Technical development in Foundry industry has come with new ideas and challenges which Foundry Technology Teachers need to improve upon so that they can teach Foundry Technology effectively. This study is therefore aimed at identifying the skill needs of Foundry Technology Teachers. To carry out the study, a four-point scale was adopted. The instrument, made up of 78 Structured Questionnaire items was validated by three industrial education experts and thereafter used in collecting data for the study. The reliability Coefficient of the instrument for the study was 0.89 using test – retest (α) reliability test which was administered to 40 Foundry Technology Teachers in North eastern zone of Nigeria who were not part of the population of the study. Four research questions were used to collect data from 98 Foundry Technology Teachers in North Central zone of Nigeria. Mean statistics and standard deviation were used to analyze the data for the research questions; while t-test was used for testing the null hypothesis at
0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study, among others, revealed that the respondents need knowledge of computerized foundry equipment. Such skills for programming induction furnace for melting metal, skills to use the computer to keep the furnace in good operating condition, skills to use the computer to operate electrical arc furnace, skill to use computerized hearth furnace, skills to programme computer for smooth operation of electric arc furnace, skills to feed information into the computer for machining operation among others. In pattern making the following skills are not possessed by Foundry Technology Teachers should make use of computer to design various shapes, timing the computer for quick pattern design, skills to carry out checks on the information fed in the computer in case of corrections, skills to read trouble code on computer in pattern making machine and few skills not possessed in Finishing and Cleaning, Management of Polytechnics should organize further training for Foundry Technology Teacher on the skills needed in order to update their knowledge on current changes in Foundry Technology.
Background of the Study
The development of any country is predicated on sound practical skill acquisition in technology. There are different areas of technology in which skill acquisition is desirable, which include foundry technology, Auto mechanics, woodwork technology, electronics technology, shoe making. Khan (2005) stated that Foundry Technology is an aspect of metalwork Technology that deals with casting of metals. A foundry industry is one of the industries whose products are improved upon almost every year. For now and in the near future, foundry technology will continue to be the most efficient and effective means of producing parts of machines and parts that are difficult to produce on the lathe machine with respect to grinding, milling, welding and shaping.
According to Heine (1986) a foundry is a commercial establishment for producing cast metals by pouring molten metal into a mould and allowing it to solidify. Makhllow (1989) stated that metal casting is produced by pouring the super heated molten metal of the specified composition into a mould whose internal space (impression) reproduces the configuration and dimensions of features of the cast article with maximum accuracy. Similarly, Grawford (1972) defines metal casting as a process of pouring molten metal into a non-permanent sand mould prepared with the aid of a suitable pattern. When the metal cools and solidifies, the casting is extracted by breaking away the mould, hence a new mould is required for each casting. George (1999) stated that foundry technology work involves many processes especially in the making of patterns, cores and moulds for intricate shapes. The melting of metal depends on the capacity of the foundry. It is
important that the metal is at the right temperature before pouring and this is checked in
the crucible by means of a high temperature thermometer. Metallurgists have specified the composition of the metal to be casted.
According to Khan (2005), foundry technology has recorded interesting, rapid and progressive development over the years. The foundry technology, which started with simple sand casting, centrifugal casting, precision casting and sand mould casting, has turn into a sophisticated programmable controller system (Clegg 1991). The national Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) as cited in fache (1980) defines a programmable controller as digitally operated electronic apparatus which uses programmable memory for the internal storage of instructions for implementing specific functions such as logic sequencing, timing, counting, and arithmetic, to control, through digital or analog input/output modular of various types of machine or processes.
Zimmars (1980) opined that programmable controller is a sequential logic device which generates output signals according to logic operations performed on input signals. Zimmer further opined that programmable controller is a special purpose industrialized micro computer that can usually and more economically control industrial machines such as lathe machine, drilling machine. It is a decision maker that keeps the system running correctly. Today, more than ever before, the foundry industry is heavily involved in the use of programmable computer that control many major casting components. He also concluded that programmable controller plays a key role in the control of some modern industrial machineries. The introduction of programmable computer into foundry technology has necessitated teachers to acquire new skills in order to live up to the challenges in foundry industry.
Flemings (2006) asserted that electrical computerized control systems are used in automatic moulding machine, a computer system that assist in the design of products and vision system for quality inspections. Before the advent of programmable controller the
cores comes to mould manually and were assembled loosely at the unit and set in moulds. Basic foundry functions such as pasting, mould clampling, chaplet setting, iron pouring and casting shake out were pulled from the moulds and hung on a bufline to cool, gate risers and sand were knocked off manually with hammers and Growbars. Inuwa (1995) stated that some developing nations including Nigeria have not developed appreciable skills in foundry technology. This was as a result of innovations and changes in foundry equipment operated manually some years back which have now been improved upon or computerized. Skill acquisition is very important and a vital aspect of manipulative jobs such as those in foundry trades. Skill, according to Hull (1992), is the capacity to carryout simple or difficult manipulative task of any job which will result in the desired performance.
Computerized modern day equipment has changed the operations of equipment in foundry technology which necessitates acquisition of new skills to enable foundry technology teachers to meet up with the knowledge of operation of modern day equipment for effective teaching of foundry technology. To back this up, Federal Ministry of Education (FME) (2004) in the National Policy on Education clearly stated that teachers should be provided with the intellectual and professional background adequate for their assignment and made adaptable to changing situation.
Abifarin (1999) opined that Nigeria is a country that is rich in iron ore, which are not being utilized due to lack of competent foundry technologist. Highly skilled foundry technologists are needed to conserve and develop the nation’s resources for the benefit of man. Inuwa (1995) stated that foundry technology has promoted technological and national greatness in some countries across the globe through innovation. Today, Germany and Japan are super powers because of their focus in foundry technology. The image of the country in a comity of nations may be enhanced by the foundry skills they
possess. These skills include among others casting of engine block of modern cars and spare parts. Foundry technologists according to Khan (2005) and Raw (2001), are needed by some sectors of the nation to boost the economy. Khan and Raw further stated that to cater for the challenges of Nigeria’s development, there is need to train youth in foundry technology so as to support economic growth and also to guarantee access of opportunities in foundry industries to citizens. To buttress this assertion, foundry technology as one of the vocational industrial education programme was purposely brought into the education system to embrace the national needs and direction that was shifted to education for being an employer rather than applicant (Olaitan, 1996). One of the targeting goals of the initiative is to give training and impart the necessary skills to individuals who shall be enterprising and self-reliant economically. In pursuance of this goal the Foundry technology graduate should be able to teach effectively and set up (establish) their own business and become self employed and be able to employ others (Federal Government of Nigeria, 2004).
Abdullahi (1998), observed that the curriculum of polytechnics and universities need to be redesigned to meet the challenges in the foundry industries. Khan (2005) stated that highly skilled and well trained personnel at various stages of foundry technology are needed and the demand will keep on growing based on the growth of the sector. Khan further stated that trained personnel from polytechnics can be supervisory staff in the foundry industries or foundry engineers, who can take the responsibility of research, development and production. Khan concluded that polytechnic graduates can teach foundry technology at secondary and tertiary levels. According to Abdullahi a school curriculum ought to be planned so as to produce competent foundry technologists who can be self-reliant and not job seekers. Abdullahi further stated that Nigeria today needs a
functional skill oriented based approach which emphasized skilled work force to carryout accelerated national and economic development activities.
Foundry technology teachers are responsible for teaching both theory and practice of foundry technology in polytechnics and universities. Foundry technology teachers in the polytechnics are supposed to posses higher National Diploma in mechanical engineering foundry technology option or Bachelor of Science mechanical engineering metallurgy option. Foundry technology teachers in polytechnics received training in institutions such as polytechnics and universities. In either case, they are faced with challenges of dynamism in the foundry industry, i.e. incorporation of new equipment and acquisition of new skill. The needs to update skills in order to remain relevant in the foundry trade have become necessary for foundry technology teacher in polytechnics for effective teaching.
Statement of the Problem
The application of technology in the foundry industry has brought about both improvements in products quality, rate of production, reduced human labour and errors in delivery time and rate of turnover (Chinda, 2000). Foundry can be done using specially designed computerized pattern making machine. Patterns are drawn on a screen instead. Because you can experiment, you do not need to make expensive model to try things out. For example in bringing out a new pattern for casting, the computer is fed with the right information; it can design and bring out the desired shape. Developments in the foundry industry have brought about new knowledge, practical skills and maintenance skills. Khan (2005) observed that computerized foundry equipment has changed the method of operation of some foundry equipment, therefore, foundry technology teachers in pyrotechnics may find it difficulty to teach foundry technology effectively to students and
student will not acquire the rights skill up graduation and that will adversely effect the development of a country.
Purpose of the Study
The study is aimed at determining the skill improvement needs of polytechnic teachers in foundry technology. Specifically the study will determine the skill improvement needs of foundry teachers in:
1. Metal casting
2. Pattern making
3. Finishing and cleaning of products
4. Safety and maintenance practice.
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study if implemented will be useful to the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), Management of Polytechnics, Foundry technology teachers in Polytechnics, students, parents, industries and society at large. National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) will benefit from the finding of this study in planning a better curriculum that will meet the objective of the programme. This could be achieved through curriculum innovation, curriculum could be restructured to incorporate the new skills needed to enable students acquire the necessary skills.
The Management of Polytechnics will also benefit from the findings of this study if implemented. It will help them in planning for staff development to acquire the new skills through industrial visits, SIWES, seminar, workshops, etc. With new skill acquired in foundry technology teachers will better. The teachers will benefit from the finding of this study because they will be well equipped with the necessary skills in metal casting, pattern making, finishing and cleaning of products, safety and maintenance practice.
Thus they produce skilled graduates who can make positive impact in technological development of this country. Students will learn better and acquire the necessary skills upon graduation that will enable them to gain employment in the industries or establish on their own. Students will learn the required skills because, the teachers having acquired the new skills, will impart the knowledge to students.
Parents will also benefit from findings of this study, as their investment on the academic development of their children will not be in vain. Parents will be reaping the benefits, as their children would be empowered with required skills that will enable them work in the industries or set up on their own workshop (self-reliant). Such skilled graduate would take up their personal responsibilities and some of their family members by assisting them financially, paying school fees of younger brothers etc.
Industries will benefit from the findings of this study most especially the automobile industries. When the new skills are acquired, there will be sufficient manpower to feed these industries with the new skills acquired, modern patterns could be made to bring out new metal casting designs that will boost the economy.
Society will benefit because of new skills acquired, there will be employment opportunities and level of unemployment will reduce in the society if the new skills are acquired. The rate of production will improve and that will warrant the industries to employ more workers in the production sections due to heavy demand from the customers. Thus the society will benefit from improved foundry skills as this will enhance her image among nations and also lead to rapid industrial growth, hence quality and new products are produced. There will be availability of cooking pots at cheaper rate, hand power tools for industries and home use, plumbing parts, sport and leisure home appliances.
If trainees acquire the needed skills in foundry, the products could be produced in mass that will make the product available in large quantity that people will be able to afford. Findings of this study will reduce social ills in the society such as armed robbery, drug addiction that usually accompany unemployment. If needed skills are acquired the level of production of metal cast will increase which will result to mass recruitment of workers, that will reduce unemployment.
The country has abundant iron ore at Ajaokuta and Itakpe. This can be used to cast shapes and spare parts for exportation and manufacture of local Agricultural machineries by pattern making and metal casting. The findings of this study if implemented will lead to production of skilled youth who will be gainfully engaged in foundry works. This will help boost the economy of Nigeria.
Research Questions
The following research questions are formulated to guided the study:
What are the skill improvement needs of foundry technology teachers for :
1. Metal casting?
2. Pattern making?
3. Finishing and cleaning of product?
4. Safety and maintenance practice?
The following null hypotheses were be tested at 0.05 level of significance.
Ho1: There is no significant mean difference between the responses of foundry technology teachers with HND and those with higher degree (B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D) with regard to their metal casting skill improvement needs in foundry technology.
Ho2: There is no significant mean difference between the responses of experienced foundry technology teachers and less experienced foundry technology teachers in polytechnics in pattern making.
Ho3: There is no significant mean difference between the responses of experienced foundry technology teachers and less experienced foundry technology teachers in polytechnics in finishing and cleaning of products.
Ho4: There is no significant mean difference between the responses of foundry technology teachers with HND and those with (B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D) in the polytechnics in safety and maintenance.
Delimitation of the Study
This study will be delimited to skill improvement needs of foundry technology teachers in Polytechnics in North Central States of Nigeria. The study will cover their improvement needs in metal casting, pattern making, finishing and cleaning of products and maintenance. This study did not include Heat-treating, metallurgical design, and welding. An experienced foundry teacher is one who has stayed on the job for up to five years while those who have not lasted up to five years are regarded as less experienced.
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