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1-5 chapters |


EOtrepreOeurial  iOOovatioO  as iOOovative  behavior aOd  practices remaiOs  critical  to orgaOizatioOal growth. It plays aO importaOt role iO strategically positioOiOg firms with a competitive edge as well as helps such firms to gaiO eOtry iOto Oew  markets. This study  evaluates  eOtrepreOeurial  iOOovatioO  aOd  orgaOizatioOal  growth  iO  small aOd medium eOterprises (SMEs) iO South-South regioO of Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: ascertaiO the exteOt to which; Oew product/service iOtroductioO iOcrease sales growth; product/service improvemeOt  affect customer base geOeratioO; iOitiatioO aOd improvemeOt iO productioO/service  methods  relates  with  Oew  product  success;  Oew source of supply of raw material iOcreases orgaOizatioOal returO oO iOvestmeOt; aOd adoptioO  aOd  modificatioO  of  Oew  techOology  iOcrease  the  Oumber  of  employees. Descriptive  survey method was adopted  iO  the study amoOg  566 staff of registered SMEs iO the six (6) South-South) States Nigeria. Structured questioOOaire aOd iOterview guide were used to obtaiOiOg data. The data obtaiOed were aOalyzed usiOg descriptive statistic aOd the study hypotheses were tested usiOg liOear regressioO aOd correlatioO at

5%  level  of  sigOificaOt.  The  result  of  the  study  shows  that  iOtroductioO  of  Oew product/service sigOificaOtly aOd positively iOcreases sales growth (r = .655; r2  = .429; F = 195.383; T = 13.978; p = .000); improvemeOt iO existiOg product sigOificaOtly aOd positively affect customer base geOeratioO  (r = .855; r2  = .731;  F = 706.173; T =

26.574; p = .000); there is a sigOificaOt  positive relatioOship  betweeO  iOitiatioO  aOd implemeOt of Oew methods aOd iOcrease iO Oumber of employees (r= .569; p = .000 <

0.05);  Oew  source  of supply  of raw  material  sigOificaOtly  aOd  positively  iOcreases orgaOizatioOal returO oO iOvestmeOt(r = .703a; r2 = .429; F = 195.383; T = 13.978; p

= .000); aOd adoptioO aOd modificatioO of Oew techOology sigOificaOtly aOd positively iOflueOce product success (r = 769; r2 = . . 591; F = 375.754; T = 19.384; p = .000). It was  coOcluded  that  busiOess  eOviroOmeOt  is  characterized  by  busiOess  iOOovatioO which impact oO the orgaOizatioO especially iO the area of growth as it briOgs about Oew  method  of eOgagiOg  iO  product/service  delivery  iO  aO  effort  to meet  the  ever

chaOgiOg coOsumer taste aOd spur orgaOizatioOal growth. It was recommeOded amoOg other thiOgs  that; the maOagemeOt  of various small aOd  medium  eOterprises (SMEs) should strategically eOgage iO Oew product/service developmeOt as this will create Oew market for the orgaOizatioOs which will thereby eOsure rapid turOover or sales growth for such orgaOizatioO; the Oeed to eOhaOce the already  existiOg product/services is paramouOt aOd therefore should be pursued as it will attract Oew customer as well as retaiO the already existiOg customers were recommeOded.


1.1      Background to the Study

The   past   six   decades   have   witnessed   growing   and   mounting   studies   on entrepreneurship  in developed  and developing  countries.  The growth of  empirical studies within the innovation framework is one of the most significant developments in   expanding   the   frontier   of   knowledge   in   the   field   of   entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial innovation is the means by which the entrepreneur either creates new wealth – producing resources or endows existing business with enhanced potential for creating  wealth  (Romero  and  Martin-Roman,  2012).  Entrepreneurial  innovation  is also the successful adoption of new ways of doing things by the entrepreneur. In other words, innovations are new things applied in the business of producing, distributing and consumption of products or services. Eselemor, (2010) affirmed this by noting that  innovation  is  a  specific  function  of  entrepreneurship  whether  in  an  existing business or a new venture by an individual.

Page & Connels (2006) points to the fact that entrepreneurs have traditionally been perceived   as  innovators   based   on  the  economic   development   perspective   by Schumpeter (1934). While Lehtimaki (1991) opine that innovation has been used to describe  the  behaviour  of  enterprises  and  innovation  can  occur  in  a  variety  of contexts.  Burrone  and  Jaiya  (2005)  observe  that  innovation  â€˜is  one  of  the  most difficult  tasks  for  the  entrepreneur.  It  takes  not  only  the  ability  to  create  and conceptualize  but  also  the  ability  to  understand  all  the  forces  at  work  in  the environment’  and yet it is now one  of the most all-embracing  terms used in the business sector (Page & Connels, 2006).

Historically,  entrepreneurial  innovation  is associated  with Joseph  Schumpeter,  the classical Austrian Economist, whose research efforts since 1934s have continued to make  significant  contribution  to  entrepreneurship  development  in  particular  and economic development in general in developed and developing economies. His ideas and principles of organizational and national economic growth have been found to be useful  guide  to  big  and  small  businesses  on   survival  and  resilience.  Hence Schumpeter (1934) identified five types of innovation which includes introduction of

a new goods or an improvement in the quality of an existing goods, introduction of a new method of production, opening of a new market, conquest of a new  source of supply of raw-materials  or half-manufactured  good and creation of a  new type of industrial organization

Globally,  the importance  of entrepreneurial  innovation  as innovative  behavior  and practices have been linked to organizational growth of SMEs in many countries of the world, which is very critical to the profitability and expansion  of the SMEs sector. Available literature revealed that innovation as a key to the growth of SMEs provides firms with a competitive edge over other firms in the industry. It plays an important role in strategically positioning firms with a competitive edge as well as helps such firms to gain entry into new markets (Becheikh, Landry & Amara, 2006). Agarwal, and Ashwani (2008) opines that innovation is vital for stimulating growth in a firm. It has been established that the most innovative firms realize higher turnover of products and services introduced within a period of time. It therefore, stands to reason that for firms to grow, they have to adopt an innovative approach that will enable them gain a competitive edge in the prevailing business environment.

Lumiste,  Lumiste  and Kilvits  (2004)  posit  that  the high  growth  rate recorded  by entrepreneurs in SMEs in advanced countries and the newly industrialized countries (N.I.C.) like South Korea (Hong Kong and Malaysia (The Asian  Tigers), and their robust economies, is a function of many variables, including innovation. Lehtimaki (1991) observed in the context of Finnish SMEs that on average, the contribution of innovated new products was more to total sales  than to profits. Lehtimaki (1991). whose study focused exclusively on product  innovations in German, UK, and Irish SMEs, ascertained that the output of innovative SMEs grew significantly faster than that  of  non-innovators  implying  that  innovated  products  contributed  to  the  faster growth of the former. Engel  (2004), similar to Roper, found that sales turnover of innovative  firms  grew  faster  than  that  of  non-innovative  firms.  They  detected  a significant  relationship  between  the  share  of  innovative  sales  and  sales  turnover change  of firms. Lumiste, Lumiste and Kilvits (2004) found that innovation effects were felt in terms of both product-oriented results such as: improvement in quality of goods  and  services,  and  secondly,  increased  range  on  goods  and  services,  and

process-oriented results like increased production capacity and improved production flexibility.

Similarly, the success of the emerging BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) economies has been, among other factors, traced to the growth of the small and medium-scale enterprises, as they are perceived as the engine room of industrial and  technological  advancement.  In  contrast,  entrepreneurship  in  SMEs  sector  in Nigeria  is  not  as  developed  as  its  counterparts  in  the   industrialized   nations. Consequently,  the performance  of the SMEs sector in  Nigeria is unfortunately and comparatively low, which have been blamed on  environmental constraints and the entrepreneurs’  attitude  towards  innovation  (Funsho,  2010)).  That  is  why  Funsho (2010) asserts that business enterprises  in  this part of the world need to constantly innovate in order to ensure growth thus Freeman (1982) asserts that to choose to be non- innovative is to choose death to an organization.

Small and medium enterprises have been considered one of the driving forces in the economy  due to their numeral  contributions  in terms of innovations,  employment generation, and export promotion to list a few (Bala-Subrahmanya, Mathirajan, and Krishnawamy, 2010).

Burrone and Jaiya (2005) state that the ability of firms to innovate varies significantly depending on their sector, size, focus, resources and business environment in which they operate. Agarwal and Ashwani (2008) argue that globalization has affected not just the competitiveness of SMEs, but has also threatened the very survival of some of the  weaker  ones  and  forced  them  to  modify  their  manufacturing  and  marketing strategies. They recommend that SME’s need to establish intense linkages with R&D institutions (Research and Development) in order to carry out technology up grade in the  long  term  in  order  to  overcome  the  rapid  technological  obsolescence  in  the globalized economy.

In the Nigerian context, there is a growing stock of literature on entrepreneurship in SMEs, especially with regard to factors influencing its performance such as start-up capital,  government  policies,  psychographic  and  demographic  variables,  state  of infrastructures,  etc as revealed in the empirical studies of  Wandi (2013); Eselemor (2010); Etuk (2008); Baridam (2001);  to mention but a few. As notable as most of the

empirical studies on SMEs are, the innovation dimension  and its influence  on  the performance and growth of SMEs in Nigeria appears not to have stimulated sufficient empirical interest. Yet, innovation has been found to be an important  predictor of growth in the SMEs in many countries of the world (Martins and Namusonge, 2014); Welsch, Price and Stoica, (2013); Subrahmanya et al (2010).

Generating and maintaining the conditions and environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish is a managerial responsibility and certainly one of the most urgent tasks facing SMEs in Nigeria. Many SMEs owners/managers are perceived as non-creative  or have  little  ability  to develop  new  ideas  (Muazu,  2001).  Essenam (2012), however, has observed many innovations in the SMEs in Nigeria in such areas as food processing, roofing sheets, ICT, etc., which he believes are encouraging and inspiring. It, therefore, seems that the ability and innovative capacity of SMEs varies significantly,  depending  on  their  sector,  size,  focus,  resources,  and  the  business environment in which they operate (Burrone and Jaiya, 2005).

So far, studies on innovation and growth have focused on large-scale organizations, especially in the developed economies, but there is limited empirical evidence of the phenomena  in  the  SMEs  in  Nigeria.  In  the  same  vein,  various  dimensions  of entrepreneurship  in  the  SMEs  sector  such  as   funding,  demographic  profiles, psychographic variables, personality traits, functional role and leadership have been explored with a view to predicting  entrepreneurial  success  and growth.  However, extant  literature  in  entrepreneurship  in  Nigeria  did  not  consider  the  innovation- organizational growth relationship. Thus, there is the need to direct an empirical effort at this under-researched area.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

There is concern over the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in any  nation. This is because it in their growth through profit, expansion, sales growth and market share that the sector can make significant contribution to the GDP. The adoption of innovative ways of doing business ideally is meant to enhance  the performance  of small  and  medium  scale  businesses.  When  small  and   medium  scale  business innovatively  changes  their  business  process,  an   increase  tendency  of  increase performance  is often experience  or expected.  It  has been argued that the level of

growth and competitiveness between successful and unsuccessful enterprises in any economy  might  depend  on  managerial  attitude  towards  innovation,  which  is  a function of corporate culture, firms’ resources and competition.

Despite its pervasiveness  and recognition as the largest source of employment,  the performance  of the SMEs sector in Nigeria  is comparatively  low compared  to its counterparts in advanced countries and emerging economies such as Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.   SMEs in many states in Nigeria are not growing at satisfactory levels. Their growth rate has remain rather stagnant, which among other things, has been attributed to poor funding, unfavourable government policies, high operational  costs  and  lack  of  managerial  expertise.  Consequently,  the  afore  â€“ mentioned unpalatable situation tends to suggest that the challenges facing the SMEs sector in Nigeria might affect their ability to create and introduce new products, adopt new  technologies, device new method of doing things, develop new markets and processes, hence many have remained stagnant in a dynamic and competitive business environment.

In Nigeria, the failure of small and medium scale business within the last few decades have been on the increase especially following the recent trend of  globalization. SMEs in the country found themselves in such a helpless situation  due shortage of fund to adequately finance or adopt innovative ways of conducting their businesses. Faced with global competition, the SMEs are therefore left with only death sentence as majority lacks the tenacity for innovativeness. In a similar vein, many SMEs in the country today experience  draw back in their performance  possibly  due to lack of innovativeness   in   terms   of   product.   New   product   introduction   or   product improvement has remained a cardinal point of innovativeness among organizations. In today competitive business environment, organization that consistently introduce new products or commit to improving an existing product remains relevant in the business environment,  but the lack technical expertise among the management  of  small and medium scale enterprise, it has been observed that, many at times, the SMEs cling to their  old  product  without  aligning  to  changes  in  consumer  taste.  This  challenge encompasses   the   possibility   of   reducing   the   organization   performance.   Low performance which characterizes many SMEs in Nigeria finds expression in low sales and declining profit. Consequently, some employees are laid off (loss of employment)

and in some cases, the businesses collapse, with serous implication for the firm and the economy, (Eselemor, 2010).

Furthermore,  the combined  effects of technology  advancements,  competition  from local  and  foreign  brands  as  well  as  increasingly  sophisticated  and  demanding customers  are  increasing  the  pressure  on  SMEs  to  innovate  or  risk  failure.  The implication is that many SMEs in Nigeria will not grow and compete favourably with their foreign counterparts such as Microsoft, Apple and oracle in international market if they  do  not  innovate.  The  business  will  eventually  die  if their  owners  do  not innovate in order to have competitive edge.

It therefore stands to reason that what separates the successful and unsuccessful SMEs in Nigeria in terms of growth in the competitive and dynamic business arena might be their attitude  towards innovation.   However,  there is limited  knowledge  regarding entrepreneurial innovation-organizational  growth  relationship in the SMEs sector in Nigeria,  thus  creating  a  gap  in  literature  that  needs  to  be  bridged.  Again,  since innovation is the cornerstone  of the  modern concept of entrepreneurship,  it is also reasonable to think that organizational growth in the SMEs in terms of sales growth, profit level, return on investment and number of customer base might be influenced by the extent of product, service, process and technological innovation adopted by the SMEs proprietors. However, this has not been clearly substantiated through a rigorous empirical effort. It is against this backdrop that this study is undertaken to empirically evaluate  entrepreneurial  innovation  and  organizational  growth  in  the  small  and medium-scale enterprises in the South-South region of Nigeria within 2006 – 2016.

1.3      Objectives of the Study

This  study  is designed  to empirically  evaluate  entrepreneurial  innovation  and  the growth of SMEs in South-South  region of Nigeria.  The specific objectives  of the study are to:

1.   Determine the extent to which new product/service  introduction increase sales growth within 2006 – 2016

2.   Ascertain  the  effect  of  new  product/service  in  improving  customer  base generation within 2006 – 2016

3.   Assess  the  nature  of  relationship  between  initiation  and  improvement  in production/service methods and new product success within 2006 – 2016

4.   Ascertain the level at which new source of supply of raw material increases organizational return on investment within 2006 – 2016

5.   Examine the effect of adoption of new technology on number of employees within 2006 – 2016

1.4      Research Questions

The following  research  questions  are derived from the problem  statement  and objectives of the study and shall be addressed in the study.

1.   To  what  extent  does  new  product/service  introduction  enhance  sales  growth within 2006 – 2016?

2.   To what extent does product/service improvement affect customer base generation within 2006 – 2016?

3.   What  is  the  nature  of  relationship  between  in  initiation  and  implement  new methods and increase in number of employees within 2006 – 2016?

4.   To what extent does new source of supply of raw material increases organizational return on investment within 2006 – 2016?

5.   To what extent does adoption of new technology influence new product success within 2006 – 2016?

1.5:  Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses are derived from the objectives, research questions and conceptual framework of the study.

1.   Introduction of new product/service do significantly increases sales growth within

2006 – 2016

2.   Improvement  in  existing  product/services   significantly  affect  customer  base generation within 2006 – 2016

3.   There is a positive relationship between initiation and implement of new methods and increase in number of employees within 2006 – 2016

4.   New  source  of  supply  of  raw  material  increases  organizational   return   on investment within 2006 – 2016

5.   Adoption of new technology influences product success within 2006 – 2016

1.6: Significance of the Study

This study is significant by the concern for the development of small and  medium scale enterprises in Nigeria, which could be an effective poverty alleviation strategy through   entrepreneurial   innovation.   This   is  because   successful   entrepreneurial innovation  leads  to  growth  and  expansion,  which  find  expression  in  increase  in employment,  improvement  in sales  level and  increase  in gross domestic  products (GDP). And so, this study is significant in the sense that its successful completion will have assessed the level of innovation  activities in SMEs in Nigeria and how it has affected growth in the sector, as  well as what needs to be done aid the growth of entrepreneurship in SMEs in Nigeria.

Specifically,  the small-scale entrepreneurs  will find this study invaluable since  the development   of  the  small   business   sector   will   translate   into  better   business performance  for the operators in terms of profits, sales growth,  expansion, market share and other indices of performance. In addition, the state government, local and federal government policy makers will benefit immensely from this study as it will provide information on how to grow the SMEs sector  through innovation for rural transformation  and  poverty  alleviation  as  is  done  in  the  South  Asian  and  Latin American countries.  This will help them in policy formulation.

By contributing to the stock of existing knowledge through this study, this research work would have been justified for bridging the gap in existing literature regarding the state of entrepreneurial innovation in SMEs in economic development of south- south in particular and Nigeria in general.

Finally,  development   experts,  Government,   management   practitioners,   students, academics  and  researchers  will  derive  immense  benefits  from  this  study  since  it

touches areas of interest with up to-date information regarding the innovation-growth nexus in SMEs in Nigeria.  Those who may wish to carry out further research will find this work a useful material.

1.7      Scope of the Study

The scope of this study consists of; content scope, organizational scope, geographical scope and time scope. The content scope assesses entrepreneurial  innovation  and organizational   growth.   The   organizational   scope   includes   SMEs   operating   in information  and communication  technology,  agro based  firm, manufacturing  firms and  service  firms.  Geographical   scope  is  the   South-South  region  of  Nigeria, comprising Akwa-Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River,  Delta, Edo and Rivers States. This study restricts the scope of entrepreneurial  innovation to product, service, process, technological  and  market  innovations  while  organizational  growth  is restricted  to revenue. The study focuses mainly on the small and medium- scale enterprises in the manufacturing, food processing, services, agriculture, ICT and Distribution sectors in the South-South region of Nigeria. The time scope covers 2006-2016).

1.8      Limitation of the study

In carrying out this study, certain limitations were encountered, however due to the persistence of the researcher, the research work became successful.

The first challenges encountered while carrying out the present study is paucity  of material especially literatures that relates to entrepreneurial innovation in the Nigeria business environment. It took a great deal of persistence and visitation to numerous libraries across the country in order to obtain some relevant  literatures  used in the study.

In  addition,  the  attitude  of  the  participants  and  the  attitude  of  Corperate  Affair Commission  staff  was  overwhelming  discouraging.  First,  the  staff  of  Corperate Affairs Commission, almost decline in the provision of the list of Nigeria registered small and medium scale enterprise, it took the researcher several months of traveling to the office and meeting with some of the personnel in the ministry before such data was provided.

Also,  the  participants’  were  adamant  in  filling  the  research  instrument  as  they perceive it as a mechanism to probe their performance and possible laden them with higher taxation. The researcher however was able to convenience the participants’ by assuring and reassuring them that whatever data they provide is strictly for academic purpose.

Finally, combing official and domestic responsibility with the demand of the research work was really challenging in carrying out the present study. Many at times personal scarifies were the only alternative adopted in carrying out the present study.

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms as used in this context study need to be defined.

Entrepreneurial  Innovation:  It  is  the  development  of  a  new  product,  process, service,  technology  and  market  by  an  entrepreneur  for  profitable  operation  in  a dynamic and competitive SMEs business environment.

Organizational Growth: It is a progression or improvement in the performance of a SME in terms of sales growth, increase in customer base, and increase in employment generation and market share.

Product Innovation:  Product innovativeness is defined as the

novelty of products introduced to the market in a timely fashion.   (e.g number of innovative products and patents produced by each firm).

Process innovativeness: It is related to the introduction of new production methods, new process, new system, new management approaches and new techniques that can be used to improve production and managerial processes.

Market innovation: This is related to the novelty of market oriented approaches (e.g. new  markets,  new  design,  new  distribution  channel,  new  presentation  way,  new payment models, etc).

Technological   Innovation:   This   is   the   adoption   and   modification   of   new technological  information,  skill,  and  access  to  technical  and  technology  support mechanisms, rate of use of computers and ICT and technology network.

Service Innovation: It is the development of service products which are new to the supplier or an offering not previously available to a firm’s customers, resulting from additions to or changes in the service concept.

1.9:     Profile of the Organization

1.9.1    CCT Computers

CCT is a global IT solutions corporation having ties with International IT Giants like Microsoft,  Oracle,  Comptia,  Cisco,  Pearson  VUE,  Prometric  and  the   Federal Government of Nigeria under the National Innovative /diploma program  as well as offering products and services to different states with Centre’s located in Benin, the Edo State Capital, Warri, in Delta state and Akure, the Ondo State capital. CCT began with the vision to provide a solution to the massive  requirement for IT talents in Africa. The organization mission is to deliver IT  Training to a broad spectrum of people – from students seeking a career in  computers to IT professionals requiring advanced skills, from managers giving their careers an edge to school children using computers  as  a  learning  tool.  Hence,  CCT  seeks  to  make  IT  education  easily accessible to people in their own neighborhoods, and even within their own homes through the internet.

CCT  is manned  by highly skilled  and experienced  professionals  who  collectively parade  more  than  twenty  (20)  year’s  experience  in  Computing,  Communication, Electronics  and  Multimedia  Implementations  hence,  CCT,   Innovative  offerings demonstrate  the  company’s  ability  to  constantly  renew  itself  to  anticipate  future technology trends in the IT sector.

The   key  area   of  CCT   specialty   included,   Computer   Consultancy,   Computer Assembly,   Leasing,   Sales,   Installation   and   Maintenance,   Corporate/Executive Training,  Computer  Networking,  Systems  Analysis  and   Software  Development (Customized packages). Other services offered by CCT computer included, Desktop Publishing (DTP), Data Analysis, animation and  Multimedia  implementation.  CCT computer partner with financial and  non-financial  institutions, hence they currently have a long list of customers cutting across Banking and Oil Industries, Governmental Agencies, Educational Institutions, Private and Public Organizations.

The Core Values of the Organization

The focus of the organization is to Advance Network solutions specifically design and implementation which includes structured cabling design installation and support of both  Wide  Area  Network  (WAN)  as well  as Local  Area  Network  (LAN). Some Projects   Executed   by   the   organization   included State Government Supply   of Computers  and  Train-the-Trainers   Training  on  the   use   of  Computers  for  450

Personnel comprising Teachers and Civil Servants. Command and Staff College Jaji, Kaduna State Full Computerization of the college laboratory and major offices, Local Area Network of the Computer Laboratory with the installation of PC projectors for effective tutoring and training. University of Benin. Full consultant- maintenance and repair of all systems in the institution. The organization also engage in their systems upgrade,  supply  of  systems,  software  and  peripherals,  UPS,  stabilizers  and  other accessories for proper installation  and configuration.  University of Benin Teaching Hospital   (UBTH).   Supply   of   Laptops   and   peripherals.   National   Population Commission, Abuja  Training, Supply and installation of Computers. Nigerian Agip Oil  Company  –  Port  Harcourt,  Lagos  and  Asaba Training  of  Personnel,  lease  of computers, maintenance services, equipment supplies and configuration of computer aided graphic.

1.9.2    AMR Microsystem

AMR Microsystem is an Information Technology and Computer Services located at 8 hospitals Road Town Calabar, Cross River State Nigeria. The organization delivers workable robust Information Technology Solutions. AMR Microsystem also provides low  cost  and  quality  computer  products  and  accessories  to  its  customers.  The Company  also  defines innovative  ways  to  help  build  Clients  businesses at  most affordable  means  possible.  AMR  Microsystem is  an  information  Technology  and computer services company that engaged in providing latest and innovative business support solutions that add value to new and existing businesses, especially at pocket- friendly rates. Established in 2007,  AMR MICROSYSTEM  has acquired adequate knowledge   and  has  created   a   niche   in  the  ICT  industry   in  Nigeria.   AMR MICROSYSTEM has also been hosted on popular live Radio Rivers programmes on latest ICT issues,, through which the amiable IT firm has touched lives of individuals and corporate organizations alike, across Nigeria.

AMR MICROSYSTEM  is dedicated  to being the leading provider  of  Information Technology Services and solution used for digital communication in the 21st century, to enable secure business and maximize benefits from creating,  selling, distributing and using digital content. AMR MICROSYSTEM delivers 24 hours a day support to our  clients  across  the  nation.  The  organization  has  a  rock  solid  reputation  for ingenious solution finding, comprehensive technology approach, customer-orientation and   blending   of   efficiency   and   cost-efficiency   AMR   core   solutions   include VSAT/Fiber   optics  supplies   and   installations,   They  designs  and  development, Computer sales and Hardware Maintenance, IT/Computer Training, Cyber café setup, Networking, Consultancy Bulks SMS, Supply of quality laptop/desktop computers, E- payment Solutions, E-Business and consultancy. AMR Microsystem is dedicated to being the leading provider of Information Technology Services and solution used for digital communication  in the 21st century, to enable secure business and  maximize benefits from creating, selling, distributing and using digital content.

1.9.3    Blue Sail Computer

Blue Sail Computer Academy is an advanced computer training institute located in No. 12 Uwadiae street, by NNPC Medical center, off Giwa-Amu road, G.R.A, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. The computer training center was created to offer practical and industry  relevant  computer  programs  at affordable  rates  and  convenient  time frame. The mission of the organization remains to train and develop self-dependent and industry ready individuals who will contribute to the technology development of the country and the world at large. By re-thinking the education system in Nigeria, the organization  has been able to achieve  their  mission  by bridging  the gap between classroom experience and the real world. Thus been committed to improving the IT industry in Nigeria, by training individuals with latest ICT concepts and technologies. The service of the  organization  included  but not limited  to web design,  software development, mobile app development, computer training.

1.9.4    Difameg Network Nigeria Ltd

Difameg Network Nigeria is an Information Technology Solution Provider in Nigeria that   provides   comprehensive   solutions   that   meets   and   even   exceeds   client’s expectations. Difameg Network Nigeria is located at 14, Mini Woji Street Off Woji

Road,   Woji   Town,   Port   Harcourt, Rivers   State, Nigeria.   The   mission   of   the organization   is  to  create   solutions   to  real  life   challenges   through   computer applications  thus the Difameg Network  Nigeria seek to achieve  this  by  essentially becoming the IT support department client’s businesses. The  organization passion is in building solutions that solve immediate need better than anyone other organization and prepare its clients for the future with collective insight and experience that no one else  has.  The  organization  team  comprises  of  database  administrators,  website application developers, software engineers,  graphics  designer,  instructors,  network engineers,  etc  who  are  experienced  in  both  their  core  competences  and  client relationship  management.  The  innovative  portfolio  of solution  of the organization presents limitless opportunities for customers to engage in strategic business planning, increase  efficiencies and enhance business operations and processes. Additionally, DIFAMEG   offers   customers   the   advantage   of   carefully   designed   business applications  and services  delivered  in accordance  with their exact  business  model requirements  by using the applicable IT industry standards. The  core values of the organization included;

Client  Focus: The  organization  partner  with  its  customers  to  establish  a  shared vision, passion and accountability for success.

Integrity: DIFAMEG is reputed for integrity, honesty and accountability  as an  IT

solution Provider Company in Nigeria.

Partnership: DIFAMEG  build  long  lasting,  value-adding   partnerships   with   its customers, business partners, and employees through shared vision, enthusiasm, and accountability for success.

Innovation: DIFAMEG stays ahead of the competition requires the ability to foresee, embrace and innovate in the face of change. DIFAMEG continually  challenge the status quo and pride ourselves in providing the leadership and experience to help our customers evolve and transform their businesses.

1.9.5    Sirben Limited

Sirben Limited is a duly registered  Nigerian Company located at 35 Imgbi  Road, Yenagoa Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Sirben Limited is geared towards the  provision of

Information   Communication   Technology   Solutions   and   world   class   computer education.  She  has  since  its  incorporation  in  2001  grown  to  become  the  largest Independent  Information  Communications  Technology  (ICT)  based  Company  in Bayelsa State. She also ranks as one of the top seven in the Niger-Delta Region.

Corporate Structure

Sirben’s senior management  team consists of seasoned executives  with decades  of experience  in all aspects  of  Information  and  Communications  Technology  (ICT). Collectively, they have designed, implemented and operated in several  projects in Nigeria. In addition, they have designed, implemented and operated full-service ISP and  telephony  (domestic  and  international)  centers,  and  planned,  organized  and operated  large  instructor-led  technical  training  programs. Sirben  Limited,  provide innovative, reliable and efficient ICT solutions for a wide variety of sectors within the Nigerian economy and beyond.”

Vision Statement

“To grow a wide variety of ICT solutions that will serve individuals,  government, military,      and     private      establishments      within     and      outside      Nigeria.”

Core Values

Our services have their core values in the acronym “FIVES” which stand for

F – Fear of God, I – Integrity

V – Value for our Clients and Customers

E – Excellence and

S – Satisfaction

These values guide the execution of the organization daily duties especially towards esteemed  customers.  SIRBEN  is a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  SIRBEN  Limited, which is based in Bayelsa  State,  and which has plans to  provide  similar  services

throughout  Nigeria  and Africa.  The  company  services  included,  Reliable  Internet Access, Universal Wireless Access, Intercampus Connectivity, Intercom Services and H.R. Solutions.  Other services  included,  demonstration  of  conferrable expertise in systems integration, data communication, local area  networking (LAN), wide Area Networking (WAN), Multi-User Supply. Also the company boost itself in impeccable expertise in web development using various platforms, and in Content Management System, spicing is work with HTML5 and JavaScript.

Applause Computers

Applause  Computers  Limited  is  a  private  limited  liability  company   providing computer  and  network  support  services  to businesses,  institutions,  organisations, governmental agencies, and individuals throughout West Africa. It is located at 9 Ikot Ekpene Road, Uyo, 9 Offot Road, Abak, 3 Dominic Utuk Avenue, Uyo Akwa Ibom State,  Nigeria.  Applause  Computers  a Nigeria based  IT support  company  offering professional   IT  services   to  organisations and   businesses.  Applause  Computers manages  all  IT  needs  as  well  as  provide  support.  Applause  Computers  leading provider of Technical Support, Web  Development  Services,  IT Training,  Business and Project Management, and e-Procurement Consulting. Applause Computers offer IT infrastructure and  operations management  services, application hosting, security assessment, systems integration, training and consulting, as well as the procurement of hardware and software for your business. Whatever the need, Applause Computers can customize a solution that will fit.   Applause Computers also provide full  Print Design services for standard office stationery such as business cards,  letterheads or compliment slips, or for a corporate brochure or display stand, Applause Computers can build a brand image to be proud of.


First line support team– most simple problems can be fixed over the phone by the first line support team.

Remote support engineers – the next tier of support, remote engineers deal with the more complex problems. Applause Computers have remote access to every machine on your network.

Onsite engineers – our team of fully qualified onsite engineers deals with all types of hardware and software related problems. Applause Computers on-site engineers can also provide cover for IT managers.

Project managers – Applause Computers  team of senior technical engineers are  in charge of implementing Applause Computers portfolio of custom solutions  such as on-site network consultancy, server installation or office moves.

Web Development Team – professional web developers come together in a brilliant assembly  of  various  web  development  skills,  across  different  web  platforms  and infrastructure.

Trainers – Qualified trainers on different fields of Information Technology  provide personalized training and guidance in IT career building.

Administration department – Applause Computers administration department ensures our customers are kept updated of ongoing work at all times. A sales team within the administration department sources hardware and software for our clients.

Accounts  department  â€“ Applause  Computers  accounts  department  prides  itself  on consistent and accurate accounting.

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