This study captioned: Managing Industrial Disputes in the Nigerian University system
– a focus on Enugu state University of Science and Technology (ESUT), and University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) is aimed at finding the causes, effects and solutions to the ever-increasing crisis and industrial disputes that have bedeviled the university system over the years. The Nigerian university system, which was designed and packaged to be a fulcrum for national Development has witnessed so much industrial unrest which has given rise to disruption of academic calendars, production of substandard graduates, intellectual ineffectiveness, examination fraud, loss of man- hours, loss of income, erosion of university autonomy, dismissal of vocal unionists who dared to challenge the university management, brain drain, increase of cultism and cultist activities and in fact, general deterioration of the educational industry. To this end, the Researcher adopted both the historical and surveys research methods. The data used in making analysis was collected mainly through questionnaires, interviews and review of related literature. Respondents were also selected by means of simple random sampling which gives every member of the universe equal chances of being selected. Analysis was carried out using tables, simple percentages and Z-test for Proportions. A total number of one hundred and six (106) respondents formed the population out of which ninety (90) respondents were selected as the sample, making use of Taro Yamane sample size formular. Out of the ninety (90) questionnaires that were printed and distributed, only eighty two (82) were properly filled and returned and final analysis was based on this figure. Based on the analysis made, the Researcher discovered among other things that: (i) Good condition of service will stop brain drain and encourage exchange programmes among university lecturers globally, (ii) That the national strike embarked upon by the Academic staff union of universities (ASUU) in the year 2001 was aimed at compelling the federal government to devote 26% of its annual budget to education in accordance with the UNESCO provisions, (iii) That trade unions confront management, not only because of issues affecting their members but also to see that the general condition of learning and teaching in the Nigerian university system is improved and (iv) That union activities make both management and university system to be more vibrant and sensitive to the aspirations of the various stakeholders. On the basis of these findings, the Researcher therefore recommended among others: (i) That a flexible organizational structure should be instituted to improve on the relationship between management and staff, (ii) That both Federal and State governments should endeavour to increase their budgetary allocations to universities to reflect 26% of their total budget as recommended by UNESCO, (iii) That systems approach should be adopted in the management of industrial disputes within the university system so that workers will start to see themselves as vital parts of the university, thereby working harder to sustain it and, That the general condition of workers, students and the major participants of the University community should be improved to make learning and teaching more effective and thus forestall industrial disputes and crisis.
University worldwide is regarded as the citadel of Knowledge; the fountain of intellectualism; the most appropriate ground for the intellectual incubation of leaders of tomorrow. According to Ike (1999:1), a university fulfils, one major function: it is a knowledge and value provider. It stands or fails in its ability or inability to deliver on this criterion. According to Magna Charta Universitatum, “the university is an autonomous institution at the heart of societies differently organized because of geography and historical heritage; it produces, examines, appraises and hands down culture by research and is an enterprise that serves multi disciplinary purposes. This, according to Nwankwo (2000:25) explains why merit has been, the watchword in the university system-a system where a student must first be certified worthy in character and learning before being admitted into the Honours Degree Flail. Universities are key actors in national development, more so in Africa than in other regions. Their roles in research and information transfer are critical to economic development and social progress. This explains why the federal government of Nigeria in acknowledging the university as the fulcrum for national development, set up a commission headed by Chief Gray Longe in 1992 to review Higher education in Nigeria with particular reference to Universities in Nigeria. The commission was given terms of reference amongst which were;
i. To re-examine the developmental roles of universities in developing countries such as Nigeria.
ii. Determine the middle and higher level manpower supply and demand of the country, and advise in the area of under/ over production and under/over utilization of the same.
iii. Examine the availability and adequacy of academic staff in universities.
iv. Investigate the nature, sources and criteria of funding in higher educational institutions (especially Universities) with a view to improving the situation and guaranteeing steady source of funds for optimal functioning of these institutions.
v. Review the general conditions of staff in higher educational institutions such as salaries, pensions and retirement benefits, housing loans etc, especially in relation to other arms of the public service and private sector and particularly to stemming the brain drain phenomenon.
vi. Review the criteria for appointment of administrators, including the Vice- Chancellors, provosts, Rectors, Registrars and other Principal officers, their terms of their appointment.
The Commission held special sessions with a number of eminent personalities and educationist from whose knowledge and experience of the educational system in Nigeria it benefited immensely. Finally, the commission defined higher education as the type of education in higher educational institution especially in universities (conventional and specialized), which produce high level and middle level manpower, but not specialized, institutions set up by professional bodies.
The commission also noted that the goals and objectives of universities among others include; teaching, research and public service. The commission observed that Nigerian universities had established standards comparable to the best in other parts
of the world. The commission, however, frowned at the discovery that the following physical conditions are still the trade marks of the Nigerian Universities;
i. Dilapidated workshops equipment in most of the higher institutions,
ii. Inadequate facilities such as libraries, lecture rooms, laboratories and work farms.
The commission was also appalled by the fact that universities have not achieved much in terms of the goals and objectives for which they were set up, owing to incessant disruption in the academic flow chart caused by strike actions, industrial unrest, students hooliganism, political instability, etc.
Based on these discoveries, the commission recommended among others, that;
i. The university education as the apex of the system of higher education should play a leadership role in the nation: providing people of special qualification and motivation,
ii. University education is not a merely means to earn a living. It should also equip the individual to the highest level of his ability, with the intellectual and physical skill which he requires to be an innovative, creative, and self- reliant member of the society,
iii. The university, because of its key role in the overall economy should always encourage and facilitate industrial harmony and provide a conducive atmosphere for learning and attainment of other goals and objectives.
The Government on its part accepted these recommendations and thus, commented as follows:
i. That universities should undertake periodic reviews of programmes and
activities to meet national priority goals as defined from time to time.
ii. In order to develop closer academic/ industrial relationship and also ensure that the programmes of tertiary institutions are relevant to the needs of the industry and the national economy, there should be regular interaction between the institutions, the employers of their products, and the National manpower Board.
iii. The Government on its own part should render its lawful obligations to the universities by providing funds, research grants, the required infrastructures (roads, laboratories, libraries, electricity, telephone), a conducive learning environment and allowing universities to operate autonomously by ensuring that government does not interfere with the university Administration,
iv. To encourage industrial harmony in the Higher educational institutions by passing laws that will preserve the rights of various interest groups within the university system, especially organized trade unions and employers association.
This is however, the general picture of the events that surround the university system in Nigeria. We shall examine at the appropriate chapters of this work how far these major actors in industrial dispute have discharge their respective obligations in order to reduce the rate of industrial disputes in the Nigerian universities.
Over the last twenty years in Nigeria, the educational system has witnessed an unprecedented industrial unrest and so many official assaults than any other social institution. According to Onuoha (2001:8), this is so perhaps, because of its strategic place both in the nation’s hierarchy of priorities and its considered role as a veritable machine for development. In his own contribution, Nwankwo (2000:37) opined that
Nigerian educational institutions, characterized by military intervention in governance have witnessed untold negative political interference and a seemingly calculated move to submerge it in the river of irrelevance. He further argued that universities are seen by those in authorities as a burden and as institutions to be exploited and left desolate. Consequent upon this development, our universities he posited, have become aberrations of themselves. The manifestations are in form of cultism, brain drain, under funding by government, erosion of academic freedom, general insecurity, dilapidated structures, non-payment of university staff salaries. These are indications that all is not well with the Nigeria university system.
The incessant strikes closures and boycotts of lectures and work by academic and non-academic staff in our universities are also evidences that there is strained industrial relations in the Nigerian university system.
In the light of the above facts, the Management of these universities have been confronted with the following problems:
i. To find the causes of the deterioration in relationship between the labour and
ii. To find ways of improving such deteriorated relationship in order to move the education industry forward.
The labour unions on their own side are constantly worried on the possible consequences and implications of industrial disharmony, while government is confronted with the problem of how to minimize the rate of instability in the university system and how to ensure that its policies are adequately implemented especially those ones affecting education in Nigeria.
The sources of discontent in our university system is exhaustive. According to Akpala (1982:56) it has bearing with present economic situation in the country, our political history and inheritance, authoritarian attitudes of both the government and university management towards labour issues, the presence of obsolete labour laws, corruption in all segment of the society, mal-administration, class conflict and struggle, struggle for survival, etc. Also, in the list of the problems is the inability of the Nigerian Universities to actualize the objectives for which they were established, such as a training high caliber manpower etc. It was on the basis of the above problems that the researcher was motivated to conduct this research work to find out the true position of things in the Nigerian university system and to state the facts as they are without any bias and to proffer some solutions.
This study had the following objectives:
i. The determination of the causes of industrial disputes
ii. The determination of ways to ensuring industrial harmony in the future.
iii. To find out the consequences/implications of industrial unrest in the Nigerian
University System.
iv. The determination of factors stalling worker participation in decision making. v. To know the strategies used by:
a. The university management b. The trade unions
c. The government in solving industrial disputes in the Nigerian University
vi. To determine the frequency of industrial disputes in the Nigerian University system
vii. To know how industrial disputes could be managed
This research work will enable the researcher to come up with answers to the following research questions namely:
i. What are the likely causes of industrial disputes in the Nigerian University
ii. What are the ways of ensuring industrial harmony in the future?
iii. What are the consequences/implications of industrial unrest in the Nigerian
University System?
iv. What are the factors that militate against workers’ participation in decision making?
v. What are the strategies used by:
a. The university Management
b. The Workers’ Union (Trade Union)
c. The Government in settling industrial disputes in the Nigerian University
vi. How often does trade dispute arise in the Nigerian university System?
vii. How can industrial disputes be managed?
The following Hypotheses relate to the study:
1. Ho: There is no difference in the proportion of Staff of ESUT and UNN who are of the opinion that industrial crisis is independent of University Management.
Hi: There is difference in the proportion of staff of ESUT and UNN who are
2. | of the opinion that industrial crisis is independent of University Management. Ho: There is no difference in the proportion of the staff of both | |
Hi: | ESUT and UNN who are of the opinion that industrial Disputes in the Nigerian University System are dependent on Management indifference to union needs. There is difference in the proportion of the Staff of both ESUT and UNN who are of the opion that industrial Disputes in the Nigerian University System are not dependent on Management indifference to union needs. | |
3. | Hi: | Ho: There is no difference in the proportion of staff of ESUT arid UNN who are of the opinion that Trade unions contribute to Industrial Disputes. There is difference in the proportion of staff of ESUT and |
UNN who are of the opinion that Trade Unions Contribute to industrial
A study on industrial relations would not only be beneficial to the state, employers of labour and employees but to the society as a whole. Labour issues have bearing with integrated national planning. It contributes to manpower development, and harmonized industrial relations which promotes rapid economic development. Besides, a peaceful industrial atmosphere is required to actualize the noble objectives for which universities were set or established to achieve.
The research work is significant in a number of ways which include:
i. With the introduction of the concept of management in industrial disputes, the research has contributed to the pool of knowledge already available and thereby adding to the existing literature.
ii. Following the discovery of a fault in the process of collective bargaining, it will spur and support other researchers in the area of collective bargaining.
iii. The study is significant to the state and federal governments who will appreciate that the inability to implement the joint decisions reached has been a source of dispute in the University System.
iv. The study is significant to University Management who are now in vantage position to apply management by consultation in all issues involving labour.
v. The study would also benefit labour unions who in the course of this research would understand that even though their demands are imperative in line with the economic realities, must consider the lean resource of the state and the position of management before embarking on strike.
Under a democratic setting, industrial relations is a different issue. Democracy promotes freedom and guarantees conducive atmosphere for expression of feelings. But such rights should not be abused or suppressed into witch hunting for selfish interests. We must demand for what is right so long as it is within the labour laws and what is right must be done so long as it is within the state resources. This research work will also be beneficial to the researcher as it is a requirement for award of a higher degree to the researcher.
The scope of a study is the research boundary. This research focuses on industrial
disputes in the Nigerian university system. Emphasis is laid on the management of industrial dispute with a view to identifying the causes, the dimension and socio- economic implications of industrial disputes in our society.
The scope also revolves on the machinery of reaching collective bargain and identification of parties and their objective as it relates to tripartisrn in labour relations.
The scope of the study will be limited to universities in Enugu State. The research work will pay attention to Enugu State Univesity of Science and Technology (ESUT) and University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN).
Hardly would a research study be concluded without constraints. In a country such as ours where bureaucracy and red-tapism act as constraints in the flow of information and where there is inaccurate data and statistics, there really has to be a problem. Specific instances of constraints related to the data system would include:
Low quality data and inadequate recording devices
Lack of standardization in data recording and formats
Inadequate data collection and handling procedure
Lack of Research Skills
Privacy of information considerations
Budgetary limitations
Lack of incentives and motivation
An impediment to research optimization occasionally arises because it is impractical to analyze the entire problem. This Situation may arise due to lack of resources to do
total analysis, the extreme complexity of the entire analysis, the organizational structure, and other factors prevented the researcher from carrying out an in-depth research work.
Bouycott: This means refusal of wage earners to have dealing with or to patronize, a business organization when there is an organized labour grievance. Collective Bargaining: This simply means all methods by which groups of workers and relevant employers come together to attempt to reach agreement in matters concerning labour rules and conditions of service.
Employee/Worker: This is any person who is not a manager and who works for another in any organization for fixed wages.
Employer: This means the owner(s) of work. This can be business owner, organization, partnership, sole proprietorship, private or public limited company, government etc.
Industrial Relations: A tripartite relationship involving three parties namely, the owners of work, the employees or their representatives and government agency for the purpose of setting job rules and regulations. Industrial Dispute: When there is inability among the participating parties in industrial relations to reach peaceful agreement as it affects job rules and conditions of work generally.
Lock–out: This is the employer’s action of closing a business enterprise for the purpose of enforcing a demand on the employees by causing them to be thrown out of work.
Picketing: This means the action of striking workers to prevent other persons from taking their places in the plant or establishment and induce their colleagues who have not joined the strike action to do so.
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