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This study brought to the fore, a critical evaluation of the potentials of natural gas in the economic development of Nigeria. Natural gas option was considered the best alternative energy  resource  to  other  resources  for  optimizing  income  earning,  indigent  capacity building and the socio-economic development of an over populated Nigeria. Data and statistical reports from the various oil companies ere collaborated with the central bank economic report to determine the income generation from the resources. Parameters for measuring economic development analysis were used, including the various applications of natural gas.  There  impacts  were  then  accessed  in  terms  of efficiency  of production, effectiveness of use, human and social welfare conditions of the people. These results indicated  that  natural gas  production and  utilization  have  not  sufficiently  contributed towards the socio-economic development of Nigeria. It  is therefore imperative that  a comprehensive energy policy should be formulated by the government to make-up for the functional lapses in gas exploration and partner effectively with oil companies to invest in transportation and marketing. Also a firm date should be set by government to stop gas flaring in all ramifications so that the desired economic benefit of natural gas will be sufficiently felt.



1.1  Background of Study

The role of energy in economic development cannot be over emphasized. The nature and extent of energy demand and utilization in a national economy are to a large extent, indicative of its level of economic development. With these, there is no gain saying the fact that energy is required in its various forms for every  aspect  of  our  social,  economic  and  political  lives.  The  application  of modern technology, to ease the modern living and modern ways of life would other wise be impossible without the use of an energy source in one form or the other.

A case study of natural gas a source of energy is being use to determine the rate of economic development in Nigeria because of its abundance reserves, tremendous potential, environmental friendly and its industrial and global market demand. This becomes even more glaring when it is remembered that all modern production  activities,  transportation,  telecommunication  etc.  depend  on  this energy resources for the realization of their full potentials. The role of Electricity in the economy cannot be overstated because reliable electricity supply is vital to the Nigerian economy and also to the various sectors driving that growth. Natural gas then would be appreciated as it contributes the highest quota to these energy sources.

1.2  Typical applications f natural gas

There are so many different applications for this fossil fuel called natural gas that it is hard to provide an exhaustive list of everything it is used for. And no doubt new uses are being discovered all the time, these includes

i   Residential Applications – These includes Residential heating, Water heating, Cooking

Commercial uses

–         Uses in industries

–         Natural gas in the transportation sector

–         Electric Generator using natural gas

1.3 What are the potential contribution of natural gas

–         it facilitates the growth of industries.

1.4 Statement of Problem

The ultimate recoverable gas reserves in Nigeria is 235 trillion cubic feet, but the proven gas reserve in Nigeria is 187 trillion cubic feet of which 209 billion cubic feet is produced annually. Out of this figure produced annually 44.82% are presently fared. This level of  gas still flared is capable of generating 69GW of electricity and translating to lost in economic value of $5 billion dollars annually.

Statement on domestic use of natural gas.

Natural gas could be distributed through pipeline to domestic and commercial consumers like schools, Hotels. and Hospitals. Even for small consumers located in remote areas, natural gas could be transported and supplied in bottles. This not only holds for heating, but for other users of energy around the home as well.

(iii)      Statement harnessing/production of natural gas

Natural gas is a vital company of the World’s supply of energy. It is one of the cleanest, safest, and cheapest and the most useful of all energy sources.

(iv)     Statement on natural gas a major foreign-exchange earner

Nigerian economy is now headily dependent n gas in both domestic and export market and thereby generating as much revenue (as oil) within the decade.

1.5     Justification for the current work

–           Look critically at the problems associated with natural gas exploration/production in Nigeria/faring.

–           The huge investment requirement are considerable high, ranging from exploitation, transmission and distribution.

–           The high percentage of gas still being flared is so high that it can generate the electric power requirement for the whole West African Countries (Natural Energy policy publication)

–           The absence of a comprehensive natural gas transportation grid t link supply pints with potential demand center.

–           The social, community and environment issues have create a potential open-ended liability for effective gas production and private participation.

–         look at the problems associated with the domestic natural gas utilization in


–           A major problem exist with natural gas utilization due to the inability of the gas Companies to produce the gas requirement to satisfy the domestic market and the non existence of a comprehensive gas pipeline network to link the commodity to the consumers.

–           The present gas production level channeled for domestic use is grossly inadequate 80 billon cubic feet per annum, which is not adequate for the power sector alone. Hence, the existing gas flow station requires expansion and if possible building more flow station to meet the ever increasing demand for gas. Linking to West African Countries, Algeria, Tunisia and plans are under way to extend it

incorporate a legal and regulatory framework that is attractive to private investor, beneficial to Nigerians, and stimulate natural gas expansion programme.

(vii)     Government should provide a comprehensive frame work to tackle the problem of Youth restiveness  in  the  Delta  Region  to  encourage  effective  exploration and exploration of gas.

(vii)     Government   should   look   into   the   integrate   problems   in   some   extension infrastructure hampering direct extension or spurring of pipeline example Oben- Ajaokuta line.

(V)      No deliberate effort to exploit for gas in Nigeria to date –gas found are incidental to oil exploration activities.

(x)       Most of the existing gas facilities in the country are mostly own by the Nigeria gas company which is empowered by the government.

1.6 How Export potential enhances market facilities.

Natural gas export by volume currently 4 billion standard cubic feet and plans have been concluded to increase the volume to 3trillion standard cubic feet due to export demand. These will necessitate building more flow station, terminals construction of new pipeline network linking  to  other  West  Africa  Countries (which  is  at  80%  completion  stage) Algeria, Tunisia and plans are underway to extend so to key European Countries through sub sea pipe network laying from Algeria to satisfy the increasing market demand for the commodity.

1.7 Recommendation.

(i)        Natural gas is a vital component of world’s supply of energy; it  is one of the cleanest, safest, cheapest and most useful of all energy sources.

(ii)       At current production and utilization level, Nigerian gas resources could last more than 100years, thereby out living that of oil which is 40 years.

(iii)      To attract private sector instrument in gas projects through the creation of  enabling environment as is currently pursued by the present administration.

(iv)       Government should provide incentives and access to long term credit facilities to finance gas projects. (v)       Putting  in  place  a  national gas  transportation  grid  to  link  supply  points  with potential demand centre.

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