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The study examined the chemical composition and the effects of Solanum aethiopicum leaves (garden egg) and Irvingia gabonensis seed (ogbono) on  selected biochemical indices of alloxan induced adult wistar rats. Fresh Solanum aethiopicum leaves were plucked, sorted, washed with clean water and allowed to drain. The pulverized leaves were packaged in a plastic container and preserved in the refrigerator. Dried Irvingia gabonensis  seeds  were  sorted  washed  and  shade  dried.  The  ground  seeds  were packaged  in a plastic container and kept  in the refrigerator.  Proximate analysis was carried using standard methods. This analysis showed that Solanum aethiopicum leaves contained  moisture  (77.23%),  fibre  (2.61%),  carbohydrate  (10.88%)  and  protein (8.14%)   while  Irvingia   gabonensis   seeds  had  moisture  (6.0%),   fibre  (2.27%), carbohydrate  (56.07%),  protein (10.52%) and fats (24.18%)  content. Pro-vitamin A (2030   i.u),  C  (14.36mg/100g)   and  E  (8.10mg/100g)   were  present  in  Solanum aethiopicum leaves. Vit.E (4.08mg) was found in Irvingia gabonensis seeds. Mineral level   revealed   Iron   (2.04   mg/100g),   magnesium   (160.48   mg/100g),   calcium (239.58mg/100g),  potassium  (40.25mg/100g)  sodium  (24.07mg/100g)  in  Solanum aethiopicum  leaves. Mineral composition  in the  seed revealed Iron (5.27 mg/100g), magnesium   (19.10  mg/100g),  zinc  (1.68   mg/100g),   calcium  (372.46  mg/100g), potassium  (40.49  mg/100g),  sodium  (25.73  mg/100g)  and  copper  (2.32  mg/100g). Phytochemical  analysis was carried out using standard methods. The phytochemical and  antinutrient  analysis  showed  presence  of tannin  (20.93  mg/100g)  in  Solanum aethiopicum leaves while Irvingia gabonensis seeds contained tannin (2.32 mg/100g), alkaloids (5.15 mg/100g). There were seven groups of rats in this study.  Six groups of rats were  fed rat chow supplemented  with Solanum aethiopicum leaves and Irvingia gabonensis  seed.  The  experimental  groups  were diabetically  induced  with  alloxan powder of 150mg/kg mixed with 10mls of diluted water. Group 1 was  rats fed rat chow  and  water  ad  libitum  only as control.  Groups  2-4  were  rats  fed  5,  10  and

15g/kgBW of Solanum aethiopicum leaves and Groups 5-7 were rats fed 5, 10  and

15g/kgBW  of  Irvingia  gabonensis  seeds.  Biochemical  analyses  (lipid  profile  and heamatological  indices) were determined using standard methods. Serum cholesterol levels decreased in all the groups of rats fed the two test diets. The final result of serum cholesterol  in  the  rats  fed  Solanum  aethiopicum   showed   significant   difference (p<0.05).  There  was  also  significant  difference  in  cholesterol  values  of  Irvingia gabonensis. The group fed 10g/kgBW Solanum aethiopicum decreased (18.52mmol/l) LDL of the rats. There were decreases of LDL in all the groups of rats fed 5g, 10g and

15g/kgBW  of Irvingia gabonensis  (21.74, 1.60 and 23.53mmol/l).  The LDL  tables differed  significantly (p<0.05). The groups fed Solanum aethiopicum had  increased HDL.  The  group  fed  diets  containing  15g/kgBW  Irvingia  gabonensis  reduced  the (7.69mol/l)  HDL  of rats  compared  to  the  other  groups.  The  HDL  tables  differed significantly.   Triglycerides   increased   in   all   the   groups   of   rats   fed   Solanum aethiopicum. There was 19.10mmol/l reduction of triglycerides in the group of rats fed

15g/kgBW  Irvingia gabonensis  seeds. The rats fed 5g/kgBW Solanum  aethiopicum leaves decreased the (4.65) PCV value of the rats compared to other groups fed this diet. The groups fed Irvingia gabonensis seeds had increases of PCV in all the groups of rats. The PCV and triglycerides  showed  no significant  difference  (P>0.05). The groups fed 5g/kgBW Solanum aethiopicum leaves of each test diets decreased the RBC of the rats. The group fed diets containing 5g/kgBW  Solanum aethiopicum reduced

(12.71 x106/L) WBC of rats compared  to the other groups.  There were increases  of

WBC of all the groups of rats fed Irvingia gabonensis seed. There were increases of

leucocytes of all the groups of rats fed these two diets. The result revealed that there was  no  significant  difference  (p>0.05)  within  the  groups.  The  groups  fed  5  and

15g/kgBW of the two test diets decreased the body weight of the rats. All the groups decreased in the blood sugar levels.



1.1   Background to the Study

Vegetables  play an important  role in human  nutrition,  apart from the fact that  we derive most of our recommended daily needs of mineral and vitamins from them. They are consumed  in relatively small quantities  as a side dish or a  relish  with staples. Vegetables can be leaves, root, stems and seeds (Gropper, Smith & Groff, 2005).  They maintain  alkaline  reserve  in the  body.  They  have  high  vitamin,  dietary  fibre  and mineral  contents  (Ball,  2006).  The  dark  green  leaves  provide  a  high  amount  of carotene,  ascorbic  acid  and  micro  minerals  which  play important  roles in  nutrient metabolism and delay the development of degenerative diseases (Yi-Fang, Jie, Xian- Hong & Rui-Hui, 2006). The wide  variation in colour, shape, tastes and textures of various  vegetables  add  an   interesting  touch  to  meals  (Fasuyi,  2006).  There  is increasing epidemiological evidence in favour of an association between nutrition and susceptibility to  infection.  Health disorders  such as heamorrhoids,  gallstones,  heart diseases,   obesity   and   constipation   could   be  corrected,   or   treated   by  copious consumption of vegetables (Whitney, 2002). Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits can help ward off heart disease and stroke, control blood pressure, prevent some types of cancer,  avoids  a  painful  intestinal  ailment  called  diverticulitis,  and  guard  against cataract and macular degeneration(two  common causes of vision loss) (Joshipura, Hu & Manson, 2001).

Solanum aethiopicum,  Ethiopian Eggplant or nakati is a fruiting plant of the  genus Solanum mainly found in Asia and Tropical Africa. It is also known as Mock Tomato, Garden Eggs and Ethiopian Nightshade  and locally called  aghara  in igbo language

(Lester  &  Seck,  2004).  The  leaves  of  Solanum  aethiopicum  are  eaten  as  a  leaf vegetable and are actually more nutritious than the fruit. Fruits of this variety are about two inches in diameter and turn bright orange-red when ripe, although they are usually eaten when still green (encyclopeadia, 2013).

Nuts are rich sources of multiple nutrients and their consumption is associated  with health benefits and reduction of high body weight (Albert, Gaziano, Willett & Manson, 2002). This has prompted recommendations to increase their consumption. However, they  are  also  high  in  fat  (albeit  largely  unsaturated)  and  are  energy  dense.  The associations between these properties, positive energy balance and body weight raise questions about its recommendations (Hu et al., 1998). This issue is addressed through a review of the literature pertaining to the association between nut consumption and energy balance. Epidemiological studies document an inverse association between the frequency of nut consumption and Body Mass Index (BMI). Clinical trials reveal little or no weight change with inclusion of various types of nuts in the diet. Mechanistic studies indicate this is largely attributable to the high satiety property of nuts, leading to  compensatory  responses  that  account  for  65–75%  of  the  energy  they  provide (Traoret, 2008).

Irvingia  gabonensis  is a species of African trees in the genus Irvingia,  sometimes known by the common names as wild mango, African mango, bush mango, dika or ogbono. They bear edible mango-like fruits, and are especially valued for their fat and protein  rich  nuts  (Ngondi,   Oben,   Minka   &  Samuel,   2006).  The  geographical distribution of the species extends from the Casamance region (Senegal) to Angola and it is found in moist semi-deciduous  forests. It does  not exist in swampy areas. It is found in most parts of Cameroon. The fruits are greenish yellow with fleshy fibrous pulp surrounding a large hard stone (Lamorde, 2010).

Unhealthy diet coupled with sedentary life style is known to be risk factors for  life threatening chronic diseases and death: obesity, diabetes, hypertension,  anaemia and some forms of cancers (Michel, Franco, Jeremy, Yong & Veronica, 2010). Broadly, it is agreed that diets that increase the risk of chronic diseases are relatively high in fats, saturated fats, sugar, salt, alcohol, refined grains and foods of animal origin, whereas diets that protect against chronic diseases are relatively high in minimally processed grains,  legumes,  fibre,  vegetables,  fruits and  foods  of plant  origin (Popkin  & Du, 2003). There is urgent need to develop methods to increase the availability of these important components of human diet available all year round.

Our  ancestors  whose  diets  consisted  mainly  of  herbs,  fruits,  vegetables,  nuts  and starchy tubers (unlike  many of the processed  or refined  foods we eat  today)  lived longer. They were not victims of many health problems man faces  in present times (Dunn, 2012).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a public health problem. The prevalence of diabetes for all age-groups worldwide was estimated to be 2.8% in 2000 and 4.4% in 2030. The total number of people with diabetes is projected to rise from 171 million in 2000 to 366 million  in  2030  (Nyenwe,  Odia,  Ihekaba,  Ojule  &  Babatunde,  2003).  Oputa  and Chinyere (2012) noted that, Nigeria has a population of about 150 million, of which 76 million are adults. This shows that diabetes mellitus is of public health importance in Nigeria.

Obesity has become a public health issue. The prevalence of obesity has doubled  in adults and children and tripled in adolescents over the two decades. The speed with which obesity has become epidemic seems overwhelming  (Mary and  Sarah, 2004). Obesity is associated with a wide range of health problems (Bray, 2004).

Anemia is a widespread public health problem with major consequences  for  human health as well as social and economic development. It can be assumed that in resource poor areas significant proportions of young children and women of child bearing age are anemic. WHO (2013) estimates the number of anemia in people worldwide to be staggering two billion and that approximately 50% of all anemia can be attributed to iron deficiency.

Fruits,  vegetables  and  nuts  constitute  an  indispensable  constituent  of  human  diet (Suberu & Shinkafi, 2004). There is a precipitated  change from indigenous food to various easy to cook foods such as pastas – indomie, spaghetti, macroni etc (Leakey et al.,  2005).  These  changes  in  food  habits  in  Nigeria  and  worldwide  has  caused negligence in consumption of nuts, fruits and vegetables.

Timothy (2000) reported that a major reason many of these foods were neglected and abandoned were due to ignorance  and poverty. Many communities do not  consume many indigenous  foods to meet their micronutrient  needs due to  ignorance  of their nutrient contributions to health.

Ngondi,(2005) reported that an experimental group received Irvingia gabonensis extract 1.05 grams 3 times a day (total 3.15 grams) for 30 days. The group experienced a decrease  in total cholesterol,  triglycerides  and LDL  cholesterol.  HDL cholesterol increased.

Ngodi et al., (2009) also reported improved blood glucose when fed African dikanuts.

Rural women, market women and others reported that the primary aim of  Solanum aethiopicum leaf is to boost blood or combat anemia.

The cost of drugs given to the diabetic patients is also my major concern since there are traditional foods that can be used for the management of diabetes. A good number of medicinal plants are traditionally employed  to allieviate diabetes.  Some of these plants     include     Solanum     aethiopicum,     Telfaira     occidentalis,     Combretum dilichopetalum, Irvingia gabonensis, Jatropha curcas etc (Dina, Adedepo, Oyinloye & Saba, 2006).

It is therefore very necessary to scientifically find the chemical composition and effects of dried Irvingia gabonensis seeds (ogbono) and fresh Solanum  aethiopicum  leaves (garden egg) on selected biochemical indices of alloxan induced diabetic adult male wistar rats.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.31. Broad Objective:

The broad objective  of the study were to determine  the chemical composition  and effects of dried Irvingia gabonensis seeds (ogbono) and fresh Solanum  aethiopicum leaves (garden egg) on selected biochemical indices of alloxan induced diabetic adult male wistar rats.

1.32. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the:

i)   proximate composition of Irvingia gabonensis seed and Solanum aethiopicum


ii)  vitamins  (pro.vit.A,  vit.C  and  vit E)  and  minerals  (iron,  magnesium,  zinc, calcium, potassium, sodium and copper) contents of the samples;

iii) phytochemical compositions (saponins, tannins and alkaloids) and antinutrient

(oxalate and phytate) of the samples;

iv) effects of the samples on blood glucose of alloxan induced diabetic adult male wistar rats;

v)  effects of the samples on lipid profile of alloxan induced diabetic adult male wistar rats and

vi) effects of the samples on haematological  indices of alloxan induced  diabetic adult male wistar rats.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The  findings  of  this  study  if  adequately  published  may  provide  information  to nutritionist and community health workers by effective incorporation of the leaves and the nut in the management  of some chronic diseases  such as anemia,  diabetes  and obesity. The health professionals can use the result of this study to educate families on the importance of growing these plants in their home garden. The study will help the agricultural workers on the need to improve the production of these plants. The result will be essential for the researchers when incorporating food data base. It would help the  health  professionals,  especially  the  nutritionists  and  dietitians  in management, recommendation and counseling of patients in a hospital setting.

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