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1-5 chapters |



1.1        Background of the study

1.2        Statement of problem

1.3        Objective of the study

1.4        Research Hypotheses

1.5        Significance of the study

1.6        Scope and limitation of the study

1.7       Definition of terms

1.8       Organization of the study




3.0        Research methodology

3.1    sources of data collection

3.3        Population of the study

3.4        Sampling and sampling distribution

3.5        Validation of research instrument

3.6        Method of data analysis



4.1 Introductions

4.2 Data analysis


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Summary

5.3 Conclusion

5.4 Recommendation





This project work is a study of the influence of audio visual materials in the effective dissemination of knowledge by teachers in some selected secondary schools in Ikpoba-Okha Local Government Area in Edo State. The instructions employed in gathering the research data include questionnaire, oral interview and personal observation. The data collected was analyzed using simple percentage from the data collected and analyzed, the following parts were revealed; 1.That audio visual materials have a very visual has a very vital influence in teaching and learning process. 2.That it makes learning meaningful, increases the interest of the pupils and brings freshness and variety to learning if proper used. 3.Also, that educational broadcast helps pupils to understand their lesson better. Based on the above findings, recommendations were made if it is considered it would help to increase the use of audio visual materials in secondary schools in Ikpoba-Ohka local government area.






  • Background of the study

Many factors affect pupil’s performance in secondary schools. Among these factors are the student’s social-economic background, the standard of the school, choice of textbooks and teaching aids. In this study, only one variable teaching aid would be considered for treatment i.e. the influence of audio-visual aids in effective dissemination of knowledge. In most developed countries, teaching aids are well utilized in the classroom. Teaching aids is very essential in our world of teaching. They motivate the child if well chosen.  Teaching and learning activities are interesting when audio-visual materials are used effectively and efficiently in a classroom-teaching situation. It is necessary for facilitators in literacy centres in Nigeria to use audiovisual materials as instructional tools in order to make their teaching more interesting, that is to arouse the learning interest and sustain attention for effective learning. Although among the challenges facing some of the literacy centres in Nigeria is that audio-visual materials are not available and even where they are available, facilitators do not use them effectively. The reason for this attitude may be facilitators have engaged themselves in so many other relevant and irrelevant activities. The term audio-visual materials are defined by Dike (1993) as those materials which do not depend solely upon reading to convey meaning. They may present information through the sense of hearing as in audio resources, sight, as in visual resources or through a combination of senses. Indeed, the variety of such resources is a striking characteristic. According to Anzaku (2011), “the term audio-visual materials are commonly used to refer to those instructional materials that may be used to convey meaning without complete dependence upon verbal symbols or language”. Thus according to the above definition, a text book or a reference material does not fall within this grouping of instructional materials but an illustration in a book does. Some audio-visual components are in the nature of process and experience, for example, dramatizing an event or a procedure or making diorama. Some of the audio-visual materials like the motion pictures require the use of equipment to release their latent value. Some do not need equipment at all like an exhibit or a study print. This term designates in common usage both material things as well as processes such as field trips. Ehiametalor (1985), in this article on “the peculiarities of research project in educational administrator content that in the next few years, students will spend more time working with the computer.” This is due to his identification of teaching aids as an integral part of learning process. Educational aids are the items or equipments and materials which could aid teaching and learning. Audio visual materials are scientific teaching aids for the learning, through the visual projection and sound reproduction. These are capable of been seen and heard. The importance of instructional materials in teaching English in Secondary School is very profound. It makes whatever amount of work being done at Junior Secondary School convenient. It promotes greater acquisition and high retention of actual knowledge. They provide increased interest and integrated experience (Rowtree, 1994). Vikoo (2003) observes that the most suitable instructional materials for the effective teaching and learning of English at this information age are audio – visual materials. He describes the audio – visual materials as the instructional system which uses the operations of the scientific and technological equipment combining both visual projections and sound productions to provide tangible experiences to learners. Some of such materials are computer assisted instruction, video – taped instruction and film shows. Baldeh (1990) states that audio – visual aids have been introduced, tested and tried in the school system and found effective. In spite of the importance of English and the effectiveness of the audio – visual aids in teaching English in Nigeria, the students‟ performances are found low in the secondary school Examination. In the Chief Examiner‟s report (2006), it is stated that the students‟ attainments in English have been dwindling every year while the enrolments of the candidates are astronomically increasing. Rowtree (1994) still describes audio – visual aids as the most fitted materials to aid the teachers to inculcate the language competence in students. It uses electric method to enhance learning.  They include 16mm sound films, 8mm films and television (Associate ship certificate education series) in 1981. It is therefore very essential for teachers to use audio visual aids to make teaching effective, interesting and meaningful. In this light, this project is designed to; find out the extent teaching aids can help the students in their academic performance at schools.


The rate of failure in secondary schools certificate examination in recent years has been alarming. Educationist, parents and others, express concern over this disappointing and embarrassing issue. From various research carried out in our schools observed that, most teachers in our schools do not use teaching materials especially the audio-visual types even the best teaching plan, and they come up against communication barriers that originate in the classroom. The blame of nonuse teaching aids in the school is not only teachers but also, on the ministry of education in almost all the state of our country. The problem is either on the non-availability of these this teaching aids or the ignorance of its practical application. There is therefore, that this neglect of the use of effective aids could be responsible for effective teaching and learning in our various schools.

In light of these, audio-visual materials can be used to improve the quality of instruction in the classroom. Every teacher should now ever, acquire basic knowledge and skills i.e. they should be proficient in planning design, development and production of instructional materials. The educational authorities and the school system on the other hand, should encourage teachers to produce materials by providing for them, the necessary materials, facilities and opportunities to acquire and continue and develop skills in production.


The aim of these researches is to highlight the importance of teaching materials to prepare the teacher with the skill of media selection to identify different types of audio-visual materials in their community to differentiate between the merit and demerits or rather, the problem of the system and apply the skills acquired from the educational media, in the classroom situation.

To successfully complete the study, the researcher intends to achieve the following specific objective;

  1. To examine the influence of audio-visual materials on the learning culture of the student
  2. To examine the relationship between audio-visual materials and teachers ability to disseminate knowledge
  • To examine the effect of audio visual (teaching aid) materials on teachers efficiency
  1. To examine the impact of audio visual materials on student learning culture


To aid the successful completion of the study the following research hypotheses were formulated by the researcher;

H0: audio visual material does not have any influence on the learning culture of student in Ikpob Okha LGA

H1: audio visual material does have a influence on the learning culture of student in Ikpob Okha LGA

H02: there is no significant relationship between audio visual materials and teachers ability to disseminate knowledge

H2: there is a significant relationship between audio visual materials and teachers ability to disseminate knowledge


Due to financial constraints and factors, this project work is restricted to secondary schools selected in Ikpoba Okha local government area in Edo State. The secondary schools as follows:

Aduwawa Secondary School

Oka Secondary School

Western boys’ high school

Niger Secondary School

Queen Ede Secondary School etc


This project has certain implication, for the teaching profession in general. The importance lies in the contribution it makes to educational knowledge, regarding the great effect that teaching materials have in learning process.

Firstly, the significance of the study is very important to the educational improvement as it is vital in developing new techniques to meet the critical educational problems. To the classroom teachers, result of the study can be of great assistance in the selection of the most appropriate audio visual materials for specific learning tasks. They also provide firm basic for developing useful techniques founded proven learning theories. With the knowledge of this study, findings and their application to the classroom the teachers can use audio-visual materials with confidence. A knowledge of this study can assist the school, administration in providing under ship role to his staff in the development of improved facilities and administrative organization to enable him or her, have more knowledge to direct his or her activities, and also, to ensure that, the school system have the capacity of utilizing the tools of educational professor.


AUDIO VISUAL MATERIALS: All the teaching materials use by teachers which deals with seeing and hearing. They are multimedia materials includes television, radio, tape recorder.

TRAINED TEACHERS: Is one trained to give instructions, knowledge and skills to someone in a particular field or more

TEACHING MATERIALS: All the equipments used by teachers while teaching and which makes teaching clearer and easier for the students to understand

LABORATORY: A room or building used for scientific experiment, research and testing and given report to

FILM STRIP: These are series of picture with scripts written by teachers are shown on screen for academic purposes with aid learning and teaching effective.

SLIDE PROJECTOR: These are electrical project which show pictures in motion and to learning diagrams or instruction on a screen.

Chart: A labeled picture meant for students to look at constantly for familiarization of words.


This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows

Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), historical background, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlights the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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