

However, today there has been tremendous growth in the number of computer-generated transactions and greater level of automation. Automated application for payroll, pension, accounting, human resources and other sophisticated accounting software have been installed over the years to handle the various operations involved.

In   the   words   of   Adeoyin,   (2010)   Also,   connection   of computers over local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN)  have been implemented  in various  offices  for efficiency. Moreover, accounts information and balances and data on staff are   kept   in   computer   databases   and   systems   such   that information has become strategic resource and leverage for competitive advantage.

It is pertinent to know that the world has been “flattened” by information technology Kenneth and Jane (2010). Electronic commerce  and internet has enabled  applications  with complex interface   and   different   accounting   software   and   enterprise resources planning systems to be installed in offices and different organizations in both the public and private sector. This has resulted in dependence of businesses and establishments on information technology and its tools for daily operations (Adedoyin , 2010).

From the above, it can be inferred that Accountant performs a lot of different activities or combinations of activities Jablonsky, Kenting et al, (1993). These different activities which Accountants perform come in different ways – recording, classifying, sorting analyzing, and interpreting business data to produce information for decision  making. Before now, emphasis  on these  functions were  purely  financial  measures  in  the  form  of profit determination,   control   of   resources,   facilitation   of   decision making, proper accountability – stewardship Talabi Adedoyin (2010). Colin Drury (2013) also said that traditional Accountants role was then based on cost control, revenue growth and asset utilization.

In some organizations,  we have the Financial  Accountant and the Management Accountant. The Financial Accountant prepares information for both internal and external use while the Management Accountant prepares information for internal use. In some other organizations, we have a situation where one Accountant performs both functions – hybrid Accountant. For the purpose  of this study, we shall refer to all of them as simply Accountants since the raw product of their work is the provision of information for decision making.

The roles of Accountants are going under considerable changes   as   a   result   of   Information   and   Communication Technology   (Burns   and   Baldvinsdottir,   2005),   Caglio   2003, Vestegen De Loo et al 2007).

ICT  has  shifted  the  traditional  Accountants  activities  to newer and more value-adding  activities,  that is, from financial historians  to  business  partners  (Russel,  Siegel  and  Kulesza, 1999).

In today’s business world, the Accountants function is no longer based on financial performance measures only but on both financial and non-financial measures of performance known as the balanced score card. In order to compete successfully in a global economic environment in which ICT has taken a centre stage, financial and non-financial   performance   measures that provide feed back on key variables, have been introduced by most organizations (Colin Drury 2013). Accountants are now involved in so many activities of the organizations such as competitor performance appraisal, competitor cost assessment strategic costing, value chain costing, Brand value monitoring, attribute costing, Brand value budgeting, competitive position monitoring and strategic pricing. (Colin Drury 2010).

The reporting requirements of most organizations have changed and expanded due to rapid growth and globalization and what has really reduced some of the work load on the database is the use of ICT (Accounting packages). ICT has made it easier to cross-examine data far more efficiently now compared to what it used to be.

1.2   Statement of the Problem

In this information age, there have been dramatic changes in the nature of industry and it is likely that the future will bring even  more  changes.  The  environment  and  industrial  activities have become volatile. There is equally increasing usage of computers in industries and service-oriented organizations in generating  information  to  make  an  informed  decision. Accountancy profession is not left out in this change.

According to Lucey (2003), the role of Accountants as the sole or primary suppliers of information to management is being challenged by other information specialists including systems analysts,  operation  researchers,  managerial  economists, computer scientists and information technology experts etc. This means that the role of Accountants are changing from traditional function to a more complex and challenging role as a result of information technology.

Sequel to the above, there is this perception among the general public that in this era of information technology, Accountants are no longer relevant. The possible reason for this perception might be that since it is believed that computer “can do anything” if given the appropriate command using a program, then why hire an Accountant? To what extent is the perception   true?  Are  these  manual  jobs  for  which  the traditional Accountants are known for no longer exist? The focus of this study therefore is to offer an empirical evidence to substantiate the impact of ICT on the performance and role of Accountants and also ascertain if Accountants are still relevant.

1.3   Objectives of the Study

The main objective is to determine the extent to which ICT

has influenced the performance of Accountants. The specific objectives sought are to:

(i)      Ascertain the relevance of Accountants in this information age.

(ii)     Ascertain the impact of ICT on Accountants performance.

(iii)    Evaluate   the   degree   to   which   ICT   has   influenced Accountants involvement in the decision making process of the organization.

(iv)    Examine if ICT is sufficient on its own to be depended upon for information decision making.

(v)     Investigate  if Accountants still create added value in this information era.

1.4   Research Questions

In the light of the above the following research questions have been formulated to guide us.

1)      To what extent would you agree that Accountants are still relevant in this information age?

2)   To what degree would you agree that Information communication technology skill has impact on the performance of Accountants?

3)      To what extent would you agree that Information Technology influenced the involvement of Accountants in the decision- making process of organisations?

4)     How far will you agree that information communication technology is sufficient on its own to be depended upon for informed decision making by end users?

5)      To what extent would you agree that Accountants can not create added value in this information era?

1.5   Research Hypotheses

Our hypotheses for the study are as follows:

H1:   Accountants are no longer relevant in this information age

H2:   There  is  no  significant  relationship  between  Information Technology and the performance of Accountants.

H3:  There is no significant relationship between Information Technology   and   Accountants   involvement   in   decision making process.

H4:   Information  Technology  is not sufficient on its own to be depended upon for informed decision making.

H5:   There is no positive and significant relationship between ICT and added value creation by Accountants.

1.6   Scope of the study

This research covers the perception of both Accountants in practice and in employment at senior management levels. This study would be restricted to four organisations representing Academic-Delta State University Abraka; Banking-First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Asaba; Service-oriented Organisations-SAO & Co (Chartered Accountants) and Manufacturing-Suiming Nig. Ltd., Asaba.

While this limitation has to a large extent be eliminated by the  population  selection  and  method  of  data  collection  and analysis,  it  remains  an  absolute  fact  that  100  responses  can hardly be said to be truly representative outcome.

Also,  this  study  focused  mainly  on  organizations  in  the private sector as a survey apart from the academic sector. For the purpose of an indebt analysis, it would have been interesting to adopt the approach of a comparative study of organizations in both private and public sectors.

Again,   the   study   was   limited   to   a   survey   of   four organisations due to difficulty in accessing other organizations. The researcher acknowledges the limitation of this approach and that   an   extended   study   may   well   be   benefited   from   an examination of organizations on both sectors of the economy.

The  data  for  statistical  analysis  will be  based  largely  on questionnaire and interviews.

1.7   Significance of the Research

This study will be of great significance to the organisations surveyed, the society, analyst and other researchers and it will serve as a data bank for further study.

a)      Significance to the Government, and specified Surveyed

Organisations and Accountants

It is evident from the growth in our economy, influx of foreign investment and globalisation that a great number of additional qualified Accountants will be required in the financial   services   and   accountancy   profession   in   the economy,  both  private  and  public.  This  includes professional  to  work  in  banking,  telecommunications,  oil and  gas,  pension  funds,  micro  finance,  mortgage institutions, insurance, accountancy practice, ministries, parastatals and non-governmental agencies etc. The key factors that will influence the sector are likely to be information technology regulation and compliance requirements.  Accountants  will  therefore,  have  to demonstrate advanced IT and software skills as well as the softer skills of communication, teamwork and management (Adedoyin, 2010). This study will be an eye opener to every Accountant – both in practice, employment and students as well, to embrace information technology. Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) are required to have skilled Accountants that can keep accurate and complete records of its operations before they have access to loan by the Bank of Industry.

b)     Significance to analyst and researchers

In the academic arena this study will prove to be significant in the following ways:

(i)      It  will  contribute  to  the  enrichment  of  the  literature  on changing role of Accountants in this information age in Nigeria.

(ii)     It  will  throw  more  light  to  those  in  the  academic  like lecturers, staff or bursary departments and students to embrace information technology.

(iii)   It will suggest ways (of interest to academics) based on empirical evidence of knowing the importance and impact of information technology not only in accountancy but in other professions as well as business generally.

(iv)    The study will serve as a body of reserved knowledge to be referred to by researchers.

c)      Significance to the Society

Most   people   believe   (perception)   that   since   the computer can do anything with the assistance of computer programme, then there is no need for an Accountant since we have computer engineers, system analysis and scientists that  can  operate  computer  using  the  appropriate commands. This study will help us to know the extent to which this perception is true in this information age.

1.8   Limitations

The  following  are some  of the  limitations  encountered  in carrying out this study.

(i)      Slow response to questionnaire by the respondents.

(ii)     Secrecy on the part of respondents: Most respondents do not give out some information they feel is personal or secret to them.

1.9   Operational Definition of Terms

1.     Information: This is a processed data that guides one or an organization to make an informed decision.

2.     Technology: This is scientific knowledge used in practical ways in industry. It also means machinery  or equipment designed for a purpose. e.g. computer technology.

3.     Information  Communication  Technology:  This  is  the study or use of electronic equipment, especially computers for sorting, analyzing and sending out information.

4.     Perception: An idea, a belief or an image one has about a thing as a result of how one sees or understands something or situation.

5.     Function: A special activity or purpose of a person. It also means  duty for which one is known. Here, it means  the duties that Accountants carry out.

6.     Role:  The  function  or  position  that  someone  has  or  is expected to have in an organization.

7.     Influence: To have an effect on the way that something on the way a person things or behave or does things or on the way  that  sometime  works  or  develops.  It  also  means  to become different from what used to be.

8.     Accounting: The art of recording, analyzing, summarizing and  interpreting   in  a  systematic  manner  so  that  the financial position of an organization can be ascertained.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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