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This study focuses on political godfatherism and internal party democracy in Nigeria. Godfatherism is a dominant factor in Nigerian politics. The main objective is to investigate the effect of godfatherism and internal party democracy in Nigeria with emphasis on Imo state. The study adopt the elite theory as the anchor of the study. The study employed descriptive and survey method in the analysis of data. The findings of this study indicated that godfatherism has threatened the country’s nascent democracy. It is the position of this study among other things that competitions among godfathers to control state powers and resources through their favoured godsons have denied the electorates the right to elect their preferred candidates, thereby rendering elections ineffective and inconsequential. Besides, the fierce struggle for state power has also resulted in some of the worst electoral violence in the country, in almost all the elections that have been conducted in Nigeria since the inception of the fourth (4th) Republic, 1999 till date, that godfatherism as practiced in Nigerian polity is a potential threat to the sustenance of democracy.

Keywords: Godfatherism, political party, internal democracy, fourth republic




1.1 Background of the study

Candidly, political gimmicks are not abhorrent in so much as they are in consonance with the provisions of the Electoral Act. Harold Lasswell argues that politics is all about who gets what, when, and how – an idea which expresses the need to plan and strategise in order to achieve one’s political goals and objectives. Political competition among elites in a democratic setting is normal. Such is what Schumpeter describes as a ‘democratic method,’ that is, an institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for people’s vote Schumpeter (2007)  However, it has been observed in recent times that many political parties in Nigeria find it very difficult to adopt an open system that will not only allow members of the party to participate in the decision making but also give them unrestricted opportunity to contest in elections under the party’s platform. This kind of socio-political restriction and constraint has increasingly resulted in party wrangling, war of attrition, recrimination, acrimony, coordination dilemmas, and this is among the factors that birth godfatherism in Nigeria. The history of political godfatherism is traceable to the colonial epoch through independence era, military interregnum and towards the restoration of democracy in Nigeria in what came to be known as the fourth Republic in 1999 following the terminus of military junta. The staggering posture of godfatherism in Nigerian democratic experiment leaves much to be desired. This stems from the fact that since the adumbration of this nascent democracy on the 29th May, 1999, Nigerians have witnessed uncontrollable political insecurity, which has threatened participatory democracy, peace, political security and the consolidation of democracy as a result of the activities of political godfathers (Ajadike 2010). Essentially, the politics of godfatherism in Nigeria has became more visible and widespread like harmatan fire as events unfolded itself in the recent elections conducted variously in 1999, 2003, 2007, and 2011 in Nigeria. With the expansion of the activities of godfathers and its eldorado in the 21st century Nigeria, coupled with the godson clientelism, there was greater commitment and manifestations of discontentment in the developing democracy of Nigeria in the areas of political security and participation. It should also be mentioned that the fourth Republic Political godfathers are essentially predatory in their motivation to influence electoral politics and subsequent elections in Nigeria (Gambo, 2007) Unfortunately, the down of the new millennium witnessed various manifestations of discontentment demonstrated on a patro – client relationship with increasing frequency and intensity bordering on participation, political security, and peace as it torpedoes the consolidation of democratic governance and dividends in the country. Aiyamenkhue (2010:10) noted faith in our democratic government and an increasing frustration at government, and more also, an increasing frustration at the irrelevance of individual’s vote in our political process. All these crises are caused by the unholy alliance of godfatherism. Godfatherism is not new in Nigerian politics. It has only assumed a new form under the fourth republic democracy, partly because the Nigerian economy is still at the primitive stage of capital accumulation by the renters and commissioned agents with little or no productive capacities. Politics therefore is the only means of reaching out at the state resources. This phenomenon has trampled on the basic principle of democracy and has encouraged the failure of necessary structures and institutions to act decisively at correcting the anomalies. Godfatherism in Nigeria is therefore a manifestation of a societal decay. It has become a pestilence to the practice of a true democracy in Nigeria (Edigin, 2010). Godfatherism has become a factor in Nigerian politics such that very few politicians can achieve success without the stalwart support of godfathers. In Nigeria, the desire of individuals to rule at all cost has sold political leadership to the highest bidders, as whopping sums of money are needed for electoral manipulation. Therefore, desperate politicians who wish to win elections usually seek after godfathers. The implication of this in Nigerian politics is that the country is yet to make appreciable progress in transparent governance because godfathers usually create setback, which hinders democratic growth and development in Nigeria (Edigin, 2010). One of the prevailing fundamental and sensitive issues in Nigerian politics that cannot be ignored is godfatherism. The political relationship under successive governments in Nigeria is a reflection of the international economic order, which facilitates the pursuit or regime change by avaricious godfather whose major pre-occupation is to perpetuate their hegemonic political influence for personal interest and aggrandizement (Osuntokun, 2003). Conflict and political godfatherism have undoubtedly ruined democratic governance in Nigeria.


There is hardly any issue or social phenomenon that has attracted and continues to attract scholarly attention as political godfather and godson in internal party democracy in Nigeria. Political godfather and governance are related but contradictory phenomenon in which a lot of intellectual energy has been directed towards understanding their fundamental nature, character, causes and effects or impact on Nigerian democracy. Attempts by scholars to define, categorize, qualify or quantify political godfather in Nigeria have led to a huge body of literature consistently churned out, in attempt to explain its causal factors, processes and constraints. Over the past fourteen years, therefore Nigeria’s grave political development crisis have generated a growing body of analyses and prescriptions on what has gone wrong and what should be done (Gideons, 2010). The dominant strands of analytical expositions have appeared prominent in the political and intellectual circle, giving rise to diametrically oppressed interrogation of the injection of godfatherism which has hinder internal party democracy as political godson’s are always favorite in getting the party ticket for elective office in Nigeria’s body Politics. Experience has, however, shown that the application of this concept has mostly resulted to democratic failures and disasters. From denial of electing credible candidates to imposition of mediocrity into political and appointive positions, and the whole experience has been that of pains, misery, penury, squalor and damnation arising from poor performance and poor service delivery among godsons. Again, the whole scenario has been the promotion of political follow-follow mentality and the empowerment of disempowerment. The point that needs to be reinstated here above all is that, it is impossible to understand the character of political godfatherism in the past and its contemporary forms in the Nigeria’s fourth republic.


The following research question were formulated by the researcher to aid the completion of the study;

  1. i) Has political godfatherism lead to poor delivery of democratic dividends in Imo state Nigeria?
  2. ii) Is there any significant relationship between political godfatherism and internal party politics in Nigeria?

iii) Does Godfatherism affect the quality of political appointee into public office in Imo state?

  1. iv) Does godfatherism hamper internal party democracy in Imo state?


The study has two objectives, the broad and the specific objective; the broad objective is to examine the implication of godfatherism and internal party democracy in Nigeria with emphasis on Imo state. The specific objectives are;

  1. i) To examine if political godfatherism lead to poor delivery of democratic dividends in Imo state Nigeria
  2. ii) To ascertain if there is any significant relationship between political godfatherism and internal party politics in Nigeria

iii) To examine if godfatherism affect the quality of political appointee into public office in Imo state

  1. iv) To examine whether godfatherism hamper internal party democracy in Imo state


The significance of this study is broken down into two i.e the theoretical significance and the practical significance;

The study will contribute theoretically to the pool of existing literature on the subject matter, and will also be of importance to students of political science department in higher institution of learning

The practical significance of this study is that it will be useful to the leaders of political parties to formulate policies that will ameliorate the negative effect of godfatherism and promote internal party democracy in Imo state and Nigeria. It will also educate the general public on the subject matter. It will also form as guide for political parties in developing manifestoes that will enhance the tenet of democracy in Nigeria.


The scope of the study covers godfatherism and internal party democracy in Nigeria with emphasis in Imo state. The study examine the influence of godfatherism on the choice of candidacy of the two major players ( political parties) in Imo state and how this godfathers hinders internal party democracy in Nigeria.



A form of political corruption in which an influential member of a party assists another person in the climb to leadership.

Political party

A political party is a group of voters organized to support certain public policies. The aim of a political party is to elect officials who will try to carry out the party’s policies. A political party offers candidates for public office.


Democracy is a system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting. In a direct democracy, the citizens as a whole form a governing body and vote directly on each issue. In a representative democracy the citizens elect representatives from among themselves.

Internal party democracy

Their internal structure and operation must be democratic.” Internal democracy in political parties, also known as intra-party democracy, refers to the level and methods of including party members in the decision making and deliberation within the party structure.

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