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1-5 chapters |


This research is an investigation of the “Impact of Boko Haram terrorism on Nigeria-Cameroon relations (2009-2016)”. Nigeria-Cameroon relations shortly after independence in 1960 has been described as „unfriendly‟, „love and hate‟, prompted by some variables such as border crisis, Bakassi Pennisula crisis and colonial influence. The emergence of terrorism at the borders of the two countries provoked this research which investigated on whether their relations had improved, worsened or remained the same. This led to the review of related literature using conceptual, thematic and theoretical approaches. Linkage theory was employed to explain and guide the study. Data were generated from respondents with basic and sound knowledge/experience on the study area through survey method facilitated by in-depth interview techniques. The study revealed that Nigeria-Cameroon relations before the period studied was not cordial at diplomatic level but flourished socio-culturally and economically. The study established that the unfriendly diplomatic relations greatly improved during the terrorist regime and the level of improvement can translate into better relations in future. The study revealed that while diplomatic relations greatly had a boost during the period of terrorism the socio-cultural and economic circle were on the downturn hence consciousness were on security and safety of lives but, that these areas will normalise as soon as terrorism is degraded. The study finally recommended strategies towards handling terrorism at the borders of Nigeria and Cameroon such as; establishing functional Joint Border Commission, recognition and understanding terrorism as a local and international threat. Establishment of Joint Academy (University) whose responsibility is to research and establish causes of terrorism, and border criminalities and ways to fight terrorism. Joint resource-pull and cooperation should act of terrorism manifest in one country or at the borders, good leadership and governance and also exploration of legal means for repatriation and total economic, social and political independence for Africa. The study also recommended that both countries should explore other areas to boost their socio-cultural and economic ties, colonial heritages and linkages should be sacrificed for good neighbor relations, introduction of National Identification Cards (NIC) for both citizens of each country and introduction of standard exchange of diplomatic relations among the two countries as this will bring more innovations, closeness and peace between them than their daily visits to America, Britain, France and Germany. The best way to handle and fight terrorism is not with gun but improving the quality of lives of the people and good neighbor relations of countries.


1.1         Introduction

The concept “terrorism” and the activities of the terrorists today have taken a frontal stage in world politics. Be it as it may, the effect on domestic and international politics cannot be overemphasized evident in the foreign behaviours of nation states in pursuit of their national interests which of course, security and territorial integrity are among the core. Nigeria’s perception of the strategic necessity of mutual and friendly relations with her immediate neighbours has played a major role in the formulation of good neighborliness policy. The principle of respect for the sovereign equality of all nations is clearly exhibited in Nigeria’s external relations and prominent in her external relations with her immediate neighbours. More conspicuous is the mutual acceptance of OAU (AU) declaration in July 1964 of respect for the existing border on the achievement of independence in Article 3 paragraph 3 of the OAU Charter. This in itself, has not prevented in totality, the occasional outburst of boundary disputes, threats to security as well as other provocative activities. Violence across the borders might and might not be a calculated action of the state actors but could be actions of other actors in the international arena which include individuals and groups. This could be evident in the words of Bamigbose (2006:127), events such as domestic policies and actions of sovereign governments, routine exercise of power on matters which border on day-to-day governance, can snowball into foreign policy controversies that are likely to attract global attention. The operation of Boko Haram has moved from the sphere of domestic or internal politics to international domain. Such issues (like the case of Boko Haram) may provoke favourable or negative reactions from other nations that are touched by policies emanating there from and this can invariably lead to the enhancement or deterioration of bilateral or multilateral relations. The contiguous nature of Nigeria and Cameroun coupled with the activities of terrorism in and across the borders mount security threats which might either bring the two countries closer or worsen their relationship. If terrorism has no respect for the borders of countries, and cooperation is needed, maturity is also needed among nation states as to close ranks which can only result from mutual understanding to counter the activities of terrorism and curb or eliminate threat to security and foster good neighborhood relations. This research inquires into the impact of Boko Haram terrorism on Nigeria-Cameroun relations, whether the emergence of terrorism in and across their borders has succeeded in bringing them more closer or worsened their relationship, cognizance of the fact that the two countries have been relating under mutual suspicion, love and hate fraternity.

1.2         Statement of the Problem

This study examines the extent to which Boko Haram terrorism has impacted on Nigeria– Cameroon relations between 2009 – 2016. Nigeria and Cameroon are contiguous nations in the continent of Africa. Nigeria has largely maintained friendly relations with its immediate neighbours as embedded in her constitution. Despite this, there have been a number of crises between Nigeria and her neighbours especially Cameroon. Some of these crises, majorly, have been border problems exacerbated by the discovery of oil in the Bakassi Peninsula region which has negatively affected the relations of the two countries. Contemporarily, the crisis at the borders of the two countries is caused by other actors like terrorist groups which needed the cooperation of the two countries to counter and secure peace, safety of lives and properties in the region.

1.3         Research Questions

The research questions are:

  1. What was the nature of the relationship between Nigeria and Cameroon before the advent and activities of Boko Haram?
  2. What factors defined the relationship between Nigeria and Cameroon?
  • How did terrorism become an issue between Nigeria and Cameroon and how has it affected relations between the two countries?
  1. What measures did the two countries adopt to tackle Boko Haram terrorism?

1.4         Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are to:

  1. Establish the nature of Nigeria-Cameroon relations before the advent of Boko Haram activities.
  2. Investigate the factors that defined Nigeria-Cameroon relations before the mergence of Boko Haram and how terrorism became an issue of interest for the two countries.
  • Assess the nature and extent to which Nigeria and Cameroon have cooperated in fighting Boko Haram Terrorism.
  1. Examine the effect of Boko Haram Terrorism on Nigeria-Cameroon relations.

1.5         Assumptions of the Study

The assumptions of the study are:

  1. Nigeria and Cameroon relations before the advent of Boko Haram has occasionally not been cordial.
  2. Boko Haram insurgency, a domestic issue, snowballed into international arena.
  • Activities of Boko Haram have impacted positively on Nigeria-Cameroon relations.

1.6         Significance/Justification

The significance of this study cannot be over emphasized. Corroborating the literature reviewed, it is evident that this study is a unique one, hence it explored a new ground in the relationship of Nigeria and Cameroon. There are limited literature on terrorism in the region of Lake Chad Commission. There is also highly limited literature on terrorism in the relations between Nigeria and Cameroon. The literature are implicit on how Boko Haram has affected the Nigeria-Cameroon relations even from 2009 – 2016. Consequently, the study has increased the literature available on terrorism in the Lake Chad and Gulf of Guinea regions especially connecting contiguous third world countries constrained by limited resources, managerial deficiencies and colonial linkages and attachments.

1.7         Scope of Study

This study focused on the impact the emergence of Boko Haram terrorism has had on Nigeria-Cameroun relations. Time frame of this study is 2009 – 2016; a period in which terrorism took a frontal seat in the affairs of these two countries and even attracted multilateral attention. The effect of terrorism on Nigeria-Cameroon relations was investigated by looking at their socio – cultural, economic and political dimensions. Nigeria and Cameroon as areas of study is prompted by the contiguous nature of the two countries and as well, the similarities between them, for example, the role the two countries play in their immediate regions of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) which, if their relations improve, will boost human and material development in the Gulf of Guinea region. The time space, 2009-2016 is prompted by the fact that this was the time terrorism became more violent, tense and a burning issue in the region that attracted the international community. The choice of terrorism as a dependent subject of study is because it contemporarily has taken a frontal stage in international politics which impact on bilateral and multilateral relations of nations. The limitations of the study are; first, in the course of the field work, Banki in Borno State was among the sample designated area but the researcher was strictly warned at Mubi, Adamawa State not to venture cross to Banki due to tense the situation and tight security there. As a result of this, data was not generated from Banki. Secondly, the offices visited went into bureaucracy with exception of the Immigration office, Mubi and the Emir‟s Palace, Mubi. Red-tapism was much that inspite of the Introductory letter from the Department, most of them demanded for letter seeking for interviewing the respondents. These were written and in some cases re-written after several calling and re-visits, the security at gates and countless hours of waiting in offices were rather frustrating. Thank God at the end, all slated for interview were met and interviews carried out as designed and in very conducive and relaxed atmosphere because the booking of appointment in most cases offered, or prompted dedication of specific time for the interview interaction.

1.8         Organization of Chapters

This study is divided into chapters and each chapter is also divided into units for better understanding of the work. The first chapter will embodies the introduciton to the study, statement of the research problem, research questions, objectives of the study, assumptions, signifcance/justification, scope of the study and organization of chapters.

Chapter two focuses on literature review, limitations of the literature review and the theoretical framework

Chapter three focuses on research methodology while chapter four is the analysis of data generated. Chapter five embodies summary, conclusion and recommendations.


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