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1.1 Background To The Study


The advent of computer has served as a catalyst to the turmoil in Mathematics and Mathematics Education during the last decade.  mathematics have run the gamut from1950 when only a few innovative souls ventured to use computer to explore solution of Mathematical relationship to the present time when a majority of those who make extensive use of Mathematics do so by means of computer. Debate over whether the  computer influences  the essence of Mathematics would not be difficult to locate. but there is no debating that the use of mathematics now and in the future is directly related to computer technology.

Becta (2003) assert that the use of Computer in mathematics classroom allows the students to focus on strategies and interpretation of answers rather than spend time on tedious computational calculations. Computer use in mathematics instruction assists the learner in visualizing the process and concept role of symbols, which reaches great heights in calculus (Tall & Ramos, 2004 Zewe (2003) also opine that technology improves the way mathematics should be taught and enhances students understanding of basic concepts. It deemphasizes algorithmic skills resulting in an increased emphasis on the development of mathematical concepts.


The pure Mathematicians is very much likely to contend that the essence of mathematics can be explored without appeal to the computer but to the mathematics educator, that contention may be somewhat academic and esoteric with respect to his responsibility to his students, the vast majority of whom are likely users of mathematics rather than creators of mathematics in any pure sense.

In general, Mathematics is a compulsory subject for all the primary and secondary school students in Nigeria. Nowadays, educators take opportunities to harness the power of computer technology in helping students to learn Mathematics. Using computers to help students to learn Mathematics through the use of courseware is becoming common in Nigeria. There is much educational software available for teacher to use in teaching and learning. Some of them are even free in terms of money and downloadable through the Internet known as freeware (Teoh, 2009). Computer base learning  in Nigeria has emerged as an instructional technology with the potential to overcome the limitation of traditional media in supporting the prospect to provide learning environments with strong visual elements (Nordilah, 2010). Nevertheless, it is not to replace traditional educational methods which are usually carried out by chalk and talk (Nordin and Fatimah, 2011)


Even though Computer base learning  is being implementing, teachers still remain central to the teaching and learning process (Martin, Khaemba and Chris, 2011). Computer is just an additional aided learning tool for teacher in some areas that require more attention. The educational software in the market is an alternative method to assist teacher in teaching, apart from the traditional way of teaching (Noordin and Fatimah, 2011). Therefore Computer base learning  become most exciting innovation in the educational technology. CBL is a set of programming instructions which is used in instructional process to develop certain predefined skills for the students’ mastery over the subject content. It generally refers to a specific programmed which is designed to teach (Vansia, 2012).

Technological tools include those that are both content specific and content neutral. In mathematics education, content-specific technologies include computer algebra systems; dynamic geometry environments; interactive applets; handheld computation, data collection, and analysis devices; and computer-based applications. These technologies support students in exploring and identifying mathematical concepts and relationships. Content-neutral technologies include communication and collaboration tools and Web-based digital media, and these technologies increase students’ access to information, ideas, and interactions that can support and enhance sense making, which is central to the process of taking ownership of knowledge. Findings from a number of studies have shown that the strategic use of technological tools can support both the learning of mathematical procedures and skills as well as the development of advanced mathematical proficiencies, such as problem solving, reasoning, and justifying (e.g., Gadanidis & Geiger, 2010; Kastberg & Leatham, 2005; Nelson, Christopher, & Mims, 2009; Pierce & Stacey, 2010; Roschelle, et al., 2009, 2010; Suh & Moyer, 2007).

In a balanced mathematics program, the strategic use of technology strengthens mathematics teaching and learning (Dick & Hollebrands, 2011). Simply having access to technology is not sufficient. The teacher and the curriculum play critical roles in mediating the use of technological tools (King-Sears, 2009; Roschelle, et al., 2010; Suh, 2010). Teachers and curriculum developers must be knowledgeable decision makers, skilled in determining when and how technology can enhance students’ learning appropriately and effectively (ISTE, 2008). All schools and mathematics programs should provide students and teachers with access to instructional technology—including classroom hardware, handheld and lab-based devices with mathematical software and applications, and Web-based resources—together with adequate training to ensure its effective use.

Programs in teacher education and professional development must continually update practitioners’ knowledge of technology and its application to support learning. This work with practitioners should include the development of mathematics lessons that take advantage of technology-rich environments and the integration of digital tools in daily instruction, instilling an appreciation for the power of technology and its potential impact on students’ understanding and use of mathematics (Nelson, Christopher, & Mims, 2009; Pierce & Stacey, 2010). In addition to enriching students’ experiences as learners of mathematics, use of these tools maximizes the possibilities afforded by students’ increasing knowledge about and comfort with technology-driven means of communication and information retrieval (Gadanidis & Geiger, 2010; Project Tomorrow, 2011).

It is against this backdrop that the study seeks to Evaluate The Effects Of Computer Applications On Computation, Problem Solving And Conceptual Understanding Of Mathematics

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Solving linear equation may sometimes involve rigorous calculation and approximation of numbers. The use of parenthesis (Brackets), negative signs can make solving linear equation very lengthy and may sometimes be confiding to the human mind at a certain point. Hence this has made the solution so labourious and an uphill task if it must be correctly applied as a solution system. The method of information storage and retrieval process of accumulated figures and substation is not an easy task. If there are no automated system of information storage and retrieval, the application of linear equation is virtually impossible, as much time than required will be spent before an accurate result is generated. Human beings cannot really tackle the ambition and sometimes complex calculations involved in using the system of solution easily which delays the result for its real field application.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main concern of this project work is to Design And Implementation Of Computer Software For The Solution Of Linear Equation

The study has the following specific objectives:

  1. To Design a program that can solve Linear Equation.
  2. Design an automated system that answers can be verified from even after solving the questions manually.
  3. To provide schools with software that assist in teaching and learning of mathematics
  4. To broaden student knowledge of computer usage and it application
  5. To provide a software program that makes solving of mathematical problem easy, fast and interesting.
  6. Design a system that is dependable by eliminating error in calculation to the beeriest minimum and provide high productivity and enhancement in terms of processing time and result delivery

1.5 Scope of the Study

The design of this system only covers the implementation of a program that can be use to find solution to Linear Equation


1.6 Significance of the Study

The study will be useful and will make a major contribution in providing information on the factors that affect the use of computers in teaching and learning mathematics in secondary schools. First and foremost, as the implementers of all research inputs related to academic excellence in schools, Mathematics teachers will find much assistance in the findings. The findings will provide the teachers with appropriate information on using computers in teaching and learning Mathematics in secondary schools in order to enhance the performance of their students in the subject. Secondly, students of Mathematics have a responsibility of responding to the learning activities and utilization of time for proper guidance. The findings will increase students’ awareness of the use of computers as a medium of teaching and learning mathematics which will lead to improved learning strategies with modern technology and achievement in mathematics. In addition, policy makers will use the findings to review the existing policies especially on teacher training on computer skills with a view of guiding them on using computers as a medium of teaching and learning. The findings will also assist in formulation of policy guidelines on using computers as a medium of teaching and learning in all secondary schools of not only Mathematics but other subjects as well. Also, educational administrators are charged with the responsibility of monitoring learning programmes in schools. The findings will help them to ensure appropriate and meaningful computer instructions in Mathematics and other subjects as used in secondary schools. The results will also help the Government to identify and plan administrative issues related to imports, marketing and access to computers and computer software in order to enable students’ access quality education. Lastly, the study will provide an insight into the Nigeria’s perspective of B.F. Skinner’s programmed instruction with reference to the factors affecting the use of computers as a medium of teaching and learning in the Nigerian’s education system. In addition, the study will contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of instructional technology and help stimulate further research in computer applications and other related fields.


1.7 Limitations of the Study

Financial Constraints: The researcher was with limited funds, she cannot visit all the areas to get responses from respondents but she was able to get good information concerning the research topic.

Time Constraints: The researcher was involved in other departmental activities like seminars, attendance of lectures et.c which limited her time for the research but the researcher was able to meet up with the time assigned for the completion of the research work.

1.8 Definitions of the terms


The concept of a computer refers to a machine that process information according to a set of instructions (Newby, Stepich, Lehman, Russell & Ottenbreit- Leftwich, 2011). In the current study the computer is used as a tool for teaching and learning of Mathematics, in particular the GeoGebra software.

School Mathematics

The term Mathematics refers to the study of numbers, equations, functions, geometric shapes and their relationships (Tapson, 1999). In this study Mathematics is a school subject that will be used for learning and teaching linear functions.

Linear function

A linear function is any function that graphs to a straight line; the function has either one  or  two  variables  without  exponents.  A  function  of    is linear if it can be expressed  in  the  ,  where  m  and  b  are  constant  and    is the dependent variable (Tapson, 1999). In this study the concept of linear function is taught using GeoGebra software. This software will allow the learners to  draw graphs and to find properties of graphs and functions.

Learner attitude

An attitude is someone‘s opinion or feeling about something (Rundell, 2002).

In this study attitude refers to an opinion or feeling that learners indicates on Likert- type opinion statement. Learners were asked to state their level of agreement on the questionnaire, after using computers for the learning of linear functions in Mathematics.

ICT Integration

Use of ICT in support and enhancement of attainment of curriculum objectives engaging students in meaningful learning.

Equation: This is the relationship be- tween the dependent and independent vari- ables. An equal sign “=” is required in every equation.

Differential Equation: Equations that involve dependent variables and their deriva- tives with respect to the independent variables. Ordinary Differential Equation: Differ- ential equations that involve only one inde-

pendent variable.

Order: The order of a differential equa- tion is the highest derivative that appears in the differential equation.

Degree: The degree of a differential equation is the power of the highest derivative term.

Linear: A differential equation is called linear if there are no multiplications among dependent variables and their derivatives. In other words, all coefficients are functions of independent variables.

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