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1-5 chapters |


This study was on development and validation of a multimedia package for computer studies instruction in junior secondary school. Two objectives were raised which included: To determine the effectiveness of the learning outcome by delivering the students’ information and to know the tool that can assist teachers and lecturers in achieving educational effectiveness. The total population for the study is 75 staffs of selected secondary schools in Ikorodu local government of Lagos state. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies. The study recommended that utilization for classroom instruction should be encouraged. This could be achieved if education stakeholders can supports the schools with ICT infrastructure (computers with internets facilities, LCD projectors, Interactive White Boards, etc), manpower, stable electricity supply, and many others


Chapter one


  • Background of the study

Multimedia comprises text, graphics, animation, audio, and video, which are everything we can see and hear in our daily lives (Vaughan, 2006). Multimedia applications can be used in many areas, such as education, businesses, homes, and public places. This project surveys multimedia applications for educational purposes, and there are six main elements in multimedia applications: texts, images, audio, videos, animations, and user control. Besides that, this paper also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia applications in education. There are also a few characteristics in education: screen design, interaction and feedback, navigation, video, and audio elements on the development in education. In education, multimedia applications are used as information to deliver learning resources for students. Multimedia applications are also used to improve the learning process and increase the interaction between students and teachers or lecturers. Teachers or lecturers can make the lesson more interesting by using multimedia applications. Multimedia applications can highlight certain important points rather than writing on the whiteboard. There is no doubt about the role of multimedia applications for educational purposes. This new learning context will influence the way teachers or lecturers teach and the way students learn. They continually search for more effective ways to engage their students during learning and increase student learning outcomes.

According to Vaughan (2006), multimedia combines text, graphics, animation, audio, and video, which are everything we can see and hear in our daily lives. Multimedia also refers to computer technology to create, store and experience multimedia content (Singh, 2007). As a result, multimedia applications play a crucial role in education, ranging from pre-school to postgraduate students and corporate training packages.

Multimedia applications can be defined as an application that uses a combination of many media sources such as texts, graphics, audio, videos, and animations. It is often used to deliver more powerful information than printed learning resources such as a printed textbook. It also allows users to interact with the information quickly and accurately. Educational multimedia applications enable students to get information in various formats. Examples of multimedia applications are World Wide Web, courseware, interactive TV, computer games, and virtual reality.

In education, multimedia applications provide computer-based training courses and reference books such as an encyclopedia. A computer-based training course lets the students go through a series of presentations and text about a particular topic in various information formats (Singh, 2007). Teachers and lecturers use multimedia applications to convey lecture slides, assessment materials, and other learning resources. It can also aid students in learning new skills and knowledge without lecturers’ guidance.


According to Steinmetz and Nahrstedt (1995), “Multimedia applications are moving from a single PC environment to either a multi-user environment or to a personalized user environment.” The rapid innovation and development in information and communication technologies have increased the use of multimedia applications in our daily lives and brought the changes to computing, entertainment, and education. However, educational multimedia applications will not replace the roles of teachers or lecturers but will only allow students to learn more when compared with traditional teaching methods.


Multimedia applications for educational purposes are similar to printed textbooks and other teaching materials, but they can come from a wider range of sources. The potential of multimedia applications for educational purposes is well-recognized by universities, schools, government, and private organizations. Educational multimedia applications can be more focused on specific objectives or in more comprehensive ways (Norhayati & Siew, 2004).


There has been an increase in demand for educational multimedia applications at all levels of citizens for them to apply their knowledge in different fields of study and situations. Multimedia applications have greatly influenced education in many ways. They give teachers or lecturers to prepare study materials for students more clearly and comprehensively, such as demonstrating and visualizing the study material in a multimedia presentation (Milkova, 2012). Multimedia applications can also be used as a source of information. Multimedia applications can be developed to enhance the learning process and increase the interaction between students and lecturers. Lecturers can make the lesson more interesting by using multimedia presentations. As the information is presented in various ways, multimedia applications enhance the user experience and make it learner-friendly to grasp the information (Singh, 2007).

Indeed, various aspects of human endeavors, especially the educational sector, are being transformed by the advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). ICT involves the use of hardware and software to collect, process, store, present, and share information mostly in digital forms. Multimedia technology is an important aspect of ICT that deals with how information can be represented and presented digitally, using different media such as text, audio, and video (Guan et al., 2018). Moreover, it involves the combination of several technologies that provide information in the best possible formats, packages, and sizes.


However, when used in the classroom or for educational purposes, multimedia applications’ design quality and sophistication must be high enough to combine the different elements of the cognitive processes to achieve the best mimicking of the teacher. There are different types of multimedia applications available in the market today. These applications have been deployed for different educational purposes, such as the works deployed for Mathematics classes, Social Sciences, Sciences, Physiology, Physics, and Physical Education Studies (Al-Hariri and Al-Hattami 2017; Anderson, 1993; Chen and Liu, 2008; Chen and Xia, 2012; Ilhan and Oruc, 2016; Jian-hua & Hong, 2012; Milovanovi et al., 2013; Shah and Khan, 2015).



However, the central problem remains the same: how to use the applications to provide students with a stimulating experience by delivering information for a better understanding of concepts. While it is important to develop various applications for effective teaching delivery, each has its focus area, peculiarities, target age, merits, and demerits. Thus, the taxonomy and component synthesis for the multimedia application development need to be extensively investigated as these would affect the teaching delivery, learning, and wider applicability. Some multimedia solutions have been deployed, tested, and recorded significant success, while some did not record marginal success.

The success stories vary with location, target age, and deployment purposes. Therefore, this project aims to provide a systematic review of the scientific published studies that examined different multimedia tools in the teaching and learning process to identify the existing multimedia-based tools, understanding their usage, application areas, and impacts on the education system. In order words, through a systematic review of literature, the study aims to identify the existing multimedia-based tools for teaching and learning; understanding their usage and limiting factors, application areas, evaluation methodologies, technology components synthesis, and impacts on the education system.


Some people have always responded to a problem with some solution. The birth of electronic multimedia like the computer is no exception when barter economy, the need for numbers, computations, and keeping records, becomes apparent. As early as 300B.C., numbers were used in some parts of the world.

The concept of number and counting has been initiated/developed by a herdsman to account for animals after they returned in the evening. Later on, other simple methods such as sticks and stones were also used to count. However, the first real computation aid abacus was developed in China as early as 2600 BC. Abacus is still commonly used in the world today.

In this age of information and communication technology (ICT), where the world seems to be reduced to a global hamlet, no country desire to be mapped out for the relevant hamlet. Therefore, information and communication technology are indispensable for the global hamlet. In the context of this research, ICT focused on enhancing students’ performance of school subjects through the use of aided instruction in computer science. In that case, knowledge and skills acquisition are necessary as fundamental of ICT. Science education in general and computer science, in particular, today demand teachers capable of teaching the new technology and helping students interpret and repackage the information and provide information. Rich environment, for communication, to use ICT in the learning environment.



This project aims to develop and validate a multimedia package for computer studies instruction in junior secondary school.

To determine the effectiveness of the learning outcome by delivering the students’ information.

To know the tool that can assist teachers and lecturers in achieving educational effectiveness.


The study formulated the following research question

  1. What is the effectiveness of the learning outcome by delivering the students’ information?
  2. What are the tool that can assist teachers and lecturers in achieving educational effectiveness?


The following research hypotheses were formulated;

H0: there is no effectiveness of the learning outcome by delivering the students’ information

H1: there is an effectiveness of the learning outcome by delivering the students’ information

H0: there is no tool that can assist teachers and lecturers in achieving educational effectiveness

H2: there is tool that can assist teachers and lecturers in achieving educational effectiveness


This study will enable the application of multimedia in teaching and learning computer study, emphasizing and heightening practical results to support stepwise knowledge building, consolidation, and claim of proactive education and development. It has a platform for designing both curriculum-related activities and computer-based culture technology in terms of helping students on how teachers swing within the scientific theory and empirical evidence. This strategy will greatly aid teaching and learning and increase audio-visual understanding, which shows a diagrammatic representation of processes. It will help students participate in the lesson. It will also help students alleviate the problem of large class size, which typifies computer science class.


This project is centered on developing and validating a mutimedia package for computer studies instruction in junior secondary school.

The project is also centered on using the multimedia development project in junior secondary school to discuss the process of package development and to examine the key issues and challenges that are encounter in developing a multimedia package. We also reflect on some key lessons that may benefit future package developers.


The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study

The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.

Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).


VALIDATION: The action of checking or proving the validity or accuracy of something.

DEVELOPMENT: the process of developing or being developed.

MULTIMEDIA PACKAGE: Multimedia packages are a combination of text, video, sound and graphics with animations. Hence we need an evaluation process for each phase like planning, input, process, development, feedback phases. The questions must be presented as per the country’s cultural orientation.

STUDIES INSTRUCTION: The instructional studies major provides you with a flexible path to a non-licensure education degree and a broad range of instructional opportunities outside the traditional public school classroom such as in independent or private schools and nonprofit organizations.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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