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1-5 chapters |


Virtually in all human endeavors, there is always an element of control. Even our behavioral patterns and manner of interactions are either internally or externally guided for a meaningful life appreciation. Control then is necessary especially when something poses a danger or get to excesses. In cities today, the increase of road transportation traffic congestion at strategic junction has made it absolutely important to look beyond using traffic wardens or timely controlled traffic lights to direct vehicles at the junction crossings. However, traffic light control system used in many cites at present are still pre-timed. They allocate specific time sequence to any period of operation by directing traffic “STOP”, “get ready to stop” and “Go” according to the determined time duration. But the method of control embarked on here is the predictive type. This system through the use of motion detectors, count the numbers of cars passing through a particular lane for a given period of time. With the data gathered which is displayed using a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), the traffic condition of a road can be known and forecasted. The first chapter discusses the statement of the problem and the objectives. A literature review is done in chapter two while in chapter three, the requirement and design analysis is discussed. Chapter four is the testing of the project and recommendations are given in the last chapter of this report.




In many places where heavy traffic can be a problem, measures are introduced to try and ease the pressure on the roads to aid the flow of traffic around the road system. Some of the methods used involve: traffic lights, roundabouts, one-way systems and more dramatically bypasses which in this case helps in completely avoiding the problem areas. Traffic lights are often used at junctions or road intersections to aid the flow of traffic from different directions. The purpose of the lights is clear and the theory behind them is to minimize the time spent on the road; meaning that at a particular junction, vehicles should regularly flow through, minimizing the queue build up in any of the lane. In practice this is a different matter; multiple sets of traffic lights are often in sequence, affecting the flow of vehicles from one to the next. The key to obtaining the optimum traffic flow is to adjust the timings of the traffic lights at the junctions so that the whole block is in a sequence with each other. Another viewpoint of the traffic flow problem is how the vehicles on the road interact with each other and with the control measures such as roundabouts and traffic lights. The individual actions of a vehicle can affect the smooth flow originally intended from the road design. For example, changing lanes in heavy traffic can mean that one lane cannot move forward even though the road is clear ahead because of stationary traffic.

When considering an appropriate model for representing the situation, we have developed a system that do not only control the flow of vehicles in a particular intersection of a road or junction but also helps in presenting an option to road users on an alternative path to take to avoid traffic jams by predicting the traffic condition of a particular route at a particular time through the use of infrared sensor.

A traffic signal, or stoplight as it is also known, controls vehicle traffic passing through the intersection of two or more roadways by giving a visual indication to drivers when to proceed, when to slow, and when to stop. Gordon, R.L. (2003). In some cases, traffic signals also indicate to drivers when they may make a turn. These signals may be operated manually or by a simple timer which allows traffic to flow on one roadway for a fixed period of time, and then on the other road-way for another fixed period of time before repeating the cycle. Other signals may be operated by sophisticated electronic controllers that sense the time of day and flow of traffic to continually adjust the sequence of operation of the signals. Traffic engineers use signals to avoid traffic congestion and improve safety for both motorists and pedestrians alike.

The ability to predict traffic conditions is important for optimal control. For example, if we would know that some road will become congested after some time under current conditions, this information could be transmitted to road users that can circumvent this road, thereby allowing the whole system to relieve from congestion. Furthermore, if we can accurately predict the consequences of different driving strategies, an optimal (or at least optimal for the predicted interval) decision can be made by comparing the predicted results. The simplest form of traffic prediction at a junction is by measuring traffic over a certain time, and assuming that conditions will be the same for the next period. One approach to predicting is presented in this project via the use of Infrared transmitter to detect the vehicles passing through the road thereby counting it through a micro-controlled program and simultaneously displaying its results.

The proposal for this paper is to look into this claim and investigate the effects traffic lights have on the flow of traffic. After a field assessment of the problems faced by road users in selected locations in Uyo, A model has been constructed to show this and new improvements from the traditional electronic relay and traffic warden used in controlling road traffic. Also, we have introduced arrow light which will address the issue of undue time wasting by vehicles waiting to make a turn without obstructing the flow of traffic.


The primary purpose of traffic control by light signals is to separate conflicting traffic by the division of time, within the available road space, in a safe, efficient and equitable manner. The term “traffic” includes all road users: vehicles, (including cycles), pedestrians and equestrians. Conflict at a junction is manifested as an increase in delay and/or accident rate. At a signal-controlled junction, vehicle traffic is permitted to flow in a strictly controlled manner. The traffic flows, available road space, layout and stage sequences will all affect delay.

An increasing volume of vehicles using the roads has meant that traffic congestion has in many areas become unreasonable. A case study is the city of Uyo in Nigeria which on a daily basis is subject to huge traffic queues. In this situation there is very little that can be done to alter the situation without extending the existing capacity of the road. But in most situations it is often within residential areas where traffic can build up causing problems for the particular road system and road users. These build-ups can be caused by a number of different traffic control measures. They can be the traffic lights timing, a poor road design, traffic calming measures (i.e. road bumps) and many other methods. Considering the fact that ongoing researches are being carried out and in few cases, some level of success has been achieved on Intelligent Traffic Control, the cost implication has deterred its applications.

Thus, the idea of a vehicle counting system on a particular route or junction and simultaneously displaying an output is being employed in this research to project the traffic condition of a road, comparing other route conditions and presenting an alternative route thus, reducing the waiting time of vehicles on a particular road or junction. Also, on most traffic light display in use, only three common lights are present for each lane; that is the green for go, yellow for caution or slowdown and red for stop are being use omitting the arrow light which as well aids in avoiding unnecessary queue and waiting time for motorist.

Most rampant is the minimal efficiency level experienced with the use of relay circuits to control the timing of traffic lights. In most cases, within a week, there exists a frequent conflict on the sequence of the light which could cause havoc on the road as the old(relay) control circuit can activate the signal of green for two different lane at the same circle. But with the use of a microcontroller, a computer program can be written into it to effectively control traffic as designed considering the fact that the error rate of a microcontroller is once in thousands of years.


Growing numbers of road users and the limited resources provided by current infrastructures lead to ever increasing traveling times. The Programmable Traffic Light Control project undertaken by us aims at diminishing waiting times at traffic lights in a city. Also the information provided by the display helps in determining the current state of traffic condition in a particular road or junction thus, providing information about alternative routes.

Traffic in a city is very much affected by traffic light controllers. When waiting for a traffic light, the driver looses time and the car uses fuel. Hence, reducing waiting times before traffic lights can save our society billions of Naira annually. To make traffic light controllers more intelligent, we exploit the emergence of novel technologies such as the introduction of infrared sensor networks to determine the flow of traffic, as well as the use of more sophisticated algorithms for setting traffic lights.

The addition of the Green arrow light also contributes to the minimization of waiting time at road junctions. With reference to the periodic cycle of the control light, the green arrow activates for the lane whose main green will activate last in the current cycle to avoid unnecessary waste of time and simultaneously not affecting the flow of traffic.

Traffic light control does not only mean that traffic lights are set in order to minimize waiting times of road users, but also that road users receive information about how to drive through a city in order to minimize their waiting times. This means that we are coping with a complex multi-agent system, where communication and coordination play essential roles. Our research has led to a novel system in which traffic light controllers and the behavior of car drivers are optimized using machine-learning methods.


The ability to predict traffic conditions is important for optimal control. For example, if we would know that some road will become congested after some time under current conditions, this information could be transmitted to road users that can circumvent this road, thereby allowing the whole system to relieve from congestion.

Furthermore, if we can accurately predict the consequences of different driving strategies, an optimal (or at least optimal for the predicted interval) decision can be made by comparing the predicted results.

The simplest form of traffic prediction at a junction is by measuring traffic over a certain time, and assuming that conditions will be the same for the next period.

The above vision is implemented in this project. With the use of infrared transmitter and receivers at each lane making up each junction, and with the aid of an LCD, the current rate of traffic approaching a route is determine (depending on the desired period of time the observation is to be taken) and the information is then transmitted to the display thereby providing the road users on which option to take.

An error during the execution of a traffic (light) control could be disastrous, thus, with a device such as a microcontroller whose error rate (i.e. rate of error occurrence) is once in a million years, the fear of such incident is greatly minimized

The green arrow light is also an important tool in minimizing the waiting time of road users reducing congestion at road junctions. While waiting for the Green light to glow, a vehicle is provided with an option to turn into the right lane without obstructing the flow of traffic. This feature is a great addition to the traditional three light display (red-stop, yellow-wait/caution, green-go) used by traffic control light at traffic junctions as it do not only minimize congestion and waiting time, but also reduce the pollution of our environment via the release of un-burnt fuel at these junctions.

In the design of the hardware, a printed circuit board technology is used to design the copper lines on the circuit board where components are fixed thereby minimizing the crowding of wires, thus making the project neat. With this technology, components are fixed on desired position on the board unlike the use of Ferro board which will require so much interconnection of wires


Several factors limited the scope of this work. The notable factors are being highlighted here so as to draw appropriate attention and also serve as a guide for future research on related work.

Firstly, while on field survey to choice a real life specimen which in this case is a two lane road intersecting at a junction, the availability of such roads is limited in Uyo metropolis which in the cause of this project was our case tool. The population of single lane routes in the city from our study has also contributed to the traffic jams experienced in the town. Also, the infrared red sensor installation could not be possible as it reading was continuously altered by reckless road users. These users do easily change lanes while in motion and thus altering the detection by the sensors installed at certain location to determine the rate of flow of traffic.

Secondly is the source for material to execute the project. One example is the availability of copper coated board. The limited availability of this material has lead to the use of alternative materials which might ridicule the value of electronic designs. Thus, the few available ones are overpriced which in turn raise the financial budget for the project execution.

The time frame allocated for this work is limited compared to what could be achieved. The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) enormously affected the way things are done in the world of engineering. With the use of AI, more sophisticated sensors could be used to monitor the flow of traffic and the information so received is used in the control of the display of the traffic light. Apart from the time constraints, the required components and devices needed to accomplish such work are not available in the immediate society and the cost of acquiring them will exceed the budget for this project.


1.6.1     Traffic light control

A traffic light could be defined as a road signal for directing vehicular traffic by means of colored lights, typically red for stop, green for go, and yellow for proceed with caution.

Also called stoplight, a traffic signal is a set of colored lights placed at crossroads, junctions, etc., to control the flow of traffic.

1.6.2    Microcontroller

A single programmable chip that contains the processor (the CPU), non-volatile memory for the program (ROM or flash), volatile memory for input and output (RAM), a clock and an I/O control unit. Also called a “computer on a chip,”

1.6.3    Program

Is defined as a set of instructions coded in a particular language to perform a desired operation

1.6.4     Infrared sensor

Infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic device that measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of view.

1.6.5     Light emitting diode (LED)

Light Emitting Diodes are silicon devices that produce light. The light is produced only when current passes through in the forward direction. To produce light, the forward voltage must be higher than the diode’s internal barrier voltage. Like any other diode, LEDs pass current in the forward direction, but block current in the reverse direction. This means the LED will only light up if connected with its cathode on the negative side of the circuit, and its anode on the positive side.

1.6.6     Liquid crystals display (LCD)

An LCD TV is sometimes referred to as a “transmissive display”. Light isn’t created by the liquid crystals themselves; a light source (bulb) behind the panel shines light through the display. A white diffusion panel behind the LCD redirects and scatters the light evenly to ensure a uniform image. The display consists of two polarizing transparent panels and a liquid crystal solution sandwiched in between.

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