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          The end-of-course grades assigned by lecturers are intended to convey the level of achievement of each student in the class. These grades are used to make a multitude of decisions. Unless a sufficiently accurate and efficient method is used for the marking and grading, the grades are apt to convey misinformation and lead the decision-maker astray. In itself, the marking process of exam script is found to be rather tedious, especially when carried out manually, and when the number of students is large. It is time-consuming and error prone. The process, however, becomes a lot easier and much more accurate when carried out with a computer running a suitable software application. To find a sufficiently fast and accurate method of carrying out this marking process is a problem that is both challenging and interesting. In this work, an electronic marking system was developed to facilitate the automated processing marking script. The software was developed in Java programming language in the form of a database, employing PostgreSQL Relational Database Management System. The developed software performed well and produced expected results on completion. With it, it was possible to mark exam script automatically and grade the score based on student answers corresponding to the correct one trained into the system data set.


1.0 Introduction

Electronic marking (E-marking), also known as onscreen marking or digital marking, is the use of digital technology in the education or accreditation sector specifically designed for marking or grading an exam or assessment.

E-marking applications allow markers to mark exam responses which have been scanned and uploaded as digital images, or online assessment responses on a computer screen, rather than on paper. It is the opposite of traditional ‘pen and paper’ marking, and can be executed via a local application, or via a browser-based application delivered over the Internet.

There are no restrictions on the types of tests that can be marked using e-marking. E-marking is widely applied amongst high stakes examinations throughout the world, with two thirds of marking completed in this way in the Nigeria. It is also used to assess other types of qualifications such as exams for accountants, as seen by its use by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

1.1 Background of the Study

Manual Examination marking System is replete with several problems. A cursory glance at Manual Examination marking Administration System reveals cases of partiality, favoritism and injustice in the marking process by the staff or the class instructor, also, outside the above the person could be under physical or emotional trauma that could result in failure to carry out the required duty in safe state. The manual Examination marking System also has been discovered to has more issues, as it gives room for written examination to be updated by the student or lecturer when bribe has taken place, exchange of results marks and many more.

In furtherance, during manual computation of results, errors may arise due to “omission” or “commission”. There are also cases of missing examination scripts during marking. There is also a problem of time wasting, among others.

This research suggests that if an efficient and effective electronic examination script marking system is developed, where examinations will be taken online, and results computed and released immediately, as well as stored in a central database for documentation and future planning and evaluation purposes, there shall be relative balance and harmony within the University System. The staff will take the advantage of time that would have been spent on marking examination and preparing results to enable them do their research work. This will also cause the unserious students to be committed to their studies.

The errors associated with the existing manual method of examination marking process of students’ exams in most universities in Nigeria, make it not only desirable but imperative that computerized approach be used to the full in measuring students’ academic progress. The manual methods being employed suffer a number of set-back. They make the process to be time-consuming and prone to errors even as they lead to late publication of exam marked results. Worst still, sometimes wrong scores are calculated for and entered for the. Consequently, the cumulative errors being generated are ultimately linked to awarding of erroneous class of degree. Some students could end up with undeserved good classes of degree, while others could be unfairly victimized, bringing about frustration. In this case, the image of the department(s) concerned and the whole University alike could become tarnished. The problem, therefore, that arises is to find a method of marking examination scripts that would be sufficiently accurate and reasonably timely.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The problems posed by manual methods of marking exam script are enormous. Manual marking slows the process of exam script processing as it has to be done by hand. This has result to procrastinating the results of academic students hence, delay in leaving in student time of graduation and possible for the National Youth Service when they ought to have gone. This problem has dominated the academic.

To arrest this problem, there is a need to step up the use of electronic marking system that is accurate, error free, and that can if possible run on the web (using real time) in order to give students access to their score as at when needed. This will also help reduce the time wait for exam script score.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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