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This study was designed to determine the utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) resources among polytechnic libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria. The objectives were to identify the ICT resources available; ascertain the purposes of using ICT resources; ascertain the extent of ICT resources used; determine the attitude of the users towards the use of ICT resources; ascertain the extent of users satisfaction with ICT use; identify the problems associated with the use of ICT resources and suggest strategies that could enhance the use of ICT resources among library users. A descriptive survey research design was used for the study, and 30% of  the registered library users for 2010/2011 academic session (329) and 147 (all) of the library staff population making total of 476 from four polytechnic libraries were sampled using stratified random sampling technique. Questionnaire and observation checklist were used for data collection. Out of 476 copies of questionnaire  distributed, 463 were returned, representing 97.20%.  In analyzing the data obtained, frequency counts, simple percentages, and mean () were used as the statistical

methods. The results obtained from the findings, revealed that various types of ICT resources are made available in the libraries; that these ICT resources are used for different purposes; that most ICT resources in the libraries are under used by users; that the users have positive attitude towards the use of ICT resources; that the users are not too satisfied with the use of ICT resources in the libraries; that there are some problems associated with the use of ICT resources by the library staff and users; and many strategies were suggested by the users and  staff  to  enhance  maximum  use  of  these  resources. Based  on  the  findings,  it  was recommended that available resources should be accessible to the users; power supply should be improved upon; regular ICT programmes should be organized for the library staff and users; provision of adequate ICT resources, adequate assistance should be given by the library staff to the users, adequate fund should be provided, and more structures should be put-in place to accommodate more users.



Background to the Study

Academic libraries are those libraries found in the higher institutions of learning. Academic libraries according to Ifidon and Okoli (2002) are libraries attached to educational institutions  like  universities,  polytechnics,  &  colleges  of education.  Arua  (2001)  described academic libraries as those libraries of tertiary institutions of learning such as universities, polytechnic, colleges of education, colleges of agriculture etc. According him, the objectives of academic libraries are tied to those of their parent bodies. The general objectives /functions of academic libraries are as follows: provide materials to support teaching and research; provide materials to assist library users in their own personal self development; provide specialized information service to appropriate segments of the institutions which include polytechnics etc.

Polytechnic  libraries  are   libraries  of  polytechnics,  which  are   meant  to   provide information  materials  to  support  teaching,  learning  and  research.  Clark  (1999)  defined polytechnic  libraries as those  libraries established by polytechnic parent  body’s to  provide materials to support the teaching and research objectives of their parent bodies. Polytechnic libraries are part of academic libraries. The objectives and functions of polytechnic libraries are similar to that of academic libraries and tied to those of their parent bodies. Olurunnyomi (1994) in Okechukwu (2005) gear that polytechnic libraries help to educate people, accelerate progress and  provide  the  data  required  for  the  solution  of  increasing  complex  economic,  social, educational, cultural, political and scientific problems. The duties of the polytechnic libraries as shown here are to accumulate, process, store and disseminate sciences and technology information, which  are  vital  for  the  rapid  scientific  and  technological advancement  of the country.

Polytechnic libraries are expected to be effective and efficient in the services they offers to ensure that the needs of the users are met; current and accessible information resources are suitable and available all the time. These information resources should be rendered to the library users timely and in appropriate manner; they should ensure that the resources provided are of high quality, accurate and   recent. The library staff should assist the library users in interpreting the information, when provided and where necessary especially those generated through software packages. They should encourage and promote users’ awareness of new services such as current awareness services (CAS) selective dissemination of information (SDI), and so on. This should help  to  establish the  relationship between information and  libraries.  Moreover, polytechnic libraries should provide library users with personalized guidance and support as this will sharpen their information search and application skills. The polytechnic library struggles to maintain its credibility in the provision of library materials for teaching, learning and research and must accept the use of ICT resources within their reach.

Polytechnic libraries as a part of academic libraries, this is imperative. However, it was pre-observed by this researcher that in many polytechnic libraries, major library services like CAS, SDI, etc. are not effectively being rendered due to the manually processing system of services, except ICT resources are properly utilized. ICT are fastly becoming veritable tools in enhancing  effective  service  in  modern libraries  and  information centres.  Many polytechnic library services can be carried out smoothly with the use of ICT resources with greater efficiency and effectiveness without the barrier of space and time. To appreciate the essence of ICT for effective library services among polytechnic libraries, one has to consider the use of technologies especially the modern digital ones which are in existence to assist the library staff and users in achieving their objectives and needs. These resources also include all devices that can be used in

processes of storage, retrieval, manipulation, transmission and reception of digital information essential for teaching, learning, and research in the polytechnic libraries.

Information has become a vital raw material in our rapidly changing society. Oduwole, Oyewumi and Oyesiku, (2002) assert that, all human activities on earth have much to do with information and communication of all kinds. These activities which can be documented in books or other materials and kept in a medium or organized place called a library, for general use and consultation. Ochogwu (1984) asserts that, in the great ancient libraries of Egypt and Mesopotamia which date back to about 300 B.C., information resources of that period underwent a series of developments in their storage methods. Thus library at that time were popularly held in papyrus and clay tablets in Egypt and Mesopotamia respectively. He further asserted that from that time to this present decade in library history, technology has impacted greatly on the operations of libraries in the evident in the continued transition of these information storage devices from papyrus and clay tablets to the present day books along with other forms of electronic storage media such as magnetic disks, magnetic tapes, microforms, Compact Disk Read Only Memory (CD ROM), and so on. In recent time information can be access through electronic media known as information and communication technology (ICT).

ICT is viewed by the researcher as a combination of computers and telecommunication systems to improve the quality of services rendered by library staff to the library users in order to improve teaching, learning and research through its gathering, processing, storing, connecting, analyzing data functions and dissemination of information. The World Bank (1999) described ICT as “a set of activities which is facilitated by electronic means, the processing, transmission and display of information”. Daniel, Oketunji, Okojie & Abdulsalam, (2003) have observed that the information technologies found in our libraries today is a combination of computers, storage media,  and  telecommunications.  Computers  provide  the  processing,  storage  and  retrieval

capabilities of information in the library while telecommunication provides the capabilities for the transfer/communication of information from one work station to another in the library. ICT according to Yusuf (2005) can be described as computer based tools used by people to work with the  information  and  communication  processing  need  and  organization.  Matthew  (1999) described ICT as the mechanism used to process, store and transmit information which could be numeric, text and graphic form.

There are different kinds of ICT resources available  in our  libraries. They include: personal computers, digital television, camera, internet, Compact Disk Read Only Memory (CD ROM), flash drives, floppy diskettes, printers, scanners, photocopiers, telephones, radio etc. Oketunji (2001) stated that the information and communication technologies (ICT) available for library  use  include:  personal  computers,  Compact  Disk  Read  Only  Memory  (CD-ROM), facsimile (Fax), networks such as Local Area Networks, Wide Area Network, electro coping (scanning), and internet. Daniel and Mathew (2000) described the new development as tools of information delivery in the new millennium. They enumerated eleven tools as follows: internet World Wide Web (www), electronic mail (E-mail), bibliographic control tools, online searching creativity and innovations.

ICT is impacting positively on all aspects of the library and information services, and Nigerian community is now aware of the role which the library can play in the information super-highway. Arising from the change role of library services, operations, library staff in emerging digital libraries, efforts are now in top gear by library staff and information scientists to play this role effectively as the internet, E-mail, CD-ROMs, telephones and other resources are used as tools for generating, obtaining, processing, storing, retrieving and also as disseminating information services in polytechnic libraries.

The use of ICT resources in polytechnic libraries has relevance to the methods and means of collecting, storing, retrieving and disseminating information. There is no doubt that the rate at which scientific  information and  knowledge is  being  produced  in polytechnic  libraries  has greatly increased research work and perfection in the techniques and methods of disseminating the result of these works. Influx of information (information explosion) has in turn created problems for the polytechnic  libraries  in keeping track of the  vast  information through its conventional methods (manual processing system). Information explosion has  increased the problems which polytechnic libraries have to face. Oderinde, (1977) in Nwegbu, (2004) said that the library clientele continue to increase year after year while the complexity of their information needs continues to  increase and the  urgency with which the  information required is to  be supplied might be vital to the success of activities for which the information is needed. For this reason, polytechnic libraries have to adopt the use of ICT, seeking its aid in the solution to the complex information problems which they have to face daily; weekly and yearly.

Today,  very  few  organizations  can  isolate  their  positive  effect  and  returns  from investment in ICT resources (information technologies). Anyakoha, (2004) stated that the revolution is sweeping through the world. The strong wind of ICT change has even caught up with developing countries like Nigeria. Every individual, every facet of the society and every profession are striving not to be left out. The libraries and other information centres have also felt the bandwagon effect and are being enriched by the enormous dividend of the revolution.

Traditional roles of libraries worldwide and Nigeria are changing. Information world was once dominated by library staff whose major concern was management of book collections. This is not necessarily predicting that library staff are passing out. It is rather pointing to the fact that they should as a matter of urgency and necessity be in line with and responsive to the current realities of information transformation in this information age (technology age). Information

world provides and expands the scope of information available to users prospective of their location. This has the advantage of ensuring effectiveness and efficiency in the services delivery (Okiyi, 1998). Mohammed (1997) in Asadu, (2007) pointed out that it is indisputable that ICT is revolutionizing the contents and services of libraries and information systems are the ultimate. Large volume of information in printed material can be converted into CD-ROM database and access on-line.

There is no more debate whether Nigerian polytechnic libraries should use ICT resources, this is because no libraries can satisfy its users with manual processing (Sharp, 2002).  Insight into the new information society and present day development of electronic libraries, Nigerian libraries cannot but join their counterparts. Libraries and information centres can only make effective and efficient use of ICT resources if they are automated (Okiyi, 1998). This use of ICT resources is applicable to almost all operations in library service and its application and use has brought maximum efficiency to the services of libraries, through increased reduction of mistakes, increases in convenience, adequate statistical data keeping, labour saving and exchange documentation (Uzoigwe, 2003). ICT provision in polytechnic libraries, there is no doubt that information technologies have become a must for any polytechnic library that has the intention of living up to the research/scientific expectations of its users (Okonkwo, 1998).  Processing and disseminating of relevant and timely information for research and teaching have been one of the major factors behind the use ICT resources in polytechnic libraries which Delta and Edo States polytechnic libraries are not exceptional.

The creation of Delta and Edo States from former Bendel State in August 1991 brought the establishment of polytechnic libraries in Delta and Edo States except Federal Polytechnic Library, Auchi, Edo State. The three Delta State Polytechnics and their libraries were established same  day  under  the  administration  of  his  Excellency  Chief  James  Onanefe  Ibori  on  12th

November, 2002. This was as a result of government desire to make education reachable to all. These three (3) libraries are located at different places such as Delta State polytechnic library, Ozoro; Delta State Polytechnic Library, Oghara; Delta State Polytechnic Library, Ogwashi-uku. They were established under same acts for polytechnic education. Federal Polytechnic Library, Auchi, Edo State is a federal polytechnic library and was established in 1973 by the federal government of Nigeria as a result of federal government efforts to produced technicians, craftsmen, middle and skilled manpower that will help to bring about nation’s economy. Edo

State   Polytechnic   Library,   Usen   was   established   on   25th    November   2002   under   the

administration of Lucky Igbinendon just like the above libraries discussed, they have same aims and objectives. These libraries are situated at different strategies places in the institutions. Their collection cut-across print and non-print media. They houses information materials in different fields of study namely: engineering, agriculture, computer and information technology, Business Administration etc. These libraries are divided into various units namely collection development unit, technical unit, circulation unit, reference unit, serial unit and audiovisual unit (ICT unit). These units provides different services ranging from current awareness services, research and bibliographic services, bindery services, registration of users, charging and discharging services, reference services all are being set up to meet the information needs of the users etc.

Statement of the Problem

The use of ICT resources is an important tool in the polytechnic libraries as it supports resource sharing among polytechnic libraries, increase effective and efficient services delivery, saves users time, provide marketing opportunity of its services, provide speedy and easy access to information, provide more up to date information to users, automatic indexing and abstracting services.ICT resources use in the polytechnic libraries are meant to work towards actualization of the  polytechnic aims  and  objectives.  The  essence of the  polytechnic  library  is  to  provide,

preserve, retrieve and disseminate available information resources essential for teaching, learning and research to the users of polytechnic libraries. These information resources are very important to teaching and research, bearing in mind the library users are future leaders of tomorrow. To offer these services efficiently, effectively, smoothly, ICT resources are very important as it will enhance effective  services delivery among  polytechnic  libraries.  This  is  because only ICT resources have the capabilities to accommodate the increasing volume of information resources at the library user’s disposal. The whole volumes of printed materials can be digitized and kept in Compact Disk Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) or hard disk.

In this information age where users are not ready to waste their time in seeking for information .Inability of any polytechnic  library  to  use  ICT  resources will result  to  users dissatisfaction, ineffective and inefficient services, delay in meeting users needs etc However, it was pre-observed by the researcher that the library users have poor attitude towards the use of polytechnic libraries resources which ICT resources is part of. This makes it difficult for the polytechnic library objectives to be achieved. Due to that the users are not ready to waste their time, many library users, researchers and staff have resorted to cybercafés on the streets in search of information in order to save their time. Yet to the researcher’s best of knowledge, no study has been carried out to determine the position in Delta and Edo States. It is in line with these, that this study on utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) resources among polytechnic libraries in Delta and Edo States is imperative.

Purpose of the Study

The general purpose of the study was to determine the utilization of information and communication technology resources among polytechnic  libraries  in  Delta  and  Edo  States, Nigeria. The specific objectives are to:

1.        identify the ICT resources available in the polytechnic libraries in Delta  and Edo States,


2.        ascertain the purposes of using ICT resources in the polytechnic  libraries in Delta and

Edo States, Nigeria.

3.        ascertain the extent of ICT resources used in the  polytechnic  libraries in Delta and Edo

States, Nigeria.

4.         determine the attitude of the library users towards the use of ICT resources in the polytechnic libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria.

5.         ascertain  the  extent  of  ICT  resources  used  satisfaction  among  library  users  in  the polytechnic libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria.

6.         identify  the  problems  associated  with  the  use  of  ICT  resources  in  the  polytechnic libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria.

7.         suggest strategies that could enhance the use of ICT resources among library users  in the polytechnic libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria.

Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated for the study

1.         What ICT resources are available in the polytechnic libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria?

2.        What are the purposes of using ICT resources in the polytechnic libraries in Delta and

Edo States, Nigeria?

3.        To what extent are ICT resources used in the polytechnic libraries in Delta and Edo

States, Nigeria?

4.         What is the attitude of the library users towards the use of ICT resources in the polytechnic  libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria?

5.         To what  extent  are the  library users satisfied with the use of ICT resources in the polytechnic libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria?

6.         What are the problems associated with the use of ICT resources in the polytechnic libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria?

7.         What strategies could be used for the enhancement of ICT resources use among library users in the libraries under study?

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study are expected to be significant to the polytechnic administrators, library administrators,  library  staff,  polytechnic  staff,  students,  researchers and  polytechnic community of the Delta and Edo States in particular.

The findings are expected to be of benefit to the polytechnic administrators. It will help them to know the various ICT resources available and this will enable the administrators to see the need for acquiring ICT resources that are lacking. When these resources are acquired, the library staff, users, researchers, and polytechnic staff can now utilize or make use of them to improve their learning, research and services.

The findings of this study would guide the library management on the attitude of library users to the utilization of ICT resources and if negative would help the management encourages the use. Application of the results of this study would help the library staff, users, researcher to know what ICT resources can be used for, which would enable them make more use of these resources. The findings of this study will also help the library management to know the strategies to adopt to enhance maximum use of ICT resources in the library.

Scope of the Study

The study covered various types and uses of ICT resources in four selected polytechnic libraries. The types of ICT resources include internet facilities, scanners, printers, photocopiers,

computers link-up to the internet, fax, floppy diskettes, flash drives, CD-ROMS, video tape players, audio tape players, institution website, television, camera, library software, telephones, radio etc. The study covered the following libraries: Delta State Polytechnic Library, Ozoro; Delta State Polytechnic Library, Ogwashi-uku; Federal Polytechnic Library, Auchi, Edo State; and Edo State Polytechnic Library, Usen. The study focused on the library staff and users of these institutions in terms of service delivery in 2010/2011 registered users.

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