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  • Background of the study

Science has been and would continue to be of tremendous importance because of its ability to explain many natural occurrences and the central role it plays in the world’s current technology development. In our century, it is the soul of the prosperity of nations and it is an economic and technological development as well as improving the quality of life of the individuals and the society at large. Science, as a school subject, has over the years gained prominence in the school curriculum world wide. In the last five decades, the world has witnessed science curriculum innovations and several changes in the teaching of the content in different levels of education. Trowbridge and Bybee (1996), Ajaja (2007) identified the objectives of teaching science to include:- Knowledge of science academic discipline; to acquire the skills of scientific method; having clear explanations for societal issues through increasing interest science literacy and societal goals; for personal needs and for career awareness. In Nigeria, the sciences are taught in school subjects as Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. The National Policy on Education in the National curriculum for primary schools volume 3 science stated specific objectives to be achieved by each subject curriculum. Some of the most distinct characteristics of science are experimentation, observation, and discovery. It provides the development of skills of students asking questions and making investigations, making hypothesis, inference of results of experiments to students.(Acikgoz, Kaygusuz & Oncul, 2004) Laboratory method is often used in science and it is targeted that pupils do trial and error activities. Therefore, the laboratory applications are integral part of science (Orbay, Ozdogan, Oner, Kara, & Gumus, (2003). The success of science programmes depends largely on the classroom teachers. They constitute the most important agent in the ongoing exercise to revolutionize the teaching and learning of science. According to (Awotua – Efebo, 1999) science Teachers have the potentials for enhancing the quality of education by bringing life to the curriculum and inspiring pupils to curiosity and self-directed learning Some definite demands on the teaching of science were made by (STAN) Science Teacher Association of Nigeria. This means that there are some demands made of the teacher if he or she is to teach his or her course effectively. So also are some demands made of the students if they are to benefit maximally from the program Some of these demands, according to (STAN) Science Teacher Association of Nigeria, are as follows: Demand of the Teacher are the quality of the teacher-Skills and successfulness, teacher seeking new information on new teaching techniques, regular in service training, regular or frequent evaluation of the students, re-thinking of the teachers approach in the class to assess the class and be able to modify his teaching method if such an approach is not working adequately and how well equipped are the laboratories. Demands made of the pupils are wrapped round aims and objective of the STAN. Some of these demands are:- Student should be able to recall, should be able to relate their experience to other subjects, should be able to communicate effectively, should be active involvement in the learning and should be able to apply their knowledge to new situations. The above listed demands constitute themselves into a number of definite problems in the classroom. Generally, the education of a nation is evaluated in part by the quality of its teachers. The quality of teachers itself depends largely on the kind of training they received both at the academic and professional levels. For these reasons, teachers of science need good training to enable them meet a better requirement and enough academic information in a variety of the basic science subject as said by Bajah S.T. (1982). Akpan (1992) observed that Nigeria problems have been that of implementation. He said that a visit to primary and secondary school science classrooms by a well informed and concerned science teacher will show that the nursed hope in curriculum reform are expensive venture in the past decade. So therefore, turning out, in the nearest future, qualified and dedicated scientist, engineers, medical doctors etc from these schools are in serious danger. Furthermore, Akueshi (1997) warned that the world is developing scientifically and technologically in every sphere of human endeavours; we should thrive to join this technologically train or else we shall be left behind and it will be disastrous and unpleasant. As a result of poor teaching method, poorly equipped science laboratories over dependence on print materials, students performed poorly in science subjects in Nigeria. Despite all the efforts made by government to promote science education in Nigeria coupled with several research works that has been carried out, the problems of teaching and learning science are still persisting. The problems are according to Bajah (1982) between 1959 and 1982: are Lack of laboratory, lack of qualified science teachers, and institutional objectives in science teaching. According to Adebayo (1999) on educational policy 1977, he stated that Lack of finance to execute the project, shortage of manpower, lack of facilities and lack of policy itself (i.e. the planning and implementations) are factors responsible for poor performance in science subjects in our secondary schools. Adeyemi (1993) and Adeyegbe (1990) stated that even though a number of science curriculum reforms were inquiry based and problem – solving in style research finding have continued to show that teaching and learning in science remain problematic. Ayodele (1999) stated the problems as in adequacy of textbooks, lack of learner’s interest, unqualified science and psychological fears of science subjects as factors responsible for poor performance in science subjects. Textbooks are not adequately available. The ones that are available are written by foreigners with their language and cultural background, making it difficult for indigenous teachers try to complement by writing textbooks, most of their work lack in standard, probably because they are horridly written just to bridge gabs, without adequate research. Most laboratories are not well equipped, schools rely more on imported laboratory apparatus and equipment and grants are never enough. Although government took a giant step by establishing science laboratory manufacturing industries like ‘PRODA’ Enugu, such industries have been long neglected by the same government that established them. Large class size in science subjects teaching and lack of incentives for teachers. One teacher to 25 students are the recommended still remains a dream in schools classes are over populated to the tune of 50 and above. Inadequate science teachers, approach to science teaching, science is an abstract course and will only be understood through practice. Some teachers do not put effort in improvisation of teaching aids and most importantly students’ attitude and aspirations: Some students’ attitude has made up their mind that they are not going to study science, therefore will not waste time on science subjects. Poor primary school background in science subjects as factor responsible for the poor performance of students in the science subjects. With these problems in mind the researcher decided to investigate the extent to which these demands are being met and possibly suggest ways in which they could be successfully met.


Poor primary school background in science subjects as factor responsible for the poor performance of students in the science subjects. With these problems in mind it is believed that if teachers appropriately manage learning resources, it has the potentialities for stimulating and sustaining interest of pupils in all the subjects. The constant vandalization, wastage and misuse of educational equipment and installations are issues of great concern to the government and the entire society . This situation, coupled with the increasing rate of poor performance of pupils in primary science and other subjects, tends to raise doubts as to the possibility of realizing the objectives of primary education. In fact the prevalent disuse of educational resources not only discourages the government efforts in the provision of more resources but also generates stress and discomfort on the pupils who are very inquisitive to utilize the resources that have been provided for them the researcher intends to investigate to what extent has these factors impaired effective teaching and learning of science in primary schools.


The main objective of the study was to ascertain the factors militating against the effective teaching and learning of science in some selected primary schools. But for the purpose of the study the researcher intends to achieve the following objectives;

  1. To ascertain the factors militating against the learning of science in [primary schools
  2. To evaluate the impact of instructional materials in teaching of sciences in primary schools
  • To ascertain the relationship between the use of instructional materials in the teaching of science in primary schools and the use of traditional method
  1. To ascertain the ro;le of government in ensuring adequate teaching and learning of sciences in primary schools

For the successful completion of the study, the following research hypotheses were formulated by the researcher;

H0: there are no significant factors that militate against the teaching and learning of sciences in primary schools

H1: there are significant factors militating against the teaching and learning of sciences in primary schools

H02: instructional materials do not have any significant impact on the teaching and learning of sciences in primary schools

H2: instructional materials do have a significant impact on the teaching and learning of sciences in primary schools


The research study will be of importance to primary school management board, parents, primary school administration, the general public and educational policy makers. The study if published will provide insight about available resources to primary school management board. This will enable the board to study the nature of learning resources that are available to provide additional learning resources for utilization. Parents that may be interested in the type of learning resources available at primary school level will gain an insight about the nature of learning resources that are available at primary school level. This will motivate parents to contribute toward equipping primary school with the needed type of learning resource. Parents could also influence the government to stage Workshop and Seminars for primary school personnel on how the available learning resources could be prolonged and properly maintained. Policy makers that have little or no knowledge about primary school will acquire the necessary knowledge about primary school and learning resources. Information exposed through this study will equip policy makers to formulate favorable policy for the development of primary school educational system.  


The scope of this study covers factors militating against the effective teaching of science in some selected primary schools, but there are some factors which limited the scope of the study;

(a)Availability of research material: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study.

(b)Time: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.

(c)Finance: The finance available for the research work does not allow for wider coverage as resources are very limited as the researcher has other academic bills to cover





Primary schools

A primary school (British English) or elementary school (American English) is a school in which children receive primary or elementary education from the age of about five to twelve, coming after preschool and before secondary school (in some countries there is an intermediate stage of middle school between primary and secondary education).

A teacher (also called a school teacher or, in some contexts, an educator) is a person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values.


Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.

Contemporary science is typically subdivided into the natural sciences, which study the material universe; the social sciences, which study people and societies; and the formal sciences, which study logic and mathematics.

1.8 Organization of the study

This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), statement of problem, objectives of the study, research question, significance or the study, research methodology, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlight the theoretical framework on which the study its based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion and also recommendations made of the study

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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