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1.1      Background to the Study

Nigeria as federation operates a three tiers system of government: Federal, state and local government. The federal government known as the government of Nigeria has authority and responsibility of governing the territories {though it usually delegates this role to elected territorial governments}.

At the state level, there are State Governments, such as the Kwara State Government. This level of government has its own political institution and leaders as well as its own jurisdiction {which are provided for under the Nigeria constitution}: such as health care, education, transportation and civil rights Finally, there is the local government which people often refer to as local administration {Awofeso, 2004} and others are of the view that local government should be eradicated. However, this level usually has responsibility over policy field directly related to local communities, such as protection of lives and properties, public utilities, local social- welfare services, parks: recreation and culture. Moreover, like the other levels of government in Nigeria, local government has their own political leaders and institution such as councilors, chairmen and the likes.

Therefore, then main focus of this study is however on the third tier of government, that is, the local government and it must be noted that Nigeria has 774 recognized local government {Nigeria 1999 constitution}. The constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria refers to the third tier of government as the system of local government by democratically elected local government councils. The government of every state is accordingly responsible for their establishment structure, composition, finance and function.

In addition to the above, the Nigeria federal government in the world perhaps in addition to Brazil {Erero, 1998} that have elevated local government to a third tier of government. By so doing the state government do not exercise absolute control over the local government {Imhanlahimi and Ikeanyibe, 2009}.

In view of this and due to the importance of the third tier of Government to the people at the grassroots level, my study shall focus on Local Government autonomy in Nigeria with Oyun Local Government of Kwara State as a case study.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

Local government is expected to enjoy the freedom of actions to enable! it operate and perform its constitutional function unfiltered to energy sustainable national development from the grassroots but in contrary, the Nigeria local government is seriously faced with inadequate autonomy to perform effectively.

For instance the introduction of the so-called Joint Account Policy between the State Government when was the beginning of the erosion of the financial independence of local councils. This arrangement is skewed against the local government. It puts them at the mercy of the governors who decide what projects and the contractors to execute them for the local government. A Local Government Chairman cannot decide his own project according to the needs and principle of his people. Most governors deliberately undermine the chairmen by staving them of funds. In the fact they only give them money for salaries but maintain the monopoly on contract awards: the poor chairman is left with the burden of rubber stamping project he did not initiate (Garba; 2011}. Nevertheless the State Government is constitutionally empowered to remove local government chairman and put in place a care-taker (Davies, 2012} and this as contributed to the problem combating the freedom of action of Local Government in Nigeria, most especial in Kwara State and which as led to the controlling of the Local Government  by the  state  government  .  Others challenges includes:  grand corruptions and fledging democracy {Imhanlahimi and Ikeayibe, 2009}.

1.3      Research Questions

  1. What are the reasons for lack of local government autonomy?
  2. What are the major forms of control of local government?
  • What are the factors inhibiting against their performance and the solution to such problem?

1.4      Objectives of Study

The main objective of the study is to examine the reason for lack of local government autonomy in Nigeria, taking Oyun Local Government as a case study. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the extent of the autonomy as well as the factors inhibiting the effectiveness of local government autonomy and the forms of control.
  2. To make appropriate recommendation that will/ may assist to improve local government autonomy in Nigeria.

1.5      Scope of the Study

For proper and in-depth coverage, the study is focusing on the local government autonomy with Oyun Local Government council as the case study. Emphasis shall be placed on the extent of autonomy in Oyun Local Government.

The limitations of the study are greatly caused by the followings: firstly, in the area of time. The allotted times for the study of the activities of Oyun Local Government and for collection of data is inadequate.

This is to some extent a hindrance for such a topic as this which time and attention is required to be adequately integrated in to the activities of local government.

Secondly, in the area of cost of caring out an effective research study. There are unbudgeted funds and resources that are exhausted on this research study, which to some extent a hindrance for this research world.

Irrespective of the above mentions constraints, one should still be assure of a better research work.

1.6      Research Methodology

The research methodology methods employed in this study were both descriptive and analytical. The descriptive method used considered the historical development of Local Government in Nigeria with Oyun Local Government council of Kwara State as a case study.

Analytical method on the other hand did a critique of local government autonomy. Data’s were obtained from both primary and secondary sources. The primary data were sourced through participant observation and the use of interview. And the secondary data’s were sourced from literature related to the study, such as a journal, newspaper, web search, text books and the likes.

1.7      Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in the contribution which it will make to the knowledge of the readers. The orientation of the research is toward producing a research report with relevance beyond academic frontiers.

The study will build on the existing knowledge of the constitutional functions of the local government.

The study will also serve as reference point for future students of the Nigeria local government system.

1.8      Definitions of Key Terms

In other to makes a clear insight to the topic, term to be use will be separately defined for the understanding of a lay-man.

Local government; is the third tier of government in a federal system, which is created by an act of the parliament or decree to cater for people at grassroots especially rural areas to perform some certain basic faction service, which can best be administered locally on the ultimate knowledge of the needs conditions and peculiarities of the area concerned.

Therefore, will be referring to as the third tiers or grassroots levels of government, because it is closed government to the people.

Local Government autonomy: in the view of the defunct center for democratic studies, local government autonomy refers to the relative discretion which local government enjoy in regulating their own affair. The extent to which local government is free from control of the State and Federal governments in the management of local affairs.


The study shall be organized into five chapters. The first chapter, which is the introductory chapter, shall give a general background to the study. Chapter two will deal with literature review and theoretical framework on the problems and prospect of revenue generation in local government. Chapter three explains the research methodology of the study. Chapter four discusses data presentation and analysis. Chapter five captures the summary, conclusion and recommendations.


Awofeso, O.{2004} – Issue in Local Government Administration in Nigeria. Ijaiye, Lagos. Lisjohnson Resources Publisher, 2004.

Davies A.E{2012}. The Search for a Stable Local Government System in Nigeria. and University of Ilorin Lecture Note. 2012

Erero .J.{1998} Intergovernmental Relationship of Local Level Since 1988 Civil Service Reform. The Quarterly Journal of Administration xxix{1&2}:  Oct/Jan, 1997/1998.

Federal Republic of Nigeria-Guidelines for Local Government Reforms, Kaduna: Government Printer 1976.

Garba S. {2011}- Rescuing   Local   Government  from   Govs:   Nigeria   Tribune, Wednesday, 23 November, 2011.

Nigeria Federal Republic 1999 Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria. Abuja Federal Government Printer. Imhanlahimi and Ikeanyib {2009}- Local Government Autonomy and Development of Localities in Nigeria: Issues, Problems and Suggestions. Place & Publisher?


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