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This study was on influence of domestic violence on academic performance of couples amongst students in peacock college of education, Jalingo. Three objectives were raised which included: To determine the relationship between domestic violence and the academic performance of couples amongst peacock college of education students, to determine the causes of domestic violence of couple amongst students in peacock college of education, Jalingo and to find solution to the effect of domestic violence among couple amongst students of peacock college of education students. The total population for the study is 75 students of peacock college of education, Jalingo. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies. The study recommended that Pre-service and in-service capacity building of school guidance counselors should be prioritized by government and other partners on issues of psychological violence so as to minimize such experiences by students and ensure their better performance in schools


Chapter one


1.1Background of the study

Exposure to violent home and community environments, as well as injury due to violence, contribute to both reduced academic progress and increased disruptive or unfocused classroom behavior for children, adolescents, and teenagers.

Domestic violence or family violence in many countries is referred to as Intimate Partner Violence (IPV); but the term can also comprise of other forms of violence to children, elderly people, or abuse by members of a household. It is essential to be aware of the contexts in which violence can occur within the home including the abuse of animals and exposure to violent media, including television, internet, and violent video games. The World Health Organization defines IPV as “any behavior or act within a relationship that brings about physical or sexual harm to those in the relationship” (World Health Organization, 2012). Numerous studies have shown that different forms of family violence can occur. Studies in exploring inter-generational connections discovered that three of four forms of childhood violence (physical abuse, sexual abuse, and witnessing intimate partner violence) have tendency to per-take in adulthood IPV victimization (Thackerey and Randell, 2011).

Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, and financial or can involve restricting contact of family members with people outside of the home. Children, who witness or experience domestic violence grows up in an environment that is capricious, filled with tension, anxiety and also dominated by fear. Instead of growing up in an emotionally and physically safe, secure, nurturing and predictable environment, these children are forced to worry about the future. It has been proved that experience of any form of domestic violence has a significant negative impact on children’s development, affecting their emotional, social and cognitive functioning and interfering in their ability to learn (Horn and Lieberman, 2011).

Domestic violence is mayhem in the society in which we are living, based on the facts that our culture and religion are proponents of violation. In different ways we have religion supporting domestic violence due to misunderstanding of the following bible verse in proverbs 13:24 that says “he that spares the rod spoils the child”. This is just emphasizing the importance of discipline and how necessary it is for a child to understand that there should be consequences for his or her actions. A lot of parent and caregiver refuse to understand their limits towards this; they go as far as leaving scars on children. Culture has a way of espousing domestic violation because some cultural practices participate in seeing a child as a property or personal belonging they can treat however they wish; some culture feel they can impose any form of punishment they choose on their children, they believe it will make them grow to be tough adults.

In Zimbabwe there is a custom of ‘Ngozi’ whereby a girl who just reached puberty is married to a member of another family as a form of recompense for the death of a man killed by someone in the girl’s family with the believe that she would reborn the person who they lost (Falade, Fasuan and Olawale, 2017). This is totally supporting sexual violence against young adults and children. Physical, sexual, and financial violation come along with emotional abuse at the end of the day because a child who experience all these forms of violation would have a room for depression, anxiety, lack of confidence, lack of trust set in based on the prior treatment.

Violence is an essential aspect of dysfunctional behavior for youth. There is a negative association between violence, academic progress, and appropriate classroom behavior. At the front lines of this issue is the harsh reality of the transferred behaviors from the family and community atmosphere into the classroom environment. Educators play a pertinent role for children who are emotionally sensitive and socially inept by providing a safe haven and learner-centered environment. It is the purpose of this research to highlight the personal, social, and academic factors related to violence and Secondary School Student.


Domestic Violence is a pattern of Coercive tactics that can include physical, psychological, sexual, economic, and emotional abuse, perpetrated by one person against intimate partners, with the goal of establishing and maintaining power and control. Domestic Violence occurs in all kinds of intimate relationships, including married couples, people who are dating, couples who live together, people with children in common, same-sex partners, people who were formerly in a relationship with the person abusing them, and teen dating relationships. Abusive behaviors are not symptoms that someone is angry or out of control. An abuser makes a choice to exert power and control over his or her partner. Abusive behaviors include physical, emotional, sexual, social, and financial abuse. At the end of the day, the child/children is at the receiving end and this could affect the child psychological well-being.


The family has a great role to play on the educational performance of secondary school students, when a student is not emotionally and psychologically stable, there are tendencies that it will have a great effects on his/her educational performance. Students from domestic violent homes are said to have it telling in their academic performance which is mostly a negative effect as will be justified from this research work. Domestic violence can be triggered by factors such as: Monetary problems, alcoholism, illiteracy, extramarital affairs and dowry are the major causes of domestic violence. The victims most commonly face physical violence by their partners daily.

The family is often equated with sanctuary – a place where individuals seek love, safety, security, and shelter. But the evidence shows that it is also a place that imperils lives, and breeds some of the most drastic forms of violence.

During childhood, violence against girls may include enforced malnutrition, lack of access to medical care and education, incest, female genital mutilation, early marriage, and forced prostitution or bonded labour. Some go on to suffer throughout their adult lives – battered, raped and even murdered at the hands of intimate partners.

Any form of domestic violence always has negative effects to the victims. Children are easy targets of domestic violence (American academy of Paediatrics (AAP) 1997) and can react differently. The social learning theory as proposed by Albert Bandura emphasizes the aspects of modeling. It states that children learn by imitating what they see in their environment. In this context, children imitate adult behaviours and may be socialized into replicating what they saw in early childhood. The experiences of early years have an effect on the later year adults. There exists a relationship between domestic violence and the aggressive behaviour when children grow up. The cases of domestic violence unless addressed adequately will have a long lasting effect on children in their adult lives. It is worth noting that domestic violence negatively socializes children into a society of revenge, ridicule and survival for the fittest. Domestic violence has a direct bearing on children learning and school discipline. The concerns raised by activists against violence like the Coalition on Violence against Women (COVAW) indicated that domestic violence has a negative role to play in the life of a child or teenager. The effects of the said violence were borne by children and it affected learning and academic performance.


The main aim of the research work is to determine the influence of domestic violence on academic performance of couples among students in Peacock college of education Jalingo. Other specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To determine the relationship between domestic violence and the academic performance of couples amongst peacock college of education students.
  2. To determine the causes of domestic violence of couple amongst students in peacock college of education, Jalingo.
  3. To find solution to the effect of domestic violence among couple amongs students of peacock college of education students.


  1. What is the relationship between domestic violence and the academic performance of couple amongst students of peacock college of education?
  2. What are the causes of domestic violence of couple amongst students in peacock college of education, Jalingo?
  3. What is the solution to the effect of domestic violence among couple amongst students of peacock college of education students, Jalingo?


H0: there is no relationship between domestic violence and the academic performance of couple amongst students of peacock college of education.

H1: there is relationship between domestic violence and the academic performance of couple amongst students of peacock college of education.

H0: there are no causes of domestic violence of couple amongst students in peacock college of education, Jalingo

H2: there are causes of domestic violence of couple amongst students in peacock college of education, Jalingo

H0: there is no solution to the effect of domestic violence among couple amongst students of peacock college of education students, Jalingo

H3: there is solution to the effect of domestic violence among couple amongst students of peacock college of education students, Jalingo


The study of influence of domestic violence on academic performance of couple among students in Peacock college of education in Jalingo will see as a yardstick to knowing why students perform the way they do, the psychological effects domestic violence has on these students and how it can be handled, curb and managed if not totally eradicated. It can as well as a guide to other research works on domestic violence.


The scope of the study covers influence of domestic violence on academic performance of couple among students in Peacock college of education in Jalingo and will look into the causes of domestic violence and the factors affecting the academic performance of couples amongst students in Peacock college of education in Jalingo.


  1. Financial constraint– Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).
  2. Time constraint– The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work


Domestic Violence: Domestic Violence is a pattern of Coercive tactics that can include physical, psychological, sexual, economic, and emotional abuse, perpetrated by one person against intimate partners, with the goal of establishing and maintaining power and control.

Academic performance: Academic performance is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their short or long-term educational goals.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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