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Economic development in every nation is based on construction projects undertaken through several types of contracts. However, construction industry is suffering from delay phenomenon. The causes and effects of delay in construction projects seem critical and if not handled appropriately, it could result to wastage and underutilization of resources. This has contributed to negative impact on stakeholders in the construction industry. This research aimed to appraise the main causes and effects of delay on tertiary institution construction projects with a view to minimizing its causes and improve project delivery, examine the factors responsible for project delay in educational institution in Niger state. 150 structured questionnaires were used and distributed to the following professionals in the construction industry: (Architect, Quantity surveyor, Project manager, contractor and civil engineer) and 135 were retrieved for computation of the result and discussion. Analytical techniques such as mean, ranking, correlation, t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA), were used to analyze the data. The result showed that insufficient funding, non-payment of completed works, cash flow problem during construction and interference with project performance are the major factors that causes delay in educational institutions construction project. The mitigation measures in their order of importance are: use of appropriate construction method, systematic control mechanisms, proper emphasis on the past experience and developing human resources in the construction industry. The research also concluded that the major effects of construction delay are abandonment of the building projects, adequate planning, variation of project scope, incompetent project manager and delay in progress payment by the clients. Furthermore, the research also concluded, that there is a positive relationship between client related factor and all other related factors that causes delays. However, the research recommended that appropriate construction method and systematic control mechanism should be used appropriately for effective management of construction project in addition, an effective strategies management approach should be adopted at the top management of construction industry. through proper planning and scheduling.



1.1       Background of the research

Economic development in well meaning nation is based on construction projects that are undertaken through several types of contracts (Gunduz et al., 2013). Nowadays, the objectives of construction projects are challenging to be achieved as the numbers of projects delay are increasing (Amoatcy et al., 2015) Construction industries are responsible for construction projects but these are suffering from delay phenomenon. This delay phenomenon is a common problem that caused by various factors, which affects the effort of project performance (Gunduz et al., 2013). Construction delays have negative effects on clients, temporary workers and advisors in term of development in angry connections, doubt, case, mediation, income issues and general sentiment of anxiety toward each other (Mahamud et al., 2012). The convenient conveyance of activities inside spending plan and to the require standard of value determined by the customers, is frequently viewed as fruitful venture conveyance, inability to finish the task inside the focused on schedule, planned expense and indicated standard of value by the customer is alluded to as postponement (Wolabi et al .,2014).

Morakinyo et al. (2015) expressed that deferral is a worldwide wonder and happen in each development venture yet the level of its extent differ from task to extend. Besides, Iruobe et al. (2012) featured that impact of deferral in development ventures are not kidding and if not dealt with suitably could result to wastage and underutilization of assets, cost of efficiency and increment cost of development at the long run. Regularly, development ventures fall into cost and time overwhelm because of issues related with delays. Deferral can cause issue from drawing out of calendars, extra expense of the undertaking and jeopardizing the nature of the workmanship (Gonzaley et al., 2013). These difficulties of deferrals are the issues looked by the tertiary organization ventures Niger State which need earnest arrangement. These deferral in finishing the tertiary organization extends in due time have the negative effects fair and square of digestion of information by the understudy. It also brings about deficit in the facility which will improve the standard of education in tertiary institution. Therefore, this becomes one of the reason that motivate the research to contribute to delay issue.

1.2      Statement of research problem

Several studies had been investigated on delay in construction projects and way of minimizing it. Most of these adopted the use of project management approach to manage delay. Never the less, there remain incessant challenges which impede the capability of all parties involved. Thus, that implies that every construction project has his peculiar problems causing delay, pending on where it is been situated. Morakinyo et al. (2018) expressed that deferral is a worldwide wonder and happen in each development venture, however the level of its greatness differs from task to extend. In Kenya, over 40% of all venture disappointment prompting case emerges from delay in venture culmination (Kaigari and Wanaina, 2017). Likewise as indicated by Ameh and Ogundare (2017) that 7 out of 10 ventures in Nigeria endures delay in their execution. Development extends over the globe in the report of Ghiasi (2016) are said to be described by dela ys, particularly during the development stage.

The expansion in venture delay in the development is harming the economy since it brings about wastage of assets, improved expense of activities and disappointments among partners, yet development is one of the central segments that can revive economic development of Nigeria. However, these are challenges faced in Niger State educational institution construction projects. The construction projects in most of the Niger State owned by the educational institution are facing delays sometime resulted in abundant projects. A similar study was conducted by Famiyeh et al. (2017) on ventures executed in a couple of instructive establishments in certain pieces of Ghana showed that accounts, unreasonable courses of events specified by customers, cost under-estimation by specialists, poor meaning of undertaking extension, unnecessary varieties orders gave by customers, and different elements are significant reasons for delay. What’s more, they suggested for additional exploration on its belongings and moderation procedures to conquer the difficulties. In like manner, Amoatey et al. (2015) likewise led an exploration on the reasons for venture delays. The result of the analysis indicated that the main factors that causes project delay include late payment made to contractors, inflation/a hike in the price of materials, financier/clients given insufficient funds, and unstable financial/capital market. Venture defers have ominous outturn and they are potential reason for increment in absolute activities charge, surpassing in consummation time, prosecution, and customer’s craving to  cease a  task.  The above highlighted  problems  by previous  researchers  and  current challenges in Niger State educational institution projects as outlined in the scope of the research are the motivating factors for this research work with aim of establish mitigation strategies to reduce the paucity of delays in Niger State educational institution projects with a view of achieving project performance.

1.3       Research Questions

The set back of postponement in the consummation span of development extends in instructive structures in Niger state brought up the accompanying issues.

i. What are the causes of project delay in Niger state educational institution

ii. What are the effects of project delay Niger state educational institution

iii.  What measures could be taken to minimize or eradicate delays in Niger state educational institution projects

iv. How can projects be delivered in Niger state educational institutions without delay?

1.4 Aim & Objectives of the research

1.4.1 The aim of this research is to appraise the causes and effects of project delay on tertiary institutional development ventures with a view to improve project delivery performance

1.4.2    Objectives

1.         To determine the relationship between the stakeholder’s perception on the causes of delay in Niger State educational projects.

2.         To establish mitigation strategic measures to minimize the effects and causes of delays on educational institution projects.

3.         To examine the causes of project delay in Niger state educational institutions.

4.        To identify and examine the effects of project delay in Niger state educational institutions.

1.5       Research hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the causes and effects of project delays in Niger state educational institutions.

1.6       Justification of the research

Exertion of past inquires about led have focus on variables and impacts of deferral in development ventures( Abd-El-Razek, et al, 2008, Abedi et al., 20011; Afshari 2010; Aibinu and jagboro 2006; Akinsiku and Akinsulire 2012; Akogbe and Zhou 2013; Ali et al., 2010; Al- Karashi and Skitmore 2009; Anashari et al., 2010;Eshfonier 2008; Hamza et al., 2018; Mahamid et al., 2012; Mohammed and Isah 2012) with the exception of Tawil et al. ( 2013) that focused it concentrate on factors add to postpone on venture development in higher learning training. Along these lines, it is plainly appeared from the past investigations that circumstances and end results of postponement in higher foundation development ventures have not been done. Be that as it may, without known research on the circumstances  and  end  results  of  development  delay  in  Niger  state  instructive  foundation.

Accordingly, this fills in as research hole for this examination. This was additionally as per the suggestion of Ameh and Ogundare (2013) that further research ought to be completed on deferral and impacts of postponement in tertiary organization in the nation.

1.7       Significance of the research gap

This examination gives bits of knowledge that uncover the components causes of delays in Niger State instructive organization ventures. It empowers venture conveyance association or firms to turn out to be increasingly learned of the circumstances and end results of undertaking delay, subsequently investigating ways that can limit ventures delays. With this the two contractual workers and customers will keep up efficiency and maintainability by distinguishing, obtaining and satisfactory execution gauges that forestall delays on development extends subsequently prompting improve venture conveyance. The exploration on instructive organization ventures add to the universe of information with respect to the commencement, arranging, execution and fulfillment of building ventures, since the past inquires about did not depend on instructive establishment ventures.

1.8      Scope of research

The examination work center around the circumstances and end results of venture delay in Niger state instructive establishments. Information’s was gathered from the Works and Services Department of different organizations in Niger State. These organizations are Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida University Lapai, Niger State Polytechnic Zungeru, Niger State College of Education Minna, College of Agriculture Mokwa, and School of Nursing Bida That the primary undertaking members in a commonplace development venture in Nigeria are the customer and his/her group of expert counselors (specialists) on one hand and the fundamental contractual worker, subcontractors and  suppliers on the other hand..
The focused on bunch for this examination were experts, for example, Architects, Quantity Surveyors Builders, Engineers, Foreman, Contractors, Consultants, customer and so forth. It is legitimized by (Oladapo, 2007 and Radosaljevic and Bemert, 2012).

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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