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Primary Education is very crucial to the attainment of National development. It is this opinion that give rise to this study, as regards to the concept of supervision and inspection, challenges of school inspection and supervision and proffered strategies for improving supervision and inspection for effective primary education delivery in Nigeria. In conclusion, it was made clear that supervision/inspection should be taken into consideration for effective teaching and learning. Recommendations were made for ensuring effective supervision and inspection at the primary education level in Amac LGA of FCT Abuja.









Title page

Approval page




Table of content



1.1        Background of the study

1.2        Statement of problem

1.3        Objective of the study

1.4        Research Hypotheses

1.5        Significance of the study

1.6        Scope and limitation of the study

1.7       Definition of terms

1.8       Organization of the study




3.0        Research methodology

3.1    sources of data collection

3.3        Population of the study

3.4        Sampling and sampling distribution

3.5        Validation of research instrument

3.6        Method of data analysis



4.1 Introductions

4.2 Data analysis


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Summary

5.3 Conclusion

5.4 Recommendation













  • Background of the study

Primary education is that kind of education which is given to children from age 5+ to about 11. That is, school age children from primary 1-6. However, with the Universal Basic Education (UBE) policy, the classes have been restructured to include JSS 1-3. Now the new nomenclature is Basic 1-9. Primary education thus entails 9 unbroken years of schooling for children aged between 6-14 years. The content of the curriculum of this level of education has also been enlarged to cater for a wide body of knowledge in the light of the ever changing global trends in science, technology and the arts. It is also meant to lay a solid foundation for the senior secondary where they are prepared for useful living in the society. Instructional supervision is a constant process that aims at improving teaching by providing needed services to teachers. Improving teaching is a complex process in which many elements should interact. Teachers are at the center of this improvement process. Their acceptance of instructional supervision and interaction with instructional supervisors provide the catalyst for any supervisory success. The way teachers view the supervision that they are undergoing and think about it is very important in the outcomes of the supervision process. Supervision has its origin from the Latin word “Super video” meaning “to oversee” (Adenaike and Adebanjo, 2000:151). traditional approach of supervision is a fault-finding approach, the supervisor goes to school to criticize and condemn teachers, not seeing anything good in them (Adenokun, 2000). Educational supervision is the process or act of seeing to it that the policies, principles and methods established for achieving the objectives of education are properly and successfully carried out (Akilaiya, 2001). This process involves using expert knowledge and experience to oversee, evaluate and cooperatively improve the conditions and methods of doing things connected with the teaching-learning problems in schools. The need to supervise the instructional process cannot be over emphasized; hence Ezeocha (1985) is of the view that most of the schools activities and all the school programmes require supervision. Supervision of instruction is a process of assisting the teachers to improve himself and his instructional abilities so as to enhance effective teaching and learning (Afianmagbon, 2007). It is a service rendered to teachers which is directed towards controlling the quality of their classroom instruction. Supervision of instruction aims at identifying areas of work that need to be improved upon. Oraemesi (1997:195) is of the opinion that supervision of instruction is important for a number of reasons. To him; “the supervisee learns during supervision, since the supervisor is more knowledgeable, he corrects and advises the supervisee. This is done through friendly interaction. It also enhances personal professional growth of the teacher since interaction and greater knowledge gained at supervision promote personal growth”. Education has been known to be the antidote to poverty and ignorance and the key for unlocking natural resources (Obaji, 2006). Since education is accepted to be an instrument of change; teachers serve as the main operators of the instrument while the students are referred to as the raw materials to be processed on which the change would be manifested over a period of time (Adenaike and Adebanjo, 2000). In an attempt to ensure that the value of education is being derived at all levels, some officials are charged with the responsibility to monitor the performances of all those who run education especially those in schools in order to find out or assess the extent of achievement of the goals of education. These officials are the ones officially designated as supervisors. Consequently, due to high cost of education, stakeholders are becoming increasingly interested in the school system. They monitor the teachers and their wards’ activities critically to ensure that adequate teaching and learning activities take place. Thus Parents Teachers Association monitors the activities within the school and constitutes part of the team involved directly in supervision. In the process of teaching and learning, some variables sometimes interfere with the plans and patterns of operation within the school that can be harmful to the attainment of set goals. Such variables include: teacher’s personality, his attitude to work, motivation, discipline, student’s background and environment which will have either positive or negative influence on the school system and education at large. The school is an organization where the generality of the citizens have input and support. As a result, the whole society and designated supervisors are in the position to help improve the system generally (Ijaduola, 2000). The process of supervision is complex and it permeates the whole structure of the school system. There seems to be little or no area of operation within the school where the need for supervision would not arise, although this may be in diverse proportions. As Ajibade (1993) opined, the crucial areas within the school system that require supervision are instructional and discipline areas where both the content, method or mode of delivery, 15 and the personality of both the students and the teachers are examined to ensure their adequacy for the school system. According to Ojo (1991:97); the effective implementation of curriculum is obviously the single most important function of the school. The implementation of the school curriculum should be viewed as a critical conversion stage that annualizes the best of human energies to enhance the production of positive gains in students’ behavior.


In the attempt to improve the quality of education, more focus should be put on teachers. This focus is based on the assumption that understanding the perception of teachers on the influence of supervision of instruction on their performances will increase our knowledge about how to go about instructional supervision (Wu and Short, 1996). In Amac local government area of FCT Abuja, there are designated instructional supervisors charged with the responsibility to supervise instructions. The supervisors supply teaching materials to schools for teachers to work with in order to improve classroom instructions. The supervisors are always ready to assist the teachers and the interaction is quite cordial. Also, workshops, conferences and seminars are organized more often both within the education zone and at the state level to help find solutions to teachers’ unanswered questions. 19 The problem investigated in this study was whether the perception of teachers as regards the influence of supervision of instruction on their class performance is negative or positive and the extent of their perception, since these will determine the impact and success of instructional supervision of schools in Amac local government area. It focused on three aspects of instructional supervision.


The main objective of this study is to ascertain the importance of supervision and inspection on effectiveness of primary education in Amac local government area of FCT Abuja, but to aid the completion of the study, the researcher intends to achieve the following specific objective;

  1. To examine the effect of supervision on the effectiveness of primary education in Amac LGA
  2. To examine the relationship between teachers inspection and effective teaching in primary schools
  • To ascertain the impact of inspection of teachers efficiency
  1. To examine the role of supervision on quality education in primary schools in Amac local government area of FCT Abuja.

The following research hypotheses were formulated by the researcher to aid the completion of the study;

H0: there is no significant relationship between teacher’s inspection and effective teaching in primary schools.

H1: there is a significant relationship between teacher’s inspection and effective teaching in primary schools.

H0: there is no significant effect of effect of supervision on the effectiveness of primary education in Amac LGA

H2: there is a significant effect of effect of supervision on the effectiveness of primary education in Amac LGA


Examining the perception of teachers on the influence of supervision of instruction is significant, in that it will help improve the supervision process in schools. This study will help the following groups: Teachers, Schools’ management, Education board, the Parents Teachers Associations (PTAs), and other researchers interested in supervision of instruction. The findings of this study will help teachers to understand and appreciate the importance of supervision of instruction on effective classroom performance as regards instruction. It will help them understand that instructional supervisors are there to assist them and not to harass them. It will also make them know that the way they perceive supervision of instruction can make or mar their classroom performances. This study will help the schools’ management to have understanding about the teachers’ perception on the influence of instructional supervision on class performance. And this understanding will help them realize that the perception of teachers towards supervision of instruction can make or mar the school activities. Since classroom instruction is one of the major school activities in the school and the school is like a factory that processes the students into finished products. Also, it will help the school management to know the extent to which attendance to conference and seminars improve teachers’ classroom performance. This will make them encourage teachers to participate more in conferences and seminars Teachers are the main targets of supervisors’ work. Teachers’ views on the influence of what is being done to them and their reactions to them are very important in planning and implementing successful instructional supervision. This study will be an eye opener to the Authorities of Education (i.e. Education Board) most especially instructional supervisors to understand that the way they supervise has a great influence on teachers’ classroom performance. And that how teachers view their influence contributes greatly to class instruction. Also that how they interact with teachers go a long way in affecting teachers classroom performance, thereby help them to improve on their interaction with teachers This finding will also help the Parents Teachers Associations (PTAs) know that supervision has a great influence on teachers’ classroom performance. This will make them provide enough instructional materials to improve classroom performance of teachers. It will also be an eye opener to them as part of external supervisors to know that the way they supervise has a great influence on teachers’ classroom performance. And that the interaction between them (as parts of external supervisors) and teachers should be improved to get desired results. The findings will also help other researchers to understand better supervision of instruction and help in their researches. It will also assist them in their review of empirical studies. As it will contribute to the existing theories and works on supervision of instruction


The scope of the study covers the importance of supervision and inspection of effective primary education in Amac LGA of FCT Abuja, but in the cause of the study, there are some factors that limited the scope of the study;

  1. a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study
  2. b) TIME: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.
  3. c) Organizational privacy: Limited Access to the top management personnel of the schools makes it difficult to get all the necessary and required information concerning the activities.



Supervision is an act or instance of directing, managing, or oversight Generally, supervision contains elements of providing knowledge, helping to organize tasks, enhance motivation, and monitoring activity and results; the amount of each element is varying in different contexts


An inspection is, most generally, an organized examination or formal evaluation exercise. In engineering activities inspection involves the measurements, tests, and gauges applied to certain characteristics in regard to an object or activity.

Primary education

Primary Education is the initial stage of education and has as its basic aim to create, establish and offer opportunities to all children, regardless of age, gender or country of origin, to achieve a balanced cognitive, emotional and psychomotor development


This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows

Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), historical background, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlights the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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