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The method used in the collection of data for this research include information gotten from the responses of the questionnaires distributed. Also there were secondary data which are from books and magazines. There was analysis of the table involved. At the end of the study,  some of  the  finding    include that  actually a  remittance lag actually exists in the Nigerian financial system and that the fluctuating exchange rate has an effect on the country’s balance of trade.

The recommendation include that external borrowing by, Nigeria should be in different currencies so as to offset exchange rate risks. There  was  also  a  recommendation that  there  should be  the establishment of official help to reduce the variability and increase the incentives  on  exchange  rates.  In  conclusion  it  was  adjusted  that Nigeria as a developing country   and economy needs to grow and come out of the menace of chronic balance of payment disequilibrium which is one of the causes of inflation. This could only be achieved when there is adequate management of international trade and payment.



The process of globalization which is in vague is the rapid integration  of  trade  relation  productive  and  investment  decisions across the globe by economic agents who employ and move investment capital and technology around to take advantage of environments where their competitive edge can manifest in high returns.

This process which came about with Marshall plan for Europe after the second world war has greatly expanded trade and economic contact between nations. The mass movement of commodities often over great distance have raised the standard of living world wide. International trade has made available a greater amount and a greater variety of goods for consumption. International trade has gone hand with technological improvements in production and with development of transportation, obviously this advanced in volume and variety of goods produced and traded. Factories turn out quantities of commodities large and small, which are not consumed locally but are promptly distributed to different parts of the word.

Virtually improvements in transportation and the expansion of world markets have made possible this large scale of economic production.   The world is now a ‘global village ‘ because of the continuous flaw of goods in and out of nations and the dependence by every nations upon foreign sources for variety of goods, which are of special importance. These nation economics, financial and cultural activities have boundries. Trade between nations was formerly carried out by private individuals, however in recent times government has increasingly engaged in international trade transactions directly with each other on the basis of governmental decisions.


International trade involves the movement of goods and services between two countries. Payment for such goods and services are however made in an agreed currency between the exporter and the importer. And because exchange rate are variant the before the researcher is therefore to determines who bears the burden of the incidence  of  the  exchange  rate  fluctuation.    More  so,  since  the exporter /importer cannot source the foreign exchange if not through the financial institutions. The researcher therefore finds it imperative to investigate the rote played by the institutions in the exchange rate fluctuation vis-à-vis the newly introduced Dutch auction by the central bank of Nigeria.  Furthermore, the world community is a global village linked together by communications. The various exchange rate in the international markers are usually influence by the economically viable and strong economies of the world. The inter play of the economic powers of the varying strong economic attracted the curiosity of the researcher to investigate the impact of the world economic powers on the international trade vis-à-vis balances of payment and of trade. As we go about our daily lives, it is easy to over look the importance trade. American ships enormous volumes of food, air planes computer, and machinery to other countries; and in return we get vast quantities of oil foot wear, car, coffee, and other goods and services. While American pride themselves on their ingenuity it is sobering to reflect how many of our products-including gunpowder, classical music, clocks, railroads, penicillin and radar, arose from the ingenuity of long- forgotten people in faraway places.

What are the economic forces that lie behind international trade? Simply put, trade promotes specialization, and specialization increases productivity. Over the long run, increased trade and higher productivity raise living standards for all nations gradually counties have realized that opening up their economies to the global trading system is the most secure road to prosperity.

International Vs Domestic Trade

At the deepest level, trade is trade, whether it involves people within the same nation or people in different countries. There are, however, the three important differences between domestic and international trade, and these have important practical and economic consequences.

1.      Expanded Trading Opportunities

The major advantages of international trade are that it expands trading horizons. If people were forced to consume only what they produced at home, they would be poorer on both material and the spiritual planes.

2.      Sovereign Nations:

Trading across frontiers involves people and firms living in different nations. Each nation is a sovereign entity which regulates  the  flow  of  people,  goods  and  finance  cross  its borders. These contrast with domestic trade, where there is a single currency, where trade and money flow freely with the borders and where people can migrate easily to seek new opportunities. In international trade, political barriers to trade are sometimes erected when affected groups object to foreign trade and nations impose tariffs or quotas, this practice is called protectionalism.

3.      Exchange Rates:

Most nations have their own currencies. One may want to pay for Japanese  car  in  Naira  while  Toyota  wants  to  be  paid  in Japanese Yen according to the  exchange rate,  which is  the relative price of different currencies (such as the price of Japanese Yen  in  terms  of  Nigerian  Naira). The  international financial system must ensure a smooth flow and exchange of Naira, Yen, and other currencies-or else risk a breakdown in trade. The financial aspects of international trade are analyzed in the chapters on macroeconomics.

4.      Trends in Foreign Trade:

What are the major components of international trade for Nigeria? The major components of international trade in Nigeria are  crude  oil,  cotton,  cassava,  maize,  wheat,  etc.  Within  a particular industry, Nigeria exports and imports at the same time because a  high  degree of  product differentiation means that different counties tend to  have niches in different parts of  a market.


Trade in Goods and Services

Nations find it beneficial to participate in international trade for several reasons: diversity in the conditions of production, differences in tastes among nations and decreasing costs of large-scale production.

Diversity in Natural Resources

Trade may take place because of the diversity in productive possibilities among counties. In fact, there are differences that reflect the endowments of natural resources. One country may be blessed with a supply of petroleum, while another may have a large amount of fertile land. Or a mountainous country may generate large amounts of hydroelectric power, which it sells to its neighbours, while a country with deepwater habours may become a shipping centre.

Differences in Trade

A second reason for trade lies in preference. Even if the conditions of production were identical in all regions, countries might engage in trade if their tastes for goods were different.

Differences in Costs

Perhaps the most important reason for trade is differences among countries in production costs. For example, manufactory processes enjoys economies of scale, that is, they tend to have lower average costs of production as the volume of output expands. So when a particular country gets a head start in producing a particular product, it can become the high-volume, low-cost producer. The economic of scale gives it a significant cost and technological advantage over other countries, which find it cheaper to buy from the leading producer than to make the product themselves.


The objectives of this research work are as follows:

1.      To seek and determine as far as possible methods by which the risk associated with exchange rate fluctuations can be minimized.

2.      To determine who should bear the burden of the delayed interest – the commercial banks, the central bank or the importer?

3.      To ascertain whether the abolition of the compulsory advance deposit   requirement   is   being   complied   with   and   also determine the implications of the advance full  payment of import duty with regards to importers.

4.      To  discover  if  the  introduction  of  counter  trade  by  the government is alleviating the problems created by the delay of international  trade  and  to  make  appropriate recommendations.


The hypotheses for this research work are formulated after thorough in-depth analysis of secondary data collected and the assessment of the result of the pilot survey conducted.

The hypotheses are tentative statements that are yet to be proved; the hypothesis for the research takes its bearing from the statement of problem and it is as follows:

Ho:    The purchasing powers of the consumers of the goods are not affected by unstable exchange rate.

Hi:     The  purchasing  powers  of  the  consumers  of  the  goods  are affected by unstable exchange rate.

Ho:    Exchange rate fluctuation adversely affects the marketing of the commodities.

Ho:    The fluctuating exchange rate has no impact on the balance of trade.

Hi:     The fluctuating exchange rate has an impact on the balance of trade.


The unique role of importers and commercial banks in enhancing international trade and economic development cannot be over emphasized. A  sound  business  idea  remains  a  mere  dream  until someone is able to organize the finances necessary to translate the idea into a business reality, and more often than not, this finance comes in the form bank credit.

The significance of this study, the recommendations made at the end of the study and their implementation make the research immensely beneficial to the following:

1.      Importers  who  are  always  trading  and  in  dire  need  of finances.

2.      Policy  makers  of  the  Central  Bank  of  Nigeria  who  issue guideline to govern international trade practices.

3.      Bankers especially commercial Bank guidelines.

4.      Students of economics and other related fields that might take a clue from this study to further research into the field of exchange rate fluctuation and international trade.

5.      The general public who can contribute and still be informed of the activities of our banking institutions.


During the course of this research, a number of constraints were experienced. There  was  this  already  known  problem  of  gathering information – many of the banks approached were not ready to give out  financial  information related to  exchange rate  gains  or  losses suffered in the past.

Gathering information from public organizations such as Federal Office of Statistics was difficult. The usual Nigerian phrase ‘not on seat’ nearly frustrated my efforts.


International Trade

It is exchange of goods and services between two countries, it brings increase in the economy.

Exchange Rate

This is the price one country’s currency expressed in another country’s currency.

Balance of Payment

This  means  that  a  foreign  exchange  rate  must  be  at  its equilibrium level with other countries.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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