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1-5 chapters |



  • Background of the study

The issue of an impact of job performance in an organization or establishment depends largely on its leadership style. The word leadership means the art by which a person is privilege to direct thoughts, plans and activities of others in such a way as to command their respect, obedience and cooperation. According to Orway T. (1983), leadership style can be defined as the way a leader combines the leadership skill with the function which he performs in order to motivate those who he is leading. It has be suggested that there are democratic, autocratic and lassies faire, which shall be discussed in detail in this write up. Early theories identified two basic ideas of leadership: That there was one vetted leadership style for all situations that is leaders emerge as situation arises. That leaders are born not made, which means that people are born with leadership qualities in general research uncovered the following characters of a good leader which include intelligent, social festivity, originality, self-confidence and social participation, communication skill etc.  The term leadership therefore can be defined as the exercise of influence in a social situation in which the followers’ (influences) attribute .leadership qualities to the leader (influencer). Leaders are leaders because other people view them as such. It must be noted that not all leaders are effective managers and not all managers are effective leaders. In other words, leadership has been described as a process of persuasion where the leader (or team of leaders) act as an example for a group in order to motivate and induce the group to pursue the objectives of the leader and the organization. In this regard, it is important to realize the culture of their working environment. They are integral parts of the system in which they arise yet dependent upon two-way communication with constituent and the forces that create the circumstances in which they emerge. In addition, leaders are accountable for the performance of their organization or the success of the government, which is dependent on employee’s productivity. The role of leadership in management is largely determined by organizational culture of the company. It has been argued that manager’s beliefs, values and assumptions are of critical importance to the overall style of leadership they adopt. Maxwell (2002) says that 21” century leader is one who empowers others to be leaders. Managers and supervisors must know the techniques, challenges and benefits of facilitative leadership. According to him, “the old world was composed of bosses who told you what to do and think and made all the decisions. In the new world, no manager can know everything or make every decision now to be successful, a manager has to work in partnership and in collaboration with everyone, in other to tap everyone’s ideas and intelligence. Managers now are coach, counselors and team builders. Their job is to find people with talent and skill, and help them work together towards common goals. Leadership is influential processes which distinguish a leader by their actions, and also encourage a group of people to more towards a common or shared goal. A leader is an individual, while leadership is the function that the individual performs. Besides, an individual within an organization who have authority are often referred to as a leader, regardless of how they act in their job. But just because someone is supposed to be a formal leader in an Organization, him or her or not exercise leadership. Beside the modern theory of leadership were build upon the limitation of this early theory and it requires the following:

  1. Leaders could be and could be made
  2. There is no one best way to lead.

1.2 Statement of the problem

One of the problem facing the leadership style in Nigeria civil service commission takes a long run in the administration. The study provides me the finding from the field a firsthand problem in the ministry. These problems are as follows:

  1. Many people are not in support of a democratic leadership style in the civil service.
  2. Today in our country our leaders are not stable
  3. Those who occupy leadership position in our country today they are not academically qualified.
  4. The Federal Civil Service does not influence the leadership style effect management would not be ascertained the Federal Civil Service as a guide.

1.3 Objectives of the study

  1. It aims as addressing the issue the includes what type of leadership style can direct the talent which energy and knowledge where they are needed in order to impact the changes.
  2. To state how leadership style is employed to solve different problems handed on Nigeria Civil Service Commission.
  3. To investigate if leadership style is used in developing good will and image among members
  4. To examine the impactiveness of each leadership techniques.

1.4 Question of the study

The study would examine the following question

  1. To what extent does leadership style influence employee performance?
  2. How does leader-employee relation affect organizational growth?
  3. What are the factors that hinders cordial leader-employees?
  4. What leadership style could be adopted to improve employees’ performance

1.5 Significance of the study

  1. This study will be beneficial to the management of Nasarawa State Civil Service Commission department by providing techniques which can be used to put an lingual on internal control system in the organization.
  2. It will be a useful material to staff members of the local government for them to gain insight into what luiguative job performance in the Nigeria Civil Service Commission is all about.
  3. It will help those that are interested in the development of the Nigeria Civil Service Commission understand the mystery behind low productivity in the Civil Service Commission System.
  4. It will also be benefit to researcher that wants to learn more on leadership style.
  5. Finally the work will be a useful material for future reference.

1.6 Hypothesis

Ho:   The impact of leadership styles do not enhance job performance in organization.

HI:     The impact of leadership style job performance in an organization

.Ho:          Organizational performance is not a result of impacting leadership style.

HI:     Effective Leadership styles in organization contribute immensely to job performance.

1.7 Scope of the study

This study restricted to the impact of job performance in the Civil Service Commission of Nasarawa State, attention will be focused on the activities of the leadership style.

1.8 Limitation of the study

The research will face with the following constraint during the study.

Time constraint: The time given to the researcher to carryout this study is obviously too short which constitute part of the requirement for this semester. Therefore make it possible for the research to really go deep into study.

Finance: Another problem facing the researcher is that of finance constraint we all acquainted with fact that without money, cost of things cannot be done, nothing stops the researchers from traveling to other part of the country to source for the essential materials.

Respondents: As stated above questionnaires and interviewers from some source of materials for this study will also hindered by the lack of cooperation and unfriendly attitude displayed by some officials who were hesitant to release vital information and data about their officers for fear of losing their jobs, as a result of Civil Service Commission rules and official secret act.

1.9 Definition of related terms

Leader: According to Likered (1961), identified two distinct leadership, job-centered and employee centered. In the case of  job centered leader practices closes supervision so that employees perform their tasks using specified procedure.The second leadership style is employed centered this leader believes in delegating decision making and aiding followers in satisfying their needs by creating a supportive work environment.

Job Performance: Is the set of forces that initiative behavior and determined it’s form direction, intensity and duration.

According to Stoner et al (2000), state that “motivation is a human psychological characteristic that contributes to a person’s degree of commitment. It includes the factors that cause, channel, and sustain human behavior in a particular committed direction”.

Leaders: According to Collins (1995), leader is “a person who rules, guides or inspires others”. A leader inspires the group to attain desired goals within the group capabilities. The group response depends on the capabilities of the leader.

Civil Service: Civil service is a body or a department in the executive arm of the government responsible for the executive of the policies and programmes of the government.

Commission: Administration is the act of implementing the policies of an organization.


This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), statement of problem, objectives of the study, research question, significance or the study, research methodology, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlight the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study.




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