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This research project concerned a study of the financial record keeping  of  religious  organizations:  A  Case  Study  of  Catholic Churches in Enugu Diocese. A sample of sixty-three parishes was made from the diocese. Investigations were carried on their financial control used both internally and externally, the accounting system and financial decisions/reporting adopted. This showed whether there was an efficient and effective financial record keeping in the church. Since rth research aimed at investigating existing financial record keeping  or  practice  the  employment  of  descriptive  method  of research was found adequate. The main instruments used for the collection of  primary data  were the  structured libraries and  other research units served as secondary data. The researcher ensured that the questionnaire possessed to a large extent the characteristics necessary and adequate for the purpose of validity and reliability. Data collected were analyzed and presented with percentages and tables and hypothesis were tested with the chi-square (X2) statistics and the following results emerged.

The study revealed that the church keeps proper record of its accounts and that there is accountability and responsibility, every member of the finance council has to give account of the money entrusted to him. It also showed that the church makes yearly budget before expenses are incurred and that authorization and control of church expenditure is vested on the management team. Based on the finds, both short and long term measures were recommended as  ways  of  enhancing  financial  record  keeping  in religious organizations.




Every organization both business and non-business requires and uses finance for its various activities. The business organizations are set up primarily for profit making like banks, companies and other related ventures while the religious organizations are not meant for profit making but for rendering services and winning souls to God. Religious organizations can come from inform of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and other religious sectors of organizations. The religious organization of interest is Christian religion and indeed Catholic Church.

Since finance is very vital for the welfare and growth of these organizations, its administration has to be well accorded financial records keeping. Finance at the macro level is the study of financial planning, assets management and fundraising for business, while macro is te study of finance institution and finance market and how they operate within financial system  (Anyafo, 2000:3).  In  view of Emekekwue (1993:1), finance is primarily concerned with money and momentary matters. In general, finance can be taken as a body of principles and theories dealing with raiding, investing, managing and employing funds by individual and organizations in private and public sectors (Oye: 2002:7).

According to Osisioma (1996:63), a system is a complete array of an ordered arrangement of interdependent elements, with a common goal, related by a network of relationships. Such a system has input process-output component, and it is in itself an information system.

Financial systems are subsystems in a business organization whose responsibility is to ensure that business transactions are recorded in proper books of account on the  basis  of  recognized accounting practice, analyzed, interpreted and presented to the users of accounting information (Ubesie, 1998:97). He further stressed that financial system consists of financial intermediaries, financial market, financial instruments, rules and norms that facilitate and regulate the flow of funds through the macro economy.

In essence, Catholic Church as one of the religious organizations is not meant for profit making but for bringing souls to Christ. The church requires fund to administer its affairs and to carry out  its  daily  religious  obligations.  The  funds  are  not  necessarily adequate to meet up to its numerous demands, though there are various sources of generating income. It is then necessary to determine the financial income being used by the churches whether there are proper record keeping, the financial decisions and reporting made and the accounting system or procedure adopted. There arises the need for the church to keep track of its financial operations, this helps  form  an  adage  for  it  to  control  its  income  against  its expenditure. Thus, a house built on a solid foundation remains a strong house but that whose foundation is shaky can crumble at any time. In the same way, a good financial background of a church can be said to be the foundation on which the church is built.

Therefore,  the  importance  of  finance,  its  adequacy  to  the church and how these are managed and controlled has led to the topic of the study financial record-keeping of religious organizations, a case study of Catholic Church in Enugu Diocese.


Many  religious  organizations are  now  being  faced  with  the problem of finance, the inadequacy of funds to carry outs their religious rites. Catholic churches are not an exception as most of the churches are incapacitated in terms of fund, yet there are several sources of finance but the church seems not to meet up its financial demand. For good financial records, there must be a well developed financial  decision  and  reporting  procedures  and  financial  control being used or operated.

It is based on this, that the researcher topic is chosen to asses the financial record keeping of religious organizations taken into consideration, Catholic Church in Enugu Diocese so as to know how the church manages and controls its fund and to suggest ways they can be improved for a better result.


The main purpose of this research work is to determine the financial record keeping in use for Catholic Churches in Enugu Diocese and appropriateness of the financial management and control. The research work will attempt to provide an in-depth information on the financial record-keeping of religious organizations of the Catholic Churches in Enugu Diocese. Specifically, the study is intended to find the followings:

1.      Whether there is effective financial control or not.

2.      To  know  the  financial  decision  making  procedure and  who takes the responsibility.

3.      To find the financial reporting and accounting records being used by the Catholic Churches in Enugu Diocese.


In the course of solving the problem of insufficient fund for the churches, the following questions arose:

1.      How are the accounting procedures being used?

2.      Are proper accounting records being kept?

3.      Is the church observing any accounting manual?

4.      Who are responsible for taking financial decisions and plans?


The researcher formulated the following hypotheses:

Hi:    There is a significant relationship between the proper financial records and accounting records of the catholic churches as a means of controlling expenditure.

H2:  Budgetary accounting records are effective management strategy.

H3:    The   Catholic   Church   accounting   records   keeping   is   in conformity with the Diocesan Accounting Manual.

H4:    Authorization and control of Catholic Church expenditure are vested on the church management team.


Any analysis of the appropriateness of financial management and control and how the funds are being administered and its adequacy to the individual churches form the basis for research work.

However, the scope of inquiry for this study is based on the Catholic Diocese of Enugu and some selected parishes like St. Jude Jude’s Catholic Church Parish 9th Mile Corner, Ngwo and Our Lady of Lourdes, Imezi Owa for the analysis. The reason being that Catholic Churches are the same everywhere and indeed in all the parishes and they also follow the same doctrine and system of operation, therefore covering all the parishes will be a waste of time and will make no difference.


One of the limitations of this study is the transportation cost incurred in visiting the Dioceses, as most times, the priest or the financial administrators of the dioceses were met absent, therefore, the researcher has to repeat the visit so as to get the information required.

Also, much time were wasted in the process of collecting the necessary data for the study as those responsible to divulge the information were so reluctant, therefore the researcher/writer waited for  some  information that  could  be  gotten  concerning  the  study. Those times wasted in waiting for the collection of data would have been used by the researcher to meet up or acquire knowledge on the study in view or related study.

Besides, the greatest limitation to the study has been the inability to collect data for the study. Apart from having no related work  done  on  the  topic,  the  researcher could  not  easily get  the information for the study. Though, some of the data were gotten later, the researcher did not find it easy, but managed to get small data for the analysis.


The study is set out to determine the ”financial records keeping of religious organizations”: A Case Study of Catholic Churches in Enugu  Diocese.  It  shows  at  a  glance  and  most  importantly, the overview of the financial records, the financial control, the accounting system and procedure and indeed financial decision and reporting of the catholic churches. There is no doubt that the study will benefit not only the Catholics but also other Christians and other religious organizations to borrow a leaf from the church so as to maintain a sound financial system in their various religious groups. Also, the study will help to remove the misconception from the minds of some people that church leaders spend church’s fund anyhow. Also, the analysis and recommendations on this study will go a long way to alleviate this.

In essences, the study will be beneficial to students of finance and accounting so as to enlighten them more on finance and accounting system of religious organizations. It will also serve as a reference point for further studies.


1.      FINANCE: A  body  of  principles  and  theories  dealing  with raising, investing, managing and employing funds by individuals and organizations in the private and public sectors. Financial managers can take three main decisions; finance, investing and dividend decisions.

2.      FUNDS:     This is regarded as cash or its equivalent, example cheques, drafts, money orders, etc. The term may be used to include  securities  which  have  a  ready  market  and  can  be quickly liquated.

3.      FINANCE COMMITTEE:      This is an association where those involved or are specialized in finance shall have power to supervise the financial affairs of the corporation or organization and shall report to the board from time to time whenever it shall be called upon to do so.

4.      APOSTOLIC SEE:       This sometimes was a see ruled by one of the apostles but now it refers for Rome, the city of the Pope, which her rules as Bishop of the Diocese of Rome. This term also  applies to  governing bodies  of  the  church  with  official governing bodies in the Vatican, the branch of the Roman Curia which cut only under the authority of the Pope.

5.      ECCLESTICAL: This adjective simply means ”of pertaining to the  church”  thus,  there  are  ecclestical  courts,  calendars, honours, laws (of Canon Law) jurisdiction, studies and others. It is derived from the Greek word “ecclesia”

6.      TEMPORAL GOODS: This are created materials and extended to creatures and possession that can acquire such as money, precious items. Temporal goods are used only for those purposes to the teaching of Christ the Lord.

7.      JURIDICAL PERSONS: This is the public power granted by Christ or by His Church Canonical Mission of favoring the baptized. This power is referred to that belonging to the church as a perfect society, whereby the church affects a rule for the spiritual goods of its members. In matters referring to salvation, it is the right of a person or agency, to pass or apply a given law in a specific situation.

8.      PRESCRIPTS:   This is a written reply of a religious supervisor to a request report or question. In the make of it, it repeats the request and facts together with the reasons and then offers the

answers with the conditions. It is the usual form through which dispensation are granted or derived.

10.     CLERGY: Any clerical person but not reverend sisters.

11.    DIOCESAN BISHOP:  Bishop of the Diocese is different from

Monks and Abbot e.g. M.U Eneje.

12.    EPISCOPAL CONFERENCE: Conference of the Popes.

13.    MENDICANT RELIGIONS:   Religions that live on begging.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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