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This study dwells on the Assessment of the Implications of Trans-border Crimes on security in Nigeria (Cases study of Nigeria-Niger border). Trans-border crime involves the movement of persons, goods and services across the sovereign national boundaries in a manner devoid of acceptable norms and standard. These illegal enterprise not only threaten aspect of our states sovereignty and security, but they also prove the permeability of our national borders vulnerability of state institution. The trans-border crimes include illicit drug trafficking, illegal firearms trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering, terrorism, smuggling, corruption, theft of credit cards etc. The study set to find out the causes, nature, pattern and implications of trans-border crimes on the Nigerian national security. The data were generated by the use of questionnaire, and in-depth interviews. The data collected from the survey were analysed descriptively using frequencies and percentage. While data collected from the in-depth interviews were transcribed and used to support quantitative data. The findings indicated that, the issue of trans-border crimes can be attributed to so many factors among which includes financial gain involved in the such crime, porosity of the national boundaries, internal wars experienced by some neighbouring countries, neglect of border communities in the erection of infrastructural facilities, depressed economy etc. on the nature and pattern of trans-border crimes, the findings indicated that, these criminals can compete with legal economic system and promote corruption and undermine the authority of the state, paving way for violent extremism and terrorism. On the measures adopted by the government and law enforcement agents to control the menace, the findings indicated that a number of measures were implemented some of which are: intensive international boundary patrol, check points at the seaport, airports and along the border areas. And on the international sphere, Nigeria is collaboration with ECOWAS member nations, established a workshop which was designed to enable the chief of police. Customs and gendarmerie, to initiate a process of establishing on information exchange network and strategy for the control of the proliferation of light weapons in the sub region etc. on the issue of the challenges ahead the findings indicates that, in most cases the Nigerian security agencies were unable to provide much needed security against the activities of trans-border criminals in the country etc. it is in the light of the above therefore, the following short and long term measures are recommended for consideration; government must employ modern strategies in handling the border areas, to train and equip the security agencies with appropriate weapons that are superior to those of the trans-border criminals. Moreover, government should address the issue of unemployment, neglect of border communities and social injustice so as to improve the socio-economic conditions of the people living along the border areas, and also subsidizing the tendency of turning the crime as an alternative to survival.



1.1         Background to the Study

Nigeria and other countries sharing its border except Cameroon and Chad are all members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). As a result of certain protocols, the citizens of these countries are to enjoy freedom of movement. The objective of ECOWA’s policy is to make West Africa free trading zone, likes that of European Union. At the same time, migration become a subject of state policy especially for the government of Nigeria with the increasing rate of criminality recorded at the borders which comes in form of smuggling, trafficking (drug and human), illegal aliens, harassment of people, illicit drug trafficking, Advance Fee Fraud (419), money laundering, credit card Fraud, terrorism, bankruptcy, religious carnage fuelled by imported extremism which resulted to the death of innocent Nigerians and threat to national peace and security. Most of the illicit arms in circulation in the country found their way into Nigeria through the borders, of either Niger which is about 1,497km, Benin 773km, Cameroon 1,960km, or Chad with 87km (total 4,407km).The expansion of French and British imperialism in the period 1890-1905 demarcated the line which would become the modern Niger – Nigeria border. During colonial rule, French and English languages were implanted in Niger and Nigeria respectively on each side of the border, along with cultural, educational and political traditions. When one talks of security, it is about security of life and property, security of economy and economic areas of the country, security of food and raw materials resources, the security of environment and the people, the security of environment and national integrity and the security of preservation of all that society considered to be important and valuable (Imobighe, 2000). Security is normally a priority of every nation Nigeria inclusive, due to fact that it affects not only the satisfaction of needs of the inhabitants, but all things being equal and more importantly, is the national survival as a viable entity. When a government of a country fails to perform its functions along its border areas, it creates space for different crimes to find their ways into the country and disrupt the national security of that state. Trans-national criminal organizations and gangs men always device new strategies at a rate which law enforcement agencies are not able to meet.  A strategy to gain operational control of Nigeria’s vast and porous borders should focus on building means to constrain illegal and unauthorized crossing at points of entry and exists. Such measures must be able to interdict smuggling over land, sea and air. These strategies must entail strong legislation with no escape clause for animals (Daniel Nte, 2011). The strategies must be dynamic, competitive and flexible to allow constant re-engineering to counter new threats. Conflict prevention, management, rule of law, human rights, poverty reduction, youth and female gender empowerment are also palliative strategies.

Tackling cross border crimes through enforcement and legislation will not be sufficient to ensure sustainable development this is because the underlying causes of nearly all cross border crimes have links to economic disparity, bad governance and poverty. These three key elements are the bedrock of the state failure and global terrorism (Daniel Nte, 2011). The dilemmas that Nigeria faces with insecurity call for critical investigation of the border entry points whether they are performing their strategic functions or not (Daniel Nte, 2011).Though despite the nation’s avalanches of insecurity must remain open to movement of people, goods and services if it is to prosper. At the same time, openness without credible controls makes it possible for emerging threats of transnational crimes including terrorism to strive (Wille, 2008)

1.2         Statement of the Problem

Some scholars put more emphasis on absence of threat to acquire values or tendencies that would undermine national cohesion and peace as criteria for determining what security connotes (David 2006: Wolfrs 1962: Oche 2001). Security in the objective sense, measures the absence of threats to acquire values, in subjective sense, the absence of fear that such values will be attacked (Wolfrs, 1962). In spite of its conceptual complexities, the understanding of the term shows that security is vital for peace, security and sustainable development. Thus: Security has to be with freedom from danger or with threats to a nation’s ability to protect and develop itself, promote its cherished values and legitimate interests and enhance the well being of its people. Thus, internal security could be seen as the freedom from or the absence of those tendencies which could undermine internal cohesion and the cooperate existence of the nation and its ability to maintain its vital institutions for the promotion of its core values and socio-political and economic objectives, as well as meet the legitimate aspirations of the people. Internal security also implies freedom from danger to life and prosperity” (Imobighe cited in Oche: 76-77). The problem of the study is to try and expose the effect of trans-border crime on the security of the nation a case study of Niger-Nigeria border. In the wake of globalization and the explosion in communication technology, new security related threats have emerged that are to a great extent independent of national boundaries. It is in line with these problems that this study examines the causes, nature, and pattern or occurrence of trans-border crime and its implications on security in Nigeria, with a view of proffering useful recommendations.

1.3         Research Questions

  1. What are the causes, nature and pattern of trans-border crime on Nigeria-Niger border?
  2. What impact does the trans-border crime have on the security of Nigeria?
  • What is the relationship between unemployment and trans-border crimes?
  1. What are the efforts of Nigeria and Niger in curbing the menace?

1.4         Research Objectives

This study seeks to

  1. Find out the causes, nature and pattern of trans-border crime in Nigeria.
  2. Examine the impact of trans-national crime on the National Security of Nigeria.
  • Assess the relationship existing between unemployment and trans-border crimes. Here from the literature gathered indicated that the high level of unemployment influences the level of crime in our communities. Due to the fact that the well to do trans-border criminals are taking unemployment as an advantage in engaging such youth into the act of any crime.
  1. Assess the efforts of Nigerian government in curtailing the problem of trans-border crime.
  2. To make recommendations towards effective control and preventive measures of the problem.

1.5         The Research Assumptions

  1. The higher the level of trans-border crime the higher the state of the national insecurity.
  2. Trans-border crime have an impact on security situation of Nigerians.
  • The high level of unemployment leads to trans-border crimes in Nigeria.
  1. The weakness of the state security agencies tends to engender trans-border crimes.

1.6         Significance of the Study

This study will be of significant in making valuable contributions to knowledge as it examine the operations and activities of Trans-border criminals in havocking the security situation of the country. It will also serves as a guide to the government of the nation in safe guiding the lives and property of the people of Nigeria.

1.7         Scope of the Study

This study is designed to cover the major trans-national crimes along the Nigeria-Niger borders between 2002 to 2014 which include the following border posts: from Kebbi State we have Kamba, Kangiwa and Bachaka, while in Sokoto we have Ilela, Sabon Birni, Isa, Gada (Rafin Doma) and Tangaza. In Katsina the border posts are Jibiya, Majiya, Magama, Maiaddu’a (Bususuwa), Kwangwala, Zangon Daura, babban Mutum and Dankama. While in Jigawa and Yobe we have Maigatari and Machina respectively. Though countries that share borders with Nigeria are Chad, Cameron, Republic of Benin and Niger which cover the length of 4,047km.but this research restricted itself to Nigeria-Niger border only.

1.8         Limitations of the Study

This study had limitations mostly during data collection because of the people involved (i.e drug traffickers, money launders, arms and weapon traffickers, human traffickers etc), the researcher also faced problems in the gathering of information related to this research. Due to the fact that some of the law enforcement officials refused to grant interviews and those living along the borders were afraid of victimization. However, efforts were made to overcome these shortcomings.

1.9         Organization of Chapters

This study is organized into six chapters. Chapter one, present general introduction on the topic “Assessment of the implications of Trans-border crimes on security in Nigeria” a case study of Niger-Nigeria border. This chapter explained among others, background of the study, the statement of the problem, research questions, objectives of the study, significance of the study, research assumptions, as well as the scope and limitations of the study were also highlighted.

Chapter Two; talks on the Literature Review and Conceptual Perspectives.

Chapter Three; dwells on the methodology adopted in data collection and analysis.

Chapter Four deals with an overview of Nigeria-Niger Trans-border relations.

Chapter Five; Deals with data presentation and analysis.

Chapter Six; contains the discussion, summary of all essential arguments and assumptions.

Finally recommendations were made as well as the conclusion.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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