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This research work assessed the impact of worker participation in decision making and organisational growth in the manufacturing company, with specific reference to Nigeria Bottling Company and Nigeria Breweries Plc in Enugu. This study tried to ascertain if workers participate in decision making process of their work place and to formulate recommendations regarding worker participation in the decision-making process of their work place. In order to achieve the above objective, the following research hypothesises were advanced:- The  extent  of  worker participation in  the decision making process of their work  place  is  low; worker participation in  the decision making process do not pose any challenge in the organization; employee participation  has  no  impact  on  job  satisfaction;  participation  has  no  effect  on employee productivity and employee performance has  no  impact on organization growth. The following research objectives were advanced:- the major objective is to assess worker participation in decision making and organisation growth; to ascertain if and to what extent are workers involved in the decision making process of their work place;  to  empirically examine  the  challenges  to  worker  participation in  decision making process in organisation to examine the impact of worker participation on job satisfaction.  The  survey  research  design  was  used,  the  population  of  the  study comprise of staff of the two selected establishments. The respondents were selected using the simple random sampling technique. Based on the outcome of this study, key recommendations were made which include that enlightenment program for workers on the rights to seize the opportunity of involvement in decision making; liberalizing management structures so as to allow for greater workers involvement; levels of worker participation may be enhanced where they have assured levels of access to the making of decision and formulation of any outcomes. It concluded that a lot needed to be  done to  change  the  current  negative  disposition of  the  Nigerian management towards workers involvement in management decision.



1.1   Background of the study

The concept of worker participation represents a popular theme in the analysis of the world of work among scholars in the fields of industrial sociology, industrial relations as well as management (Noah, 2OO2:2). It refers to any arrangement which is designed to involve employees (workers) in decision making within the workplace. This implies that rather than saddling only a group within the enterprise (for instance, management) with the responsibility of making decision, all those who are to be affected by these decisions (including the workers) would be involved in its formulation and implementation.

In recent times, scholars have directed increasing attention to the issue of worker participation and its broader corollary, industrial democracy (Mankidy, 1984:239; Yesufu, 1984:20; Adenumi; 1993:14; Verma and Syha; 1991:42; Kester;1999:28;). These concerns reflect a growing interest in finding ways to make work more meaningful and satisfying to the workers. This rest on the belief that the organisation goals of high productivity and harmonious industrial relations are best achieved when the higher level of the human elements (workers) are satisfied.

Worker participation implies arrangements designed to involve workers in the enterprises  decision  making  process.  This  allows  workers  involvement  in  the initiation,  formulation  and  implementation of  reasons  within  the  enterprise.  The

concept can also be understood in terms of a new approach to industry and society in which people want to be interested with the king of decisions which have direct bearing on them.

MacGregor (1960:40) contends that worker participation consist basically in creating opportunity under suitable conditions for people to influence decisions which affect them. It is a special case of delegation in which the subordinate gain greater control, greater freedom of choice with respect to bridging the communication gap between the management and the workers. This serves to create a sense of belonging among the workers as well as a conducive environment in which both the workers would voluntarily contribute to healthy industrial relations.

The implication of these society, rising education and wider contact among people resulting from the break-up barriers was to shift these aspirations to a more organisation of work greater opportunity for personal development and under scope in exercise of initiatives.

Specifically, the refusal of work organisation to recognize the human factor in industrial production through greater involvement of employees in its management decision making would tend to create several human problems in this setting. A worker is a social being who brings his personality, hopes, aspirations, anxieties, feelings and attitude to the work place. He seeks satisfaction and meaning in his work as he does in other spheres of life.

Despite this  recognition, there  has  been no  study on the  impact of  worker participation in decision making and productivity in manufacturing company in Enugu metropolis. This paper or research work attempts to fill this gap by providing data on the level of worker involvement in decision making and other factors which aid or hinder the observed level of participation in the two manufacturing companies for the purpose of understanding the type of participatory system, the general attitude of workers towards worker participation and the implication of worker participation to worker and their organisation.

1.2   Statement of the problem

There is no democratic participation of workers in the decision making process in most of our organizations.

Consequently, the workers are forced to cope with the autocratic style of government.

Specifically, the refusal of management of organizations to recognise the human element in industrial production through greater involvement of employees in its management decision-making would lead to create serious human problems.

The workers are restricted and denied the opportunity to utilize their potentials fully and effectively. Under such management control, the employees engage in negative behaviours like absenteeism, apathy, low commitment and low productivity.

1.3   Objectives of the study

The  central  objective  of  the  study  is  to  determine  the  level  of  worker participation in management decision making in the manufacturing company, with specific reference to Nigerian Bottling company plc and Nigeria Breweries plc in Enugu.

Other objectives include the following:

i.        To ascertain if and to what extent workers are involved in the decision- making process of their work place.

ii.       Empirically determine the challenges to worker participation in decision- making in organisation.

iii.      To examine the impact of employee participation on job satisfaction. iv.      To determine the effect of participation on employee performance.

v.       To find out the impact of employee performance in organisation growth.

vi.      To  determine  factors  which  facilitate  or  hinder  the  observed  level  of participation of employee in organization growth.

vii.     To make recommendations based on the research findings.

1.4        Research Questions:

To  guide  the  conduct of  this  research,  the  following questions  are asked:-

i.        To what extent are workers involved in the decision-making process of their work places?

ii.       What are the challenges to worker participation in decision-making in organization?

iii.      Does employee participation has any impact on job satisfaction?

iv.      Does employee participation has any effect on employee performance?

v.       Does employee performance has any impact on organisation growth?

vi.      What factors facilitate or hinder the observed level of worker participation in organisation growth?

1.5   Research Hypothesis

Streamlined to the aforementioned objectives and research questions, the following  null  hypothesis  have  been  formulated  and  shall  be  subjected  to suitable empirical test.

Null Hypothesis 1

Ho1: The extent of worker involvement in the decision making process of their work-places is low.

Null Hypothesis 11

Ho1: Worker participation in the decision making process co not pose any challenge in organization.

Null Hypothesis 111

Ho1: Employee participation has no impact on job satisfaction.

Null Hypothesis 1v

Ho1: Participation has no effect on employee performance.

Null Hypothesis v

Ho1: Employee performance has no impact on organisation growth.

1.6    Significance of study

This study is a thorough research into an assessment of the impact of working participation in decision-making and organisational growth in manufacturing company with specific reference to Nigeria Bottling Company Plc and Nigeria Breweries plc Enugu metropolis.

This study is very significant because it is anchored on the need to raise the productivity level of workers through appropriate motivational techniques.  The  involvement  of  workers  in  management  decision making is considered as a means for inducing motivation in the workers leading to positive work attitude and high productivity. This study is also deemed necessary in view of the benefit of worker participation in organisation and the society at large. Worker participation been seen as capable of providing workers conducive work environment, opportunity to exercise their innate potentials and willingness to pursue corporate goals of the organisation.

The study will contribute to the enrichment of literature on an assessment  of  the  impact  of  worker  participation  in  management decision and organisational growth.

1.7    Scope of the Study

This work covers an assessment of the impact of work participation in management decision making and organisational growth in manufacturing companies with specific reference to the Nigeria Breweries plc in Enugu Nigeria.

1.8    Limitations of the Study:

During this  research work a  lot  of  constraints and  limitations were encountered   some   of   these   constraints   were   usual   constraints encountered during the course of such academic exercise, while some were unusual and burring.

Collection of primary data for this study was a major constraint as the researcher has to be processes on field personally in all the data collection processes.

Financial constraints also posed a major problem/ limitation during the investigation. The researcher would have wanted to carry on the same type of investigation in similar manufacturing companies within the  same  industry  but  for  financial  constraints.  Time  is  another limitation encountered during the course of study. Time constraints have forced the researcher to concentrate on the assessment of the impact of worker participation in management decision making and organization growth  rather   than   extending  it   to   the   entire   human  resources

management practices. Sometimes, secondary data collected were not reliable,  hence  they were rejected.  A  lot  of  time  was  spent  on the selection and examination of secondary data for the study. Delay in filling and returning questionnaires by respondents.

Smallness of  sample  due  partly  to  limited  financial resources. Finally,  lack  of significant research and literature.

1.9    Definition of Terms:

Employees-  A person who is paid to work for somebody Democracy- Fair and equal treatment of everyone in an organisation Involvement- The act of taking part in something

Employee participation- This is the process whereby employees are involved in decision making, rather than simply acting on others.

Productivity-  This  is  a  performance  measure  encompassing both  efficiency and effectiveness

Work- Activity one does to earn a livelihood.

Job satisfaction- As  a  pleasurable or  positive emotion states  resulting from the appraisal of one’s job experience.

Employee commitment- This is referred to as congruence between the goals of the individual and the organisation whereby the individual identifies with and extends effort on behalf of the general goals of the organization.

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