This study critically attempts to highlight the importance of trade fairs as marketing strategy for promoting made in Nigeria products. The researcher used  survey  research  method  in  carrying  out  the research.  During  the survey, questionnaires, personal interviews and physical observation were used. Secondary data was also used to complement the data gotten. The survey cuts across all facets of stakeholders. Data was analyzed using frequency distribution of the respondent’s opinion in contingency tables and ranked in percentages. The researcher further reviewed related literatures on the subject matter to sample the opinion of various authors and authorities on the subject. The literature reviewed, centered on group dynamics. Several findings were made in this research which includes among others that: that understanding and respect of our people cultural background will foster cordial and mutual relationship among employees and thus create an atmosphere of brotherhood. In response to the findings made, some recommendations were made which include that cultural awareness training is important to help members of a multi cultural team identify where things might be going wrong or how best to leverage their differences.
Modern day organizations have a life of their own or so it seems (Robin 2003). In many ways each is unique while they also share much in common. As we begin the twenty first century, those of us who work within organizations are all too often confronted with a vast array or organizational attributes, events, leaders, followers, departments, divisions,
plans performance expectations, and goals and objectives – complexity that is hard to understand in a meaningful may.
We may feel overwhelmed by daily work-life whenever we really stop to think about it. This and stressful workplace events can make us feel anxious about others; the future and ourselves. What is really happening? Why? How will it affect me? The harder we examine our workplaces, the more is revealed. Layer upon layer of organizational and management hierarchy is found to be accompanied by the inevitable interpersonal tensions and conflicts as well as unpredictable outcomes that remind us of how bounded the assumption of workplace rationality really is.
It is difficult to escape from the influence of organisation culture in any consideration of how organizations work. In discussing the various factors that contribute to, and are influenced by organization structure, the issue of culture has to be taken into account. In essence the culture has to be taken into account. In essence the culture of an organization is its dominant pattern of shared beliefs and values.
Morgan (1986) describes culture as shared meaning, shared understanding and shared sense-making, but according to Handy (1993) any one who has spent time with any variety of organisation will have been struck by the
differing atmospheres, the differing way of doing things, the differing levels of energy, differing beliefs, of individual freedom, of kinds of personality. This is because the organization is constituted in a multi cultural setting with people from different culture backgrounds.
Groups at work are formed as a direct consequence of an organization’s need to differentiate itself. A group is basically a collection of individuals, contributing to some common aim under the direction of a leader and who share a sense of common identity. These group functions are what the organization itself needs to fulfill its purposes. However how these groups perform their functions in a multi cultural workplace will depend greatly on the cooperation that exists in the group.
A group has some central purpose, temporary or permanent, and a degree of self awareness as a group. In the work situation most tasks are in fact undertaken by individuals. Groups are also widely used for solving problems, creating new ideas, making decisions and coordinating tasks. These group functions are what the organization itself needs to fulfill its purposes. However, employee needs groups because groups provide
stimulus, protection, assistances and other social and psychological requirements.
Although groups can work in the interest of organizations as a whole as well as in the interest of individual members, there always seems to be conflict and confrontation that exist among members of a group. This conflict often times occur as a result of differences in culture, belief and personal interests.
The problem the researcher tends to tackle in the study will be to know the reasons employees usually have biases about colleagues from different cultural backgrounds and also to what extent this attitude can hinder the productivity of an employee.
Consistent with the problem, this research evaluates group dynamism in a multi cultural organization with emphasis on Shell Petroleum Development Corporation. Accordingly, the study set out to achieve the following objectives:
1. To determine the impact of cultural, differences on workers performance
2. To determine the impact of cultural differences on achievement of group goals
3. The evaluate the extent cultural differences cause attitudinal differences of employees in the organization
4. To evaluate the level of conflict generated by cultural differences.
5. To ascertain to which extent cultural differences impede employees’
1. Why do cultural backgrounds affect the disposition of group members?
2. How do cultural differences impact on the organizations profitability?
3. To what extent does differences in cultural background cause attitudinal differences among employees?
4. To what extent do differences in cultural background impede
Employee’s productivity?
5. To what extent can cultural differences impede employee productivity?
Arising from the statement of problems, the research questions and the research objectives, the following null hypotheses are hereunder formulated for the study:
A) Cultural differences does not have any impact on employee performance
B) Cultural differences have little or no significance in relation to achievement of group goals.
C) Lack of teamwork has no or little effect on cushioning the negative effect of cultural differences
D) Cultural differences are not considered as a source of conflict among employees
E) Cultural difference does not impede employee productivity
This study is a thorough research on group dynamics in a multi-cultural organization. The study will help to determine and establish the Impact of cultural difference on group performance. The study will therefore help to determine how organizations could best position themselves to avoid employee differences arising from difference in cultural background. This study will pinpoint the best approach to be employed by organizations to ensure that employees work harmoniously in a multi-cultural setting.
This research is also of significant because of its contribution to the growing field of knowledge.
The research is aimed at primarily examining group dynamics in a multi cultural organization with a particular focus on Shell Petroleum Development Corporation. This study is focused on evaluating effect of cultural differences of employees on organizational performance.
One major limitation of this study is finance as the logistics of transportation to and fro Port Harcourt during sourcing of data was enormous.
The second limitation is associated with data generation. There was a low response as well as non-return of questionnaires. Also getting statistical data from Shell posed some difficulties. This is because of lack of trust on the part of the company. The calculability of local literature on group dynamics in a multi cultural workplace were insufficient and as such foreign data constituted the majority of the volume of the materials used in the review of the literature.
RITE: Is defined as relatively elaborate, dramatic, planned sets of activities that consolidate various forms of cultural expressions into one event, which is carried out through social interactions, usually for the benefit of an audience.
LEGEND: Is defined as a handed-down narrative of some wonderful event that is based in history but been embellished with fictional details.
GESTURE: Is defined as movement of parts of the body used to express meanings.
PHYSICAL: Defined as those things than surround people’s physical setting and provide them with immediate sensory stimuli as they carry out culturally expressive activities.
Adapted from Trice, 1984.
This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research
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