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Culture is an expression of the way people live and interact and its manifestation is experienced through language art and architecture whereas hotels are hospitality buildings where tourist visitors and guest are offered shelter and comfort in exchange for payment. In today’s society, adopting culture in design of hospitality buildings will have  a  significant  impact  on  how  customers  describe  their  service  experience  for cultural features translate different meaning in the experiences that people encounter. The impact of culture on architectural design influences, spatial planning, forms, appearance and the perception of what constitutes good service. The driving force for tourism development in various part of world is related to cultural and environmental features of an area of which, most hotels in Niger state failed to consider cultural values and features in the cause of design and implementation rather, the hotel designs are mostly contemporary base. Therefore, the influence of culture in hospitality building and is essential, as culture is the lens through which we view the world and  humans tends to adapt easily to customs and tradition, likewise, are they more amazed when experiencing the culture of a different locality. The methodology adopted for this research is the exploratory-descriptive approach, through cultural inventory; intensive literature review of journals, books, periodical; interview with locals and observation of existing hotels in Niger state. Findings from field indicate that 31 hotels in Niger state have little or no cultural related settings. This research aims to illustrate the cultural findings and expressions in architecture by analysing the architectural elements and details at all levels, from settlement to individual built form and till the implementation level.   This   research   recommends   that   implementation   of   cultural   values   in contemporary design should be encouraged for maintenance of the architectural identity of a culture.



1.1       Background to the Study

In the society today, cultural backgrounds have a significant impact on how customers describe their service experiences at hotels (Dominici & Rosa, 2010). These cultural influences usually translate to different expectations in the experiences that people encounter. With globalization in full speed, people continue to travel to and from different countries to other places for tourism purpose and in the cause of this; the hotel industry in general and mostly hotels at tourist site involves many challenges in accommodating the diversity of the tourist that visit the area.

Apart from borders, sea shores and terminals, hotels are amongst the first place people come in contact with, which gives the visitor a firsthand experience of the hospitality of an area or community. This brings a unique opportunity to explore what role culture plays in modern architectural design of hospitality building, as Banta (2006) assert that culture is the lens through which we view the world.

In the past, travellers sought shelter and refuge in homes and the idea of acceptance of payment for food and shelter was unfamiliar and unheard of in the spirit of African hospitality and extended family structure. The hosts were only too glad to provide both food and comfort in the cultural context. This act of hospitality portrayed Africans as hospitable people within their means although with the economic change and increase in demand for shelter by the increasing number of traveller (tourist and businessmen alike) brought about hotel development and its paid services for comfort and food.

Hotel design approach in northern Nigeria often dismisses the importance of culture and the  part  it  plays  in  providing  good  quality  service  based  on  the  cultures  own understanding  of  service  quality.  Moreover,  understanding  the  culture  may  seem difficult as the complexity of culture add to the difficulty of measuring the critical elements within providing quality service. These critical elements, identified through research done in the past, are already difficult to utilize effectively to accommodate guests from abroad.

Across the geographical zones in Nigeria, traditional buildings are identified to have displayed a meticulous rejoinder to the climate, and socio-economic scene in which they have emerged. The source of these diverse traditional building styles links with the natural material available to the local builders as well as religious conviction, tradition and taboos (Agboola & Zango, 2014). The coming on of colonialism distorted the traditional life and culture of Nigerian and has created a disparity among the traditional architecture and contemporary architecture in Nigeria. Largely latest building designs athwart Hausa regions in Nigeria have been constructed in contemporary forms bespoke to suit the modernity self-ego and desires. Thus, traditional architecture must not to be derelict and forgotten, therefore; the consciousness of experts should be tailored to the understanding of its original quintessence.

Architecture in Nigeria has developed to an extent where Architects from different localities or from other country are hired to execute a job and, it is not uncommon for us to see interesting designs and buildings that has no cultural features or attachment. It is as a result of these occurrences that gave rise to the question as to “what make the architecture of a given place culturally responsive? This thesis project would explore the idea of how to better understand the values of a culture in order to inform and direct the design of architecture that is responsive to that place and people.

1.2       Statement of the Research Problem

Worldwide, a lot of environments vary and plenty are morphing as a result of tourism and its related increase (Green, 2005). Comparatively, Rogerson (2007) opined that the expansive implication of tourism is being recognised by many African governments and global organisation. As such, tourism is spotted as extremely growing worldwide and subsequently, a financial achievement of the world economy.

The driving force for tourism development in various part of world is related to cultural and environmental features of the site. Most hotels in Niger state seem to have missed the consideration of cultural values and environmental features in the cause of design and implementation rather the hotel designs are mostly contemporary base. This has lead to depletion in cultural values and making the facility less interesting to visitors of tourist sites who seek adventure even in comfort. With this current development, adopting culturally responsive approach in design of a hotel will create diversity in comfort and user appeal that is different from the contemporary based designs that work with standards.

1.3       Aim and Objectives of the Study

1.3.1    Aim

This study intends at exploring the cultural inventory of the Gbagyi (also known as Gwari) and Nupe in Niger state for the design of a hotel that is responsive to the culture of the place and people in Minna.

1.3.2    Objectives

1.   Determine the cultural elements used in resort hotels designs in Niger state.

2.   Investigate  the  design  features  that  can  allow  for  application  of  responsive architecture in Niger state.

3.   Identify the influence culture can have on hotel buildings in Niger state.

4.   Develop a culturally responsive resort hotel design in Minna, Niger state.

1.4        Research Question

1.   What are those cultural elements that will appeal to tourist in a resort hotel in Niger state?

2.   What are the design features that can allow for the application of responsive architecture in Niger state?

3.   What cultural features can influence hotel buildings in Niger state?

4.   How can a culturally responsive resort hotel design be developed in Minna, Niger State?

1.5       Assumptions and Limitation

1.5.2    Assumptions

The assumption considered in this study includes the following.

1.   Culture should be the primary and the first point of reference prior to planning and designing of buildings for tourist site.

2.   Hotels  at  tourist  site  attract  a  wide  range  of  tourism  participants  with  an expectant need for comfort on different platform which is mostly cultural.

1.5.2    Limitations

Inadequate  funds  and  online  information  tends  to  impede  the  efficiency  of  the researcher in sourcing for relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection. The researcher will also simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work and design.

1.6        Scope of the Study

This study on responsive architecture will cover majorly the ways on how hotel building can be designed to respond to the culture of the study area. This study focuses on the two major tribes in Niger state are the Gbagyi and Nupe.

Niger State is amongst the states in the Federal Republic of Nigeria that are majorly rural while hosting approximately,  5,556,200 people in the year 2016. The state is situated in the middle belt region of Nigeria 03o  30’ to 07o  40’ East by the Longitude and 80o  to 11o30’ North by the latitude. Remarkably, Niger state has towards its East, the Federal Capital Territory and a border with the Republic of Benin in the direction of its West, Kebbi, Zamfara and Kaduna states to its North and Kwara and Kogi to the South. The estimated land area covered by the state is 74,244km2 (Niger State Government, 2016), which  represents about 8% the total land  mass of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The major traditional societies live in the state, they include the Nupe (who occupy about one-quarter of the land area, make up one-third of the population), the Gbagyi (who occupy about one-quarter of the land area and make one- third of the population), Kamuku, Bariba, Bussawa Kambari and Dukawa (Figure 1.1).

1.8       Study Area

The region for this study is found in the principal city of Niger state; Minna. The state, being a part of the North central geo-political region of the Federal republic of Nigeria (Figure 1.1) hosts majorly the Nupe, Gbagyi(or Gwari), Bussawa, Barsa, Kambari and Kamuku ethnic groups (Figure 1.3). This thesis concentrates on the architecture of the two major traditional societies, which are the Nupe and the Gbagyi (also known as Gwari). Idris and Umar (2017) noted that foreign entrance into Minna was said to have started in the twentieth century in the year 1908 as a result of the British imperial power.

Niger state has twenty five (25) local government areas (Figure 1.2), from which is the Bosso and Chanchaga Local Government Area, the location for the study area. The Traditional groups of the Nupe and Gbagyi are mixed over and around the State capital (Figure 1.3).

1.8       Significance of the Study

The upshot of this study will inform the wide-ranging public on how culture responsive architecture can enhance tourism infrastructure, sensitize professionals in architecture to adopt culture and tradition in contemporary design as this will create an appeal for tourist. This research will also hand out a resource base to other researchers concerned in doing further research on this ground, if practiced, will go to a degree to supply novel clarification to the subject.

Agboola and Zango (2014) viewed that it will be disastrous and a major loss should our traditional building styles and construction process vanish from the region. The profit derived from our native methods and materials were mammoth and essential to be broadcast, while any insufficiency connected with the traditional approach could be made to order.

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